This is the best anime. How do you cope?
This is the best anime. How do you cope?
Other urls found in this thread:
By swooning over Roy-sama's glorious abs revealed when he emerges to battle Lust
By reading both FMA & HxH.
By writing pasta
Why do I have to cope? I don't want to cope.
No need to cope. It deserves it. Many disagree and I understand the anime isn't something revolutionary like Eva, but it is still a consistent and universal story told with high quality through 64 detailed episodes.
It deserves respect as an act of work, independently if if it's your thing or not
Oh no someone on an anonymous image board has a different opinion than me how will I go on living
japanese dub > literal dog shit > english dub
I "cope" by watching actual good anime.
The English dub of FMA is garbage. It's made to be a cartoon show for children. They even rebalanced all the music levels compared to the dialogue in order to better make it palatable background noise for parents.
Japanese dub > English dub > literal dog shit > all other dubs
I wonder if there are any parents that stayed up to 11PM or later (whenever FMA aired on Adult Swim) with their children to watch it.
>They even rebalanced all the music levels compared to the dialogue
Why are you lying so much?
By watching the actual best anime
By not taking shounenfag opinions on any seriously.
Vicfags btfo
I never managed to watch more than maybe half of the first episode. What did I miss? Was the little blond shit a stupid cunt all the way through? Because he's such a small dick, he got a mighty midget complex, or something?
literal lies fuck off
>written by a woman
Pick 1 (one)
Pick one you say.
Pick two I say.
Mob psycho > this shit
effortlessly baited into revealing that you two weirdos watched the english dub. YIKES!
And sub. I always watch sub first.
its good, but if its your favorite you are a boring person
it's good, but not as good as Evangelion, Elfen Lied, Galaxy Express 999 or Akira
SnK is better
Snk is boring and trash, HxH is superior.
The jokes about him being small was boring from the first episode.
I really worry about anons who found that joke which wasn't funny even the first time and unfortunately used the entire series entertaining or funny.
Actually answering the question what did you miss is simple. Nothing. It was filled with plot holes, stupidly unnecessary tropes and cliques and such. I am retarded to sit through all that crap.
Asuka is one of the fags who enjoyed FMAB.
By loving my husbando
I miss fma when's the author going to stop writing shit and give us a post series sol?
God I wish.
>Every character has tragic backstory
That's what happens when the main focus of a series is the military post war.
The main theme of the show is 'no gain without sacrifice' what did you expect?
If this was the actual best, then the entire medium is absolute, irredeemable dogshit designed for the dumbest retards in the world.
Reminder that winry is the self insert
>If you kill him, you'll be just like him!
Why do people act like Brotherhood is good?
No it isn't. Fuck off vic you loser.
I won't correct you but only because its the best shonen adaption of the past 2 decades.
by calmly admitting that it isn't even in the top 50
No it isn't.
>No it isn't.
I wish I could agree with you but you're going to have to give me a compelling disagreement.
first you need to provide your own argument, sonny jim
First you need to comprehend 2 posts above your response before posting a smug lain.
people who like FMA:B are literally gay
no argument . . . I see
On your behalf at least. I guess you're agreeing with me then.
I agree that you like shit anime.
If by best you mean boring as fuck by the numbers shoenenshit, then yeah, sure.
truth, shonen fags are fags
shonenshit can be good if it tries, brotherhood doesn't try at all
Stay mad 03 fag how are those Nazis treating you?
Imagine believing this
FMA and HxH are both the worst and most embarrassing anime ever made.
But if you’re disagreeing with that comment doesn’t that make your favorite anime shittier by your own admittance?
It is a cartoon for children you autismic weeb
By knowing that's the world's one and only truth
Whether my favorite anime is hit or not doesn't alter the fact that FMA is shit.
Maybe we both like shit user, you ever consider that?
Is being competently done enough of a reason?
It's standard battle shonen. It's well executed but it doesn't rise above that at any point. It will fully break down and be corny and melodramatic and desperately tug at your heartstrings at any given moment. The final antagonistic force is ended with a punch from the undersized, underdog hero in the cheesiest fashion possible. The whole thing is so basic.
I liked it but I wouldn't call it the best anything.
and we have an answer!
folks, close this thread.
Not by the end of the series you cheeky fuck
>If you kill him, you'll be just like him!
>automatically equaling bad
Even the generally cliche can be good, based on execution
More like the best boring anime
Why did Ed get such a huge upgrade?
is it a shock that shonen fag threads don't check dubs?
forgot this one
isn't this show for gays?
yes, very gay show for normie fags
it's for anyone who likes sexy men and women
no, I think it is made for gays, but I could be wrong
*blocks youre path*
It seems that there is a trend here . . .
I suppose we both knew that from the start.
by making low effort bait threads on Yea Forums
even mr musk agrees
Hunter x Hunter is made for gays and trannies, don't you forget that.
based holo spicey wolf
That would be Hiatus x Hiatus also know as Homo x Homo.
2003 is better
Found another retard. Why am i not surprised?
Time to post all the good anime in existence:
>Ghost in the Shell
>Belladonna of Sadness
>Princess Tutu
>Mawaru Penguindrum
>Haibane Renmei
>Ergo Proxy
>Koi Kaze
>Shinsekai Yori
>Kyousou Giga
>Angel’s Egg
>The Tatami Galaxy
>The House Of Little Cubes
>Mind Game
>1001 Nights
>Cat Soup
>Millennium Actress
>Iblard Jikan
>Hyouge Mono
>Perfect Blue
>The Rose Of Versailles
>Digimon Tamers
>Legend Of The Galactic Heroes
>Nausicaa of The Valley
And that’s about it
all anime is good.
yes even this
by being older than 25
finna smash
>No Cromartie
>No Golden Boy
>No Great Teacher Onizuka
>No Irresponsible Captain Taylor
For shame.
It's not even the best anime in its franchise.
>>The Rose Of Versailles
Very based.
that would be wan piss
>03 fags still mad brotherhood was better in every way
It's been a glorious 9 years.
Should I watch the original or skip straight to Brotherhood?
It's a hard one because 03 and BH are roughly the same story wise for the first 30/10 episodes but 03 does those better, so the usual suggestion is to watch the first 30 episodes of 03 then start BH but 03 messes with the timeline and adds in things to foreshadow events that are exclusive to 03 so it might just be confusing.So I'd say watch BH first then watch 03 if you're interested in the shit anime only ending.
It’s not a shit ending, but it really is too philosophical knowing how the show was up to that point
I recently watched the first two episodes of brotherhood and the original anime.
I did not like botherhood at all, why did they add this new first episode and change certain aspects from the manga?
Does brotherhood eventually become a faithful adaptation of the manga or do they continue to change things up?
I think at this point I am probably just going to read the manga again, the animation isn't that impressive to me in either show
>Terrible pacing
>Kimblee was hyped up from the first episode to be a monster but ended up being the biggest jobber in the history of fiction
>Scar is too strong for no fucking reason
>Ed is an annoying piece of shit who always screams for no good reason.
Yeah, it's not the best anime, not even by a long shot.
>female writer
>manlet jokes from start to finish
wew lads
holy shit why did that girl on the left turn so ugly and fat? look at that head. holy shit. what the fucking shit happened? did she walk into a door with 200 miles per hour or something? hahahaha what a horse head
>Lol Ed I'm your brother
>Ed fucking dies
>oh no nii san let me bring you back to life and disregard one of the few morals in the show
>Oh no Aru let me bring you back to life and really kick the moral in the shins
>Suddenly Envy is a dragon
>Suddenly Nazis
Yeah real deep ending you got there user
2nd episode on BH is faithful, the first episode is a mess and the worst episode of the show in my opinion since it tries so hard not to be 03 it shoots it's self in the foot.
That's not what any of them were saying though. Everyone agreed that Envy had to get stomped on, but Roy was basically turning into ragetard before their eyes
Shonen can't even be in the top 20 best anime.
Moe can't be in the top 20 either
We get it; a cartoon converted you to atheism.
Doesn't make it any less of a generic "baby's first anime".
>Knows for a fact God exists and has socked him in the stomach
>Still anime's biggest atheist
Can't spell based without Ed
stop insulting my country puto!
But most of it are actually movies.