With Ai V PM lasting 4 episodes do you think we'll get some sort of time skip showing how everyone is doing?

Episode 118: A Reckless Proposal
Playmaker barely manages to fend off Ai's attacks. Having found an opening, Playmaker attempts to launch an attack against Ai. However, Ai knows Playmaker inside and out, and can predict everything he will do. Ai then unites the feelings of all the Ignises, and brings about the advent of the ultimate Cyberse monster.

Episode 119: A Broken Ego
Having learned about Ai's sorrow, Playmaker tries to convince him to stop the battle. However, Ai has already made up his mind, and won't back down no matter what. As the two's battle continues to rage on, Ai makes a proposal to Playmaker.

Episode 120 (FINAL EPISODE): A Connected World
Both Playmaker and Ai have come to acknowledge each other's ideals: the importance of connections to humans, and what an AI ultimately desires, respectively. The two then use everything they have left to settle their battle once and for all. Just how will their Duel conclude?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's she holding?

>Both Playmaker and Ai have come to acknowledge each other's ideals
Will it be a no result duel?

>What's she holding?
His fake glasses

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End in a tie or PM winning. Personally i think it would be a stronger ending writing-wise if it ends in a tie. To show both Humans and Ais as equal. But Playmaker will most likely win

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I can't believe everyone got BTFO regarding Pandor's character. For once the most predictable plot twist didn't happen. Nice one Yoshida subverting our expectations.

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Subverting expectations by doing nothing instead, the genius

How did he turn out to be so goddam strong? Are you telling me he could have defeated Lighting and Bohman all this time?

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Yusaku is definitely winning

Port for the Switch when?? I know you want to do it Konami. Also, whats Konami taking so long in releasing Duel Links for it?

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"Subverting expectations" has become cancerous in fiction writing
Although in pandor's case it's mostly not having time

nice poster

konami doesn't care about saikyo because they already have an updated saikyo battle and that's called duel links if you never wanted duel links to be a thing you should have never asked for a reboot game

>everyone got BTFO
I think you're overestimating how much people care about VRAINS at this point.

Pandor as the final boss could have been boring anyway. There are very few reasons for Pandor to turn evil and those were the typical "humans are not reliable and should be controlled by humans" or "humans always treated AIs like shit, so I will BTFO them" or something similar. And all of these motivations are/were shared by Ai and Roboppi, at some level, so what's the point in repeating these?
I would have preferred a SOL final boss or a "Dr. Kogami is totally not dead" final boss, but meh, they gave us punished Ai instead.

Where do you think Yusaku got his power from?

reminder that card sleeves polls never lie

So Yuusaku has Borreload now?

he has fiend sanctuary.

Hype uh hello i'm new to Yea Forums

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Welcome! *holds up spork* Do u like Yugioh Owo?

mood, have you seen the soulburner vs revolver duel and I know my pfp is cringe lol

Yes I do uwu I been watching sense GX.

*since oof spelling

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She could have had one more duel.

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She could have had a purpose, but she didn't.

but she lost in every duel that aoi's been in omegalul do you really want to see her lose again?

Her purpose was to market Trickstar. That's all.


Do you mistake revolver's or souburner's purpose for something other than marketing dark dragons and salamangreats respectively?

>Replying to it

Yes, I did, I mean at least soulburner has a somewhat relatable backstory

They at least got a form of resolution with their final duel. All Aoi got was a lot of costume changes that substituted for character growth but didn't actually amount to anything. Because like every other character not named Yusaku they had to get her out of the way as quickly as possible to wrap shit up.

>yu-gi-oh character
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean there's no character growth or resolution.

At least she gave us some good meme material. She served her purpose

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No, there's no character growth or resolution because there's no character growth or resolution. She resolved to fight, died to a character Playmaker then had to beat, then her brother died, then they both came back. It's the same shit as the first season, just with a new costume.

wait am i missing something or is vrains about to end without introducing any pendulum cards period.

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To think there's an user fapping to this right now...

>there's no character growth or resolution
Stop bullshitting, she got more serious and had gained different motivations over time. You can't just say they aren't there because she doesn't win. I could easily do that with revolver.

>"Subverting expectations" has become cancerous in fiction writing
I love how people come into a Yugioh thread like this is a fucking Yea Forums thread about Ulysses. Get the fuck over yourselves.

The previous summoning method doesn't have to be present in the current series. Alternatively they didn't have time to introduce it.

i sa i d some wh at don't take my words out of context-

What did her becoming more serious or gaining different motivations accomplish? What did it lead up to?

and yes, yes it is.

I love this show but they should have given the spotlight to the other guys from the lost incident. Should I suppose Lightning and Windy are never coming back? They can't be forgiven for killing the green haired guy.

Fuck off, tripfag.

I mean, there was kinda no time everything was rushed.

>What did her becoming more serious or gaining different motivations accomplish?
Dueling. Teaming up with Playmaker. Helping save Miyu. Enough of her brother's respect to tag duel.

How would these two misplay against Ai if they dueled him?

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I guess they were really in need to cut the show because of production matters. Sad it had to be like that but at least games like Duel links will hopefully develop on those characters more.

>fucking Yea Forums thread about Ulysses
People complain about writers subverting expectations for the sake of subverting expectations on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and probably a whole lot of other places. Because it's retarded.

bruh duel links is going to take years to get up to link monsters, it's synchro are in the game at the moment

>Dueling. Teaming up with Playmaker.
So what she was already doing.
>Helping save Miyu.
So helping the character who was introduced solely to get her with Aqua.
>Enough of her brother's respect to tag duel.
That might mean something if we had some indication she didn't have that before. If it was season one, where he set up a bot to keep her indoors, that'd be one thing.

None of those are actual endpoints. For one of them Aoi was barely even involved with because she had no major impact on defeating any of the villains.

You seem to not understand that a character can only have an arc is there is a clear beginning and end point. Aoi had a clear beginning, with her status as an idol and her relationship with her brother, and she did change over time, but none of those changes amounted to any sort of conclusive ending to who she is as a character. She just existed, got new costumes, and then jobbed because the writers had nothing else for anybody to do for the season.

>production matters
More like cutting their losses.

It's not hard to do the "subvert expectations" thing. It's a basic ass term.
Arc v certainly subverted expectations by being shit in an irrational and baffling way

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>So what she was already doing.
Playmaker didn't really take her serious before.
>So helping the character who was introduced solely to get her with Aqua.
They had to explain Aqua somehow. It lines up with her character.
>That might mean something if we had some indication she didn't have that before.
Obviously as they hadn't dueled together before. Besides that counts as growth even if she gained the respect way before. You didn't see her being serious enough to tag duel with him before this. I don't know what you want from these series because they're rarely that ambitious. Soulburner is just going back to "normal life" and Revolver had his resolution forced on him.

"Pendulums were a mistake" - NAS

If that were a reason to cut a ygo they would have done it for arcV, hon.

Not that user but why do you always insist on pretending you want to have a discussion and then go in circles to waste anons' time instead

>they're rarely that ambitious
Oh, it's just you.

He was lazy but talented I guess.

>You seem to not understand that a character can only have an arc is there is a clear beginning and end point.
She went from idol to hero, gained friendship and respect, and has to rely on playmaker like everyone else.
>She just existed, got new costumes, and then jobbed because the writers had nothing else for anybody to do for the season.
>you have to win to have a character arc.
This is dumb.

Imagine being so braindead you think subverting expectations is too much of a big boy word. In any case that description doesnt really apply that well to pandor since I doubt playing that card was their intention.

Arc-V kept people's attention. And for a hundred episodes or so, that attention wasn't completely virulent. In that same amount of time, they gave VRAINS a new director and a big name seiyuu to drum up hype, and it did all.

I'm not going in circles, their reasoning is shit.

Ah yes, the Judai approach.

All of these are extremely nebulous and abstract things that you could generically apply to any character in the show. I could say Brave Max was a great character who changed a lot because he learned the value of friendship and became friends with Yusaku, but I would be horribly wrong. These are not satisfying and conclusive resolutions to a specific character's character arc.

I think chances are half and half for the ignis being brought back last minute

>gained friendship and respect

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Why? You do this all the time any time you pop up here, just going in circles when you know your mind and their mind will never even budge a little.

>All of these are extremely nebulous and abstract things that you could generically apply to any character in the show.
It's a very simple story, I know.
>I could say Brave Max was a great character who changed a lot because he learned the value of friendship and became friends with Yusaku, but I would be horribly wrong.
That's more just because he's deluded.
>These are not satisfying
Well that's subjective.
>and conclusive resolutions
And that's wrong. Her relationships got stronger.

>don't discuss in a discussion thread.

You dont really have to lift a finger if you're in alignment with what yusaku wants. He'll take care of it all at some point

>"Dr. Kogami is totally not dead" final boss
I was betting on this one all the way through the series right up until Ai turning evil.

>Became brave enough to log onto Link VRAINS
>Obtained a Cyberse, beat a Hanoi, went from Lonely Brave to Brave Max
>Recognized by some people as Playmaker's friend
Wow, Shima got as much done as anyone not named Playmaker in just a few episodes.

If it was a simple story it would be able to tie up more than a couple characters effectively. GX is a show that managed to do this extremely well, and it had a signficiantly larger cast, even if it didn't give all the characters equal treatment.

Also, you don't seem to realize that "her relationships got stronger" is an incredibly vague statement that does not make for a good conclusion to a character we have known for roughly 120 episodes.

You don't have discussions though and never bring up any illuminating or interesting points. Discussions require at least a little tiny bit of good faith but you always enter 'discussions' knowing your and the other anons minds will firmly remain unchanged. Stop the pretenses

user, you're arguing with a guy who'll just "nuh-uh" anything you'll say. You're not gonna get an answer from him.

>If it was a simple story it would be able to tie up more than a couple characters effectively.
But it already has. Emma and Kengo are siblings. Go regained sight of what's important. Akira accepted responsibility and ushered a new era of technology. Aoi's become a hero, saved her friend, and closer to Yusaku.
Roboppi died from too much power. You could be unsatisfied with resolutions all you want, they still exist.

I genuinely want to know WHY, since it happens quite consistently as well. They could be watching anime or playing video games instead

>You don't have discussions though and never bring up any illuminating or interesting points.
I don't find everything everybody puts out illuminating or interesting, it's not a requirement.
>Discussions require at least a little tiny bit of good faith but you always enter 'discussions' knowing your and the other anons minds will firmly remain unchanged
Not even a little bit, this is all informal.

Attached: Not this shit again.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

Sadly, you don't get to know why. Maybe Konami pays him to defend VRAINS online. Maybe he's an AI designed to argue about anime. Maybe he's just bored. All you can do is either blow a proportional amount of time replying to him, or do something else.

tripfags are like Honk and adament. although the only difference I know between the two is that tripfags have this weird code behind their name.

Anything he says does sound chatbot like

Playmaker's dueling always wins.

Maybe he is just Ai shitposting.

What effect would his Skill be?

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Man I loved VRAINS so I feel kinda bummed out that they rushed VRAINS to conclusion. I knew they had production issues due to how many recap episodes they did but to just rush the series to the end feels empty. Why couldnt they just make a VRAINS II like they did with ZeXal. Like end VRAINS with a big cliffhanger and then use the time off to ramp up production for VRAINS II.

Switching positions I guess. For example he could have used Propelion's effect again to defend against Memorygant. And maybe some ATK boost included to make up for not being Linked to Celtopus anymore.

ZeXal 2 was a time slot change.

>nuh uh user is also an aoifag who insists she has developed and is useful

Shouma won't save yugioh.

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Considering him and his sister are the only original designs from his Manga, no.

Yugioh's card sales are in an all time high. He did boost ygo sales.

Vrains is just played out as a brand by this point. Continued pains of keeping it around wasnt worth whatever returns they thought they can get out of it I guess

Yeah card sales have been good this year. But the manga only barely started so how do you know that

Ai is based, Lightning is a literal brainlet.

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It should be judged on volume sales. It's practically impossible to tell if it impacted card sales.

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When are we getting a soulful main character like Yuma again?

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That's hopeful.

Despite its many issues and a couple bad characters who were timewasters I dont dislike or hate vrains. If anything I kinda feel bad for it.
But i think I'm finally getting too old for yet another yugioh anime that's painfully squeaking by every week, if yugioh 7 doesnt have good entertainment value as a yugioh I would have to peace out on the anime for the first time in years.

Yuya was until he became Egao jesus

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I should I go ahead and watch the sub version of Yu-Gi-Oh GX? I haven't seen it before

Yeah, why not. It's way better than the dub

I wonder what they'll do with the hanoi grunts.

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>mfw just found out that the pigeon and frog were voiced by Tomokazu Seki

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They wake up at the end and that's probably it

Maybe he was supposed to be king. Of hearts.

Pandor was sympathetic to AI. I have no idea if she would be a final boss, but definitely feel like there was going to be heel turn

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Sub version has better OST and it handles the serious parts Amazingly well.

was he destined to suffer ?

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Ok thanks dude :D


Alright, I'm hyped to start this now.


the impregnable dragon
they took him away from us

Yo this music is really good, it's way better than the dub

Why did they not see what a dumb idea it was to ignore god tier themes like Jaden's and Sad duel?

The dubs always have much worse music. At some point it just becomes a constant mess of bg noise like in the zexal dub

Gone, but never forgotten. He'll be OTK-ing once again come October I guess

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Anything you want to say to Judgment Arrows?

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The show's version sounds a bit different, though. Mainly the piano.

I mean they used stock audio (I think) in like zexal dub, E31 - Life Is a Carnival Part 1 you can hear in the background someone saying "FUCK, YEAH" and this went unnoticed by 4kids omegalul

Could've just said
>dubs are worse
and left it at that really

I would have said licensing fees, but then again, it's 4kids.

Anyways I'mma going to start GX EP 1. (subbed) I'll let you guys know what I think

it's free link arrows aka it will never be printed

Rank Vrains' opening songs.

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Usually yeah, but yugioh dubs go the extra mile in cutting out the original ost that helped to cement the impact of a lot of past great moments. One thing that has helped the several yugioh series to stand out a bit among toyetic shows in japan is having more distinct osts.
I think some underestimate how much weight the good use of a good ost can pull in making up for other weaknesses or elevating a moment, like in a few not so great looking eps in early arc v.

More than anything, I think it'll stay anime-only because it'd be a rulings nightmare.

Calling > With the Wind > Go Forward

Say goodbye to Armatos Legio's existence

3 >= 2 > 1
Having KIMERU at the helm is kind of an unfair advantage though

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>"Sekai o sabakishi sanban no ya! Rinku magicu, Jajjimento Arrosu!
Someone should do a Drinking Game with that phrase.

Might be printed as a nerfed regular cont spell eventually

This is a good idea, so it's obviously not happening.


/dlg/ here, sorry to hear that your show is ending. You're free to join us over at /dlg/ on /vg/ and post/discuss yugioh and play Duel Links with us, it uses the battle system they're using in Vrains.

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>sorry to hear that your show is ending
that's actually good news

t. Konami
I'm not playing your game konami, vrains left me with no encouragement to

Gonna go to /dng/ just to spite you.

With this Cyberse deck, you'll be invincible!

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What's his favourite Yugioh series Yea Forums ?

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i want to bring this to /dng/, but /dng/ is for the place that only jerk of to tripfag
so i bring this in here
Who here trying Capsule monster

I can't believe Vains is going to make me say this

I miss Arc-V

>the end of the Sergey vs Jack, both parts written by "Mitsutaka Hirota", Sergey fell to his death in a classic redemption of sorts where Sergey regained some sense of his humanity, over riding Roget's controls.
>Then, Mr. Kamishiro, next episode, starts it off with Roget re-overriding Sergey, and then Sergey is violently beaten to death by the start of a violent mob of the Commons, using metal pipes.

Kinda funny dbh

>Clock Dragon again next ep.
They really don't like showing Quantum huh

I forgot quantum even existed. I think it's less ugly than clock though

Every time Quantum shows up people have to dodge it and get it out of the way really quickly. I really like that, because it makes Driveback Shot seem really scary.

I do too.

Anyone remember around what episode this is? I'll be finishing up Arc V during the 6 month break and I wanna look out for this.

I dont remember, it wasnt my observation. I saw it on twitter from people talking about why arc v towards the end talked about yus and ruris each being their own distinct individuals before getting fully downgraded to 2 bodies instead of 8 in the ending

Name me ONE duel where a Cyberse-type duelist lost to a non-Cyberse-type duelist
You fucking can't

Well, all Cyberse users have/are an ignis. And Ignis can only lose to ignis or it's own partner.

No worries dude. Guess I'll keep an eye out starting from when they're introduced.

It is towards the end of synchro arc, which was somewhere around 100

Didn't Earth lose to Go?

Good to know, thank you user.

The more I learn about kamishiro the more I think he just didnt like yugioh or misunderstood something fundamental