Why have the best writers of anime forsaken us for tokusatsu?
Why have the best writers of anime forsaken us for tokusatsu?
What toku show is anno writing?
Madoka was better than Eva. I know that’s irrelevant to the thread but I’m just saying.
How was it better?
There’s very few people on Yea Forums who have watched both. It’s usually one or the other.
It’s not 90% filler for starters.
I guess you are one of those people who think that Cowboy Bebop only consists of filler
I didn’t say anything about that show.
Urobuchi has more than one successful series though.
Because Toku is ultimately more entertaining than chuuni crap
>says madoka is not filler
do money grubbing spinoff adaptions count?
That’s not Madoka. That’s Magia Record.
It’s going to be really shitty when a filler anime wins AOTY isn’t it?
He's talking about Shin Gojira, I think.
I think it's Shin Ultraman
Anno is the shittiest writer I know, rivaled only by the guy who write Re: Monster.
I really don't think this is true.
Also Madokafags suddenly became insufferable recently, what's going on?
If you think Anno is "the shittiest writer", you clearly haven't seen many anime. You have no idea how shit this garbage can get.
It’s true.
I have watched anime since 1985. Anno cannot write. The entire backbone of his shows is spectacle, music, and be pretentious.
The only truly good things Urobuchi had anything to do with were Saya no Uta and Phantom of Inferno. Fate Zero was passable but brought down by simply being fateshit and Pyscho Pass was mostly terrible.
>Muh "Deconstruction of a genre"
Eva was a better critique of the overly obsessive part of Otaku Culture, Madoka has it's head too far up it's own ass about being a subversion of Magical Girl tropes to actually say anything meaningful. (not to imply that Evangelion is the pinnacle of "meaningful art" or anything like that but it's definitely less shallow in it's theming than Madoka )
The fuck? Eva exploited and whored itself to it. If anything they made things worse.
butcher is a hack
Anno quit directing. He's an actor now.
Well, the franchise built around it is different from the series itself. Anno even dumped the original plan for Eva that would feature an upgrade armor for Eva-01, only for Eva-01 to get upgrades in merchandising and novels anyway.
you don't wanna go there, evaboy
And I love it.
Superlatives are totally wack, gramps.
Why did Shinkai choose him? Are they friends now?
Madoka cast:
>Mami, an information flooding machine that is only remembered for her death
>Madoka, a bland character without personality that does whatever they tell her and only reacts to situations
>Sayaka, the best character of the show (and even her conflict feels insignificant and bullshit because they never explain her love story)
>Kyouko, a generic tomboy
>Homura, a crazy bitch obsessed with Madoka that doesn’t think of the most logical way of saving her life and ends up being rewritten in a movie.
Evangelion cast:
>Shinji Ikari, the perfect representation of how a kid would react in real life if he was a mecha main character
>Asuka Langley, a broken teenage with a tragic past that through the show tries to cope with the coming of age, the fact that she isn’t a woman yet and that she doesn’t have a mother.
>Rei Ayanami, a timid sort of cyborg that questions her existence and importance as an individual that ends up becoming a strong and independent character that faces everyone.
>Misato Katsuragi, a selfdestructive soul that relies on alcohol and sex because she thinks is worthless and tries to keep herself as a motherly figure for Shinji, who she sees herself in
Now guess which cast is handled better and is more interesting and fleshed out.
>Madoka movie
A fanservice cashgrab that feels like a stand-alone arthouse tour de force and not a coherent story
>Evangelion movie
Closes the story flawlessly and gives a catharsis to every single character instead of simply time reseting.
Now guess which movie is better!
Weren't EVA and Madoka heavily inspired by Ultraman and Kamen Rider, respectively?
I'm not surprised
Both are shit
You might not like this kind of show, but if you do, and you prefer Madoka; you have shit taste and are blinded by the shaft visuals, which is by far the best thing on the show.
>…there were a lot of holes in the plot. For example, I asked (Hideaki Anno) why only children pilot EVAs. His immediate response was ‘Right, I must get this sorted out.’, then he got all worked up.
The Master strikes again