Anime/manga red flags?

Anime/manga red flags?

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it Doesn't have any lolis

yeah alright

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There's no dub

female MC

Alternatively, there's a dub.

male MC

If the main character always wants to do the right thing, and by the right thing being keeping his hands clean but the result of his actions would be the death of him/his family/his friends/the entire world.
I can't understand why this retarded gimmick is left in, i get triggered whenever a character refuses to do the right thing like killing the villain who wants to send everyone to hell because killing is wrong.
+100 points if he does this multiple times in a row not learning his lesson even after seeing the effects of his inaction.

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Human MC

Modern artstyle and fanservice

reddit likes it

Funded by China/Chinese Communist Party.

native isekai

There's a still in the first episode that lasts longer than three seconds and isn't particularly well drawn in the first place.

Named male characters

Written by a m*le


"my name is X and I'm average high schooler."

>to aru anything
These two things are instantly on my to-be-ignored list.

At this point I've given up on Isekai as a whole

Set in high school, but not a comedy
When it's a comedy it's only a yellow flag

Any character is a LN author

Ecchi/abundant fanservice.
Basic/bland artstyle.
All main characters are female. Alternatively, all main characters are female except for one guy.
Slice of life or romantic comedy with no interesting shtick.
"Just an average high schooler."
Little girl character that isn't actually underage.
Mary Sue/Gary Stu MC that was good from page/episode 1.
Card games.
MC is the token spaz character who overreacts to everything and won't shut up.
Recommended by someone who is obese.

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>Protagonist is a weak, cowardly loser


I find that when writing characters like this, you should choose one of the two qualities, but not both.
Weak but brave, or strong but cowardly. Both is overkill.

>Recommended by someone who is obese
lmao true enough

Yea Forums likes it.