Hiatus x HIatus

>chapter 390
>author comment
>"I've already storyboarded the next batch of chapters. It'll come out soon!"
>10 months ago

How does this lying piece of shit keep getting away with it?

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>muh back


The shit is dead for a long time.
Why do your, tards, keep posting this kind of shit?

>How does this lying piece of shit keep getting away with it?
By having a shitty, obnoxious, pretentious and retarded fanbase that'll eat up whatever her shits on their plates.

His work is amazingly popular.

>How does this lying piece of shit keep getting away with it?
he knows his fans are literal retards that'll make up every excuse under the sun while he plays monster hunter

probably just demotivated because of that thing with his wife

there's that delicious seeth that I like

How many chapters would it take to reasonably end the entire series?

To resolve it all? 150+ if he just doesn't give a shit anymore

If he does it proper Id say he's halfway through the series

which sucks because we'll be lucky if he lives another ten years

What thing?

the love hotel thing

she was fucking their pool boy during his last serialization round


I'm not sure what he expected, the guy can't even draw laying down in bed without being in pain, there's no way he's actually able to have sex. And knowing japanese culture of course she'd get some on the side.

p-please understand

I'm the pool boy.

read your one piece of shit faggot

Nah more like motivated he's into ntr and loves seeing his wife getting fucked now he wants to fuck a gaijin just to get more motivation.

it's an open secret he's a massive homosexual, his kids don't even look like him

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Oh no

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I-it's because he felt like he's on a roll and decided to storyboard next batch of chapters in advance. Y-you'll see, we'll have 10 chapters by the end of the year and immediately start next year with at least 20 more chapters.

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maybe she is not attracted to homosexuals?

We're fucked, bros. HxH won't be coming back.

double based

I honestly don't get how this lazy piece of shit hasn't been booted out of the industry, or why his fans tolerate being disrespected this way.

The only thing he publishes are storyboards and doodles.

>The only thing he publishes are storyboards
You're giving Togashi too much credit.


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*he ever published were.

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>How's it FEEL, Seeth… to be mmmbitch?

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>ugh, my legs are killing me

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Togashi is a millionaire, his wife is a millionaire, he doesn’t need HxH.

You'd be luckier if he died tomorrow. At least this joke would be over and everybody could finally stop caring.

fucking based

Togashi keep expading the Great hiatus arc.

Don't you have anything better to do with your life?

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