ITT: Characters voiced by criminals

I'll start.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Since when is Romi Paku a criminal?

Indeed, Vic is a smooth criminal.

How does Yea Forums do it?

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I miss her

Haruhi’s Japanese VA, IIRC

She is not. But sadly, nu/a/ only watched it in the shitty dub.

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>being a thot is a criminal offense in Japan
t. bass player

How did you know??

Ok what did he do?


Christopher Sabat is about to be outed as the Harvey Weinstein of voice acting. He gave the best roles to actresses who slept with him. He would also blacklist the actresses who didn't. Funimation will crumble as dubfags cry for years.

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Dubfags dont actually care about funimation, no one does, they have some of the worst anime dubs of all time to their name, maybe only surpassed by 4kids.
They won't be missed

Vic just lost everything, m8. Sabat and Funi aren't going anywhere. They'll take the hit to their reputation, but it will eventually blow over. Vic's bumbling retard of a lawyer blew the whole case.

>caring about modern-day dub actors

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That faggot isn't modern-day. He's actively ruined anime in the west since 2000s.

Dub was good, cope more.

Who's more of a piece of shit, Yea Forums? Sabat or Schemmel?

>Sabat and Funi aren't going anywhere. They'll take the hit to their reputation, but it will eventually blow over.
>implying these idiots never turn on each other and eat their own
This is already a well established pattern of behavior. They WILL turn on each other, they always do, it's already been leaked that they have plans to.

Yea Forums

Hey could you not hijack the thread into more of this bullshit please, thank you

The only fuck up I can see after searching is a late submission a week ago hat means next to nothing. The hell did he do otherwise?



Not really though. Normally I despise dubs and can't stand them but HxH & FMA dubs were good and enjoyable imao.

Peace out.


The hearing is going on right now and so far is a complete loss across the board for Vic.


>HxH & FMA
Pure cringe

Pure cope

Here is EVERY semi worthwhile dub
>FMA (2003, not Brotherhood. I'd argue 03's dub even improved some lines like when Ed FUCKING DIED and Rose's reaction to it. That entire episode had amazing dub direction)
>Code Geass (ignoring Nunally, Jesus Christ)

Brotherhood had some shitty parts but in general the dub was pretty good and that’s coming from a guy who always watch subs.

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>line changes
And the dub is shit.


Something about cocaine

>Dub was good
Dub was cringe. Emotionless and childish compared to the original.

The line works better.
In the Japanese, the VA for Rose is saying
>Ed-o (Japanese do that)
And her scream of "ED!" at the end doesn't work because of it. It sounds cut off and stilted.
Rose's English VA on the other hand is saying "Edward" instead, so when she screams the line at the end of the episode, it just in general sounds better.
That, and Rose's VA just in general sounds much better in English most of the time.
I am saying this as a person who exclusively watches every anime in the original Japanese and hates Dragon Ball dubfags with a passion.
Also, Faulconer's score fucking sucked outside of GBA games, it rarely if ever fit the modd and it meant ALL insert songs were cut. Funi also couldn't understand the need for silence to make a scene impactful and had heavy breathing and dumb shit like the video below.

Sub sounded more cringe to me.

>pic unrelated

Why do people pretend the Code Gayass dub was good? It loses out on all the over the top goodness of the original and tries to play it too straight

>tries to play it too straight
You fucking kidding me
This shit is hilarious.

>Rose's VA just in general sounds much better in English most of the time
It's one thing if you like Hawkeye's or Envy's voice, but liking Rose's?

Don't really care about dubs but I felt for this guy when he got fucked over and I was hoping he would strike a blow against Funimation. Is he really going to lose? It seems like an open and shut case against Funimation but I guess I should expect no less from fucking faggot judges in this country.

I'm a simple man. If a girl screams well enough, that's enough for me.

>hentai screams
Seek help.

Only defamation is left for him.

If you always watch subs how would you know a dub is good hmmm

This was his real crime

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You haven't noticed all the Funi shills?

>hentai screams
In the sub maybe.


And gay men

where do you get the info?

Stay seething dubtard.

Holy shit that character was completely gone from my memory until just now.

t. Vic
Soon you won't be able to get funded by your underage audience anymore.

Dick Mignogay

Unironically based and redpilled.
>But he dindu nuffin
It's been well established that he's been a sex pest for years. It's not 'da feminizts' or 'da joos', he's just a rapist.

Imma gonna finish dis. You watch.

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Well, I've definitely noticed something. Hope for the best for this guy at any rate. Nobody deserves to have their life ruined on the word of sociopathic fat women.

>shit mignogna voices main character
>person who has no range and can't act for shit

I never watched FMA because he ruined it for me. Now I hate it with a passion.

I really hope Vic's lawsuit or the allegations against Sabat do damage Funimation. Not because I really care about dubshit, but because the idea of an internet comedian's frivolous lawsuit over getting called a cuck leading directly to the ruination of the English voice acting industry is probably the funniest chain of events I can think of

>It's not 'da feminizts' or 'da joos',

Oh hey, there's one of the Funi shills now.

I prefer vic being the only one who suffers consequences, thank you. He's shit as a VA and ruined too many good anime in the west.

I'm not a funi shill. If you don't understand that you're getting scammed by a rapist and some faggot in Montana then I don't know what to tell you.

You mean former comedian.

they're crying over their faggy no-talent VA because "m-m-uh childhood shitward shitric!!"

Cringe. Imagine actually having nostalgia towards such a shitty series.

>allegations against Sabat
There are no allegations against Sabat. People only think there are because it's what they wanted to hear.

Shill central in here. Guess I'll hop out for now.

>repeats the buzzwords of all kickvic supporters
>not a funishill
Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy

>the ruination of the English voice acting industry
Dude, it's like 10 people tops

>haha look at me #istandwithshit
You lost, cope.

Do you have ANY actual proof to back that up?

Yes, his underage fanclub following him everywhere in the old days. No normal VA acts like this. He was a shitty human being from the start.

They dont they just keep repeating what they hear from twatter

>in the old days
They don't anymore?

>VA being friendly to his fans means he is a rapist
Nice 'proof' you have there mongoloid, see how well that would hold up in a court.

Formerly Chuck

and those 10 people are 90% of English anime roles

Thinking someone is on the other side when critisizing the other
>still totally no a funi shill
Id tell you to cope but you already are in full denial

Will Vic voice MJ?

Vic Lasagna is innocent. Blue haired flexgendered failures need to leave.

what did romi park ever do?

Is Korean

Sorry, I don't have 4K video of Vic raping drugged out women. All I know is that where there is smoke there is fire. Vic has had a record of abuse spanning years. This is the real world, not your Sargon of Akkad skeptic fantasy land.

>I posted it again! Can I have sex now?

t. retarded paranoid weeb

No one's suing him, retard. He is and he already lost half of his defamation suits, and has to pay other VA"s legal fees. I'm sure he'll be able to afford it

sounds pretty based

Vic losing is just bad for everything. Not only dubbing. Not only anime. Hard proof that there is nothing you can do when a big corporation sets its sights on and unjustly wrongs you. Proves that, unless you are a major celebrity, there is nothing you can do if you get falsely #metoo'd with no actual evidence. Even when the people you are up against are scum of the earth including a "former" wife beating psychopath (he went to therapy! he got better! we swear!) with mountains of evidence against them. There is no justice in this world. Only corporate dicksucking, blue haired hambeasts, and their orbiters.

Imagine having a case so frivolous that you have to smear an innocent VA with accusations of being the 'Harvey Weinstien of anime' so that your stupid incel fans don't realize that they've been grifted.

Vic can still appeal and nick is gonna go next tomorrow just hope he doesn’t fuck up like ty

>good dub
thats the most retarded thing i've ever read on this website.
shit sounds terrible


cope delusional vickek

That was a really bad idea.
here's a run down of what happened at todays preceding
>Done. Funi out on conspiracy and TI. He will consider the def claims against Funi, Toye and Rial and rule within 30 days. Good times.
>Marchi is dismissed on all charges
>monica cleared of conspiracy and others

Where theres smoke theres fire
Is the classic guilty until proven innocent hatemob motto
Not asking for video evidence but the only thing ive seen is hear say thats not nearly enough

I said good not excellent, you dumb fuck. Yeah that part was shit and the sub did this better but I would lie to myself if I said HxH dub was bad or shit. you are the biggest retard I ever met today.

He's not guilty of anything
No one likes him
You're not entitled to your job if everyone complains about you to your lawyer

You first funishill

>some loser shounen VA
>affecting anything

Not liking you coworker is not grounds for firing

So bullshit when ty was arguing monicas tweets the judge ruled there was no context

Just kill yourself

I think you got the wrong person

Keep dilating faggot

It is actually

Get a room you two.

What’s wrong with FMA dub? Yes nearly all dubs are cancer but FMA was kinda good.


based Yea Forumsshitter
you need to go back

>kinda good
Not good enough.

establishing a hostile work environment is grounds for firing
but you're not entitled to your job to begin with

(You) back to

No such thing. There's no reason to watch something inferior by its root definition. In best case scenario dub can be just okay. Only kids and simple minded retards are using the dubs.

>uses Yea Forums buzzmemes
>calls OTHER reddit
take your meds schizo

You're just jealous of people who can fire anyone they don't like

citation needed


But I watched both FMA sub and dub and I liked them both. What's wrong with that? The dub was good.

Hope you enjoyed your visit, tourist!
Remember, it's two (2) years before posting next time

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Can someone simply tell me if Vic won or not

For me it was imo.

judge destroyed his legal team
we even posted the tweets you lazy fuck


That's the fact. Voice cast directed by some random people that have nothing to do with original staff and source culture additionally reading completely localized and culturized script can't even be compared to original cast directed and cherry picked by original staff that was born in the source country.
Watching the dubs is like watching completely different thing. Some kind of loose adaptation.

Ok and how did he stablish a hostile work enviroment this sounds more like a two way street

citation needed


Remember you gotta be 18+ to post here back to tumblr you go

Not a criminal, but a major asshole

>Muh dub drama
This shit should be a bannable offense, fuck off back to your home subreddit

coworkers complaining about your behavior is the ground

Do you really want to argue with straightforward facts?

The guy who voiced a character clearly inspired by Frank-N-Furter got arrested for showing lewd pictures of himself

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Shut up newfag, see you in three days

In part yes
In other part i just dont like that bosses can do that

Cringe keep crying

still waiting
>no such thing as good dub
>inferior by its root definition.
I'll wait

Its not over
Not completely but its not a great look

He can still reopen the case

In my opinion?

Ok so now we go back to the old song and dance of wheres the proof

Are you fucking blind mr dubfag aka ironic weeb?

with what money? dude has to pay multiple lawyers and pay all these girls legal fees now

You don't need proof, he wasn't fired for creating a hostile workplace

live tweeting a court case as a lawyer somehow feels unprofessional

Only the defamation claims remain, which may or may not be dropped within 30 days. Ideally that means these threads will finally fucking stop within 30 days

I'll wait for your evidence, kentucky user

Those tweets have been contradicted
But the gist seems to be not great

Thankfully, I'm not from burgerland though, Mr dubfag.

>Another fun company thread about its shitty politics and not about the anime itself.
I remember when off-topic threads were deleted and OP would rightly be called a faggot.

So what was he fired for

lmao what?

Dunno, but it’s totally bs with the Jamie marchie story

Oh it’s that faggot again.

I'm waiting for you to defend your argument

I remember that dubfags were called dubfags.

Only one girl monica is still in
That said i dont know i he should reopen the case

Go google it


I gave you plenty arguments that are logical and really simple to understand. You didn't even try. So generally fuck off, dubfag.

citation needed

Vic is done, the lawyer fucked it up, judge is on Funi/VA side because how much of a memelawyer Vic got, he didn´t even took a look at any of Vic´s evidence, now Vic is in real shit as he will have to pay a big fat check to the VA

I mean other users said thats not what happened

>subjective claim
>my subjective
You're kidding yourself if you think using meaningless terms like "good", "better", or "inferior" which are by definition subjective, and then using the word "logical" for your argument
Go take a lap around Yea Forums and go learn basic composition

Do you really need any confirmations for facts like 'original staff knows better how they characters suppressed to sound like and which personality they supposed to have'? Is it really so fucking hard to understand for you fucking dub imbeciles?

>he doesn't know how to follow reply chains properly

If its the who harrasement shit then we are back at square one
I thought you knew something new

You said all dubs are bad and inferior. Present your evidence

Crispy Freeman was born to play Orange-kun

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But original vision and direction being superior to poor imitation (which is always the case with dubs, dubs tries to imitate original) called dub is not a subjective opinion but fact.
If you're unable to understand something so simple, arguing with you is completely pointless.

How retarded is he?

Thats fair

How do you know original vision and direction were properly applied to begin with?
First define original vision and direction, seperately

Sasuga dubfags. Like clockwork.

He's retarded enough to think "my feelings" equal an argument

Who are you quoting?

Okay, now I'm sure that you're trying to bait. Bye.

Seems like no matter how much you hate Funimation, Yea Forums, it looks like they are here to stay.

Funi has multiple big corporations behind them. There is no way this was ever going to go well for Vic. It was especially over the second Toei got wind of how serious the case was getting. Retards actually thought that was a good thing and Toei would take the Dragonball license from them. But that was never in the realm of possibliity. Dragonball has over two decades of branding with Funimation in the west. Removing them over a scandal like this would deal irrepairable damage. Toei knows this. Maybe I'm wearing my tinfoil hat too tight, but everything from the hearing makes it look like the judge made his mind up before it even began. And I do not doubt Toei was willing to spend any amount necessary for this to stop escalating and to not cause the Dragonball trademark to be tarnished further.

Go read a book you fucking brainlet loser
Here's some free knowledge on your way out

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Boomers judges are vicious, vics legal team should've knew this before they missed petition dates to add evidence, and then tried to submit said evidence attached to their late petition

>[citation needed]

Cope more, idiot.

>Career ruined..
>Lost his case.
>Now has to pay legal fees.
Vic is thoroughly FUCKED.

How often does getting #metoo'd happen to people who aren't famous though?

Not disagreeing with you, but there's this thing called "appearance of impropriety". Even if he wasn't a rapist, he was probably too touchy-feely for his own good, he probably should have known that could come back to bite him in the ass. Apparently he was kind of a pretentious asshole and could be difficult to work with, so he made himself an easy target for this kind of thing.

Monica and Jamie can still fuck off though

its not a good look but its not over just yet

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It might as well be. What more is there to salvage?


The only good dub is Ghost Stories, but I don't even think dub is the right word for that

All the time
In fact the majority of people who get accused of crimes are... not famous

It's a shitty parody.

That user you're replying to is talking about how Vic claimed another guy was running a casting couch
Vic's lawyer Ty Somethingsmith tried to submit this as evidence of conspiracy
It's not proven, but it's probably why this Judge was so ruthless on Vic's team, seeing that late evidence entry as frivolous

It's simple. Even if it wasn't (which is generally pretty laughable), then the dub is automatically even more further from it.
I don't know what is so hard to understand for you. This is so simple that even 5 years old kid would understand. If you're arguing with facts, you aren't worth getting any replies.
I know that dub lovers have generally a problem with understanding even simple facts and I proven it multiple times, but not being able to understand even basic things like this is just amusing.
Pic related.

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Can you prove your claims?

Im not a lawyer but they can take them down a notch
All in all is better to go out fighting

HxH dub was decent but a lot of the VAs gave kind of stiff performances, though that may be partly due to the direction because they translated everything so literally.


Christ have some more shame and at least make a minimal effort to hide your newfaggotry.

That picture... do you understand what you're posting? Those are both the original, the right isn't a copy, it's an attempted restoration job.
Now, go ahead, prove either logically or factually the the right is "better" or "worse" than the left.
The fact your 3rd grade teacher didn't drill into your head "Opinions cannot be proven", shows you're probably mexican, where only half the population even goes to school.

I thought the reason why he was so hated was because he was highly religious and very in your face about it.

>All in all is better to go out fighting
No if by "fighting" you mean "extend expensive and unwinnable legal battles". It's not like you can just rack up so many legal fees that you get sent to Valhalla and don't have to pay shit

So Vic's lawyers basically accused Sabat of the exact same thing he was accused of with as much evidence, after deadlines for submitting evidence had passed. With a southern boomer judge presiding over the case. Did he really think that would fly?

That probably didn't help matters either, Bible Thumpers are some of the most annoying people on Earth.

Nonsense, he only pulled that card after the fact

Happened to my step-father. There was no evidence against him. Only allegations and a constantly changing story. But he still lost because a woman's word holds more weight than a man's in these cases. Shit's all kinds of fucked.
what did they mean by this

That's exactly what I wanted to say. That failed restoration is like literally any dub. They are taking original and distorting it on various levels to the point thst it's like completely different product. Starting from culturized rewritten translations, voice direction and changed personalities and ending on voices.
It's not the opinion. It's the fact. You're free to like the dubs, but it doesn't change the fact that dubs are inferior by the its definition.

>inb4 nitpicking about the grammar

So I take it, his coworkers are saying, vic misused words and a lot and just made up stories
I mean that's not that unbelievable, people are like that

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citation needed

Im not saying he keep on fighting
I meant that it was good that he did not stay silent or just kept it on twitter
If this is the end the so be it but at least he was heard

How much pole was smoked / RApE was committed during the dubbing of Claymore

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I think a lot of VAs gave a decent performances. Sure some of them were stiff or cringy but most of them gave good performances.

Please don't post on Yea Forums if you haven't graduated high school

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What was he actually charged with? If he lost without any evidence against him it can't have been a criminal case.

Fuck the judge

>General notes before we get started: Judge Chupp seemed exasperated at the start, and did not seem to care for either sides constant filings. He seemed eager to cut to the core of the matter.
>That directness was characteristic throughout the hearing.
Can't hate the judge if he was a dick to all sides

Why you burgers are unable to understand any analogy? Every time when we need to co-work with American people in my company it's always a pain in the ass. You can't do anything without precessing it through your cultural bubble. You're the only nation that cares about the dubs
You're so ignorant and xenophobic that you are doing movie remakes because you can't stand other languages and even actors from other countries.

She’s not having sex with you dude

Blacklisted from the industry after being charged with cocaine possession.

Fuck the lawyer desu, the guy did so bad

Not an argument

Please don't post on Yea Forums if you're watching the dubs, fag

Looks like the judge was no nonsense.

Please don't post on Yea Forums if you're underage, newfaggot scum

I can't take you guys seriously, so maybe try to act normal for once?

>dubfag is calling other people 'newfags'
Ultimate state of nu Yea Forums

>Sabat is also a rapist, and Schemmel is racist. Therefore it was wrongful for Funimation to fire me for my raping.

Why are Vic and his lawyer so stupid

>retard who can't type English
>posting on Yea Forums

An acquaintance got metoo'd falsely in a college politics scuffle. Turns out the anonymous accuser was a dude who'd been kicked out of their party for being a massive creep, which didn't stop some of the accused's political opponents from claiming they personally knew the accuser and backed up "her" story. He lost the election, naturally.

But that's exactly what he said. Original is objectively superior. And it's not personal opinion. Dubs are like listening to cover bands in cheap pubs. Thay are playing someone's else songs, but these songs never sounds like they should and all nuances are always lost. You can enjoy it, but it's clearly inferior and it always stay inferior. Imitation. Copy.

>Original is objectively superior
citation needed

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I dont care about the whole funileaks nonsense
But nowhere did vic or his lawyers said he did any wrongdoing
So maybe keep that strawman with the rest of your body pillows

I'm genuinely concerned about the state of global education if you think your opinions can somehow serve as fact merely because you want them to

get a room

If you gonna argue with something like this then fine. Stay retarded.

I'm waiting for your evidence
You said "objectively", so where are your factual observations? Measurements? Peer review for said measurements?
And I'm not arguing, I only asked for proof for your claim


So you're basically going to say that cover bands that are copying source band can be superior to original? (that's 1:1 case with dubs).
I feels sorry for you my dear burger. Really.

ESL kun...

I didn't give an opinion, retard

Be honest, how old are you? It's hard to believe public education can fail so badly

>The only good dub is Ghost Stories
Do people unironically like this corny shit?

Answer the question retard.

God you spics are beyond braindead

Because jokes and banters are the only reason people watch dub these days.

Okay burgers, you kown that Spain exist. Now learn about other countries. Maybe it will open your brains a little more.

Focus on the discussion at hand retard
Where's your objective evidence? You should've had it by now

>h>he can still win those last 5, guys!!

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>vic lost
that's all I needed to hear. God, you stupid tourists are so quick to harp on every little thing the "evil liberals" did, but it takes forever to find out actual news.

That doesn't seem true, it's very hard to get a guilty verdict in a rape case even with plenty of evidence

Anwer the question. And btw, the question about cover bands is your objective answer. It's logically impossible that copy that tries to imitate the original can even be better than original no matter what. It can be close in some cases but original will be always superior. There's no need for proving anything. It's pure logic.

>"being heard" means filing a lawsuit so frivolous you're now on the hook for thousands of dollars in legal fees and counting

>logically impossible that copy that tries to imitate the original can even be better than original
citation needed

You're really retarded or just trying to be one?

Are europoors actually this uneducated? Like damn some, read a book.
a = b
b = c
therefore, does a = c?

Just like shitty Marvel movies. Makes sense.

Still waiting, brainlet

>the judge is bad because he gave rulings I don't like
Go back to kiwifarms.

I did not say it be easy and what is so frivolous about the lawsuit

>can't defend argument
>calls others retarded
Holy fuck are you vic's lawyer?

Cant Vic, Funi, and everyone else working there just go bankrupt and get aids from sucking cock under some shithole Austin overpass? God damn I just hate them all.

Nice samefagging though. Also, you've got enough arguments. You gave literally nothing but shitposting. Nice logic. As expected by amerifag.

>what is so frivolous about the lawsuit
The fact that the judge made a bench ruling on 12 of the 17 charges (something not even the lawtwitter guys who have been shitting on Vic's case for months thought was going to happen) instead of using the 30 days he has to think about it?

citation needed

I mean give a year and people will forget about
If r kelly can still get work then vic and funi wont feel too much of this after a long enough time passes
At least thats my take on it

Elf thread got 404'd yet cancer like this stays. Why?

that analogy would work, but r kelly didn't sue his past employers
no way vics gonna find work

>elf thread
that IS the cancer, idiot

I dont see how thats on vic or his lawyer though the judge seemed very intent to get it over with so it seems he may have been to hasty imo
Nothing frivoulous sbout it its not the first time these sort of things happen

>made a spic lose his mind with two words
truly a time to be alive

>sex pest

Isn't "sex pest" basically just code for "Ewww a man I don't like tried to chat me up omg what a creeper"?

Yeah but vic was not charged, with credible proof, of child molestation or rape
Plus vic himself said he had other projects he was working on

He wasn't deemed guilty, but it was absolutely still a loss. He now has a restraining order keeping him from seeing his grandaughter. The allegations weren't about her, but the whores filing claimed he was a danger to her which was absolute bullshit. The whole thing was orchestrated by my brother's ex who just wanted to make him and everyone related to him miserable.

Over mindless celebrity drama?

He wasn't , you're right. But he did sue his past employer, immediately putting him at the bottom of candidate lists for hiring.

You got it

So Funimation won, correct?

elves are cancer of the highest degree

on most accounts, but still 5 charges to go


yikes, imagine watching english dubs. mods should do their work. that shits not anime anymore

And how do you know that
Plus even if he had not sued the accusations would have still hurt him on that front

But then they dont have AIDS and will live longer to shit up my state all the more while doing it.

Congrats. True internet hero.


Just logical conclusion based on an industry where there's no shortage of workers

English or not, dubs are shit

>Inb4 retarded burgerfag asking for citation

>types like a retard

spic still seething

>And how do you know that
Who the fuck is going to hire a man so reckless and vindictive that he filed a lawsuit against other people in his industry because they said mean things about him on Twitter then got most of the charges dismissed at the first possible hurdle?

im a burger. maybe the guy asking citation is a yuropoor

>can't read above a first grade level

Finally someone sane in this thread.
[citation unnecessary]

>im a burger
>types like a retard
Your American pass has been revoked

Niggers, this is e-celeb news shit, keep it off Yea Forums. Talk about this gay shit on Twitter.

>I can objectively prove my opinion!
lmao dumb spic

salty third worlder. i bet you watch the european dub

First this and then Toonami censors Fire Force. Looks like the sjws will have their way with anime

Like clockwork.

>types like a retard

Do you even understand Japanese?

Take a gander at this thread, like it or not the elf thread was far more civilized than these "Vic/anti Vic fans" screeching at each other like harpies.

How much time do we have left, Yea Forums? They already rule video games, cartoons, and comics with an iron fist.

>296 replies
>75 posters
this is getting to be almost as bad as the domekano threads

>watches anime
>cant understand japanese
imagine being an ironic weeb. so weird...

Elves need to be genocided, don't think /tg/ forgets

Fuck off Gilgamesh.

All of you in this thread are insufferable cancerous retards and faggots. Gods I wish cancer and death upon you. Yea Forums should be deleted from 4channel.

Except Germany, people in the Europe aren't watching the dubs. In many countries movies are shown with subtitles only.
In my country people that are unironically watching the dubs are generally considered as subhumans with 0 IQ.

To a point, but I only have a year under my belt and would rather just have subs there instead of backtracking from time to time

yes, and in return give us the /ma/ - Manga

Attached: CarlyNagisa.png (706x532, 325K)

Answer the question, weeb.

you see, my post implies i DO understand japanese. use your brain for three seconds before replying next time..

>types like a retard
>can't into grammar

This is getting funny. First of all, where do you thing you are fucking retard?
Second thing is, stop using childish buzzword if you don't even know what they mean.

Ignore them, they're crossboarder users from kiwi farms try to discuss such drama. Mods will snipe them off the board eventually.

Answer the question weeb

>ESL-kun moves the goalpost AND can't understand the sentence that was written perfectly
VERY weird.....

Movies and anime are different though. Movies should be watched in their orginal language while anime, well it depends on what you like, some dubs are good but most of them are trash. Anyway people don’t speak Japanese the way like they do in anime.

The allegations and rumors would have hurt him, but he would likely still get by decently and hired by someone willing to think they were just baseless rumors but also keep a close eye on him. Like entertainers and celebrities often do.
His incompetent lawsuit that has failed to properly defend himself has instead hurt him further, because now potential employers will more likely not consider him worth the risk, because he's liable to sue them if they end up having to terminate him for any reason.

based ESL calling others ESL

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I knew this was coming

fix the sentence then. there are zero errors

Already happened.
First Prison School added in Gamer Gate for no reason
Then Maid Dragon turned a 'Huh guys keep looking at me for some reason?' into 'Male Patriarchy.'
Now this.
All while Yea Forums watches the world burn around them figuratively and literally, citing a clear win for the worst group of people today outside politicians as 'eceleb drama'.
We lost. Everything will be censored, and you can be put on trial for crimes you didn't commit.

I suppose we ll wait and see

>zero errors

Answer the question instead of acting like a retard.
Did you forget the part he called me ironic weeb for no reason? Are you blind or stupid?

Did you ever be in the theater? Acting =/= speaking with friend. It applies to all cultures and languages. That's why it's called acting. And anime (and animation in general) is not different then live action movies. In fact, voices in animated series are far more important than in love action. It gave way more personality to your character. And this is one of the reason why dubbing is always a poor man's choice.

As you can see, the resident ESL in this thread already lost his mind when he got ontologically blown the fuck out
He's just shitposting now

>doesn't know how to properly format an acronym
gosh, this guy is weird..
you would already know the answer if you understood english, my good friend. "yes" is the word you're looking for :)

Since she was born ethnic Korean.

take your meds schizo, you're gonna hurt yourself


>Eceleb drama
This isn't Yea Forums

>mean things on twitter
Thats incredibly reductive and you know it those mean things cost him his career so of course he is gonna try to fight back
Despite what recent media might have believe these types of situation are wuite rare i certainly would not take it into consideration when hiring someone unless there is a pattern

And with the money Netflix is dishing out they'll get to them at the source.


Films are superior while anime isn’t. So of course you watch foreign films in their orginal language while anime can be watched in sub/dub/both, I don’t care in which way you want to see them.

>Yea Forums buzzwords
you need to go back

[citation needed]

>Yea Forums...
nice cope

Thank you brother. See was that so hard to reply with yes or no? Good, have a good night.

get FUCKED vicnigs

Please stop shitting up Yea Forums crossboarder kun
We don't like you, nor ever will

Thats an assumption based of off one case
Now if he were to tty again immedkatly afyer that i would take that into consideration but we can base a persons potential actions off of a one time thing
Honestly i dont think his chances of getting hired are any higher or lower

>films are superior
Your opinion is meaningless and who the fuck even cares. We were talking about voice acting not your preferences.

KEK! this COPE is insane!!!

Holy fuck this thread

Buzzwords and namecalling, and you telling me i’m the one who’s shitposting? Brainless monkey.

enjoy the vacation schizoid

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heh looks like the shi no kyokai is going ballistic again, gotta tell the legion about this next meeting, haha!

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>Imagine how 1 retarded dubfag can be so toxic

>moetard accuses others of being crossboarders
now thats what i call YIKES

Shut up schizoid Yea Forumsscum

based ban chaser

Then who the fuck even cares what your country thinks about people watching dub?

havent been banned in over three months, and the last time i did was for making fun of retarded jannies. but please, keep moving the goalpost.

>cases not dismissed
>funi still on trial
>conspiracy and defamation went through and will be heard in court
>Vic lost

This compilation is like 100% probability of higher state of retardness. It'd amusing how accurate it is.

>Yea Forumsscum
Obsessed huh Yea Forumsutist?

It's not my country by any open minded people regardless of thier nationality. I know some open minded burgers too. And in all seriousness, I really feels sorry for them. They have tough like in so ignorant and simple minded society.

you might want to rethink your post. not once have i defended shitty english dubs. in fact, the start of our reply chain is ME saying english dubs are terrible, right here i know you only watch moe shit because your attention span is low, but you can't be this bad at following conversations.

>judge roastes you for 4 hours
>8 of your lawsuits get thrown out in an hour
it's over

why are you typing like a retard

I hope Vic gets cornholed.

>imagine how many subfags are butthurted and going apeshit for nothing
>truly the subhumans of all boards

why do you dislike the way i type?

She did coke and was preggers with her dealers baby or something.

Okay, now kill yourself dubfag

he can't, he hasn't been accused of a crime
slice your wrists crossboarder, don't reply to your superiors without explicit permission

i learned my buzzwords from Yea Forums though. you got proof for your claims?

>It's not my country by any open minded people regardless of thier nationality.

Seething Yea Forums nigger is seething. Get aids.

>put hand on girl's waist while taking a photo with her
>kiss a lesbian on the cheek


I get my dick caressed by drunken women on a regular basis.
Am I being raped, or is physical contact just a normal part of social interactions?

Take your meds schizoid

Context fag.

>Yea Forums buzzwords
crossboarder much? gosh

What are you talking about and where does that happen to you?

Imagine being this retarded

I'm not watching any media dubbed, so I won't get aids. Sorry, nigger.

Try again faggot.
Explain this part “It's not my country by any open minded people regardless of thier nationality.“

They are harassing you, user. Seek help before it gets worse

I have no stakes in the Vicventures, but watching you faggots argue about the plight of a guy none of you really give a shit about is hilarious.

Dont reply to the Yea Forums crossboarder. He's the only dubfag here calling people weebs and baiting for (You)s and he relocated from the hunter thread to here because the thread is on page 10 and not getting any replies.

Try again faggot.

Can’t explain your own post? Imagine being this fucking dumb.

Can’t explain your own post? Imagine being this fucking dumb.

So did Vic get totally scammed by Nick and Ty?

>thread alive for 5 hours

Attached: 1566856967557.jpg (286x357, 71K)

Try again retard.

Actually you are raping them.

only people scammed were the ones donating to their fund me or something
Try again retard.

He's the same fag that invaded few other threads. He's logic is broken. But that's to be expected.

Just walking around downtown at night. The real crazy shit is summer Fridays. They restrict traffic and people walk around downtown with their brewskis.

I'm like a solid 6 and not fat tho.
Worse how? They start sucking it and shit?
That'd be hot. At least half of them are my type, if my type had 2 kids and a healthy amount of Big Macs.

>I get my dick caressed by drunken women on a regular basis.
Where exactly does that happen?

>conspiracy and defamation went through
No they didn't; the judge just didn't throw them out immediately like he did with the other charges. He still has 30 days to make a ruling.

Please answer me seriously. Are you from America?

>Yea Forums and Yea Forumsfags are shitting up other boards

*ᵇᵘᵗ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᶦʳᵉᵈ ʰᶦᵐ

Which other few threads are you talking about, you paranoid ape? Remember to take your pills before you trip again for nothing.

Someone call Moot. NOW! Holy fuck!

>nearly all dubs are cancer
But fives are not.

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>I'm like a solid 6



Who the fuck is moot?

>(99 KB, 500x500)

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It's easy to spot usual anons here. They sometimes call some people fags, but your typing patterns are completely different and very similar so it's really easy to know it's you. Additionally, your logic is so broken that your post are literally screaming 'I'm a dubfag crossboarded'. Not to mention about idiotic buzzwords.

Try again faggot.

>all these faggot youtubers using this drama for clickbait crying over the ruling


Try again faggot.

No evidence
No proof
No nothing

LMAOing at your life right now rape apologist, hold onto that last shard of hope for another month and donate to a fraudulent gofundme that'll make the final blowout even sweeter. But hey go ahead and try to appeal some of those lost causes retard. See how that works out.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Thunderbolt Fantasy - The Sword of Life and Death - 00 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.49.05_[ (478x460, 191K)

>idiotic buzzwords.
Same buzzwords you retards use daily?

Not scammed
But ty seems to have performed below expectations and the judge seem uninterested in the case from the begining

Excellent, your the only good thing to come outmost the hellfire of a thread

What kind of woman (except being drunk)

>Worse how? They start sucking it and shit?
>That'd be hot.
This is why nobody takes male rape victims seriously

But all of you anons are weebs.

citation needed

>your the
so... where are you from?

Have you had you your daily dose meth funishill?
>no evidence
>no proof
>no nothing
The pot calling the kettle black i see

you dont see me going out of my way to call everybody white boy just because majority of posters are whitechads, do you?

D-Do you still stand with him, bros?

>Run the timer out and provide as little info as possible
>Fumble your way through most things
>Do the bare minimum
>All to waste the incel gibbs of the opposition
>STILL come out on top as judge throws away almost every case against you
>Will probably throw the rest out and block any appeals within the next 30 days

Because it's a good mid 00's period piece and it takes me back. Yep, Katrina. Kid's now THAT was a Hurricane.

Dang it autocorrect I meant you're

Why not ive got nothing to lose and if it has a chances of further discrediting the idiotic metoo movement then im in

All I'm getting from this thread is a bunch of soapboxers siding with Vic because they're faggots, and another side against Vic because they're faggots. Did he straight up rape someone? And also, what the fuck does dubbing drama have to do with anime anyway.

of course i'm against him. him being put in the slammer would be the best thing for japanese dub chads

I'm just saying. My dick is divine. Who am I to deny the people their idol?
Sorority girls and belugas mostly. The middle aged women who think they have a "tolerance" and get really crazy drunk are the worst.


He raped characters that he was dubbing (like all other dub 'actors')

>D-Do you still stand with him, bros?

I never did. Fuck Vic, fuck Funi and fuck the retarded dubfags who defend either. The dubbing industry in the US is trash because of the strangle-hold Funi has on it. If Funi is completely dissolved for this all the better.

yeah, i said it. we are chads.

based Yea Forums shitter

He did not rape anyone the accusation started as sexual harrasment with very dubious proof then twitter did the twitter thing and people started calling him a child molester
Also is not subs vs dub a daily occurrence in anime forums

user you don't have to lie to impress us. And even if you are going to lie, make it an impressive lie.

He wasn't accused of having sex with anyone..

Sorority girls are funny. I think a lot of them drink way too much because they don't want to be teased by their friends for being lightweights, then they start crawling onto anything that doesn't smell like rancid shit.

he raped a girl. im not watching any more english dubs ever again. that is disgusting.

Boss the thread is doomed, mods ain't doing they're job. Fire the ideon gun, it's power is at 82%
Alright, IDEON GUN, FIRE!!!!

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>here's how this well know pedo and rapist CAN STILL WIN
the level of fucking cope lol

You know he is not the defendant right?he is suing for defamation and funi are the defendants

Sex pest=/=rapist

>we are chads.
I can't take idiots like you seriously.

>DUBS are disgusting
Congrats on maturing mentally

Subs Vs. Dubs sure. But what the fuck has that got to do with anything. And if Vic is just a pervert and not a rapist, what the fuck has that got to do with anything. It should be solved in-house.

all Yea Forumsnons are chads
it's the disgusting /vegetables that are ugly and fat

then you should be hoping he wins the lawsuit and can move on to sabat because that would nuke the scene in a massive way.

The only one coping here is you my friend

>ever disappearing

he better lose then. i don't tolerate r*pists..

>all Yea Forumsnons are chads
Keep telling yourself that and who knows?

So dubfags are so retarded that they genuinely caring what they stars from burnt theaters are doing in their private life.
How surprising.

Welcome to the age of social media where everybody and everything must be made public for the sake of clout and relevancy

Based Yea Forumstard

Then why havent yoy killed yourself
Or your parents

are you telling me you support r*pe?!?! thats fucking disgusting....

Are you trying to bait me?
cause its turning me on

>Accusing Yea Forumsnons on Yea Forums
We are reaching new levels of faggotry

Who are you quoting?

>watching dubs
>judging anime by dub actor's performance
Stop breathing

*dabs on your disinformed ass*

Attached: tfw it's time for your daily dose.jpg (1280x720, 255K)

I'm quoting this faggotAre you blind?

The Sabat thing literally killed the case. Beardo tried to shove it in last minute, past deadline, and without showing it to other parties first. The fuck was he even thinking? Did he think this was Phoenix Wright? Was his goal from the start to drag it out as long as possible, sabotage it, and then run away with the money? Embarrassing.

was at a con once and Vic tried to con my female friend into letting him fuck at the hotel he was staying at. She wasn't particularly interested in fucking Edward Elric, so she took it in stride. He was a greaseball, but he handled getting shot down pretty well, there was obvious butthurt, but no more than any other man who's ever been rejected. I have a hard time seeing him being a rapist kind of guy.

Who are you quoting ESL kun?

Who are you quoting ESL spic?

seething esl

Yeah. That's always bugging me a lot and I'm never talking about series with people that watched it dubbed because they literally watched different series with completely different characters.

Coping ESL subhuman.

Enjoy your vacation, newfaggot kun!

Thanks oldfaggot san! Have fun at school.

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Shut up retard

Make me you piece of shit.


dub fuhrer bradley was fucking kino and you know it. and so was scar, envy, lust, greed and alphonse.

Attached: bradley.png (658x575, 294K)

Okay retard

>Thread still up

>all these newfaggots spamming Yea Forumstv/r9k/ post irony shitposting monoculture
guess it's time to hang in the towel, I hope you all die

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Good dog.
Cry more and then kill yourself, you stupid bitch.

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it's fun to watch

take your meds schizoid
can't wait to see you crying about your permaban

why does he wear the mask?

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This Vic fanboy is even more mad than YotsubaC's infamous keyboard break during the K-On sticky, I didn't even think that was possible.

So jannies, on vacation today?

which vic fanboy?

today is the only day I have off work between last Sunday and next Friday

Yeah the FMA dub was amazing, I really love how they toned down Eds atheism because Vic is a christfag and didn't want to voice a character that was antagonizing his beliefs. Censorship is okay when he's OUR GUY after all!

What now?

Based and don't forget HxH.

Sad the dub voice actor for Bradley passed.

Ye olde tripfag broke his keyboard when frantically trying to defend K-On from the M.D Geistmods shenigans. His spacebar broke

I'm glad that era of Yea Forums is over though, you really couldn't discuss K-On for shit without UiDrew, Komeiji and YotsubaC falling for bait and derailing threads.

Attached: Komeiji2.jpg (260x385, 14K)

hope you're resting well pupper

fucking kek, shame I haven't watched k on

>No evidence
>No proof
Stop using words you do not know the definitions of. It makes you look like an idiot.

Stop using words you do not know the definitions of. It makes you look like an idiot.

M.d. Geist mods? Sounds interesting

if anything today was awake up call to all the vic supporters that they are in an echo chamber

vic supporters get btfo and shitpost to oblivion
they need to be culled

You fucking weeaboo autists should fucking thank Vic for putting FMA on the map. Do you honestly believe that anyone would give a shit about this shitty series without his performance driving sales? No, of course they wouldn't... I may not watch your degenerate gook cartoons (frankly I can't help but notice the rise of animes popularity and the rise of trannies) but I am not going to let a good man like Vic go down in flames because wahmen, every single fucking one of them, are degenerate feminazis who want to destroy western civilization. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile, I STAND with this guy.

It's just such a fucking shame that I have to go to other boards, reddit and twitter to garner support... this board is cucked.

>putting FMA

i don't have anything against them it's just interesting after weeks of saying this would be slam dunk for Vic, it ends up not working out

Will the west need to put FMA on the blacklist like they did with all of Cosby's media?

but look at this thread, they shitposted into oblivion

fma is trash

>calling people weebs while posting on Yea Forums
>admits to going on reddit and twitter
this has to be bait

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Vic losing is the same day we officially lose anime. I hope you realize that, Yea Forums.

What did Seki do?

Basically back when K-On was airing it was made this boogieman by the media that it was going ruin anime! No more mature shows for mature people such as yourself, it would all be pandering moeshit from here until the end of time! You had people like Yamakan pushing this narrative too, though in retrospect he was just pandering to hoist himself up as the guy who would save anime. Anyway at some point a Yea Forums mod decided to have a bit of fun and start stickying anti-moe threads with the MD Geist soundtrack playing in the background, banning K-On posters and anyone who liked moe anime temporarily. It wasn't received very well at the time but looking back it was honestly pretty fun.
It helps that this act helped push the obnoxious K-On tripfags out of Yea Forums meaning we could have good threads again, so it was a win for everyone.

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Yes and so are you.

I don't really understand this "us vs them" mentality that people are swarming to the extremes of each side of this. this didn't need to be a super public case

Yea Forums posters are mentally ill, idk about vicfags

Look I'm sorry but you just cannot fight for western civilization on Yea Forums alone, you need to go to places where you can reach unpilled normalfags to usurp them into the cause. I do like some anime though like Pokemon and DBZ from my childhood, but I think the only modern anime that's worth a damn is Shield Hero.

Lmao you're fucking weird dude, Yea Forums probably isn't healthy for you

Ah so that's where pic related came from! The more you know!

yeah he was really talented and gave his all : (

I hope not, what are you gonna do about it?

>507 posts
>100 posters
truly disgusting thread

It's mostly 2 anons being tsundere for each other

Kill yourself.

ahem *tink tink tink*
Can I have your attention everyone
Before this thread dies I'd just like to say:

FUCK Funimation
FUCK Texas
FUCK lawyers
FUCK #metoo
FUCK Junko Furuda
FUCK aniki
FUCK Yea Forums
FUCK weebs
FUCK zoomers
FUCK waifufags
FUCK shonenshitters
FUCK moeblobs
FUCK discord trannies
FUCK jannies
FUCK niggers

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All these women haters dont know that FMA was written by a woman.



I still can't believe it.