Tell me Yea Forums, if character design is supposedly getting better then how do you explain this? Has there been a single character design in the past 20 years that can hold a candle to what has been accomplished in the previous century?
Tell me Yea Forums, if character design is supposedly getting better then how do you explain this...
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Grandis is ugly as fuck.
Yes, actually.
If OP claimed he doesn't suck cocks in the thousands, how do you explain this?
Post more read heads, I want to see op's pic grow in the numbers.
Also nice hime cut convention p
>wake up
>still no Linawaifu in my laifu
I don't know man, it just feels like it's missing something. Pic related is much better.
Kurisu isn't a red head, she has chestnut brown hair color in the original VN.
Ah, a fellow connoisseur.
So does Lina in her original light novels, but she's still portrayed as a redhead.
Add her to the collection,then we can build,it up.
Huh, interesting, so weird seeing her without being a redhead.
That's usually the case with "beta" designs. I'm sure you could find other examples of this with other old anime and manga as well. I know the image of Araki's design changes over time has been posted here, and there might be one for Hokuto no Ken as well.
She's definitely more red headed here then the last image.
The Ovas and movie use the old Lina version
In Later LNs, Lina use the anime version outfit /haircolor
You're not wrong. The anime definitely had a large influence on the characters over time, as they became the more popular designs. If it wasn't for anime needing relatively easy-to-draw outfits, we might still have the highly-detailed Lina of the past.
I agree with you to some extent, but 21st century has not been without iconic character designs. Ergo Proxy, Death Note, Haruhi, Jojos, Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill (Trigger and Imaishi anime in general has cool designs), One Punch Man, Shingeki no Kyojin, Made in Abyss, Lucky Star etc. I think the reason why modern designs are so lackluster is due to the switch to digital animation. Lack of shading and detail makes them look flat, simplistic and forgettable.
Whatever do you mean?
And here's another lovely redhead speaking of which.
i miss the left up corner style what title is that come from? iqdb and google img doesn't work for me
She's from Nadia
Fuck you the ED is great its just a certain SOMETHING and the ridiculous choice to go back to the light novels instead of doing their own thing like TRY that it's awful.
pretty sure R/Evolution is also original, which is why it sucks like TRY
the only good things to come out of it are the endings and R opening
They aren't. They adapted Volumes 4-6 for it, which includes both Duclis and Zuuma as antagonists for a bit of it. The problem is that 4-6 take place prior to the Hellmaster Arc, which was adapted as the Slayers NEXT anime, resulting in a buttfucking awful mess as they try to retrofit the story to work in a post-Hellmaster timeline.
that explains why zanaffar is somehow supposed to be a threat after gaining ragna blade AND killing fucking dugradigdu
it doesn't fucking help that that fact is never mentioned, nor is how they already defeated an iteration of it before though
if they didn't want to fully retcon TRY the least thing to do would've been making multiple zanaffars the main threat so it doesn't feel like a complete pushover
Funny thing about your last sentence is that in Volume 16, which continues from where the light novels ended back in 2000, Lina and the crew have to deal with renegade elves who can only construct imperfect Zanaffa Armor, resulting in an small army of imperfect Zanaffar Armor hybrids. Since Lina can't cast Ragna Blade anymore without a stationary magic amplification circle, they were actually a threat to her.
Unironically Gay
>volume 16
hol up when did that happen
October 2018, originally intended only for the anniversary celebration that was going on at the time. Its limited print immediately sold out, followed by its emergency second print. Despite having only two months of sales, most of the time being out-of-stock, it nonetheless was 2,000 sales behind GACKT and was the highest-rated light novel of 2018 by popularity. The sudden joyful reception has motivated the writer, Hajime Kanzaka, to continue the main light novels as Series 3, with news about Volume 17 to be released in Dragon Magazine either this month, or the next.
>All girls look the same and souless minus Lina
Post 2000 anime was a mistake!
>Spats Lina
No, no, not spats.
>Spats ZR.
do the novels also get pants on head retarded with powerlevels like TRY or they never go further than kicking shabranigdu's sealed nuts
also where could one get the nip ones free of charge
oh sweet, that means chances of a new season are now 0+
>oh sweet, that means chances of a new season are now 0+
>Evolotuin NAd Revolution dont followed the LNs
Even Slayers Try was basically original
The powerlevels in the light novels remain largely consistent. For example, Lina will actively avoid fighting if she can't use magic, or will try to find ways of deceiving opponents if she can't run away. Furthermore, Lina doesn't always steal the show in the novels, meaning the companions are actually important. Lina, in the light novels, makes it very clear that beating Shabranigdu was because of pure luck instead of skill, and she has no desire to fight against him ever again.
it's still highly popular, with lots of stuff not or badly covered and now not dead so unless Kanzaka decides to write one volume once every four years or something happens to Megumi it's prime seasonal show material
Megumi will be fine, it's Rui that I'm worried about...
w-what do those numbers mean
Blood pressure
Is Rui Hipertense?
They're blood pressure and heart rate. Rui's BP is at 171/114. Normal blood pressure is anything below 120/80, though if it goes below 80/X, then it's consider diastolic, which is bad. This user is correct; Rui is hypertense, which is very, very bad. Rui's resting heart rate is also 105bpm, when the average for a person is between 60-100bpm, meaning his heart is working harder than it should at rest, which is dangerous and will lead to heart failure.
Regardless, he still eats terribly and doesn't exercise because he's reached zen, though he still gets mad at himself on Twitter when he ends up in the hospital.
is this sorta not good but manageable kind or the death's sharpening the sickle as we speak kind of high
This is the "Rui has his own priorities and being healthy certainly isn't one of them but as long as he's happy he should be okay especially now that he gets to draw Lina all the time" kind of thing.
Heh, I think he's just joking here
Lina canonically doesn't wear panties, but wears a loincloth on the outside of her tights. She took up the habit of wearing them this way after she traded from trousers to tights, and split them. It was Gourry's idea, and she just got used to wearing them that way.
The yellow top is also a loincloth.
Ok that makes more sense now