Am I autistic?

Am I autistic?

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The guy on the bottom is 100% right
>discord or whatever screencap thread
Fuck off retard

I dont know why discord makes anonymous seeth so much
Like yeah I agree 90% of discord user base are retards of the worst caliber but i just use it as an alternative to Skype and that's where my small friend group went too.

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How is discord any worse at spying on you than other messaging apps?

I thought I had accidentally clicked on Yea Forums
What the fuck

It's ran by furries who leak your data to organizations like the SPLC.
Multiple groups of sexual predators have been found to operate on it like that one that tried to get /r9k/ uses to go on hrt and send them pictures for them to blackmail them with.
It also has a weirdly high amount of trannies on there for some reason.

Kill yourself redditor.

It's a circlejerk where everyone's a tripfag and using it will just teach you to act retarded elsewhere, like on Yea Forums.

how about you research it yourself wintard?

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try signal


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is there a better irc available yet?

If your only knowledge of the japanese language is cartoons or nip entertainment in general, you have zero idea what good or bad jap voice acting even is
>I can FEEL their voices are better!
again, you have zero gauge to judge that with no foundational basis
>my nip actresses who play kids SOUND like their roll better!
Retard, nip kids sound nothing like that


Shut the fuck up, Boomer.

>discord screencap thread
whoa, nother quality thread! thanks mods!

We should just livestream someome murdering a cross-boarder, it will stop this newfaggotry.

Ah fuck, I didnt want this thread to be screeching over discord I just wanted to discuss my autism that was compelling me to tell my normalfag friend to watch fate ubw in Japanese instead of English

Lmao what a brainlet take

>If you don't understand the language a song is in, you can't tell if a performance is better or not

It looks like there is work being one on improving the protocol, but getting those improvements supported isn't happening that fast.

You can very easily tell even if you don't know a word of the language. Sounding like "real life" isn't the goal of voice acting.

How new?

xmpp and matrix are better as protocols but everyone still uses IRC.

Honestly I always felt like Japanese voice actors were better in terms of projecting their emotions and breathing life into the characters. I know I seem close minded saying something like that but I tried watching shows dubbed too, I liked some dubs but the characters whose dubs were impressive were characters who weren't very emotional to begin with. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

Original voices are almost always better because the mouthflaps and animations are synced up to the original language. Dubbed lines have less leeway on sentences length and word choice.
I don't watch English shows with Jap dubs.
I don't watch Jap shows with Eng dubs.

Oh and jap seiyuus are cuter, male included. No homo.

fuck off, nigger

It depends, like the guy below you says, originally english games often do a decent enough job. But a big part of the problem is that the dubbing scene is just not very big. Voice acting itself isn't big either, but still big enough that you can get some good people doing varied and emotional voices for cartoons, look at a lot of Yea Forumsshit like Mark Hamill (or whoever the joker was) for example, that's just fine as far as voice acting goes, the problem is you don't see those same actors coming to dub anime, they have better things to do, so you see the same 6ish voice actors dubbing a million roles with their passable performances that aren't all that unique or impressive.

In the English dub of JoJo crazy diamond the kid with the echoes stand follows a speaking pattern that's obvious after hearing it for about 4 episodes thats just so fucking annoying to listen to

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>dude how can you tell if there's a difference between this random shitty fandub versus a critically acclaimed voice actor, they're saying the same thing, are you saying one could SOUND better than the other?

Very good points. I think you're right in everything you said. Thanks for explaining why I thought that.

Dubs being their own thing compared to subs is what makes them appealing honestly.
Plus maybe nostalgia from watching anime on cartoon network.

I think you are absolutely in the right

Would someone who has watched the English dub of The Dark Knight recommend you watch this?

Maybe it doesn't sound that bad if you haven't watched the original. But once you go sub, you never go dub.


This is what dub shonenshitters believe