Perfect height

Perfect height

Attached: tatsumaki could give a standing blowjob.jpg (600x955, 194K)

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Attached: 1559870319038.jpg (2000x2828, 606K)

I like onaholes not being the onahole

only if it's paired with big tits

Attached: 1449451365349.jpg (600x847, 130K)

That doesn't look right. Tatsumaki is about 135 cm, and the guy seems twice her height, making him 270 cm.

Attached: q44SGnJ.jpg (608x613, 112K)


Attached: 1537086135873.png (680x680, 215K)

she's not a pedo

But he is

>270 cm
That's like 6'0" right?

that'd be 8'8" you stupid burger

Attached: New+_b99d98803a36f5d3e4672f4ad5dfb2ef.jpg (442x414, 41K)

Just like her seiyuu.

Attached: 1564999947752.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

>those fucking plataform shoes
I dont hate manlets, but I sure do hate tryhards dam

how tall is she?

Tatsumaki 142cm.
Yuuki Aoi 145cm.

I'm pretty sure being short is a charm point for girls in Japan, so it's probably just a fashion choice.

I'm pretty sure she's short to the point it becomes a disability in most circumstances. There's video of events where she comes on stage with the rest of them and has to jump to get on her chair because its a barstool sort of deal and she can't reach the seat while standing. She loses her shoes on the first try, too, and when she finally sits on it her feet don't touch even reach the footrest.


Attached: 1565061423404.jpg (1600x1067, 502K)

>in japan
All over the world. Girls are shorter than guys on average for a reason.



My ara ara bro

literally homosexual



Hello Australia

Attached: [HorribleSubs] UchiMusume - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.08_[2019.09.06_04.26.01].jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Not even close

Attached: tall girl.jpg (1181x10000, 2.67M)

Absolutely disgusting


god damn, that's hot

less disgusting than
then again how can i ask gays to know what is and isn't disgusting

I need more shots of her backside.

Attached: Screenshot_115.png (210x314, 119K)

You need to quote more carefully

Are you a manlet by any chance? Because I can't see any other why someone would prefer a taller woman.

Is this a picture for ants?

Not him but my tall girl fetish comes because I'm not short. I'm only 185cm and almost no girl is as tall as me let alone taller by good margin. I just want an Amazonian girl to look down at me.

>I gained a fetish because I never see it
Thats not how it works. Literally the opposite of how it works, you've simply always been a beta who wanted to be looked down on, you don't gain fetishes by any other way than being exposed to them or having them innately.

One Pump Man

Do you think Murata draws her but first and then covers it with the dress to make sure the cheek line is at the right height? Or does he just guess the height for the line?

I have other fetished of stuff I have never experienced and probably never will. I don't think there's a science behind what gets you hard bro.

There is it's being exposed to them like said. But now I'm wondering how do people get exposed to the unusual shit. For example I had fetish for horns even before discovering anime, where the hell did that came from.

Milking cows probably

It's Tatsumaki-sized

Explain my insect girl fetish

Thanks dad

I literally get hard just thinking about the fact of how short she is

there is though, something probably happened when you were still infants and ingrained itself deep into you

Being exposed to something =! Having it happen personally to you. You don't need to be literally eaten alive to be exposed to vore, just read some shit or watch some videos.

Here's the sauce for anyone wondering