I'm sorry Hunterchads

I'm sorry Hunterchads.

I've just finished the '99 anime and gotten up to date on the manga and I'm sorry. You were right. Hunter x Hunter is the ascended god king of Shounen, it's so good it surpasses Shounen to be one of the best worlds of all time in all mediums. No other Shounen can compare, they're rags compared to Hunter x Hunter.

Are there any good Hunter x Hunter video games?

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Other urls found in this thread:


you're forgiven



Apologize after you've watched '11 instead of being manipulated into watching a filler-ridden butchery of the manga by "old=good" mouthbreathers on Yea Forums.

Yes, it's the best. Unfortunately, like almost all anime with the exception of Dragon Ball (because if you throw something at the wall 1000 times it will stick at least a couple of times) there are no good games.

'11 is cheap looking trash, I refuse to watch it

Old IS always better

Yeah also this, '11 is infinitely better than '99 (which is also still good and transcends a lot of other shounen).

HxH is too kino for vidya, even its current arc is more about psychological warfare than fighting.

The manga itself looks atrocious because Togashi's talent is for writing not drawing, so clearly you have no problem with cheap looking trash.
Form your own coherent opinion you robot. '11 is the objectively superior adaptation in all aspects except for a select few scenes in Yorknew which is all '99fags cling to to support their cause.

>No other Shounen can compare
Psyren could, then it got fucking cancelled because of nips having shit taste.

shounen fags need to be banned

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God I want to fuck Killua.

Kys retard.

>Are there any good Hunter x Hunter video games?
Haha, no. But maybe if you buy the next JRPG adaptation of the great and almighty FAIRY TAIL by Gust, you might get a Hunter X Hunter game next. Maybe.

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>99 version
>muh soul

The fact that they said this proves that they deserve infinite hiatuses.

Togashi should've let Jump die instead of saving it.
Maybe under other publisher he would have to keep deadlines.

Hisoka kys


>Old IS always better
I hope you enjoy sitting through FMA 2003 rather than Brotherhood in the future you absolute lunatic.


HxH is the worst fucking shonen jump series i've watched, even naruto was at least bearable in the first part and the pain arc


It's shit desu

Hiatus x Hiatus

Why are you guys on a site that literally ends in chan if you don't like anime?

I saw both and the old show is better

You can like anime but not liking HxH, nigger

I actually like the older series more because I enjoy the more somber and melancholy tone. But yeah 99 hxh< 11 hxh

The first part of Naruto copies the Hunter Exam directly. Like even Itachi is just stolen.

not that guy but I liked the old show better
brotherhood got boring fast
I liked the sailor moon anime better than the SOULLESS original manga too

The problem is that HxH's strengths aren't easily adaptable to a game format, it's built on constant creative and unique turns, and is focused on storytelling rather than powersets and mindless battles. Sure you could dilute everyone's powers into standard video game fare mechanics, but at that point you're just reskinning existing games rather than making a game faithful to the HxH spirit. You could have e.g. Morel as a character who uses his pipe as a melee weapon and has a Deep Purple as an assist special attack, but what made people like Morel are the creative ways he solves situations, like beating Cheetu and Leol, which aren't predictable enough to be programmed into dynamic mechanics, and if they were to be scripted then why even bother making a game when it could be a manga/anime spinoff or new story.

People see HxH classified as shonen and immediately assume it's similar to all other shonen and that it should be like all other shonen, when what makes HxH so good is all the ways it's not a typical shonen. Another way I see this manifest is through people who are bored of the Boat Arc and think it's filler in the way of the end goal which is a promised Dark Continent arc, when the Boat Arc is typical HxH storytelling and is supposed to be more of the "meat"/core of the series, with the Dark Continent only there to string you along and make you keep reading/watching like Ging was until he was "resolved". HxH was never about mindlessly fighting mindless monsters, and its culmination probably won't be either. Good thing Togashi will never finish it so we'll never know for sure.

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>aren't easily adaptable to a game format,
Wrong, you can make a fucking entire rpg around it.
World is already established with its mechanics and how things work.
You don't have to use the manga's plot for a game.
Just create your own character, go do the hunter's exam, then go on adventuring.
That shit is easy to make, but as we know, nips aren't capable of doing that.

and it does it better

nice fallacy
>World is already established with its mechanics and how things work.
I know almost fucking nothing about the world.

Wait a second... this isn't video games!


>I know almost fucking nothing about the world.
Then read the manga.

There is literally nothing particularly exciting or interesting about HxH's world or mechanics on their own, they gain meaning when Togashi writes them and gives them meaning. The powers are "literally anything", the world is "literally whatever is necessary", the villains are "whatever Togashi wants". With how arbitrary and undefined everything is, you could easily make the case for an unrelated series like Dragon Ball being set in the same world and there would be almost no story conflicts.

don't try to reason with OP or anyone else on this board, they're all a bunch of contrarian faggots just for the sake of being contrarian faggots

Did you ever stop to think maybe the popular thing ISN'T good? Maybe the old thing really is better?

Not all the time, but most of the time it's true.

I always thought that Yea Forums & Yea Forums hated each other? Why is there an anime thread in Yea Forums? Strange times I guess.

>muh accurate adaption

>dude, it gets better after 200 chapters, lmao
yeah, no, fuck that

Based and true, I'd literally trade all other series just to have more hxh

HXH fags are so fucking insufferable.

>I always thought that Yea Forums & Yea Forums hated each other?
Crawl back into your mothers womb, you fucking fetus

Did you ever stop to think maybe the popular thing IS good? Maybe the old thing really is worse?

Not all the time, but most of the time it's true.

Yorknew is better in 99 but everything is better in 2011 except for the artstyle.

Hunter X Hunter isn't one such case, however.

I got up to the characters just learning about that nen or whatever in that battle tower in the '11 anime. When does this get good?

Before that and after that. Each arc is very distinct. Yorknew City is the next arc and it's got a lot more intrigue and introduces some interesting new characters. Following that is a great adventure arc, followed by a conflict with nature turned on its head, then a training arc, then a bunch of madcap fighting with crazy rules.

O-posting was my favorite thing to come out from that debacle.


>Did you ever stop to think maybe the popular thing IS good?
Yes, and then I compare it to the old thing and 99 times out of 100 the new thing is trash.

I know you're a room temperature iq, limp wristed faggot but "lots of people like it = it's good" is NEVER true.

Literally die
Fake hunterchad

>I-It’s a deconstruction of the Yea Forums sings genre!!

You just outed yourself as a contrarian. The 2011 series is what the 99 series wanted to be but couldn't due to animation and budget limitations and being forced to use filler to not pass the manga. You might prefer the older style animation but it looked like it did not out of choice but out of necessity. The newer adaptation is a truer adaptation, the animation is almost always superior, the voice acting is better and the story is more streamlined.

>is NEVER true
But that's wrong. That's definitively wrong. If it wasn't good, lots of people wouldn't like it.
What you're talking about is called "Personal preference" and "contrarian".

>contrarian! contrarian!
Popularity never correlates with quality. It's not a measure of how good something is. I'm not a contrarian, you're just a retard in the company of retards.

>If it wasn't good, lots of people wouldn't like it
Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Avengers, Star Wars etc.

Shut the fuck up you fucking sheep.

Yeah it's exactly why I wasn't too keen on the Jojo games we got. Most Jojo fights were about how creatively they used they're stands to get out of a shit situation. There were a few times where they just punched their way out but a lot of times they just ran for their lives. HXH was similar. You can just apply typical fighting game rules to a few of the characters but most of them have abilities beyond a punch or a sword.

I like how you didn't address anything else he said.

why did you watch 99 instead of 2011 you absolute retard

fuck yeah, Psyren was great and cancelled far too soon

Unironically why would anyone would want to watch virgin '99 version instead of chad 20011 one?

Because it's not even worth a response

2011>1999 because 2011 has one of the greatest stories told in the entire anime and manga medium

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How can Chimera Ant Arc be such a massive and pretentious clusterfuck, yet still be so amazing?

>no other shounen can compare

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It isn't.
Its boring as shit painfully slowpaced and the villain is a child turned socialist.
Ends with 2 asspulls and then followed by an arc with 2 asspulls just to revert one asspull.
The other asspull introduces something that makes no sense to the world and is quickly ignored.
Its a dogshit arc and anyone singing any praise of this dogshit series should be taken out back and shot.

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>shitty DBZ clone arc
>better than hunter exams, yorkshin or greed island
peak shit taste

yorkshin is the only acceptable arc in this whole manga
the others you mentioned are also shit
especially isekai training arc

HxH autismos are unironically the MLPfags of this age.
Kill yourselves.

>Guy punches air for a whole year
>Somehow ends up the world's strongest nen user and leader of some organization
How does this make sense

Well at least you acknowledge it now.

You are forgiv-

Nevermind. You're a filthy fucking casual who has no idea what they're missing. I don't even care about spoiling anything for you because you're such a fucking idiot.

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Based 99poster

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Last quarter of chimera ant arc deadass most REAL SHIT I've ever seen


that feeling but then the next scene escalated it to the Fucking moon.

>Looking better
>Having better animation
Kek, 2011 looks flat as fuck like painted on paint with zero effort and the animation and direction is non existant as 90% of the time they just use shitty close ups. All the animation effort is put into fights and they are full of cuts, speedlines, one colored back grounds etc.
Literally zoomer tier adaptation for newfags in anime who don't know any better.

Why pick 99 over 2011?
>Amazing Direction
>Beautiful landscapes
>Amazing framing
>Norio FUCKING Matsumoto
>Actual Cinematography
>Kino OST

2011 hardly has any artistic direction what's so ever. It's bland 1:1 adaptation of the manga.

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there's irony in using newfags and zoomer in the same sentence


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More soul

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Can’t handle the truth, you dumb motherless whore?

Jesus fuck the latest arc is pure shit. Literally 5 new characters are added every chapter probably just to be killed by meaningless bullshit. I miss comfy gon killua adventures

I swear to God you faggots are the anime equivalent of Rick and Morty or the my little pony retards. Go jerk off about your favorite children's cartoon somewhere no one gives a shit

learn what an asspull is before you type dumb sperg

this is an anime website
fuck off

That looks like shit

Everything looks like shit

Yea Forums and Yea Forums had a tsundere relationship back in the day moron, fucking kill yourself and reincarnate 15 years ago

Wrong board faggot, if we gave a damn about your stupid children's cartoon we'd be in Yea Forums

The fact that you ass eaters have to post in Yea Forums really shows how much of a basic bitch attention whore you are

>Wrong board faggot
This is an anime video game board, non-anime related video games are not welcome. Take your western trash elsewhere.


You and who else?

Until HxH gets a game prompty fuck off

Kind of wish Togashi didn't head to the CA Ant Arc so fast

Now get the fuck off my board

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>basic bitch

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I hate that I'm forced to breathe the same air as the people in this thread.


Wrong board faggots

>something an author pulls out of nowhere to resolve a conflict without any prior build up or suggestion
So I am right, they are asspulls.

There is no point they will defend it to the death, even if it means they start "ironically" acting retarded


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Nothing that you listed outside of Alluka is an asspull. Pay attention instead of speedreading and stop going in DBZ threads.

I watched the 2011 anime and loved everything up until the chimera ant arc. After a few episodes I was like ok the gimmick is getting old why do I care about this. Then I looked it up and saw that it was a huge portion of the rest of the show. I finished it and still fucking hate that part so much.

HxH is overrated as fuck. Finished the anime recently and my god, this author doesnt know what he's doing with this series. Yuyu Hakusho is truly superior.

I only like it up until the end of greed island. the chimera ant arc is just garbage and honestly I don't care what happens after that point.

>DBS niggers ruined Yea Forums
>now they want to further ruin Yea Forums
truly the worst of the worst

You were saying?

Attached: Capture.png (686x113, 10K)

>a fucking NUKE literally inside the ass out of nowhere
>you can snack bar so fucking hard you become more powerful than god

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YYH is good but overrated. Every single big victory is a MUH FEEEELS asspull where they get stronger cuz they thought someone died but nope it was pretend.
Everything after dark tournament was trash.
Yusuke being half demon was stupid, I only give them credit for foreshadowing this from the very start. It was why they kept calling him a "special case" and never explaining it, had nothing to do with him "dying unexpectedly" they just thought he would be useful so they gave him another shot.

>there is no such thing as paint
>there is no such thing as phone
>there is no such thing is different browsers
>there is no such thing as incognito
>there is no such thing as editing the page

well done mods, for once you did good and moved this hit from Yea Forums to Yea Forums WHERE IT BELONGS

when will he step in to save the current arc?

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hello Yea Forumsirgins


We live in the present, not the past, you delusional retard. Keep up with the time, you old faggot. Hang yourself

>D-Don't make fun of me for not knowing about the past!
>Y-You should keep up to date better!
Wow I'm so fucking told

Arc ends with Leorio and Kurapika marriage

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>Somehow ends up the world's strongest nen user
But he wasn't, he said multiple times that there were people in the world more skilled at nen than him he was just very specialized in one area which made him nearly untouchable.

He's the guy Bruce Lee fears

>There is literally nothing particularly exciting or interesting about HxH's world or mechanics on their own
I would disagree, in this world we have a plethora of fantasy creatures, a setting steeped in the criminal elements and corruption on the highest levels as politics casually cover up their conspiracies with dirty bombs, an eccentric group of professionals all gifted with special abilities and most driven to pursue something to the excess of obsession, and a magic system that affords a lot of flexibility while having a few stated upper limits and reflecting the personalities and mindset of a character.

>The powers are "literally anything", the world is "literally whatever is necessary", the villains are "whatever Togashi wants".
That's true for any story. It's all really arbitrary at the end of the day and it's up to the writer to create the illusion of coherency and consistency.

> you could easily make the case for an unrelated series like Dragon Ball being set in the same world and there would be almost no story conflicts.
That doesn't really work as well because it would be a huge stretch at best to assume the kinds of powerlevels and feats in DB translate to HxH without completely breaking the setting. The actual expy for something like Cell is at the end of the day a far weaker character than even characters in DB who were blowing up mountain ranges and moons while Mereum could at best manage a mountaintop. People often make the case for how Nen could adapt a lot of different powers from other series but there's the obvious problems with matching the scale


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Yes and so fucking retarded as well. Proud of being a oldfag huh?

Bros, the years always feel too long withouth HxH hiatus-hiatus.github.io/