ITT: Only in Japan

Attached: Sailor Jupiter is 168 cm tall.png (1024x765, 425K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>168 cm
Womanlets, when will they learn?

Attached: 1438564162217.png (333x325, 111K)

is it just me or people in japan became a lot higher lately? ive been there like 20 years ago and now in 2018

Attached: 1505933158216 Tall girl.jpg (322x720, 101K)

Nah thats true anywhere
No one wants to look like a manlet next to a girl

Get a real hobby boomer

Read the filename, she's not tall.

>mfw i'm 197cm
i'd to go to japan just to stand in a crowd on a crossing

Attached: 1512504860114.jpg (500x500, 28K)

Pretty much any dumb senpai/kohai crap is exclusive to Japan and other Asian countries.

wats a cm?

168 cm is 5 feet and 6 inches.

>5 feet and 6 inches.
no fucking way. Is everybody else just 4 fucking feet?

Attached: 1531391238105.jpg (419x419, 152K)

A unit of measurement that literally every country on Earth uses except for a couple of shitholes

haha someone's mad

I hate it when they list the "tall" girl's height and ruin my fantasy with the knowledge that she barely comes up to my chin.

you mean right you ignorant retard

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Saw your ankles out lanklet

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>only in middle school

Fixed. The poor boys are still growing, after all.

In fairness they ARE in middle school.
A 5'6 female middle schooler would be pretty tall

hey thats my wife

Tall girl thread?

Attached: tall girl.jpg (1181x10000, 2.67M)

This is my go to right now when I really need to nut.

>vanilla and happy relationship
If youre not too far gone for this shit you dont belong on Yea Forums. Disgusting

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When the girls cannot weigh more than 50kg no matter how tall they or else they're fat even if they are large breasted and skinny when in swimsuits or naked.


>be me 184 cm
>watching some animu
>mfw every time I get excited over a "tall girl" I find myself being two-thirds head taller than her

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Historically Japanese people hardly ate meat after late 7th century under Emperor Tenmu's order due to the spread of Buddhism and Confucianism, causing them to shrink in size. At the time they mainly ate rice, vegetables, herbs and some fish with a little bit of chicken.

Only from Meiji Restoration did Emperor Mutsuhito reintroduced meat (together with dairy products) to the Japs and thus started getting taller since then.


>Tfw 203cm in a med country
Send Amazons

I'm about 175 (more or less, probably a tad more) in a country with female average height at 153cm, I doubt I'll find happyiness either, user.



When will they learn Yea Forums?

who's Yea Forums?


Hello, Yea Forums. Nice to meet you.

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>jack off
>see this
Fuck you

Attached: 1558537081150.jpg (600x821, 43K)

It's September user, you're not supposed to jack off

sorry, user.

Attached: spoon.jpg (1024x636, 29K)

ty based spoonfeeder


What? That's the average Male height in the world.

many many girls reach their full height by middle school though

Attached: Hey, as long as it works.png (491x335, 341K)

at least you have karen from SAO GGO, she's 183

She's taller than me

>turned down a 6' 5" girl in highschool because I was uncomfortable with the height difference
>she's now married to a Chad engineer and I'm a handholdless 29 year old virgin posting on a weeaboo image board

Attached: aqua screaming.png (500x281, 146K)

jokes on you, I am actually shorter than sailor jupiter so I get to enjoy my amazon fetish all I want

Man, I hope I have a chance with a tall girl
Kind of jelly, tough I assume you've been mocked for your height throught your life wich must've been unpleasant

>Super hot big tiddy girl on his arm
B-but he’s short

This reminds me of when I watched Maria Holic a long time ago, and in the first episode this girl talks about how she wa bullied for being tall all her life, called giraffe, Tokyo Tower...until it turns out she's 1,75m (5'9"). That's when I realized Japanese people are fucking tiny

Imagine how tall their children will be

I'm 195cm so most people are shorter than me, although I don't get why so many people think height is important or noteworthy characteristic.
People make fun of you even if you are tall

The other day we had a thread on how computer illiterate Japan is based on how they all still all buy physical porn rather than jacking it online.

That's why tall women are best, you're guaranteed to not have manlet children.

what if you're a pygmy

to be fair I was around the same height when I was 14. Then again I only grew to be a 179cm midget so that isn't saying much

Has anyone ever seen a tall girl who didn't have a lanky skele body?

There's two types of countries: countries that use the metric system, and countries that put humans on the Moon.

Stay mad.

Germans got NASA to the moon and they use metric.

Germans that the US bailed out of their country. Germans that were indeed working for NASA, which is a US organization.

Again, stay mad.

Libera and Burma put humans on the moon?


Just scale up the numbers so they are proportionate and have some IMAGINation.

More like growth hormones in dairy. IGF1 and the like. Too bad they also promote the growth of cancer.

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Then your children will probably be manlets regardless, might as have a higher chance of the being a bit taller

post meiji restoration japs walking next to their elders

Attached: tall.jpg (1120x1600, 290K)

>Real funeral for anime character

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publicity stunt, he died like a decade or two earlier

NASA uses metric system to do the math and trajectory software.

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I wonder when they'll finally convert to metric

What dick size is necessary to satisfy a 6’5 woman?


Where did you get that number from user?

His ass

my ass


she would have cheated on you anyway.
its not so bad being a handholdless virgin, i hear you get isekaied if you die like that

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Me on the left.

I didn't know we had amazons on Yea Forums

>you will never live in an alternate reality where women average 8 feet tall
god damn it

5'5, what shit are you using to add another inch?


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There are still taller anime and manga girls and quite alot only few cms shorter than you

She is 185 in anime version

She could IMAGINE with Ami.

Attached: jupiter nod.gif (120x90, 23K)

>never ever

Attached: 2as.jpg (863x1200, 207K)

is anyone else here /midget/?

.t 165cm

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Have you ever had any luck with tall girls?

literally impossible for a short guy to get a tall girl.
inb4 incel. no, its backed by science and evolution

There have been some cases

literal dwarfs have girlfriends

Probably brought down by all the old people.

175cm is 5'9. get it right user. and even then it's not really considered tall, just above average

Young Japanese men probably average around 175cm nowadays so what's considered tall for them would be higher than 6".

so few that its negligible

fact of the matter is that women inherently see men as expendable resource generators
no, its true, to women you are only worth as much as you can do

if you have a gf you can prove this by asking her what exactly she likes about you. and if you take notice the vast majority of or even all of the things she will list are things you provide for her or "do" for her

people who have waifus can rest easy though

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>its backed by science and evolution
t. incel

Depends on how cute she is. If she's cute, size is completely irrelevant.


I went to Japan a few times so I would confirm this. As I said earlier in the thread, Japs are starting to get taller due to the increasingly Westernized diet.


I want to bully your virgin incel ass.
t. 182 cm tall female


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quads confirm

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>ppl who prefer scientific things are nerds XD
Are you from fucking 80's?

Why does Yea Forums get a height thread every week how are those two things related? Even the raw egg threads are more anime.

Im a manlet at 167.64 and im really into tall girls, tfw no 6ft tall basketball or volleyball gf

please be in London

Cute male

Go complain in

what's with this whole L O N D O N meme?

Lurk more

I don't lurk /int/

Nice quads

This doesn't please Abe.

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>168.5 cm

i feel like a kid sometimes

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My exact height. I don't feel that tall, just make her like 6'4. I don't see many Asian males under 5'6.

sauce boss

Keep telling yourself that. One of my bros was like 5'6 and pulled hot chicks all day, to be fair he was one of the smartest people i've ever met and all around great human being. If i had to pick between tall retard and short great person i'd pick the short one.

>Tfw have held hands before
>still a virgin
>wont get isekai'd
Theres no hope for me is there

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Friendly reminder that tall girls are actually normal girls, just taller.

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my prom date back in hs was maybe 5'9" or so yes it's possible.

honestly my height doesn't bother me too much I often use it as a joke to my taller friends (ex: "What's up little man?"). While girls definitely prefer tall guys it's not all about height. I've seen it dozens and dozens of times where guys I know who: are fat/obese, gyno, extremely severe acne, body deformations, shitty teeth, or guys shorter than me (165cm) who are able to get qt girls just fine. I think it's a lot about personality unironically. That being said who would date the faggot that talks about their height on some cantonese oil painting board online compared to the other guy who is actually fun to be around. Basically >held hands before
>still a vrigin
ok retard

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yeah that's why dating in highly populated areas is a fool's errand. Back in the day women who thought like this were sold off but now we have to spot and avoid them.

>so yes it's possible.
you know what i cant stand about women? this bs soften the blow attitude they have. dont give them false hope, retard.
its also possible to become a millionaire overnight but youd have a better return on investment if you dont just hope for that to happen and aim for something reasonable

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I often wish i was shorter, haven't seen a woman taller than me in some time

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best doujin

>pulled hot chicks all day
What a slut.

But that's true everywhere? Nobody is going to hit on the tall girl, ever. Now if you mean that "implying 168cm is tall" I guess you are right there but the principle still applies taking in count the regular height for girl in Japan is 160cm, nobody is going to hit on the 170cm monster.

>tfw 157cm
>have to ask the tall girls at the store to get items off the top shelf for me

This is extremely cute and I don't mean it in an offensive way.

it's a meme now but unironically
>just be you
it works, if you drop preconceived notions you might just be a cool guy. Be funny, have a hobby, and be cocky about things you can explain fully. This is coming from the fat bald idiot who fucks your waifus while you guys are out buying shoes that make you taller.

Man something similar happened to me but she wasn't that much bigger than me (I'm still 6'1").
Now she is married to a 5'6 or 5'7ish manlet who is a personal trainer.

Woah user what can't you stand about 3,710,295,643 people? Maybe it's just >>you

>Nobody is going to hit on the tall girl
Why? Does it threaten your socially constructed position of power? Hate to feel small user?

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"hey is your number up there too?"

Attached: wew.jpg (600x600, 40K)

>lel #notall
no, its not just me, you look at shit from an objective POV, date enough women, and suddenly you realize they're all basically the same

Still the girls are 14-15 by that time. They still have some growing to do. Which begs the question of whatever Makoto is actually tall or just a early bloomer who reached her maximun height at that age.

I guess, but even the chaddest of chads if given the chance between the 170cm tall girls and the 185cm tall girl to hit on the club, he would pick the smol ones, always.

>adult Makoto is actually the shortest and flattest of all her friends
Fund it.

Sure why not

Attached: kamino.webm (598x334, 2.97M)

Same about men, which is why women don't want to date (You).

>go to a convention once in my life
>somehow every other girl I walked by was almost as tall or taller than me
>all of them were clearly younger than me
the hormone meme is real, teens are becoming gigantic

>not hitting the tall lass
He wasn't chad enough then.

It's just mathematically ignorant to say that. Different humans grow up in different environments that require different values to be successful. I think you just pull gutter sluts and are bitter.

Is she anorexic?

Tall girls aint cute

That would be hilarious,
The same thing happened to my sister, she used to be the tallest girl in class, once she became an adult she looked average around her friends.

What if he has a mother complex?

Mommy, I'm scared come pick me up

>High school
fucking hell, I'm 28 and I'm only 6'4. She would have stepped on you by mistake

Have you even seen their legs? or are you gay homie?

Pretty sure is a condition, her neck is way too long for a normal person. Still she is lucky to look semi normal other people with tall bodies look like deformed due to their health condition.

How tall is too tall?

Attached: 021.jpg (1280x1807, 455K)

When it causes back problems and hypotension

Mothers are small, user, small and thick.

>he believes the moon landing actually happened

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actually not really, most men have the thing they are curious about, the thing they want to excel and advance in, they have aspirations and ambitions. even when living alone you can see most men have varying lifestyles

women on the other hand just want to indulge in as much decadence as humanly possible. this is because its inherent in their nature to indulge, its the driving factor for them to choose a mate, they always want more and are always wondering if what they have is good enough

now before you screech because the stuff im saying is uncomfortable. keep in mind if women weren't like this, humanity wouldnt exist

In a perfect world, my brother.

sure there are diamonds in the pools of shit, but at the end of the day you're still looking at a pool of shit which you insist i shouldn't call it what it is because of the abysmal amount of diamonds in there

uncanny valley real life shoujo proportions

Attached: Nanako-oniisama-e.png (570x1280, 586K)

>this will never be me

Attached: monkey.webm (692x564, 2.84M)

More like there are two kind of people in America, those that use the Imperial system and those that put a man in the moon.

What was the last time you saw an anime that used that kind of eyes?

Your generalities make you ignorant. you know nothing about the world other than what you read and what you do read is bullshit written by buttmad incels Name three hobbies that three of your closest male friends have. I don't hate you bro i just hate seeing you keep yourself down.

>t. tall roastie
You'll never be cute, just accept it.

Such is life friend, it is suffering with points of greatness. Optimistic Nihilism is a great way to get through it. Hey, you might just get a diamond.

>you are gay
>you are a bitter virgin
Pick one.

Attached: 1451217401953.jpg (600x600, 81K)

You'll never be cute either.

I have very unique hobbies which include video games, anime and posting on incel reddit.

Why is Lupin a vampire?

Hoes mad hoes mad

one of them really likes bushcraft another is into chemistry and in general the sciences, and one is really into brewing.
i dont really know what you were trying to accomplish with this. and also in what way am i keeping myself down?

id call that self destruction

Japan was a nuclear wasteland two decades ago. You can't blame them for being a little late to honoring the greatest leader they ever had during their reconstruction era.

You're still a bitter virgin and nothing will ever change that if you don't change your attitude, sorry.

I'm a boy user.
You still right tho :(

Attached: 1567777077854.jpg (448x442, 63K)

Ayy, I just learned about this in my PoliSci class. Any other useful information regarding Japanese culture?

id even argue that people who knowingly bite the bullet are the worst kind of men, its one thing that there are those who are ignorant, hell even the ones who remain willfully ignorant i can understand, their wills arent strong enough to accept reality, but to knowingly do it youre actively working against any possible change.

Lemme know when you change the world user. Also let me know when you get a job.

Have sex, you walking cliche of an incel.

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actually i own a medium sized business

Attached: 1565718778777.png (427x427, 113K)

I was trying to guide him nicely user but i guess it just comes down to this in the end.

Selling candy bars doesn't count. What is medium with nothing to be relative too? Your lies and frustration are palpable.

32 employees all of whom have full benefits

Cool story bro

That thread was fun.

Wanna hire a NEET? Me?

Noi is the best tall girl

Attached: 08.png (1081x1600, 965K)

That motherfucker lived the dream
I'm 5'7" and and I love tall girls unfortunately this is onesided

depends on if you live in southern commiefornia.

Why are you posting Yea Forums? This is a thread for /r9k/.

>They still have some growing to do
No, girls stop growing at 14-15

if you mean mentality, this is actually fact
>lol #notall
yeah i get it

reminder that llenn from ggo alternative was made to please both tall girl fags and small girl fags

>skidaddle skidoodle, your girl is now a noodle

>32 employees
Don't take it wrong bro, I am happy for you and your business. But that is not a medium business, thats a small shop. But keep going.

Can we stay on topic? Post more Only In Japan examples

NASA uses metric you fucking mongoloid.

And used metric. And uses metric too this day. Kill yourself, nigger

What a jerk. I know this is meant to be a "tall girls are normal, too!" but the girl was treated nicely by everyone and he responds to this by acting like a huge cunt

>the artist only has tall girl and giantess stuff

Attached: 1515798247347.jpg (543x522, 143K)

Kids will be kids.


You manlets do know you can still manhandle tall girls right? Back when I was 14 and shorter than my mom who is 5'10 I could lift her off the floor despite me being 5'4.


Attached: 31-Devilman.jpg (640x480, 25K)

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>thats a small shop
you wanna come handle my payroll? ill show you a small shop

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Tall girl thread.

Attached: 002.png (2141x1536, 1.69M)

You made her cry by talking about her height, don't do that, Yea Forums.

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>Less than 1000 employess
>less than 10,000 employeess
>less than 100,000
>more than 100,000

Though you could also use categories based on regional reach.

>didn't even look up

Now she'll cry because of a different reason!

Attached: expectations.jpg (870x1256, 237K)

why were you fucking your mom user? not very cool of you

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I always see these exact same pages posted, and never anything else. Therefore, I must assume that this manga isn't real. There is nothing else to its existence other than this.

There's a bit more to it and pages and pages of her agonizing that her crush who regretted breaking her heart is now chasing after a nerdy girl that's similar to tall girl's personality before she got a makeover.

Attached: 14.jpg (870x1256, 229K)

Idk if your gonna see this, but I agree with your statements on female nature. I'm glad you didn't fold under the shaming language that some of the other people in this thread tried to put you under need more free thinking men like you.

Well, you're not wrong. It's Japan,where 168cm is tall for a woman. And men in general feel inadequate in the face of women who have some edge over them.

The naked truth: Men everywhere are incredibly insecure and intimidated by women who:
>are older
>are taller
>makes more money
>are more intelligent
>are better than them at whatever they're good at or interested in
>are incredibly attractive physically/sexually
>have had multiple sexual partners
The average male (you) are hopeless.

Attached: fujiko.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)

>but men are intimidated by me

Sleenderma's waifu.

Attached: 013.png (1066x1485, 262K)

I'll honestly never understand the obsession with male heights. Never stopped me. Although I'm not incel so that could be why.

One of those shitholes has been to the moon

Just get into powerlifting. Bitches literally can't keep up

This also happens in the west.

I always found this funny.
Isn't Makoto like not even 5'5"? ie short as shit?

The naked truth: Women everywhere misinterpret mens' disinterest in certain women for feelings of intimidation.

See also: "He's not interested in me, so he must be gay."

BLAME! live action

>same site says average height 14 yo boys is 167 cm, and then taller than her after
So japan is full of gays? It's not like she's towering over anyone.

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Every time I post this I fucking seethe that I will never have a marfan's syndrome GF. It's the cutest thing in the world to me.

But I heard elsewhere that the average girl's breast size continue to develop slowly until 18.

see this posted*

a mission which used metric units.

furthermore, the us has had accidents before due to mixing units in missions/operations.

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Use the healing crystals.

Japan was more traditionalist then, that's increasingly more obsolete by the day. There's no falling back on the "men don't like x girls" excuse, she's just waiting out for chad to validate her.

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manlets coping as usual. I feel bad for you poor bastards

American scientists use metric and celcius because they're far better systems

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Only tall girls I've met are black women.

The equivalent to 1/2.54".

Im 6'2 now bro.

women taller than 165cm should be killed off since they basically dont exist anyway

Attached: machi_the_bear.jpg (850x1236, 263K)

Where the fuck do you live? In live in a region with the tallest women in the world and I still tower 99/100 at 6'0.

>Yea bro just turn left in 6.43738 kilometers then go another 0.804672 kilometers and you will see my place.

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>tfw I now have to worry about being a necklet

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t.someone who never leave home and go outside

The ACTUAL truth: Women aren't attracted to or interested in men who:
>are younger
>are shorter
>make less money
>are less intelligent
>are worse than them at whatever they're good at or interested in
>have had no sexual partners

188cm, I was still a head taller than most Japanese.

gonna need sauce for this

sauce pls

today i learned that americans have no idea how to convert fro metric to their own shitty measuring system which they live and die by

>No one wants to look like a manlet next to a girl
That's more a consequence of women not wanting to look like giants next to a boy.

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>Logical Smooth-braining

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If you're male and under 6 feet you're doing it wrong.

Ask any woman if they would date a guy shorter than them and the answer will be a resounding "No".

>tfw legitimately 5"11.5

Too bad the majority of men in the world are under 6 feet.

thank you user

I don't know why the month/day/year one bothers people. When you say what today is, you don't say the 6th of September, you say September 6th.

174cm, littelary third shortest guy on my University.
Polish military uni

where do you think you are?

Unless the woman's like a crackhead or something but that's not exactly what you want. Just saying though, they have no standards

That you don't go often outside? I'm pretty sure I've seen tall women every once in a while.

Didn't they make a statue of Iron man in Italy?

[Honey lounge (Hachimitsu)] Choushin Itoko to Ecchii Koto Shiyo

I meant they dont exist as in that society ignores them as they should

How the fuck is anything they said coping?

Would probably get rejected.

This has been on my harddrive for a eternity and I started watching it a few days ago.

It's cute.

Attached: lovely complex.jpg (1024x768, 83K)

NASA uses metric you idiot

Even if you're born with an abnormality, whether they're tall or has a serious disability as long they look attractive and not fat they could still live a normal life like everyone else.
I'm not crazy into tall girls but this is how I feel.

>thread didn't die overnight

6 feet is relly arbitrary desu, most countries put the manlet cutoff at 180cm because noone uses feet anymore.


back to your containment threads

Did u faggot forget that Jupiter is 14? 168 for a girl that age is just normal.

>>Makoto's strong personality is hinted at by her most striking feature - her unusual height (168cm)
>> 168cm
My sides have left earth and travled beyond Jupiter

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>> 168cm for a 14 year old girl is normal.
Yes, that's the norm, only in Japan is that even notewothy

She's only 14. She'll tower over most boys there.


She is for jap standards in the early 90s.

Sequel when?

She would have dumped you down the road either way.

The guy only draws tall girls so hopefull soon


>the regular height for girl in Japan is 160cm
It's shorter than that, especially in the 90s.

You are a dumb piece of shit.
Japan is today the same as it was back then.
Don't judge it off of anime.

>only in Japan is that even notewothy
Or other East Asian countries for that matter. Though teenage girls taller than 165cm are more common in Northern Europe.


tits grow height doesn't in most cases


I think I remember seeing an image pointing out that their proportions are fucked

I'm 197 cm and this totally applies to me, but I'm male, ugly and awkward.


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This is a peak boomer statement.

Because you're the one who's supposed to ask for a dance you sperg.

This guy is a super manlet.

why wouldnt you want to fuck a taller girl

Disinterest stemming from intimidation lmao. This has been confirmed by a psychiatric study.

What is the ideal female height?

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Link to original video? I wanna see the whole thing

It's the highlight of his career, far surpassing all his other works, so of course there will never be a sequel.

>Japan is today the same as it was back then.
Imagine being this much of an out of touch weeb.

For people who don't know japanese, the guy is saying that he doesn't want to die


Is 183 a good height of am I brainwashed from all the memeing that I saw on this site?

And USA is country what spread moon hoax conspiracy the most, not to mention other space denials and related anti science or even flat earth

yes 183 is fine, jesus christ

Sorry user, I saw so many posts which say that anything below 185-190 isn't good enough

most people who say that are either trolls are insecure losers who ascribe too much of their own value in their height as they're lacking in other areas. they're the type of people who feel like "height-mogged manelts" when somebody 5 cm taller than them is in the same room as them, even in they're 190cm.
i'm 178cm and get by pretty decently.

The average human man is 175cm. Lower than that and you're short, higher and you're tall. Simple as.

I think everything from 175 above is sufficient, but I do feel that the Yea Forums userbase in general consists mostly of either people who love to bait or those who have ridiculously high standards when it comes to anything, so I wouldn't be surprised if the people saying the things about height were neither insecure losers nor trolls.

It's not that simple, for example, in a certain town you live the average height can be above 175 which makes it harder for you to find a partner. You can't look at everything on a world scale.

>tfw tall enough that I'll never see a relatively tall girl


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What's up with Italy building statues of heroes?

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> no one
say "I" the next time
giants btfo
as a short man who's infatuated of and has had a moderate success with tall girls, I can confirm that this is also true
seething incels whose fragile masculinity has been shattered
> Only
he specializes at drawing size scenarios and shrinking males desu
arguable opinion
I've been a teacher in middle and high schools for 6 years and I can say that this is generally wrong. Most girls keep growing till they're 17.

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has he finally fucked his sister?

You don't know women. They would put up a facade and say "yes, sure, why not" to not look shallow/biased but in reality would never date someone shorter, possibly using some random excuse .

It would be like Attack on Titan IRL possibly

>seething incels whose fragile masculinity has been shattered
Except I don't have problem with women taller than me, they have a problem with me.

This. Online dating statistics back this up too.

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>implying people don't lie about height on dating sites

Sure, but the point is that tall men get more messages.

>they have a problem with me
how can you be so sure about this?

>Ask the tall girl I liked back then for a dance
>"Lol no thanks"
I truly learned my lesson

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Yeah, like the popular July 4th.

Well here for one But from personal experience I was bullied a lot for being short in highschool.

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> believing to a sourceless random chart
oK fair enough. Were you bullied by girls?

>Were you bullied by girls
Yes, almost more than guys.
And not in the teasing sort of way, but the actually hurtful kind of way.

First of all, you do realise that without nazis the US wouldn't have gone anywhere, right?
Second of all, all scientists in the US use metric.

>socially constructed position of power
Power is not a social construct.

I'm sorry to hear that, user. Girls can be really cruel some times and I know how it feels to be in that situation.

>the virgin marble

Attached: drumpf.webm (640x360, 2.31M)

40k is so fucking cringeworthy, the fanbase is embarassing too

Yeah no shit, doesn't help when you have asperges and crippling social anxiety.
I'm 175cm now but still on the shorter side where I live.

>That was part of my plan.
A big girl through and through.

The Japs have zero concept of what normal non-asians weigh and how tall they are.

For some reason I think girls who mock others for their appearance, hide insecurities about themselves, more than boys who do the same.

You'll eventually find a big girl that won't mock you, but I think that you need to work on your self-esteem before that.
>hide insecurities about themselves
That applies to everybody, gender doesn't make a difference here.

>You'll eventually find a big girl that won't mock you
not him but where

>Shares the same height as the girl
I'm fucked aren't I?

My hero aca, same shit, this insanely tall guy that towers above everyone - 1,8m. For fucks sake, I am 1,8 and it is not that tall.

Outside. From my experience, I can say that maybe around the 40% of girls care about a guy's height, which leaves a decent rate of success into a short boy/ tall girl relationship. Having a good personality, a regular body shape and a good personal hygiene matters much more than your height when it comes to building a relationship with a girl.

My friend is a normalfag manlet but gets a lot of pussy. He just goes for it. If the girl says something about his height he says something along the lines that all that extra height went to his cock.

It really is just about owning up to it and working with what you got at the end of the day. Plus girls are getting thirstier over time since fap culture is causing men to not even bother And there’s only so many chads to go around

I can't remember the name of it but essentially this girl has a disease where her body regresses in age unless she gets an enzyme found rarely in certain other people.
It becomes pretty much, man makes out with and later fucks a loli to help her grow up. Also his girlfriend is okay-ish with the situation.

Tall women are SHIT. Any girl taller than 5'5" is disgusting.

It makes even more sense one you realize that
Month can be 1 through 12
Day can be 1 through (28 through 31)
Year can be any number
so that they are stacked in descending order in the US method

>Did talking about my height give you an erection
Shit they're onto us

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*have no nice face
Fixed that for you. All women care about is a nice face and big fat dick.

Reminder nothing is hotter than beating the shit out of an amazon who towers over you.

your taste is shit

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Imagine being so low test he doesnt want to make a tall girl his dog.

>Stupid girl, you will never find a husband because you're too stupid/old/indecent


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forgot pic

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I'm going to make you my dog.

was Jupiter always that stacked?

It's almost as if they produce anime for japs and not stupid gaijin.

Why the fuck didn’t y’all post Sailor Jupiter and her massive tits instead of whining about your heights

Fucking post Sailor Jupiter

Manlets coping hard obviously

Chill out Rothschild.

fucking great pic.


t. lanky skeleton who has nothing to take pride in other than his height

How times change. Thanks to their improved diet most Jap women are at least that tall.

When I asked my gf she said because I'm logical and nice

I love bullying my short boyfriend, when I'm in heels his head stands at the perfect spot to eat me out. He's not submissive or weak but I still convinced him to wear a cute metal cage. I love keeping him locked up. He always puts my needs ahead of his own, and I love it! There aren't that many cute short boys who'd go that far for me, so I really lucked out.

Attached: femanon2.jpg (1080x708, 177K)

Well see about that coconut.

Just wondering, do you dye your hair?

No. I used to grow it out really long but it was a lot of work. I cut it short on a whim two years ago and kept it around my shoulders since then.

You are going to roll on the floor with your tongue hanging out and shake paw on order when I'm done with you. You will be my little bitch princess and you will love it. You won't be able to walk if you're not on a leash.


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No girls are cunts more often than not

Yes she was, she’s the busty one

Tall girls are for:

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Wives, so your son won't end up like these manlets ITT

literally in the file name

This kind of pissed me off when they apply their Japanese height/weight ratio into European characters very often. Let alone if they saw more than a few of them IRL.

ok thanks

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>Not mixing your food.

Fucking prissy fags.

We don't allow growth hormones in meat in canada and we are the same average height as americans so I don't think that's what it is. Although I've noticed every asian (except SEA people they are always short) person who was born here is ridiculously taller than their parents. It is probally just diet in general.


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Now there's a meme I haven't heard about in a long time

1.64 m...35 years wizard here

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>there are people right on this very earth RIGHT FUCKING NOW and probably in this very thread who feel emasculated by women taller than them

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absolutely unironically based
theyre like the jojofags of the west

When you suck at football so had that you create your own game called "football" that only you play so you can be the number 1 at football worldwide

>inb4 incel
>immediately spouts generic incel excuse

t. faggot

ahh yes master jedi, the new batch of clones are ready for deployment

Is there an official ranking of the Sailors' bust size?

It's especially weird since they're supposed to be 100 years in the future, everyone should be taller.

Fuck off boomer

>for some reason I hold this misogynistic opinion about women that I share on this misogynistic mongolian tapestry forum, do fellow misogynist anons agree

unironically leave

Attached: nun disgust.jpg (691x625, 236K)

unironically kys


>Yea Forums
>being misogynistic
We are belivers of true equality

Heh jokes on you guys I have a high heel fetish.

Is it uncommon to find tall girls hot?

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Dairy is naturally packed full of hormones so you don't have to add any. Cow's milk is supposed to graw a small calf into a 1k kg adult cow within few months that's why it affects humans drinking it. Side effects are breast and prostate cancers.

men are just biologically programmed to find females who seem like they would be more reliant on them attractive (on top of looking youthful and fertile)

so yeah its uncommon and for good reason, tall girl short guy relationships rarely work

>ara ara I'm just a biologically programmed male, it can't be helped!

There is no good reason to find female who looks strong and healthy unattractive for breeding purposes as her height signifies she can provide for the offspring and fend off smaller threats herself. You are making up pseudo-evolutionary-scientific bullshit.

Fun fact, humanity does not actually benefit from getting taller and the optimal height for men and women is no more than 175 cm. Above that Earth's strong gravity starts to degenerate our spines and joints. People who are tall also live shorter because their cells, which have a finite amount of times they can go through mitosis, went through it more to achieve their destined height.

fuck off with your sjw shit, you cucked faggot

Attached: DELET THIS.jpg (704x510, 214K)

SJW and /pol/ should balance each other for a healthy discussion atmosphere.

>Gun Gale Online
>Big deal about her height.
>She comes up to my neck.
I am giant.

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If she's hot then everyone will assume you have a lot of money or a massive dick

I live in the part of my country where that is considered short. When I go to the south I feel like a giant

>Yea bro just turn left in 6 453/643 miles then go another 35/643 miles and you will see my place.

It more or less depends on the situation and how they make up for it.

Sort of true, but there are other factors that play into it. Now can we please stay on topic?

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>ITT: Generalizations
OP is right- only on here.

This is the proper outlook on life. But also if someone is in trouble, do what you can to help.

>Nooo,Tall girl-short guy doesn't exists!
>Noo,Tall girl will cuck him with a chad 6'3 like me!
>she doesn't,they're both happy
Yea Forums's population is pretty much 6'0 lanklets in average,there are many variables that can vary depending on the woman you're looking for,of course there's the average statistic that women prefer but you need to ask yourself what you want.
Do you want a wife that loves you by who you are?Then destroy that false confidence,gain it through skills and develop a link with her,not everyone will like you by who you are but do they matter when you have her?
If you're superficial then you can cum&dump.
T.guy who observes his 2 normie """"friends"""",one of them who is superficial and the other """"deep"""".

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muh dick

Never understood this fetish

>He delivers his promises
>Proceeds to steal billions from the troops.

>googles how tall a head is
>around 22 inches

When I was at my first year in highschool I was 171cm, and I dated a senior girl that was 183cm. Ironically, when my height surpassed her we broke up.

>You are making up pseudo-evolutionary-scientific bullshit.

no its actually fact. why do guys like slender and small girls more than big and muscular ones then?

What field? And are you happy you're treating employees well since Calie is cracking down on the gig economy, which won't affect you?

>why do guys like slender and small girls more than big and muscular ones then?
Do they though?

Because if she annoys you, you can raise her and put her on a high place. Then you take her down only if she is sorry.

Reminder if she's over 6 foot she's a man

Hasn't he fucked everyone else?
Why are those harems the worse?

4th of July is one of the few big exceptions, and even then lots of people say July 4th

Me at 2 meters

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u in paint

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>tfw 5'10''
>too short to escape manlet territory
>too tall to find a tall gf

I'll buy it for $25.000

what country do you feel like a giant at 168?

you can have it for free

Attached: 1566157481226.jpg (728x1067, 252K)

Mexico. Southerners are tiny, like 150cm. You still get a few criollos towering with their 180cm with their blonde hair creating the illusion of a second Sun, but most of the population over there are 99-80% native

Thanks, fren : )

When will we get a doujin of an Amazon that is worried about her height, and embarrassed that her boyfriend is so short, then instantly cucks him when there is a guy taller than her.

>it took me this long to realize that the "Tall girl" tag exists
Thanks, RIP my left hand

Its a projection. You can see it in current incel hysteria, women are scared of incels. Really most incels are harmless.

and i mean i have always had a standard of treating anyone who works for me well, in turn they are happier, work better and are more productive. really helps a lot on the spa grounds when it comes to customer service

and trust me, California has ways to fuck me over regardless of what i do

Mexican here you are full of shit.
Mexican out.

Ever being to Oaxaca, let alone the small villages?

Nice, copying this one for future use if I ever meet a giant lady

t. 186cm

that eel when 5'9
i will never awe the ning nang nongs. i am a shame on my race

178/179 here, what are my chances finding a tall girlfriend

God I wish that was me

I'm 6" (~183cm) tall and my girlfriend is about 6'1"(~186cm). I'm a American. She is about 140lbs and about a C-cup. Yes they do exist and if you have social skills you can get one too.

Tall enough to go out with legally.


This reeks of that site

5cm shorter than you (if you're not a manlet)

When will metric fags not be salty?

How is this thread still here? It's not even about 2D girls anymore.

Fuck the troops.


>ywn molest your tall gf's humungous feet in her sleep
why live

Attached: tall girl 10.png (1041x707, 639K)

>all these losers posting about 3d
If your desire were strong enough you'd have a 3d gf at any cost. Get over it nerds. You not only don't know what you want, but couldn't focus enough or long enough to get it if you did.

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But isn't she like 14 or 15 years old? Isn't that normal at her height? Even if she is Japanese?

Jap girls are short af.

I didn't know there were any tall girls on Yea Forums

I knew this thread was going to be bad but I still cliked on it

>She is about 140lbs and about a C-cup. Yes they do exist and if you have social skills you can get one too.
why would I want one in the first place

you think its an accomplishment to be able to get with a reject, next youre going to tell me about how with hard work and a good income I could pull in a landwhale

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holy fuck i haven't seen that image in years

Holy shit, when I said "tall gf" I didn't mean an AYE LMAO. She should be shooting hoops, not walking around on talk shows.

As someone who *barely* scrapes 170cm, one of the things about Sailor Moon that I like is that Sailor Jupiter makes me feel like a big guy with how much she towers over all the other senshi.

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>growth hormones
How do you explain the height of europeans where such hormones are illegal?

I've been to some anime/manga conventions in Italy, I always found it surprising the sheer amount of normies that read the stuff. Their manga shops are also stacked as fuck with really recent stuff.

They arent illegal here, some are, more than in the US thats for sure but nowhere near all of them.

Tillapia and pangesius fish filets are notorious for being chocked full of hormones (almost no self restpecting restaurant sells them for this reason) yet theyre freely available in the EU, even from shady sales countries that apply hormone treatments.

They are naturally present in dairy. Cow's milk is a growth liquid designed to grow a tiny calf into a one tonne animal in about a year.

Retards like you remind me why the smilodon went extinct, they kept growing their tusks more and more because it was "sexy" until they could no longer hunt and died off kek.

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Then you still suck at your own game and the native inhabitants of the land you invaded and slaves practically redefine it into its current form because they were that much better at it, so you name a team after a racial slur out of spite.