What the fuck was he?

What the fuck was he?

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A dick.

Attached: Mikitaka_spooks_Ryoshka.jpg (1600x1744, 142K)

Probably just a stand user larping

An alien
false, there is more to sugegst he actually was one than the contrary

Prove it

Amnesiac Kars of course

yes, Satan

he'd be one of the most powerful in the entire series, instant matter transmutation (organic and sapient too) at least?


So could he really not see Crazy Diamond's fist coming at his face or was he able to see the Stand and just didnt flinch because he's that much of a weirdo?

Attached: 1542084346879.png (500x709, 492K)

Plankton can bodysnatch a bitch in this universe so it's not even the weirdest thing.

A friend

How would he know to pretend to not see stands if he'd never encountered them?

Why did they change the details of his necklace?

so its easier to animate

an alien
fucking speedreader

I think he was a Stand User who was born with his Stand or developed it early. Since he could transform he assumed he must be a alien and invented all his backstory.
I think he could see it, he's just a weirdo.

Who cares, part 4 is a filler.

It's up to the reader, that's the entire point.
Whether it's a larping autist or an actual alien will remain unknown forever.

a dropped plot point

An alien. Nothing he said could be proven wrong despite Josuke's best efforts at it.

end yourself

Attached: godechi.jpg (1366x768, 86K)

an alien with a stand

He couldn't see stands, which proves he was an alien.

Part 4 is my least favorite part but (YOU) sir deserve to burn in hell for all eternities for that post!

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>fillerfags attacking Part 4 in addition to Part 5
Jesus Christ.
Where will they strike next

Stands are an alien virus that try to take over human bodies, but this is the only time in the series that we see them succeed.

Nah that's dumb

A Stand User taking a piss at Josuke.

It's not difficult to understand.

Attached: I am an alien.png (722x281, 274K)

Part 5 confirmed it.

nothing suggests it's canon

No it didn't.

It’s literally canon.

part 5 is non-canon retard

Stands aren't solely a Alien virus. It's just a way of developing a Stand. It's like saying the only way to get a Stand is to be a great Chef like Pearl Jam.

"Stands are an alien virus that try to take over human bodies, and it happened to Mikitaka" show me the exact page that says this.


You now realize that "I Am An Alien" is misspelled as "I Am A Alien"
You now realize I was a filthy liar
You probably checked this one cause you're a retard.

inhale farts

The arrows are made out of Kars' body, not some alien.

Tonio was infected with the virus.
You don’t need explicit confirmation in order to tell what Araki intended.

>Part 5 confirmed it.
>You don’t need explicit confirmation

Every time

Part 5 confirmed that stands are an alien virus, so people are intended to assume that Mikitaka is a human who was taken over by the virus.

>Part 5 confirmed that stands are an alien virus
No it did not

Yes it did.

I'm starting to worry that you aren't joking and actually believe this.

Show me the page that says stands are the alien virus and not just a result of having the virus.

except people like Polnareff had them their whole life without coming in contact with the arrows. The virus can only awaken a stand, it cannot make one.

Part 5 literally confirmed it.
Polnareff was born with the virus.

Show the page then.

Part 5 isn't canon. Polnareff couldn't have been born with the virus if it comes from the arrows.

>it's an alien virus but some earthlings just happen to be born with it

Reread Part 5
The virus can be passed down through family.

What's the matter? Couldn't find it? Or maybe you realized that there's no evidence for your claims and you're trying to back out

Reread Part 5.

You reread it. Stands aren't the virus.

>Reread Part 5
Part 5 isn't canon
>The virus can be passed down through family.
Source: your ass
Jolyne had no stand untill part 6 began. Also how did Dio waking up cause Holly, Jotaro and Josuke to get infected? Viruses don't work like that

They are.
The virus causes supernatural effects. Are you saying that getting psychic powers from a virus isn’t already unrealistic?

>They are.
Prove it.

Part 5 proved it.

Show the page.

>The virus causes supernatural effects
so you're telling me they can teleport all the way from dio onto every joestar, gotcha. As if that makes any sense. Part 5 isn't canon anyway

part 5 isn't canon

The page where Polnareff says that stands are an alien virus.
Jonathan had the virus, so it was passed down to his descendants.

>Jonathan had the virus
This is literally your headcanon, Jonathan had no stand, you fucking imbecile

>The page where Polnareff says that stands are an alien virus.
Show the page.

Is he really Kars?

guys he isn't going to post the page he speedread,just give up

Hamon is a stand.

No? Why the fuck would anybody think that?

He does look like a white haired kars


We're just messing around.

No he doesn't.

he doesn't like kars any more than any other jojo character

So he dæfinitly isn't Kars

Not him, but it makes just as much sense as a virus giving you powers.

No it doesn't.

why are you still replying to that fucking retard?

Who? Nobody posted anything for the past 40 minutes.

An even bigger retard.

just let /jojo/ die until part 6 instead of making dumb threads

The final boss of part 9.
Or he was intended to be but Araki has forgotten.