Kimetsu no Yaiba

Why didn't they just give her a Niqāb? Not that i'm complaining or anything...

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Other urls found in this thread: meaning&oq=astagfirullah mea&gs_l=psy-ab.3.3.0i10l10.713.6406..8501...1.0..0.155.809.7j3......0....1..gws-wiz.......0.p_3OXATsbH4!vhQElCpR!KK7mnEL3tGzouNAhUez8qQ

Apparently cloth doesn't block enough sunlight.

Is this info canon?

she is immune to sunlight

No, just a reasonable guess. Many demons wear cloths but cloths never offer any protection from the sun.

Maybe that's because too much of their skin is revealed. There is still sunlight and light at night just less of it.

would probably need sunglasses too

Because the author is a hack

I think if clothes protected them the part of their body that's covered wouldn't burn and they'd survive


Sunlight passes through clothes in real life.

Not something fully opaque like leather.

If that's how magical sunlight weaknesses worked vampires wouldn't have any trouble with the sun.

would nezuko chan rock it?

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The same reason the bamboo muzzle stays in her mouth well past any point where it's reasonable. Nezuko was originally supposed to be the deuteragonist but got downgraded to side character/pet/mascot for more samurai shit, kind of how hollows took a back seat as antagonists in Bleach because dude sword fights lmao.
Her development is incredibly slow compared to the rest of the cast.

Nezuko converts to Islam OVA when?

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Still danger as hell. One cut and it basically game over, especially the demon hunter all using sword.Most demon rely on their super strength, shapeshifting and regeneration so clothes probably the first thing that go away during a fight. That mean that if they wear a fully cover coat, they have to avoid fighting completely. So the best course of action is to only go out at night where they have freedom to do what ever they want without fearing the sun

Why does she keep the bite-bag at this point? We see that demons don’t actually need to eat flesh to survive, and she’s been hypnotised to see the whole human species as her family

>Still danger as hell. One cut and it basically game over, especially the demon hunter all using sword.Most demon rely on their super strength, shapeshifting and regeneration so clothes probably the first thing that go away during a fight.
Oh yea i was wondering why nezuko didn't die from this stab. What was the deal with that?

forgot to attach image. weren't demon slayer blades supposed to instantly kill?

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Demon can regenerate and cannot be kill except by sunlight, specific poison or cut their head with the special sword. Stab wound can't kill demon, must be a decapitate.
She still a demon and during the heat of battle her instint can still take over. It better safe than sorry cause if she taste blood it still can trigger her demon instint.

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well

Remember that Tanjirou and Inosuke when they fight other demon. Unless it a decapitate the demons can just regenerate.

>being this dumb


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No, you have to decapitate a demon with them. Do you not remember the multiple times the blades damage a demon but don't actually kill them because it wasn't a proper decapitation?

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wut meaning&oq=astagfirullah mea&gs_l=psy-ab.3.3.0i10l10.713.6406..8501...1.0..0.155.809.7j3......0....1..gws-wiz.......0.p_3OXATsbH4

here you go sherlock
>An expression of shame.

did you miss the whole "you must cut the head off" and all the times limbs were cut off only to grow back?

Because even a demon still has a bit of humanity left in them.

Muslim here. Wow, that's rude!

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How is it pronounced?

fuck off
Like this.
NOT like this.

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Why couldn't she have adopted komuso dress? Traditional as well.

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The box was specially designed to block sunlight. I'm surprised she didn't get sundamaged when he penetrated the box with the sword

The fuck you think clothes are gonna do?

>brainlet cant comprehend opaque materials
>only way to block light is to stuff her into a box

because it is hot and gagged salivating lolis are the only reason I watch this shit

Does anyone know when will the ost for the rest of the series be released?

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>Why couldn't she have adopted komuso dress?
I didn't know that existed, good point.

What killed the hype?

3dcg backgrounds used to cut corners.

You're not a fan of the mouth gag and coffin box?

Oh i'm a huge fan of the mouth gag, it looks cool and is sexy as fuck. Thought a Niqāb would've been appropriate here as it gives more movement freedom than the box.


those backgrounds were fucking great


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holy SHIT DUDES this soundtrack is AMAZING this is some EMOTIONAL XENOBLADE TYPE STUFF

More like ugly fucking trash that clashes with the characters. Lurk moar and watch more anime newfag.


look at this slut

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post an example faggot

I want Giyuu's big cock inside me.

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You blind motherfucker, watch more anime. This lazy dogshit is atrocious. 3dcg cancer shouldn't even be in anime. Fate cooking was so much better than this.

post more

Keep digging yourself more newfag. We know you don't actually watch anime if you think this shit is good.

But why???

Not him but ufotable stuff is notorious for it.
See that scene where Inosuke runs, the character and background just don't look like they inhabit the same dimension. If you'd actually seen any anime made before 2005 you'd know how bad this shit is in comparison. They're using ugly, generic cgi because they're either too lazy or lack the talent to hand animate the background properly.

For it to make more narrative sense.

why not?

>other men fucking my wives
Now this is based.

Get help with your mental illness, newfag, or fuck off to facebook.

That's only the first requirement in achieving god status in cuckery.

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I want to be like him :(

What a bully

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>She sees your 3-inch dick


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Delet this. Shinobu isn't a flattie

God, I want that midget to step on me.

I just fapped and i need to eat now. I don't want another boner god damn.

This fight was so good, I can't wait to see it animated.

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>Tapioca when he sees a girl

wait why is Giyu fighting daki

This shit's cursed

>Ugly and Gay vs Ume

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Imagine the Ufotable kino when this happens

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Yes, truly kino

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I thought a large reason for the box was that Nezuko sleeps instead of eating people and so wouldn't be able to keep up with Tanjiro on foot, sun or not

Here a better version.

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I can't wait to see "Onii-chan...!" animated


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Harlot thread?

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Why isn't Tanjirou a pillar yet?

Because at this point it doesn't change anything

Idk it's cool man

Later once we have all the volumes.

who do you think is next on the chopping block? tokito is pretty much dead. himejima is almost certainly going to die, and shinazugawa is probably going to die as well. iguro and kanroji will probably die fighting the um4. and worst of all, giyu is DEAD the moment they get to muzan. don't think i'll be able to handle it bros...

>iguro and kanroji

Maybe one of them will die and that's reaching already, they are in a fucking meme fight.


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>they are in a fucking meme fight.
And yet Nakime is doing amazingly well.
The moment they land a hit it's over but damn the bitch knows how to handle it.

Hopefully the biwa girl kills the manlet


What the fuck is her problem

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The legendary fourth wife.


I sort of wish there was a gag where every time he reappears in the story after a period of absence he's scored a new wife, but I guess he's not that greedy.

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She has enough self control to not hit on her senpai Flame at least

He did sure got cuter as the series progressed

He should get a Genya wife now.

He was pretty ugly when he first appeared but yeah now, he's a pretty handsome guy.

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How can you speed watch so hard that you miss where every fight someone mentions 3 times that they have to cut off the head


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Smiling Himejima is still kinda scary.


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who is the best character and why is it zenitsu?


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Shinobu sure is cute!

she's so angry and it satisfies me immensely

Tapioca, because he's handsome and straight.

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Who's going to bully Tapioca till he kill himself now that's Shinobu's dead lads

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>why not

Why provoke insane explosive clowns?

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Wani, though she seems to prefer Tokitou.

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I was promised incest

Aniki is hot

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Shinobus tiny 37kg body wouldn't be able to handle Tomioka's huge penis

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The incest pair doesn't appear till second season.

That's a pretty weird spelling of Gyuutaro.

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Top 10 manga betrayal

Why did he have to die so soon

Is Shinobu masturbating while reading the manga?

because we cant have good things


Because he only ascended to pillar-tier while they were all assaulting the labyrinth and because he doesn't embody a singular style.

Quads of truth

Of course, there's not much to do on the afterline.

>Prepare your belly, Tomioka-san.

>irritating meme character who only very recently got any kind of real development
>instead of funny meme character who has subtly grown but maintained all of his charm
people who can't appreciate pige should go

how does she go out?

this is where she truly proved herself to be top tier
even her taste is best


She commits an hero to kill upper moon 2.

gets styled on by then absorbed alive into the body of the sanguine cult-emperor who is upper moon #2
she gets the last laugh tho and ties him with potfag for least interesting upper moon fight

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>not liking the Douma fight
look at this fool

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he threw some ice glitter, made some ice sculptures and melted into a puddle
and his backstory was "born without feelings"
he was upper moon #2 and looked cool as shit, I was really expecting more

I miss Douma and Akazou

>not missing best upper moon with best (and lengthiest) fight
not very niiiice, man

Akazas death will be Kino animated

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I like all the Upper Moons so much bros...
Except for Kaigaku, fuck that fag


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>liking the pot

his fight was top tier comedy

shit fight
shit demon

t. Shinobu

Just imagine for a moment. 37 kilograms. 81.5 pounds

>be upper moon
>primary skill is making ugly mooks for pillars to breeze through
>die in your very first fight to a pubescent amnesiac who dabs on you the whole time
>don't even get a tragic backstory reflection in your final moments

>Imagine Giyuu destroying Shinobu's pussy...

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>Giyuu's Dick

Stop samefagging already, Giyuu.

I for one cannot wait for the end of the season where OnoD/Yuichi Nakamura/Miyano/Toriumi appear to voice the roles they were born to play: fodder LM who get immediately slaughtered by MJ

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snake gave love socks so he could put his snake in her old ones

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Where do you guys think tomorrow's episode will end? How much pillar filler will they add?


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Finally, an user with taste

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Smol hecking Nezuko

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>81.5 pounds
fuck of amerimutt

not rugged enough

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well at least she took a buster with her then. kind of a shit way to go getting eaten alive

Fuck off spic

gotta chill doomguy

>reeeeeeeee typo makes someone a spic
go kill yourself

well it was the guy who killed her sister and she got him by ingesting a metric fuckton of wysteria poison, knowing he liked to eat qts, so it's about as good as getting eaten alive gets
plus once he's dying he meets her at the threshold to hell and suddenly experiences human emotion for the first time, remarks on how beautiful she is and asks if she'll go to hell together with him
cute lad, shame about all the murder and cannibalism

well what do we have here

a crybaby more like

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heck of a way to meet

Fuck off

rugged mountain tears for rugged mountain mom memories
he had his head back on in his very next panel

Based Sanemi's gonna kill his own brother soon

You can't kill your brother if you die first.

She's too good for him.

>All these midgets surrounding Himejima

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Maybe end at when Shinobu comes and tells them to start recovery training. Or they might just finish the chapter then the rest of the episode will be filler

Anime Snek is too cute.

i hope they do a lot of potato quality in those episodes

Tokito a cute

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I'm not ready for the Tokitou family reunion ;_;

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I hope Dante goes fuckin nuts and grows horns and shit after eating some of #1
he seems to get some ridiculous value out of what he eats, considering eating a little bit of a piece of upper moon #3 let him tear the fucking arms off of the biggest piece of #3
if that's the standard, he should be comparable in power to #1, but will still be woefully outmatched in technique

Please tell me you have the source

Cute jobber

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Cast them

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Why do all their heads look so big.

Noriaki Sugiyama as upper moon 1

Douma: Mamoru Miyano
Akaza: Tetsuya Kakihara, Junya Enoki or Kaito Ishikawa
Gyokko: Atsushi Miyauchi
Gyutaro: KENN

Funny way of spelling Akaza

Tomioka is straight and handsome confirmed

i just caught up last week, does this series have slow translations or some shit? all the other shonenshit releasing on the same day get TLs in like 12 hours

You misspelled best pig

That get still can't bet the U&G get.

>>die in your very first fight to a pubescent amnesiac who dabs on you the whole time
okay we need tokitou flossing near broken pot

it really bothers me too, they look like creepy midgets

Yea Forums TL waits for digital raws, most speed scan series use shitty filtered gook scans which is why they're so quick.. VIZ is on sunday but their TL is awful, Yea Forums usually on monday, color scans later in the week.

So is the story going to get involved with events in Japan during this period? Like all the events leading to ww2

Probably not since everyone will be dead before then.

no, the organization isn't funded by government and they're personal army of someone who really fucking hates muzan

TLanon waits for digital version so our usual schedule is different from other Jump series. But recently there's mangapillar version, literally newfags attention whore scan group, that came out of nowhere after episode 19. But the scan and translation quality are shit. The translator guy is literally a newfag who happens to know some Japanese. We have Korean user translation tho if you want early translation

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>alternative imperial Japan with demon hunters
That sounds sick

>If dying means I'd be useless, then I just won't die!
Jesus christ that's horrible

You know what they actually have a "quality check" guy.

damn that sucks, basically like a 4 day wait. i guess ill just wait but it means there only like 3 safe days to avoid spoilers and discuss shit

what a chad

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vs Douma is way better but we arent seeing that in a few years at least.
The final Akaza fight is actually meh but it make sup with his goat backstory

There is a TL in the korean dump thread by an user but it's just a thread TL, if you only like reading by the chapter itself then yeh, you're going to have to dodge the spoilers.

>The final Akaza fight is actually meh
Holy mother of shit taste.

Yea Forums version is worth the wait tho. TLanon thread is easy to spot but text spoiler and Korean scan thread are a bit difficult to find sometimes.

>use mangapillar version

Akaza, how is this even a question

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>mfw my normalfag imoutos want to watch KnY because of tweets from ecelebs praising Ep19
>expect they'll get bored because it's shonen anyways
>they were hooked to the story for some reason
>expecting pleb filter zenitsu to do his job
>they are not repeled by him and find that shouting retard funny
>they subscribe to crunchyroll
>tell them i could fucking download the episode for free
>was scolded for being a pirate
what the fuck happened?

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Wew. I'm glad i made sure of bingread the manga before coming to Yea Forums.

Demons aren't real.

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Its pretty epic but its sandwitched between the mega epic Douma fight and the cataclismic Kokushibou showdown.
Its a fairly straightforward fight with great coreography, but not terribly interesting apart from that, as Akaza has a very simple (but effective) fighting style. Not to mention the actual hype moment (tapioka mark) is useless and Tanjirou wins *again* cause RELEVANT DADDY DETAIL just like with Rui. The actual great part of the fight is the ending with Akaza's elder god tier backstory and his death
Akaza is basically the best character in the series its just that his combat ability isnt that cool.

>has not one but multiple imoutos

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sex them

That's not really surprising comparing to major characters' death
ignoring them. those people are beyond helping.

Would've been better if his backstory played as he got his head cut off and then it made him willingly not regenerate. Him coming back with no head was silly, every demon surviving decapitation gets old

>the mega epic Douma fight
Douma's fight was even more uninteresting, Ice powers that everyone could dodge until he got offed because of never taking his enemies seriously.

>every demon surviving decapitation gets old
>who is Douma and Gyokko

Don’t forget he makes plain, malformed pots


>That's not really surprising comparing to major characters' death
It's one of the moments with most emotional weight from the manga specially if you give a damn about Nezuko. The revelation would also be the ending of an eventual second season.

Thats... literally what happened, he lasted like 3 pages headless, it seems longer cause his backstory plays out in that moment

ss2 will end at rld

Douma's actitude during the fight makes it very dynamic and engaging. Akaza in turn is more stoic and berserker esque while fighting, which isnt terribly interesting.
The poison aspect is also really cool. Overall the fight is really cathartic, Douma's death feels incredibly good bc he is such a twisted, but lovable shitstain. With Akaza you just fell like dying cause hes the most tragic character in the whole series and really, really, really didnt deserve any of that

Not literally every demon, but it happens enough to not get excited when one gets decapitated.

Thats... not the same thing at all?
He fought with no head for a few pages, then he attacked himself, starting regenerating, then stopped the regeneration. I'm saying the fight should've ended after Tanjiro did the upside down decapitation, too many cool moves lose their impact because the demon survives.

>2 arcs for two cours
No way. They won't keep the pace of the first season.

>too many cool moves lose their impact because the demon survives.
I prefer that than asspull/nakama punch and win every single fight like FT.

Akaza struggling to keep fighting gave more weight to his desire to pass on like a man.

Him still not dying is important as it shows Akaza's mad pursual of strength, to the point he finally has the chance to become something greater than Douma and Koku. Stopping the regeneration himself and passing away is the whole point of his flashback: Yes he has the chance to finally be stronger, but only then he remembers the entire reason he wanted to be stronger: To protect those he loved.
But they are all dead. He has no reason to be stronger, so he only then he lets go. If he just died to Tanjirou it wouldnt have properly showcased Akaza actually coming to terms to his mindless pursual of power and his broken heart.

they are and only die when you use cheap tricks

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5 nakama asspulls to beat a demon because they keep surviving asspulls isn't better. Especially when stuff like Dance of the Fire God or Demon Nezuko are justified good powerup that accomplish nothing in the end.

That's not what I mean. I'm saying Azaka should've had his flashback internal struggle in the second after he got decapitated, and his decision to not regenerates happens with the decapitation. It would've let Tanjiros attack feel useful while still keeping the Azaka struggle.

when you remember that they are japanese and the tallest one must be 170cm or something, fucking manlets

>Akaza in turn is more stoic and berserker esque while fighting, which isnt terribly interesting.
This is entirely subjective, I found Akaza's excited attitude towards fighting strong people way more engaging than Douma's uninterested attitude, his ice powers also didn't feel all that threatening compared to Akaza's 1 punch kill moves.

It's pretty interesting how Douma's and Akaza's fights completely contrast each other

Himejima is 2.20m.

Not regenerating after getting his head cut off would just be a normal demon death.
Highlighting that Akaza had to let go by his own accord and admission is the whole point. Akaza HAD to die by his own hand, its basically the core of his entire tragedy

Yeah their characters and dynamics are absolute antithesis of each other.
Akaza is the most tragic character in the series, Douma is a complete sociopath and is one of the most disgusting things in kny. Then their fighting styles, Akaza is entirely physically oriented, Douma is a magical opponent.
Akaza desperately clinged to life but then let go of his own accord. Douma got killed and he didnt even gave a shit about it, but then found genuine emotion in death

Holy shit man that's what I'm saying. He COULD have regenerated from decapitation, but he chose not too. Remember how he attempts to literally shove his separated head back onto the stump? Have him try that, then have his flashback, and then him willingly let go of his head.

Looks like it's a lot easier to approach the see through world when you have the mark

>imoutos are content with shitty Viz localization
Sort their shit out user, they are bringing shame to your family

Sunbro actually stated that everyone will reach the same place so it's kinda a step forward to reach sun breath. 1st get the mark then reach see through world.

Pillar Strength Tiers:

>Top Tier
Tomioka(he was able to invent a new breath form, and was able to injure Akaza more often, even before he got the mark)

>Mid Tier
Obanai(no real data on him)

>Lower Tier

i could slap all of them about

Rengoku got dumpstered by Akaza

would put Muichirou in mid since now he already reached see through world.

Would Himejina or Sanemi be able to solo Douma?
I think Himejine could take Akaza (if he doesnt mega regenerate) but Sanemi would get screwed by his wrath and the compass would make him irrelevant.
Douma is a weird fighter, not sure how would either fare

No pillar could solo akaza.

Shinobu was decently keeping up with Douma, also shes more a utility based fighter. Shes bottom mid

>Tanjiro achieves the see-through world after having a retrospective look to his father saying that he needs to become a plant.
>Hair/eyes color and way of breathing changes.
>Tokito and Rock achieve the See-through world.
>Nothing changes
Uh, what gives?

Even if Himejima could unlock the see through world his fighting spirit would still remain, so he's fucked.

How many chapters tomorrow's episode will cover?

Gay ugly Tapioca was already clapping him, only reason Akaza kept the upper hand was compass. Himejina should have no trouble eliminating his killer intent and 2 shotting him

>above anything

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Rengoku held his own as well as Marked Giyuu, Akaza's compass is just broken as fuck.

She was fast but poison is not a great method to use against UMs, they're clearly highly resistant to it. Even if she could stun then, she's be unable to finish the job herself and they'd eventually recover. She'd be great backup though

I'm talking about the baseline, at the start of the series. Pillars are getting marks and getting crippled so fast it's hard to have a dynamic ranking

Depends on how much info they knew about Douma. Don't think they can solo him if he start the fight by summon all his minions, 5 of them I guess, and hide behind huge Buddha statue (or just run away).

We cant judge at all cause we havent seeing him fight. Hea stuck on a trick opponent anyways, even Giyuu and Sanemi would get stumped by Biwa troll
For all he know he could be second to Himejina only or shittier than Uzui

>was already clapping him
Fuck off speed reader, he almost fucking died and nearly all of his attacks were completely negated, also stop doing power level shit in this series, Wani avoided it for good reason.

You're a fucking moron if you think Akaza, whose entire gimmick was perfecting combat, wouldn't take a shit on every pillar solo. The only reason Tanjirou did so well is because of Wani writing him to have no presence against his compass.

The reason UM 2 and 3 went down as quick as they did is because they were emotional as shit in different ways, not because the pillars overcame them with pure strength. Douma and Akaza could have 100% wiped the floor with who they were fighting in a different circumstance of not letting their emotions get in the way.

Its a bit harder to position her cause shes utility based. She'd be better support to Himejina than Sanemi imo vs UM1, but on her own shes just shit

Douma lost completely fair cause Shinobu played masterfully into his fetishy hunger. Its not so much that he got carried away, put the exact same situation of Shinobu, Kanao and Inosuke vs Douma and they would always beat him if Shinobu pulls the 36 kilos of poison suicide on his ass

I think Iguro is great match against Nakime. His strong point is his sword techniques not physical strength. I think everyone else will have a hard time fighting against Nakime because of her trolling ability. I think she is quite fast too.

He isnt even that fast, hes having a lot of trouble. Shinobu or Sanemi would have been better for biwa lady. Misturi is stuck in her worst possible match up cause shes a fat slow bitch

Speed isn't the only issue. She's extremely evasive and difficult to chase after. He must have a lot of stamina to keep that up.

Are you retarded? The monk fucker is 7 feet tall and the Tengen is 6'5.

This takes place during the Taisho era but there's no specific year confirmed yet. For all we know, WW1 is still happening as the Taisho era covers from 1912 to 1926.

Should be early in Taisho, since the era change was news to the hand demon. I believe a car from the anime can place it in 1915, if one would count that

I guess that could explain the absence of the Imperial Japanese Army and the government as a whole. They're too busy fighting in German colonies in Asia.

Or busy occupying Korea

He gets lots of stamina practice from keeping up with Mitsuri.

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Have we solved this mystery yet?

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Aoi VA when?


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Any reasons to follow this other than for Nezuko?

Seems legit
The last time I saw her in the manga was last year.

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Jesus christ Wani

it would be nice if the anime ends with muzen killing LM but with UM tease

He would be a good boyfriend and husband. Mitsuri should marry him after this fight.

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>The last time I saw her in the manga was last year.
That's what I feared. The lone siblings are a real interest catcher for me, but heroine being sidelined really kills my interest.

You're the only one to blame for not raising your imoutos well. Aren't you the eldest son? Do something!

Today if she appears in this week episode

So what's next after this arc?

I'm halfway through the animu and wondering why does she still wear the retainer?
She never attacks humans so what's the point of it?
Also why did she go full retard while other demons can speak just fine?

>She never attacks humans so what's the point of it?
Her urge is still there. She still drools at human blood from time to time. Better safe than sorry
>Also why did she go full retard while other demons can speak just fine?
Probably because she hasn't eaten anyone so her transformation is not complete I guess. The guy Muzan turned on the street went berserk too.

Probably the same reason some people put a muzzle on their dog: better be safe than sorry.
About her being retarded, it gets explained later. According to Tamayo, there have been a lot of changes in Nezuko's body, and her body is prioritizing other stuff other than regaining consciousness (e.g. acquiring blood arts and conquering the sun).


Attached: x3 (1).png (959x1400, 1021K)

Wrong sword homie.

Attached: IMG_1193.jpg (775x1147, 191K)

Himejima would easily be able to solo Douma.Unlike the others, he has a long range weapon, so he doesn't need to get close to him and get fucked by demon ice. And the moment Douma underestimates him (and he will)
he will get btfo even more.

Douma only underestimates kids and women, because that's what he eats. Himejima would be taken seriously by anyone that's not a complete idiot.

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How is the wait for today’s episode fellow Yea Forumsnons?

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>by anyone that's not a complete idiot.
So, not Douma

Attached: K19.png (510x962, 525K)

Epsiode 23 is going to adapt chapters 47 and 48, episode 24 is gonna be recovery training.

I'm not ready when Himejima kicks the bucket and neither us Genya

A single guy pushing this shit because it's funny to him.

Snek is so cute

Genya will definitely survive, it’s Muichiro and Sanemi who at risk.

he will become the replacement for UM1

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Muichiro either dies or becomes a demon, no way just bandages and prosthetic limbs would fix him now.

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Did they unpotatify this Uzui? Dropped

Attached: sound potato.jpg (385x220, 51K)

Attached: IMG_1213.jpg (1000x1400, 183K)

Less potatoes in the anime, but still see somes here and there.

They're gonna get ruined aren't they? This scares me bros...
who's gonna voice them?

Attached: god_I_wish_that_were_me.png (481x426, 183K)

I don't know but you just know if they are unpotatoed they'll be lewded for sure.

nothing in this show is hot though

Even that Slayer girl who get her neck snapped by spider-mommy got lewd art.

At least dance of the centipede was cool and inosuke was sick

Someone shoop Tokitouu onto the get well soon amputee pic.

Why is Shinobu mad?

Attached: D2C5B8E4-1591-4C93-A240-AFC514597AE7.jpg (687x511, 214K)

Probably asked the harlot if she wasn't cold wearing that outfit like the autist he is.

shinobu's always mad, tho

Attached: 1567740478831.jpg (273x304, 18K)

>Isn't your chest cold?

based boarfags

Attached: EDkHRH-WkAA372C.jpg (600x603, 64K)

It's an edited Tsugumomo page.

Attached: ED2uE4NUcAAGyGh.jpg (1500x500, 90K)

>Apparently cloth doesn't block enough sunlight.
maybe they should get some cloth that does

Not funny :(

>still no Muichirou tentacle doujin
Come on


stop right there, user

Attached: IMG_1088.jpg (771x758, 72K)

Hope they do the whole training next week

Then something anime only I guess

Guys, where can i watch Tokyo MX live ?

try Google

Attached: 1566098970088.jpg (285x216, 20K)


cute snek
poor tomioka

Fuck this is the worst.

based and straightpilled

Isn't Sanemi taller than U&G?

>faggots holding hands
based Tomioka avoiding this shit

Already tried otherwise i wouldn't ask
All i can find is not working links or bad streaming quality with sound shifted

lurk for 900 years
dumb newfag

>Mitsuri & Shinobu jump, but Love is pulling her higher
>Muichiro looks like a hanging towel
>Himejima tree
>Uzui doing a full power jump which Rengoku easily mirrors
>Sanemi trying to follow the flamboyant pillar
>failing because based Obanai opted for a short hop
>Ugly and Gay looking at pillars with dead eyes
Such a good image.

Attached: 1567343269997.png (263x180, 52K)

Nah 901 year
I was eating

Attached: uglyandfaraway.jpg (2009x500, 669K)

Come on now, that's just lazy cloning and stamping.

Only the best for U&G

Imagine Inosuke with a happy trail.



Attached: 1538037388690.jpg (1803x1877, 515K)

Try mov3 or AbemaTV with VPN, newfag.

I’m retarded how many more hours is left?

Around 40 minutes

Attached: ED0v2E2VAAI0-Pp.jpg (850x976, 184K)

thanks user

Attached: ED1Wi6xUYAA2wAd.jpg (1974x1494, 637K)

Why does nips like this pair so much? It's fucking cursed.

Attached: ED2cl4LUYAMw-wB.jpg (900x627, 97K)

I like both.

Attached: ED1Wi7BUUAE8IWk.jpg (832x912, 171K)

Potatoes waiting for potatoes.

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So how is this show?
Do you rike it?

Inosuke's mom has got it going on

its cute

Attached: D_9f8odVUAAkn5n.jpg (1200x963, 175K)

Does this show still have that annoying whiny comedy relief character, whatever his name is

Dropped it immediately after he was introduced

>the favorite woman of the cult leader
>got special treatment for seemingly no reason
They 100% fucked, sorry Inosuke that's just the cold hard truth

Tapioca should've went over to loves other side, she'd hold his hand

Then he would get murderer on his sleep.

>They 100% fucked

That's for sure, I'm just more curious to know why they make them all so happy and lovey.

Attached: EDyqmIjU4AANFIJ.jpg (737x721, 83K)

It has a nostalgic feel to it, at least for me.

For a brief period in time, they were.

Why didn't he turn her into a demon?

5 min

Sabito is long dead.
Even then he would only beat some sense into Tapioca because Makomo owns his balls.

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He eats women

douma isn't capable of happiness

shouldn't inosuke looks a bit bulky?
i mean, isn't he supposed to be a athletic dude with a girly face?

>t. butthurt fujo

>no reason
She was beautiful user, Douma was amazed by her beauty

Hope the stream doesn't shit itself this time.


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Attached: 1526675089556.png (220x236, 56K)

Because her personality and dumb purity is what made her interesting to her.

That was a really strange way to end the last episode, now all the tension is going be resolved in 3 minutes, unless they stretch shit out again.


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The gang is all here.

Attached: ED3llDMUEAAGLZ-.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

>this autist is here
Nino is worst quint, fuck you. Can't wait till the retarded bitch loses.

>Himejima near the kid
can't catch a break can he


Attached: 0ki.jpg (1440x810, 190K)

as if you twat

that was gay

Outta my way, snakes you fucking shits.

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Attached: ssd156786688790120.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

Fucking repulsive.

Giyu is really eager to hold another mans hand huh

Bad direction again

quite a weird way to seduce a fellow man desu

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>a Niqāb
Why would they have?

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cute blushing potato

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Attached: ED3nMBrVUAAmid1.jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

>I'm not hated.

Himejima is to big

Attached: 1567867097045.jpg (1440x810, 210K)

Manga > anime

angry Nezuko potato

>that smile

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Kid, wanna /ss/

Attached: ED3nhrzUcAEVii1.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

>hiss hiss fucko


Cute Kakushi

He’d look like a joestar if he wasn’t blind


Attached: ED3oPxtU0AE_rJX.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)


cute autist



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I can't wait for the memes :)

It’s potato time now.

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>Giyuu's daughter

Attached: 1567867632278.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

Patrician taste.

That's Kanao. She has the autism.

depressed pig

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so does she bite into the thing or it just presses over her lips?

Attached: 1567867726635.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Cute and canon.

The reunion felt funnier in the manga.

Did they skip the Saturday page?

Attached: ssd156786779334861.jpg (1280x720, 46K)


What page



Attached: 1567867954391.jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

Someone explain pls

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Some user made an edit with "It's saturday" and stuff

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Wind is such a good friend, being Giyuu's best man.

Attached: ED3qMxwUUAIDif3.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

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oh, this

Attached: 1555152768419.jpg (498x822, 125K)

Comfy Pig

>anyone giving a shit about gayuu
yeah that's anime original alright

Wait, fuck, yeah they skipped it

Pointless pillar filler

I like that Rengoku is constantly drawn with :3 expression

Attached: 990E3FB4-728B-4A72-900A-1F3D8AB53976.jpg (1440x810, 153K)

Delet this

Go back to your grave Shinobu

What are they talking about?

t. Snek.

I'll take any extra Pillar scenes they're willing to give us

More context faggot

Attached: 1567868180559.jpg (1920x1080, 567K)

>uzui and rengoku
They know.

chad ED

Attached: 9C6032A0-261B-4DBF-A286-612EEC128A61.jpg (1440x810, 272K)

>learn the nihongo
>asleep when episode airs, now have to wait for sub groups pretty much because raw uploaders are always so late and sub groups get their shit through other means
What a useless effort it was.

Why are they adding padding? Are they trying to milk this?

Does everyone in this show have autism or something

Attached: 1567868199600.jpg (1440x810, 166K)

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why don't the butterflies love me

It's inevitable because they only have 7 chapters for the last 4 episodes.

Attached: 1567868227885.jpg (1440x810, 408K)

Man that was awful. Fuck ufoturd and their trash filler.

Last scene proves that it will end at the lower demons meeting

I wonder if they want to make animeonlys feel worse when googly kicks the bucket.

Attached: 5EAEDDE5-4493-42B7-8846-DCA1D932F161.png (959x1400, 608K)

>Getting more scenes with the Pillars
>A bad thing

Giyuubros, I thought we were the center.


Is there a reason this woman is not getting dicked constantly by literally everyone in the story?

they are not canon!vhQElCpR!KK7mnEL3tGzouNAhUez8qQ

Attached: 23.jpg (822x1200, 536K)

didn't know that arab sandniggers could be weebs, thought only aryan persians could like it.


She wants to get married
Nobody wants to marry her except a manlet

I can't believe her husband abused such a beautiful and sweet woman. What a fucking faggot.

>All that original Flame and Sound dialogue
Announce the next season already you faggots

Attached: ED3rxnJUcAEfjBR-orig.jpg (1520x855, 207K)

This art is always so damn cute

What was they talking about? maybe more foreshadow stuff for future events?

>arab sandniggers

No one except autistic pillars can pierce through her hymen


who voiced aoi?

Second Season


Who wins

Meruem vs Muzan

Sasuga mutt.

Fucking Rengoku looks like a manlet next to Uzui.

but it's truth, irans are aryans and arabics... well they got "money"

>water is gay
>mist is a kid
>sound has 3(three) wives
>rock is a monk
>wind is a ragetard
>fire has to take care of his dad and little bro
That leaves only one guy interested in her

is shitskins a better term?

Nobody wants her except Obanai

A pure hearted monk, fuck harlots.
A bro with a burning passion to protect people, fuck harlots
A chad with 3 beautiful wives at home, fuck harlots
A homosexual man who is ugly, fuck harlots
A 14 year old boy who doesn't know where he's at half the time, fuck harlots
A demented crazy demon hater who only thinks about killing, fuck harlots
A small woman who only lives to troll Giyu, fuck harlots

Does TLanon have a jump digital subscription?

>why yes, I'm going to ravage this tight little midget pussy with my rock hard 13inch cock while chanting namu amida butsu and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it

Attached: 65904.jpg (937x805, 411K)

He is

Attached: 1567609605992.png (600x600, 244K)

Imagine being romantically interested in a harlot.

>mist is a kid

We know it's you sneklet.

Stop bullying poor harlot.

Attached: harlot.jpg (477x333, 52K)

Yuri Ehara, 22 year old literally who I think.

Nobody said anything about romance. You can just fuck her, she is still pretty hot.

>mummy walked in while I was watching stream
>mummy found out I was a weeb

Attached: d14 (2).png (309x475, 103K)

Raw is out

Angry potato noises

>Aoi fixed the box
>She actually forced the little girls do the work

>Yea Forums usually on monday, color scans later in the week.
Can be done in the same night if the chapter doesn't need too much redrawing, and TS user is not busy.

This is not the face of an ugly man.

Attached: ED3thcJUYAEgxcN.jpg (1334x750, 62K)

>it's actually true
Based user, I wasn't checking because I wasn't expecting it so soon.

Based. Fuck kids.

>t. tapioca

Like Uzui they made him pretty handsome in the anime compared to early volumes of the manga

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how did you get the episode so fast, its not even published on nyaa tor, what am i doing wrong guys?

Who do you want to do next seasons OP? I'm getting tired of Lisa.


The lack of narrator is sad

Attached: 36.jpg (728x1059, 181K)

Yuri Ehara

That's next episode

Bump of chicken

They should’ve used Gotoh


Aniplex loves their Lisa so it's still going to be her.


No, it was this episode. Just placed a bit differently

Attached: IMG_20190907_111435.jpg (1747x1553, 259K)

Post the height comparison from the Pillar height line-up.


Attached: Pillar Sizes.jpg (2048x1366, 416K)

I can’t unsee them wearing garter belts and tights with the way the pants are shaded.

Attached: F78490CF-35CE-45A1-A810-5557A7959F55.jpg (374x315, 45K)

so 1.8:1

kill yourself

Attached: vc-01.jpg (600x600, 188K)

Pillars can not solo Upper Moons other than that shitty one that Tokitou killed but even then he got bailed out by sword village guy.

Can’t be a harlot when no one is dicking her down. Thicc bitches like her need to be tenderly loved though

These are way better than figures. This way they can stay 2d and be faithful to the anime style.


Only reason no one is dicking her is because everyone around her has severe autism. She's definitely offering.

>published on nyaa
