Dumbbell nan kilo moteru

So how many gym accidents across Japan since the episode 1st?

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probably none the Japanese woman is afraid of muscles so the men dont even lift

I remember some accidents after Yuru Camp, so I'm curious about male otaku coming out
girls, too

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What the fuck is wrong with her hips?

ok retard

the word "retard" was not necessary, you know

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Do you think they'll put danberu in the /fit/ new years' comic?

are you ok retard?

God, why am I always having immense sexual attraction to Zina? I want to pump my baby batter into her, wait for her to get pregnant, then disappear without a trace

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I hope so, the whole comic should be in danberu style

I have always hated white/gray hair in anime, I see old grandmas instead of girls. Sorry, but no way

It's okay. It's me who's going to make her a single mother

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sure! but please watch out for her boyfriend, Vladimir Putin

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I've known a woman who greyed out in her early 20s completely. Sad that most things look good in 2D only

zina means adultery in arabic

I want to fuck Sensei

>Thinking men in Japan have either the money or the time to have a gym membership
user if you're not working 16 hours a day you're not helping the glorious Japanese Collective.
You're being individual. Stop it before me and the boys start using justified abuse because you're wrong.

Monogamy is overrated anyway.

you are not retard user chan!
>*hugs you*

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Japan is communism without any of the social benefits. This society will implode and it makes me sad.

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Hm, I think there's something wrong with her guys.

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Yea Putin is about to put it in

I hate modern anime because males have such weak faces now.

It's the single mother initiation ceremony. Also me on the right

She drank too much vodka.

That's a nicely shaped butt

I doubt it, maybe they say they do, but they're all over any white guy they can find. it's because they're starved for some actual testosterone

Machio started off with a joke of being the only thin guy in the gym.
He's based enough to ignore his boring face.

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calling bullshit on this one, its like someone took conveniently sequential pictures of an already occurred incident and roleplayed about doing it

There's a bigger screencap with more info and original unsearchable photos

you mean this one?

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