Anime girls peaked with this show
Highschool Of The Dead
you mean this show
So did sophisticated camera work and direction focusing on the best panties out there.
everything but the mc peaked with this show
I unironically consider this a masterpiece. It is the very best of pulp cinema/grindhouse flicks.
I know, right? 100% pure cheese, completely unironic, completely sincere. A breath of fresh air.
Shame about the author being dead. RIP.
Rei is used goods right?
50 cal round would rip tits off.
Yes. Saeko too after their night at the shrine.
>Saeko too after their night at the shrine.
Gently using some goods gently doesn't render them used goods immediately.
I didn't mean it as a bad thing. Quite the opposite.
Alrighty then.
post the rape, the one where the baddie caressing the girl boobs by "milking" it
why not go and watch qwaser at this point?
i dont like hentai, i like ecchi
Gently used goods are still used goods. Saeko is still a great woman. I don't see why being used goods is a problem if people are capable of ending and starting new relationships cleanly.
qwaser isn't hentai, you dip
it is hentai
It wasn't published on a hentai magazine and the chapters/episodes did not focus on explicit fornication. It's heavy ecchi/softcore porn which is not what the public calls hentai.
it is hentai, ask anyone
That show was such a roller coaster of emotions. Totally did not expect it to be what it was based on its premise
It is even more hentai than Rance OVAs. At least I was watching them for an actual plot instead of PLOT
I mean it only had tit shots, didn't it? No genitalia or actual sex.
Her tits are jiggling at speeds we've never seen before.
it's classical boobie anime, which is not fucking hentai, holy fucking shit
What was the poiint of zombies in this show?
Hi! I'm Anyone. It's not hentai.
it has too much ecchi , it is hentai
The closest was when some loli got her vagOOO kissed by an older girl. I'm not sure if they aired that bit though. Amazing series truly.
Living the dream
didn't stop me from fapping to it
wtf dude
best girl
So was Roach end the intention?
Based. Best feminist filter out there.
Do you have the big retard?
Eh, I'm all for over the top bullshit fun, but shooting right into the line of your friendlies moving unpredictably at high speed in a huge mess of zombies did even strike me as fucking stupid, no matter how cool the shot looked in the end. This was too much rule of cool. Still, no big deal, it's a great show.
I mean, my interpretation of it is that the point wasn't the coolness, it was the stupidity.
Why he trying to kill her?
She would be used good if she was thrown away by the MC but right now she is devoting herself to the man who took her virginity so it's all good.
S-she is a woman!
I'd say she's more like Rambo with a nice set of boobies.
why is she so perfect
You're referring to Rei's ass, I take it?
Of course Saeko is best girl, she's voiced by Sawashiro-san.
Glad I'm not the only one. It seems cheesy and base, but somehow it really left a strong impression on me.
why did this never get a s2?
The plot isn't much, but holy shit, was the show well directed, for its time anyways, and the characters are all ace too. It's just a great, super fun watch.
This is the anime about the blondes huge tits right?
No, it peaked in that one magical girl short that APPP worked on in the mid 2010s where they blast the monsters so hard their tits pop out of their outfits
Indeed, it is. Good shit. Too bad we didn't see much of her badess friend with the purple hair.
People look down on it because it's a zombie story and a bit of a grindhouse story but for as simple as the plot is it's well executed, and the characters really do sell the whole thing.
this, execution and characters.
>it's a zombie story
Exactly why I didn't watch this any sooner. And I still can't stand zombie shows. But this one is really good despite it.