It's amazing how the contrarianism surrounding this show has brought it from entry level to the ultimate pleb filter.
Cowboy Bebop
it's meh to be honest.
I enjoyed Samurai Camploo much more.
Would be 10/10 without this character
those aren't mutually exclusive attributes though. a show can be both entry level and a pleb filter
Said no one ever
It's a shame we can just appreciate for what they are, too much stupid internet makes all a matter of memes, fads and trends, there's no true enjoyment. Hipersocialization was a terrible mistake.
But that's the only good character named "Edward" in anime.
I did. Bebop is fucking boring
I've never watched it.
Along with Gundam Wing and Lain, is one of the so called ultimate anime masterpieces I've never felt compelled to watch.
The fact that Cowboy Bebop fans usually hate anime with all of their being doesn't help things.
It's pretty great but not pleb filter. that title would go to Dandy
Nobody calls Wing a masterpiece
it is one of the better Gundams though.
One of the best anime I’ve seen!
>Characters are all interesting and have conflicts
>Is episodic and manages to have one of the best conclusions a show could ask for
>10/10 art and animation
>Enjoyable as fuck
It was enjoyable, it had depth and enough budget
It's just average and it's definitely one of the blandest ones. The only thing that makes it special it's one of the first super robot gundams.
If you have never watched any other Gundam.
Wing is fucking terrible.
Oh and amazing soundtrack too
>Says people who UC shit like Zeta and Ms 08th Team are good.
You can't fool me, brainwashed plebs.
Zeta and ms are both mixed bags.
Wing is only praised by casuals who watched it 20 years ago, dubbed, as a kid, and haven't touched mecha let alone gundam since. Everyone else realizes it's garbage. It had a role in popularizing anime and robots in the US but that's about it.
A lot of faggots on this board like to shit on it just because it's super popular in the west and beloved by many normalfags. They do this while still fellating NGE and Madoka and the like, the irony completely lost on them.
Then what is a good Gundam series?
If you say Zeta, 0083, Victory, MS 08th Team, Turn A or G-Reco then you are deluded ignoramus.
>only good character named "Edward" in anime.
Nice b8 m8
>Cowboy Bebop fans usually hate anime
What, since when? I've never seen this, how can someone love one thing in some medium but hate everything else?
Not true.
I think he's talking that annoying type of guy that says "why anime can't be like cowboy bebop anymore, it's all moeshit now" while having watched a total of three anime in their entire lives.
They are more common in other boards I think. Still, not Cowboy Bebop fault.
0080, G, Turn A, 0079, Build Fighters.
because cowboy bebop doesn't seem 'anime' to people who see anime as 'those weird chinese cartoons'
>"why anime can't be like cowboy bebop anymore"
I literally thought this less than an hour ago watching Vinland Saga episode 7 descend into QUALITY. I really wanted it to be good, like Cowboy Bebop. I used to want a Vagabond adaptation, now I don't.
Loved it but
what was her point desu.?
Watched it during two long bus rides and wondered how I missed out for so long.
Go and watch it
She was fine just needed a better VA. I don't know how she sounded in Japanese, but she's just TOO loud.
It’s a pleb filter all right. It can sniff a plotfag/bingefag from 500 yards.
She is a fun character she doesn't need anymore point then that she provides comedy.
Your own fault for watching it dubbed.
It's kind of sad that it's the go to gateway anime people tell those new to the industry to watch. Like it's not bad but damn is it low IQ, no subversion or anything.
I really hope for your sake this is you taking the piss.
Subversion is not some indication of IQ, nor is it an inherently good thing. Especially when you can barely watch an anime nowadays with out it subverting at least something.
It's not. The mc is bland and boring and the setting is over used trash.
Its literally the highest form of wit with writing. Hence why some of the greatest anime of all time like HxH uses it frequently and the new star wars movies made billions
Ed's my favorite character.
Holy shit knock yourself off.
Wow you are sad, lost the argument and have to resort to emotional personal attacks
Yeah you were a bit too obvious with that one m8 back to the drawing board
Don't even try to make me bite it, become I won't.
one of the first shows i watched and probably the most disappointing along with fma:b and madoka
Agreed, she makes it 11/10.