>completely politically unbiased, doesnt suck democratic dick and actually portrays both the empire and the alliance with their respective pros/cons
>shows the positive aspects of warfare along with the negatives, doesnt glorify it nor shame it
Why didnt you tell me this show was so fucking based? Holy shit I've been missing out. I just got to the part where Yang is questioning whether the democracy is really better than a dictatorship, or whether they are both equally valid systems, and I was kind of blown away that something like that could be said on television in the post ww2 world.
I'm also really enjoying the battle strategy, even if the only people with actual brains are Reinhardt and Yang.
Completely politically unbiased...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, literally my only criticism is that everyone but the protagonists are a bit retarded. But it's implied bankers rule incompetent leaders on purpose, so eh.
Both protag sets are beautiful and relatable. And I've come to a similar conclusion, that more than one form of government can be valid. But not with Swiss space bankers.
I feel the same way. Everybody is an absolute retard.
>h-hey sir maybe we should wait and see how this plays ou-
Every time
Its less cringe than any other trash show I've watched in the past 10 years that wouldn't dare actually deal with real issues maturely
Couldn't you have used the other LoGH thread for this instead of creating the 6th or 7th in the last two days that won't reach 20 replies?
Meanwhile on (((Phezzan)))
What do you expect from tourists who only know how to use words like "based" or "cringe". God, I hate how these normalfaggots are watching my favorite series.
fuck off generalfag
Are you fucking kidding me?
I searched logh and there was no results. Didnt realise there was one up under the full name.
Wow man, what is your issue lol
>>completely politically unbiased, doesnt suck democratic dick and actually portrays both the empire and the alliance with their respective pros/cons
It is quite obvious that the author is pro democracy, he just is critical of the current democracy.
>>shows the positive aspects of warfare along with the negatives, doesnt glorify it nor shame it
I would say that it mostly glorifies it, then it all of the sudden remembers that war can also be bad and shows some nobodies dying.
If you look at contemporary history though, you could find lots of examples like that or even worse. In WWII (also the first one actually) everyone was being a retard too, but decades of propaganda have made people think the opposite.
I dunno, that movie with Yangs friend Lapp was pretty fucking sad. That definitley wasnt glorifying it, it just showed that whole offensive to be a waste of life.
I dont know about the end of the series but so far the empire seems far more reasonable. They have a fucked up past with the original kaiser having literal spartan tier eugenics programs and stuff but the current Kaiser doesnt seem too bad. Meanwhile the democracy has fucking death squads and terrorist agencies killing their political opponents.
>searches with keyword
>also doesn't add the keyword to his thread
In term of political philosophy logh is unbelievably rudimentary for having 100+ episode and every "arrangement" is a fucking analogy. I had this booklet slightly smaller than a deck of playing cards that was meant to be an overlook and an introduction to political political philosophy for the average layman. The five of so page democracy and authoritarianism had respectively went so far and beyond logh take on it was baffled how shallow logh was on that from. And I'm not stupid, I know logh is a fictional story with different priories, but seeing opinions much like OP's so often I was excepting more than 5% of that booklet to be present in the show. I guess this is just another lesson for me that the average person really is that ignorant.
Wasn't the main takeaway that a dictatorship/monarchy can be extremely good as long as you have a benevolent dictator at the top?And I guess that it goes to shit as soon as he kicks the bucket or if you're lucky a few generations later when a retard succeeds him.
I've read Plato and Lenin and fucking Hitler, big whoop.
The point is its cool to see politics dealt with in a tv show in a relativelt mature manner instead of making it a ridiculous straw man like pretty much every other authoritarian regime in anime/movies/etc.
I never said it was especially deep or anything. You're worse than those pseuds from Yea Forums who judge everything based on their absurdly high expectations. I'm not ignorant you're just an ass.
Its mainly rule of succession that matters. Plato's answer to it was his guardian class. Blood inheritance or pleb elections is almost gauranteed to go wrong at some point.
In real life democracies systematically produce fewer wars, higher economic growth, and lower inequality compared to other forms of government. If this TV show tries to make the failed model that is authoritarian monarchy seem as good then that's a failure on its part
Does anyone know if they took the text at the beginning of the first movie from somewhere? It sounds so familiar.
>In real life democracies systematically produce fewer wars, higher economic growth, and lower inequality compared to other forms of government.
Thats completely incorrect though.
How the fuck do you measure equality and growth? Growth is a natural occurance of accumulated effort over time, not the result of a political doctrine. And there has never been more wars than under democracy lmao.
>what is china
A one party state that gives not a single fucking shit about human lives but outpaces most democracies at the moment.
Inequality is measured by Gini coefficient, growth by GDP. Easy
is it actually watchable, every screenshot/clip all looked like shit
the remake will probably never be continued, wut do
i really don't understand why people complain about characters being "stupid" because thats part of what makes the show great - its realistic as fuck
history is littered with incompetents in positions of power (both politically and militarily) and we even have one right now in burgerstan
if you unironically think thats a negative of this show then you are either historically illiterate or your mind has been warped by anime always showing super geniuses everywhere
So, just like real world general? Like, from our perspective everyone Caesar defeated looks like an immense retard.
You mean screenshots of the remake?
the original
I liked the remake, ended too soon
Reading up on the first word war really shows you how many retards there were in top military positions.
Complete disregard for tactics and strategy just full on attack and fighting/dying for useless no man's land.
typical nazi, moving the goalposts the instant he gets called out
The early years of the First World War were a time a rapid and unexpected change in the state of military affairs. In LOGH there's been constant war for years and no mention at all of a recent, sudden change in technology but everyone is just as stupid as von Hotzendorf in 1914
when is the sequel to die neue these?
I don't think there's too many democratic countries except a few, in Europe at least it's all a big joke.
You have to think we live in a world were Churchill has been venerated as a top class world leader and Montgomery as some sort of military genius.
At the end if you win you're going to be an smart and capable leader even if you were a fuck up and someone else won your victories.
>In real life democracies systematically produce fewer wars, higher economic growth, and lower inequality compared to other forms of government. If this TV show tries to make the failed model that is authoritarian monarchy seem as good then that's a failure on its part
But the democratic part managed to form a force that could compete with the Empire in what, a century or so?
The second one wasn't any different. Read up on Operation Overlord, like for real for once. War stories paint war as smart because it's propaganda. My favorite one is still Thermopylae. That story is getting its dick sucked even today, and the funny thing is the story was military propaganda every back then. The truth is Xerxes took Rome then went home because he had uprisings back home and he just kind of forgot to come back. Then his empire fell to ruin as they all do.
>Gini coefficient
Oh so you mean purely materialist equality. Do you realize the Gini Coefficient shows that since democracy, "inequality" has increased exponentially?
But it was a rhetorical question. You can't measure "equality" or "growth" because they are such subjective terms. Marxists and capitalists have been arguing about this for 200 years. GDP isn't an opinion meter, its just raw data. Any GDP measure of a western country (like England for example) shows a steady incline since feudal times, there is no sudden explosion at the advent of democracy, its predictably growing as the population and expertise increases.
Material wealth isn't a good measure of true prosperity or happiness or even progress. All of these things are purely subjective. People have forever made arguments for and against, and both sides are at once right and wrong.
That's what I appreciate about this show is that it tends to be unbiased and just shows it how it is, which I find refreshing. Democracy is no better or worse than any other system, it has a different set of pros and cons which can be seen by some people to be better or worse.
What I dont appreciate is you trying to provoke an argument with statements based on your own political biases. I'm not here to have a /pol/ tier debate, I just want to talk about LOGH.
I didn't realise Lenin was a nazi.
But just look at the french in 1940?
Caesar fought some extremely good generals though. Vercingetorix and Pompey were excellent strategic generals in their own right, Caesar was just smarter.
Think the logh military is more like the Italians in ww1, repeating the same retarded attack for years.
Isn't it just what the narrator is saying?
In their defense, Germany was just way more advanced at the beginning of the war. They had completely thrown out the WW1 war doctrines and rolled over the allies trenches in their tanks. The Poles and the French didn't stand a chance.
Dont mind me just posting the best movie with the best animation
Space wars are pretty stupid concepts desu. Distances are far greater than imagined, number of planets and star systems are far great than imagined, the number of uninhabited planets replete with insane amounts of resources is in the trillions and any multi-planetary species could support itself with just a few for millions of years. There is nothing to fight over, it's way too bountiful.
>Heldensagen vom Kosmosinsel
why dont nips hire some german weeb for literally free to proofread all their shit
Yeah but its cool tho
Any of you watched Herosaga of the Cosmosisland?
>Do you realize the Gini Coefficient shows that since democracy, "inequality" has increased exponentially?
What does it say about authoritarian systems that those who defend them have to completely make shit up to do so?
Democratic in the sense of having popular elections that determine the head of government, not in whatever edgy sense someone may happen to mean
because it was a niche series made in late 80s on a shoestring budget further reduced by the need to pay for copyright to music because of post-war laws
Pack up your trash arguments and take it elsewhere, faggot. There is no agreed upon measure for "equality". No amount of papers you throw at my face can change that.
When was the last time China went to war? Meanwhile every other week the world wonders if the US will invade Venezuela or Iran next
I will say
despite the title being pretty retarded it's nice that they got legitimate german names for the cast
This faux german title is anime only while the german names have been in the novels.
There have been more frequent wars and on a larger scale since the french revolution than any other time
I suppose from your comfortable 1st world country home it feels like the world is at peace
I can't believe this is a real post
All the german used throughout the rest of the show + movies is almost perfect though, how did they fuck up the title lol
>completely politically unbiased, doesnt suck democratic dick and actually portrays both the empire and the alliance with their respective pros/cons
>Said series positions that the very best form of government is a benevolent absolute monarchy ruled by an enlightened despot and his equally wise and noble advisers.
>Socialism or Anarchism is never brought as an alternative to either monarchism or neoliberal "democracy" once showing the Petite bourgeoisie biases of it's author.
>frequently loved by fascists and their sycophants hostile to leftist thought.
It's reactionary trash.
Wait until millions of soldiers get pointlessly slaughtered in a dickwaving contest between Rheinhard's admirals.
>Socialism or Anarchism is never brought as an alternative
Because only retarded children on the internet believe in such things, user.
How many even over more than two hundred years started by democracies? You would be hard pressed to argue more than two or three
>and I was kind of blown away that something like that could be said on television in the post ww2 world.
Pretty sure LoGH didn't air on television, it went directly to video.
Two specific problems listed. One irrelevant (you don't need to know the entire distribution to have a general sense of the direction of inequality, especially when the decline in Gini has been so stark) the other tending to make democracy look even better (retirees artificially inflate inequality, so the "real" reduction has been even greater)
You'll regret holding such views when the the plant cooks to death in another few decades due to capitalist greed, neoliberal lackey.
Fuck anything German
Two dictatorships killing >50M between them proves democracies are not superior? How?
I'm not going to argue this with you user because we'll get absolutley nowhere
Marx has argued against this extensively and I'm not going to recount his whole theory of falling profits and standards of living to you
Nobody cares man, fuck off
Lol you're pathetic you didn't even look at the page did you
>Why didnt you tell me this show was so fucking based?
1800's germany is objectively cool and if you dont agree you're probably gay
Tell me about her, why does she carry the light rifle
Which are the ones you think suggest democracies ever cause the kind of bloodbaths dictatorships always have and continued to into the 20th century? None I can see
>the current Kaiser doesnt seem too bad.
The current Kaiser has a secret police which arrests and executes anyone who says a bad word about the government. Or who is reported to have said a bad word about the government.
There's a story in Gaiden about a women whose children die in battle, so she angrily steps on a portrait of the Kaiser. The punishment is execution, but an EXTREMELY LENIENT prosecutor gets it moved down to mere permanent banishment to a forced labor prison.
The next Kaiser dismantles the secret police temporarily, but then ends up reinstating them.
>Meanwhile the democracy has fucking death squads and terrorist agencies killing their political opponents.
The PKC turns out to be infiltrators from Phezzan, not an actual function of the FPA government and not made up of FPA citizens.
The author loves democracy and makes it vastly superior to the Empire.
Oh so now its the ones who you decide "caused" the war
>The PKC turns out to be infiltrators from Phezzan, not an actual function of the FPA government and not made up of FPA citizens
>The PKC turns out to be infiltrators from Phezzan, not an actual function of the FPA government and not made up of FPA citizens.
This thread just proves this show is capable of something Yea Forums isn't, trying to be unbiased
That isn't much considering it didn't exist until 1871
>The PKC turns out to be infiltrators from Phezzan
Weren't they Terraists? Phezzan had its hand everywhere but didn't actually like to have their people dirty their hands when dumb locals would do it for dosh or "higher ideals".
Only the world wars even involved democratic governments. In World War I only France and the United States really qualified, and no honest person could blame them for it. For World War II the primary source record is entirely unambiguous regarding Germany's aggressive intentions towards France, Poland, and the Soviet Union and Stalin's deliberate fomenting of war not only against Poland and the Baltic States but between Germany and France as well. Feel free to deny it but it will still be true
>germany didn't exist until 1871
germany has existed since roman times you silly boy
the german empire didn't exist until 1871
I bet you think Antifa is a terrorist organizations and that minorities, immigrants and LGBT people shouldn't be complaining about their lack of rights.
Idk why you're so fixated on one war when I just posted you an entire wall of wars involving democracies that is about triple the amount from any era prior to the modern era
I think I'll just stop giving you (You)s now
until then it as a mess of small countries they somehow tried to unite into a real country
>Antifa is a terrorist organizations
they sure act like one
Germany was still a thing, it just want an official country. People living in the HRE were still called Germans.
Germany never really existed
Never had a culture
It's not exactly the same I assumed the copied the text somewhere as a backdrop.
Dont even respond to that idiot, just report him for offtopic bait
Listed by death toll the next one after World War I that involved a democracy is the Korean War, which didn't have a particularly high death toll and was started by a Leninist autocracy
damn i guess that german restaurant i eat at doesn't actually serve german food
If you go by the simplistic definition of "using violence(and the threat of violence) to promote political ends" then the US armed forces are the largest network of terrorists in the world.
german cuisine is fucking amazing
Eh, same difference.
Its really not
Where did the kaiser touch you?
>"Swiss" space bankers
quite the euphemism
>People living in the HRE were still called Germans
very debatable, they would more likely call themselves prussians, bavarians, saxons or whatever other ethnic group they belonged to. Together they'd be called germans but that would be a meaningless distinction for the actual people living there.
>very debatable
Its not debatable lmao, they were called Germans
Napoleon and the French always called them Germans in his letters, never used the term HRE or any other
They were called Germans even before the HRE all the way back to Roman times when that region was just collectively called Germania Magna
I bet 99% of what you ate wasn't actually from germany.
Just admit you are an anti-semite.
I forgot to watch the movies and I cant bring myself to watch the last season even after rewatching twice
Am i missing out in much aftrler you know who is gone
Might as well call all of europe the same. The EU sure tries.
if pork knuckle with sauerkraut and potato dumplings isnt german then what is it
whats your issue with germany? jesus christ, this is getting borderline autistic
A space anit-semite
Just admit you hate the swiss
I'm not an anti-semite but Rubinsky is a pretty jewish name.
You're not? Unwise
Sounds polish
The Roman Republic was in a state of constant warfare and only Imperial Rome achieved Pax Romana
People also fixate on the few bad emperors they had, completely ignoring the over 100 emperors that we're just mediocre. There were plenty of shit consuls in the republic too.
>"The anti‐Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith; at the outset he has chosen to devaluate words and reasons. How entirely at ease he feels as a result. How futile and frivolous discussions about the rights of the Jew appear to him. He has placed himself on other ground from the beginning. If out of courtesy he consents for a moment to defend his point of view, he lends himself but does not give himself. He tries simply to project his intuitive certainty onto the plane of discourse. I mentioned awhile back some remarks by anti‐Semites, all of them absurd: "I hate Jews because they make servants insubordinate, because a Jewish furrier robbed me, etc." Never believe that anti‐ Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side."
>Jean-Paul Sartre
>Socialism or Anarchism is never brought as an alternative
Actually Yang does mention it in his trial
Its both. Names like -Stein and -Berg are also of german origin
Pretty sure the polish version is -ski though
Jews took on surnames typical to their host nation, and using a precious metal or stone (Rubin means Ruby) as a base for the surname was typical jews, particularly those who practiced usury.
>he actually expects me to read this
Rubinsky is probably an assimilated Czech or Polish noble family like Count Lichnowsky or von Tschirschky
>Democratic in the sense of having popular elections that determine the head of government
I don't think you can determine the head of government in elections in too many european countries.
Thank you for proving my point.
> If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past
like clockwork
Google "head of government." The King of Belgium isn't one
I don't like to repeat myself but I don't think you can determine the head of government in elections in too many european countries:
you don't vote the president of the government in most european countries.
do you know the difference between head of the government and head of the state?
felt more like a "idealism vs pragmatism" debate to me desu
Granted Reinhard was an idealist as well but he didn't shy aways from being pragmatic about it, he used the system to achieve his ideal while Yang idealized the system itself
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Woooah owned I posted a quote!
They had some really good emperors too;
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius.
He may be making some pedantic point about voting for MPs vs directly for Prime Minister. Either way braindead and irrelevant
I'm not repeating myself a third time, it seems you're talking with someone who's not me. Go be dumb somewhere else.
>doesnt suck democratic dick
>2000 years of western civilization and we're back to square one
You have to go back.
>too dumb to read a single fucking paragraph
As usual
Man you jews are really insulted huh
>want to talk about logh
>get a bunch of /pol/ fags and discord leftists arguing about nothing
Can you fuck off already
I am, indeed, insulted by the fact I share a website with a mongoloid who never read a book in his life
This always happens you stupid potato dumpling.
This is the world we live in. Also LOTGH has always been /pol/ kino.
I have a personal library and I studied philosophy as an elective for 2 years.
I've probably read more than you ever will, you're just unable to take a fucking joke, kek. Make like a joo and flee, alright? Not interested in your hurt feelings
>deal with real issues maturely
Imbeciles need to learn everything first hand, intelligent people learn from the experiences of others.
I'm very sorry for you if you still can't figure out why democracy is good.
>I'm very sorry for you if you still can't figure out why democracy is good.
Where did he say it was bad?
You can't call your manga shelf a personal library.
It came out on video first but it was broadcast on TV too
What a coincidence, I studied philosophy myself.
Are you more into metaphysics or political theory?
Look idiot, Jean-Paul Sartre talked about the concept of bad faith and that the anti-semite operates on bad faith
>The anti-Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith." He has escaped responsibility and doubt. He can blame anything on the Jew; he does not need to engage reason, for he has his faith.
It's not very productive to argue with him is it?
I like reading anything really. I tend to prefer things before the 21st century though, modern philosophy feels like a waste of time, I'd rather let time decide whether those works hold up in 50 years then I'll give them a chance.
I have read a lot of political philosophy but I suppose a lot of that overlaps.
Don't be so full of yourself, I studied philosophy 6 years and I don't even know shit about it, hah!
Really? I studied philosophy for 47 years ask me anything.
Redpill me on this guy?
Well, i know what is good about Democracy and what is not.
Democracy provides;
>a vigorous, innovative and intrepid citizenry
>Rapid political change to adapt to the situation
>human rights
It also has negatives;
> Constant instability and internal strife
>Constant warfare for some reason
> a low administrative efficiency ceiling
>Everything that I disagree is /pol/
Stop projecting
you people are fucking exhausting do you ever stop?
Yeah, I agree. Any cuck can call himself a philosopher and publish bullshit nowadays, but it's not worth paying attention to unless it's remembered. Though I don't really have fondness for the ancients either. Especially Plato, fuck Plato
>6 years
My condolences
>In real life democracies systematically produce fewer wars, higher economic growth, and lower inequality compared to other forms of government
Said no one ever.
>Especially Plato, fuck Plato
Yikes. Plato is my favorite philosopher by far.
>>> Constant instability and internal strife
>>Constant warfare for some reason
>> a low administrative efficiency ceiling
You're talking about regimes, right?
The truth is all this happens in any case because, you know, we're humans.
>Democracy provides;
>a vigorous, innovative and intrepid citizenry
More like it requires that in order to function properly or it degenerates into something else.
What kind of regimes
Are you a mathematician or do you just enjoy calling others blind cavedwellers?
But animals have wars too.
Its mostly nostalgic reasons, the republic was the first thing I read that had a really significant impact on me, it made me seriously question a lot of things i believed
I also just appreciate him for his brilliant multi layered writing
The author is actually pro-empire (hardly surprsing, being a Japanese himself)
t. Never read about ww1 frenshies
>Why didnt you tell me this show was so fucking based?
You can be assured there's a LoGH thread circlejerking about how awesome it is almost every day, and guaranteed at least once a week.
>Bombings on Germany.
>Was a white supremacist, British empire supporter and Eugenics supporter
>Strong advocator of chemical weapons primarily against Kurds and Afghans.
Which is it
50% of the posts are saying he shits on democracy and the other 50% are saying he shits on the empire
Isn't OP more accurate by saying its trying to portray the positives and negatives of both?
Eh, I can sympathise, but I never liked idealism at its' core
But I do like Apology of Socrates a lot as a piece of literature
China is a shithole.
>When the EU representative enters your thread
>Bombings on Germany
best day of my life
50% of the posts do not make sense.
Well I'm glad we could stop arguing and discuss something nice for once in this thread
>the Goldenbaum dynasty produced only two emperors who were both competent and moral, out of 36 in total
>it also caused the collapse of the human population from ~300 billion to ~40 billion
>it is pointed out several times that there is no guarantee that Reinhard's descendants will have a better record
>both the Galactic Federation and the FPA were considered salvageable until very late in their existence and called "golden periods" for humanity.
Is China the proof that you need neither democracy nor a truly free market to rule the world market?
How based is China to proof wrong generations of murridumb /pol/shitters?
We get it you're very edgy
Harris also cried when he saw photos of the aftermath long after the war, but you freaks never mention that
We don't even get that in my euro nanny state, let alone the EU gov.
Blame the krauts
>Constant instability and internal strife
This is an inherent feature of Democracy. The rulers are always changing and the voters are always competing for their political views.
>Constant warfare for some reason
Idk why it happens, The Athenians were always fighting, the Roman republic was always fighting, the French Republic was always fighting, The U.S is always fighting and sometimes drags other countries into their wars.
>a low administrative efficiency ceiling
due to voting, political rivals, term limits and checks & balances
Blame Merkel more like
>bombing civilians
Who else are you gonna bomb? Millitary has AA guns
>idk why that happens
Cause an external enemy turns the attention away from the internal power struggles
You don't have parliamentary elections in your euro country?
Do you know Goldenbaum dynasty is simply based on real hystorical figures and events?
You probably don't.
That was not him criticizing empires, but rather being the hystory-fag he is.
Did he deserve it?
>criticism can't be based by invoking examples
Spoken like a true zoomer. Get out and go back to Fornite.
>Do you know Goldenbaum dynasty is simply based on real hystorical figures and events?
>You probably don't.
Yes yes, almost every single emperor who gets more details than just his name is an Expy for someone else. Rudolf is Hitler, August II is Caligula, the one who was prime minister for his father is some Qing Dynasty emperor, Erwin Josef II + Käthchen are Puyi, etc. The thing is, he only bothered to make 1/18 of them decent, without counting Fritz IV., who was knowingly bringing down his own dynasty. You can't really argue that he is pro-autocracy when he chooses to portray most of the emperors as most undesirable rulers.
Get the fuck out of here old man, anime is for teens go and get a job, move from your parents house, get laid and have children you waste of oxigen.
I bet i had more sex at 14 than you will have your whole life.
But user, monarchy is also only for retarded children.
This thread went really off topic.
Good goy. 0.002 shekels have been deposited in your account.
Calling the pre-Confederacy German states 'German' would be the same thing as trying to call members of the EU 'European' rather than French, Spanish, German, etc.
>you're not a socialist anarchist antifa faggot therefore you're a zoomer
Aren't antifaggots zoomers by definition?
But they WERE called German
Take it up with Napoleon
On my Alsace-Lorraine (Elsaß-Lothringen).
Where do I download LOtGH?
Yep. I thought Yea Forums of all places could refrain from consistent cringeposting but I guess I was wrong, I wont make any more LOGH threads lol.
Whole show is up on youtube
Kek nailed it. Your gen is truly worthless.
>I thought Yea Forums of all places could refrain from consistent cringeposting
But what would make you think that?
lurk moar
The HRE was called "Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation" for four hundred years before the German Confederation
Deutscher just means 'people' or 'persons'.
It wasn't a term of ethnicity at that point.
>he doesn't get it
>outspoken critic of increasing authoritarianism in FPA
>gets put in the executive position and sees not other way out than to increase authoritarianism
really underappreciated character
>Holy Roman Empire of the people's nation
In Latin, Sacrum Imperium Romanum Nationis Germanicae. Just because nationalism didn't exist doesn't mean people weren't aware of language groups and the like
They shouldn't have been dressed that way.
user, I..
It presents a far more realistic democracy than an autocracy, the latter always being closer to best case scenarios than the former.
The strategy is also shit.
>We get it you're very edgy
Defending Germans is edgy
Not wanting Germans bombed is edgy. The fuck is wrong with you?
Are you retarded? Every single Empire in history was always fighting as well.
>animals have wars
Peak stupidity.
We DID tell you. All the damn time.
>the latter always being closer to best case scenarios than the former
Because the core questions is whether democracy is always preferable to autocracy even in edge cases of both, you dumb shit
>>>animals have wars
>Peak stupidity.
ants do
>millenial boomer
>calls me worthless
Oh the irony
name a more based character, i'll wait
(yang doesn't count)
Empires didn't wage as much external wars. Imperial China, Persian Empire, and Imperial Rome all had very long periods of time where they had an age of peace and prosperity.
>why didn’t you tell me-
What to know how I know you’re new?
You are comparing ants to humans to defend your political stand. Let that sink in for a second.
I am not
In no way. I just jumped in to tell you that ants have wars.
Are you retarded?
Monkeys have wars.
You could also mention numerous democracies that haven't warred for very long periods of time as well.
implying you're not a millenial lmao
>i don't want to apologize to reinhardt because i fucked up, i'll declare war on him. that will show those conspirators
If he really wanted to make a case for no difference he could mention an example of two democracies fighting a major war against each other, but he can't because it's never happened
Which is the best release on Nyaa to download?
Like what? Can it compare to the 400 years of the Han dynasty? the 200+ years of either Imperial Rome or Persian empire?
The older series.
Which subs?
The term is counter-semite you snipped dick christ killer.
I am not the most historically literate person.
But it takes only a cursory glance at Wikipedia to see that the supposed peace periods of the Han dynasty and Roman empire actually had multiple wars. They are most likely just called peaceful periods relatively.
It's certainly an interesting series but I'm not sure if it's really saying an autocracy is good, Reinhardt is like a one in a million person and even in a democratic society he probably would have been able to go far. He even advocates for the people to kill him if he strays from the good intentions he began with, whereas no dictator would ever say something like that unless they were young and idealistic like him.
The whole series could have ended halfway through if Yang actually took that one shot.
Nah i was born in 2001....kek.
"The world market" was ruled by barbaric god-kingdoms at one point. That's a relative measure and thus a meaningless one. The only thing it proves is democracy is so destructive that even barbaric totalitarian dictatorships will surpass you before long.
A generation usually spans 20 years so you're still the same
Just started watching this for the first time I hope it's as good as everyone says.
It is
I am a historically literate person. There isn't a single democracy in the world that had lasted as long without wars as some of the ancient empires did.
How did this thread go so shit?
And you post like one.
Modern democracy hasn't existed as long as some ancient empires did.
Switzerland has never had a war for as long as it has been a democracy.
>How did this thread go so shit?
Trying to have a political discussion on an anime board.
Thanks brother
"Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead!"
Farragut was reckless as fuck but it works IRL.
Not that user but is there a complete release?
ITT: Dunning-Kruger symposium
You posting Dunning-Kruger shows that you are affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Prove it.
My vision is augmented
Well, I'm dumb enough to have posted in this thread, so obviously.
Further research on the Effect has drawn into question its validity, especially the claim that people 'over-estimate' themselves. The mathematical modeling D and K used may not have been particularly accurate.
Also it was found that the Effect can be entirely reversed depending on the culture, some cultures lead to 'under-estimation' and others to 'over-estimation'.
By posting the Dunning-Kruger Effect without knowing its questionable accuracy, you are showing that you think you are smarter than you really are.
Of course there is. How do you think people have watched it.
The one that was linked are the official subs. However they don't have the name captions for every character like Central Anime's release does.
Central Anime would be the subs that most people watched.
Bro there is a youtube link to the entire series in hd posted itt
>posting this meme unironically in the current year
Are you still on dialup
Whats the point of wasting space on your hard drive for a show
Because it ensures the best quality, faggot.
>And you post like one.
I am going to take that as a compliment since all you Yea Forums boomers are cringe af.
Thats not how it works retard everything post 2000(included)is gen z,before that its millenial cry harder gramps.
>questionable accuracy
Well it's accuracy sure isn't questionable in this thread.
Not him, but this is one of the reasons why any claims that democracy (or feminism, socialism, the EU, the USA or whatever else is on someone's agenda) is the reason that today's era is peaceful are ultimately just conjecture. Democracy hasn't been around for long enough to conclude that it would naturally lead to the same results regardless of context, especially since a fuckton of game-changing inventions - steam engine, chemical fertilizers, nuclear weapons etc. - have been made around the same time it became popular, so international politics in the current era are based on entirely different premises than in the pre-democratic one.
Democracies are a modern think you know. At least as we know them. The old democracies were a different thing.
And by the way, Burgerland doesn't have a democracy, it's practically a regime with 1 party that fakes to be two factions to better manipulate its citizens.
>And by the way, Burgerland doesn't have a democracy, it's practically a regime with 1 party that fakes to be two factions to better manipulate its citizens.
Come on, that's the street opinion everyone has about every democracy.
The key thing people forget when looking at historical democracies is who is allowed to vote. Our modern conception of democracy is an entire population, more or less, being at least allowed to vote but historically there's usually been a distinct 'voting class', usually male landowners of the right heritage. There is indeed voting going on and it's outside the world of pure politics, but it's not the general population as we now understand it. So that creates some wrinkles when trying to make sweeping statements across democracies both historic and modern.
Yep but in Burgerland it's true.
Does quality really matter on a show this old? I wouldn't stream it either, but still at this point its not like the bit rate is holding back the fidelity.
Even things of not the best quality can get worse when put through the youtube compression system
It's really the place where its the least true, actually. Try post-USSRR Eastern European countries maybe.
Why can't they just fly past the sphere fortress? Why do they fight with axes in space?
Maybe, but Europe is even worse. At least there's formal democracy there, here it's only democracy in name.
Thing is you can count democracy among those inventions. It wasn't dropped onto the face of the Earth via a meteor, people sat down and designed it. Social institutions are inventions too, it's not just your iphone.
Space corridors.
I don't remember which episode, but in one of them we see a ship being destroyed because it hit the edge of one of the corridors.
We have like 8 different parties in the parliament.
And which two keep exchanging ownership of the country every few years, as well as their politicians and their constituents?
Having lots of parties have little to do with a country being democratic or not.
>video blocked in country
Fuck this shit
There aren't two. There used to be a 3 party coalition opposing Pro-Russian/Pro-EU Federalization socialists, but 2 members took heavy losses in the recent elections against 3 new parties and were forced into a 5 party coalition.
What I'm saying is that there were too many major societal changes in the last two centuries to gauge the impact of any specific one of them on our current relative peace. Maybe it's democracy that makes countries less eager to wage wars, but it could just as well be the increased standard of living, the threat of nuclear war or a mix of multiple factors.
>still acting like that at your age
big yikes
Nobody here talking about the Jews except you pal
true democracy is when you import foreigners under the pretense of worker shortage and then give them voting rights to outvote the natives so true democracy can take place
True democracy is when the president's wife is an illegal immigrant, but the rules don't apply to her because she isn't brown.
Interesting; I wonder where you're hearing this from.
It's certainly true that you'll get more from the average political science course than this series, but I haven't heard it touted as an educational tool; just an interesting drama that deals with ideology in a less heavily biased way than most war fiction that involves ideological conflict.
Mind you, it does become more and more pro-democracy over the course of the series, which I found rather tiresome.
Very /pol/.
true demoncracy is when half of government representatives have dual citizenship
You must be a real fan of computer-based coloration. Never heard someone criticize LoGH's looks before.
>Thermopylae is propaganda
>took Rome
You might want to check your own facts before calling others out, user.
My favorite WW1 bungle is the fact that the famous "Schlieffen Plan" was designed by Schlieffen for a one-front war against the French. He'd drawn up a far more sensible plan for a two-front war, defending on the Franco-German border while pressing the attack in Russia, but for some reason his successor ignored that plan and went for the one-front war plan.
The results you know.
Not that user and I realize I'm 5 hours late, but I just really wanted to assert that, yes, I do indeed greatly enjoy calling people blind cavedwellers.
>chosen hate because hate is a faith
You know, I've always had a healthy distaste for Sartre's writing, but this might just take the cake. He's almost as bad as Camus. The kind of reptile who believes hate is a choice really shouldn't be commenting on the human condition.
Maybe you people are still living in the cave, but I have seen the truth of the world of pure Forms, and here it is u're a faggot
>people are so dumb, they keep falling into the Dunning-Kruger effect
>people are so dumb, they keep believing they're smarter than others because they hear of the Dunning-Kruger effect
>my post
What's the next level?
"Alright Lohengramm-Kou, you're up. Charge the lines."
"B-but why?"
"Fucking do it."
*proceeds to do a drive-by middle finger to the entire enemy firing line at 5 MPH*
"Admiral, maybe we should SHOOT THE SOFT TARGET"
"Yang you ignorant cowardly fuck, this is obviously an enemy ruse. We mustn't fall for it."
"Sir the enemy fleet we allowed to move to our flank is now flanking us."
*meanwhile, back in the Lohengramm fleet*
"Sasuga Reinhard-sama."
His Granny got dabbed on by the SS.
>tfw you see a 300 reply lotgh thread and get excited to see all that show discussion but it turns out it's just /pol/
It's not like it's just the schlieffen plan's fault, retards fucking it up in the east, diverting massive amounts of troops from the west to the east and weakening the offensive back when there was actually some movement, was the final nail in the coffin, with all the other problems they had.
Thermopylae was kind of propaganda, if you look at the timeline of the battle the Persians cleared the Greeks out pretty quickly and without a huge amount of casualties.
What that guy was on about with Rome is beyond me.
>that webm
Goddamn i love those old cartoon shorts.
Those are not democracies, though.
The fuck are you smoking? Your shit country is not Europe.
>deals with ideology in a less heavily biased way than most war fiction that involves ideological conflict.
It was mostly this angle I heard a lot about but watching the series it never felt like Yang got meaningfully challenged on his views like Reinhart did.
Oh yeah, remember that part where Yang had the option to fucking save everything he believed in and everyone he loved and cared for IF ONLY he dared disobey an order from the democratically elected representative of the people? He wasn't challenged at all!
Not in any discussion he had as far as I remember. I just sat everyone down after their way to pathetic attempts failed. But it's been a while since I.
Are you trying to imply a character can only have his beliefs challenged through conversation?
>it never felt like Yang got meaningfully challenged
It doesn't help that everyone else is written as completely retarded. Had to drop this a third of the way through. Its so damn boring.
five shekels have been deposited to your accout
And what country you're assuming I'm from?
A shit country, obviously.
Well, my point was, almost every european country is shit politically. Besides UK and France there's not that much difference in political systems inside the EU.
Considering that the eastern front was where the Germans did succeed, I still think that if they'd followed Schlieffen's original plan and used a smaller defensive force in the west to bleed the French without attacking Belgium, while making an offensive in the east with a larger and prompter force (instead of giving the Russians time to mobilize as they did) things would have gone far better.
That's not my point, though. The main point is that Schlieffen prepared two plans: one for a one-front war and one for a two-front war. Then his successor used the one-front war plan in a two-front war and simply called it "the Schlieffen plan". I can't understand it.
You wish.
>Jean-Paul Sartre
After reading that and considering is support for communism, its not surprising he converted to Judaism before he died.
>Then his successor used the one-front war plan in a two-front war and simply called it "the Schlieffen plan". I can't understand it.
They thought that Schlieffen was paranoid to believe that they couldn't crush the frogs before the ivans mobilized and just modified his one front war plan by putting one more army in reserve in case anything went wrong. And they cut the invasion of the Netherlands from it, which actually worked for them in a sense. The plan also called for letting the frogs take Alsace-Lorraine and then encircling them in it, but they refused to carry out that part for some retarded reason.
c-can we talk about logh now
Hate is a choice because hate is NOT a feeling in the first place. Distaste is a feeling. Indifference is a feeling and the opposite of love. You don't get to choose your feelings.
I don't hate jews, I don't hate anyone. I love all my fellow men but I dislike their actions. It's not a mistery that jews form groups to gain advantages and control sectors of the economy/society, especially in the United States of Israel. The ones who are not open to dialogue are first and foremost jews, it's no coincidence the word "anti-semitism" exists. Even in this "woke" political climate you never hear anyone talk about "anti-black" and if they do they're not taken seriously. With anti-semitism it's different.
>make laws forbidding Jews from being farmers or working other honest jobs
>act surprised when Jews specialize in usury instead
Only people too stupid to understand history will blame the Jews for taking over the financial sector. They had no other choice.
This happend irl more often than you think lol
History? What has history got to do with what I said? What countries have such laws? I was under the impression were talking about our society.
You dislike the actions of Jews (fancy way of saying you dislike Jews) because of their control over the economy. But you aren't interested in the historical factors which forced them to become bankers, lenders and other financial tycoons. You are willfully ignorant.
What the fuck are you even doing in a LoGH thread if you have so little respect for history? Do you just watch the show for a MUH ARYAN UBERMENSCHEN fantasy?
Black Clover thread is down the hall and to the left.
>he thinks LOGH is better than a shounen
Gundam is a giant toy commercial and it has more depth than LOGH.
1. I am very interested in history. The point is that history has got nothing to do with the matter at hand.
2. People are responsible for their actions. "they forced me to" was the nazi excuse.
3. The problem is not their success like you seem to believe. It's their moral behaviour. The manipulation they do. For example of the use of language as I explained.
4. Since the argument was the jews I'm talking about that, I could be critical of other groups of people as well.
>the jews were forced to exploit the goyim
>What the fuck are you even doing in a LoGH thread if you have so little respect for history?
Its a fucking cartoon you pathetic faggot.
>still falling for the democracy meme
Democracies always turn into oligarchies and every society no matter the political system it uses has an elite class that holds power. Therefore official oligarchies are better than democratic systems which are used by the elites to confuse the public and delude it that they hold any amount of power.