rate/post 3x3
3x3 thread
good diverse taste. Even though i think Yu Yu Hakusho and Tamako aren't really that good, at least you aren't a Shonen-only or something
I already rated you twice. What do you think about the newer Yotsuba chapters and negative reception of Jojolion?
Manga > Anime
Everyone here should make a Manga 3x3
I hate it
I like it
Last time my 3x3 was too obscure so I tried my hand at this one. Creating it did make me feel like I could switch some stuff around day by day but I suppose a 3x3 is always a changing thing
2/2 (my manga backlog is so fucking big now)
3/5 Guess it makes sense putting ongoing manga on a 3x3 as opposed to anime
what is middle left?
We haven't had a full 24-hour-pause between two 3x3 threads in a while now. Why are certain people so impatient?
Actually, I really wanted to post titlecards today ... damn.
... and, as always, manga.
I'm an idiot -_-
I was wondering when your 3x3 would show up. 3/4
>What do you think about the newer Yotsuba chapters
I don't like the style change, but they've been very funny.
>negative reception of Jojolion
I don't pay attention to what other people think. Instead of wasting my time listening to clinically retarded opinions from randos, I have been spending my time productively. Watched Red Night and Black Night of Babymetal's Tokyo Dome. I want to see a Babymetal stand if Araki makes a part 9.
This is one of the better looking
Which was the obscure one?
Pretty much all of them were just background shots from the series's openings. IMO still recognizable enough for people who'd seen the show but I guess I should take into account not everyone watches the op's every time
2/3 anime
0/0 manga
Very based picks, specially KareKano and Kaiba.
I don’t like Chihiro
Cowboy Bebop is better
Millennium Actress is better
I like Eva
Based Sailor Moon and Macross. You might like Princess Tutu
The best choice possible for Imaishi and JoJo
Baccano is great, Mushishi is good, Evangelion is good. The rest I don’t care about
Sailor Moon is good
Utena is great, Eva is good.
Rate my taste and all that stuff please
What's bottom left?
oh yeah I remember that one
it was just awful
I do like princess tutu
I also very much like tatami galaxy and belladonna of sadness, but I very much dislike texhnolyze. I should rewatch nana
Gunslinger Girl
Manga: 1/3
Anime: 4/5
Since rating isn’t really useful I’ll try giving recommendations
Rurouni Kenshin
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Black Lagoon
Black Cat
Belladonna of Sadness
Kyousou Giga
The House of Little Cubes
>Black Lagoon
Seen it, found it entertaining, but not particularly outstanding. It's one of those things which, when I see it on a 3x3, I'm unsure whether to give a point for.
>Yuri Kuma Arashi
pretty good, even though I despise yuri
>I despise yuri
As everyone should. Natsuki ftw!
>Why are certain people so impatient?
validation is intoxicant
>Belladonna of Sadness
I’ve seen it already. It’s an excellent film with a style of aesthetics I wish I saw more. Rintaro’s short in Neo Tokyo is one of the few things I can think of that feels similar to it in that sense. It’s pretty neat how the orgy scene can keep you watching despite next to nothing happening in it (although I think it went on for slightly too long). My biggest complaint with it is that the attempt the ending made to try and link the story to the French Revolution was dumb. Even if it makes sense thematically, it makes no sense logically. Basically, I really like it, although I’m not really attached to it.
2/2 +Kare Kano, LWA
2/2 +Yotsubato, Jojo
3/6 +K-On!, Eva, Champloo -Spirited Away, Castle in the sky, Curren
2/2 +One piece, Yotsubato
5/7 +Mushishi, Jojo, KLK, Millenium actress, Eva -5cm, Shogi
1/2 +OPM -HxH
3/5 +Daicon, Made in abyss -Lusterous, Akira. I can't decide if Katanagatari is a 1/10 or 10/10 so +1
3/5 +Trigun, bebop, ghost -SSY, Akira
2/3 +Eva -Utena Like I said for I can't decide if Katanagatari was a 10 or a 1 so +1
1/2 +Tatami -SSY
1/2 +Daicon -Sex and violence
6/8 +Tatami, Haruhi, Gatari, Bebop, Eva, Klk -Lain, Haibane
>Can’t decide if Katanagatari is a 1/10 or a 10/10
How so? I’m interested to hear why you say that.
Thread theme: webm.red
3.5/9 +Kaiba, LWA, Heidi ~SDF; more like rolling hags
6.5/9 ~Hijo de puta -Champloo, Purrfuct Bru; I wish Mugi was my wife so I would only have to work when I am genuinely interested in the case
3.5/9 +Zeta, Heidi, Green Jacket ~SDF
5/8 -5cm, 3gatsu, Bocchi is shit and there's no wonder she has no friends. Why my wife Aru pays any attention to this loser is beyond me; will never watch Jojo
Fuck this looks bad. The other one wasn't hard to ID shit on either. Don't let people with microscopic brains tell you what to do.
6.5/9 ~Daicon -Huntard X Hanturd, Homosexual "superheroes"
4.5/9 +GITS1995, SSY, Akira, Beanbop ~UNINSTALL; I always see people who love Noein AND Fantastic Children. I am not one of them, but maybe you should give the latter a try if you haven't yet.
6/9 -Nana, Toonami Galaxy, Koi
Imagine how good Gunslinger Girl could have been had it actually been animated after the first episode.
6/8 ~Daicon, Anti war propaganda -Triggershit
6/9 -toprow; purease fixu
4/9 +FLCL, LWA, My Future Wife Mugger ~FZ s1, Kizu1
Well it has to do with the ending. With togame dying and her speach at the end. I think it fit thematically with the shows ideas surrounding legacy and failure, but it still wasn't the ending I would have wanted. I would have prefered a more traditional ending. So it is a 10 because it is a well crafted story with themes that make sense and come together in a masterful way. And a 1 because I am a bit salty.
I don't recognize shit.
4/4 muh nigga Voltes V
9/9 Nice gradient and color scheme. Putting Kyousigiga dead center is also a cute touch.
Manga: 2/3
Anime: 5/7 I don't like Cowboy Beebop.
2/3 I hated Technolyze's bleak ending.
5/5 Don't know why not more people have Disappearance in their 3x3.
6/7 I like CGDCT but I don't like K-On particularly because I'm not that invested into band/orchestra high school music. I did like Hibiki Euphonium though.
>Voltes V
Not quite, no. The "V" is correct, the kana aren't.
Can't read kanji but I picked up on "Gun Game V" (gan gemu) if iirc hiragana. Thought it was Voltes V because of the distinctive golden V.
Gundam... not gun game.
Holy fuck, I need to get some sleep.
>"Gun Game V"
Now, that sounds interesting; I'd play it!
But it's not a ゲ (ge) but a ダ (da).
nigga you're stupid
I can understand mistaking
>夕 (yuu) and タ (ta)
>ソ (so) and ン (n)
>シ (shi) and ツ (tsu)
But ケ (ge) and タ (ta) are pretty distinct. I understand that the roman alphabet also has similar letters
>lower L and upper i
But moon really takes the cake. Never the less, it looks like I actually am retarded.
Removed LoGH and cromartie.
>夕 (yuu) and タ (ta)
I doubt this ever happens because of the context, who would ever read the title as "Evening ndamu"? Also
>can't read kanji
The main title is in katakana.
>Fantastic Children
Tell me what I'm missing, I struggled to finish the post-flashback stretch. The ensemble cast ultimately ended up feeling like a detriment with some characters like the detective and his lady assistant being pretty much superfluous and Thoma having so little presence in the second half that his big moment in the last episode feels unearned. The twists with Gherta and him were great, but it was jarring how he just gets over it for a brief period so he can arrive where the plot needs him to be. It was also a lot simpler than I was expecting. The Hesse quote in the beginning had me thinking there was going to be a little more richness to the narrative or some in depth character exploration but if that happened it was only ever because of direct connection to the plot (pic related did happen and was the best part of the finale though). Am I right in thinking there's Greek theater influence or something of the sort?
The quality of backgrounds also diminished after the flashback.
Wasn't sure whether to give a point for Beatless, but I'm feeling in a positive mood today.
We should really turn these into "whattcha watchin'?" threads.
And my 6x6
No, we shouldn't. There's enough of those already, and they really aren't interesting.
>It was also a lot simpler than I was expecting
One of my personal problems with it and why I didn't really consider it a favourite anymore after my first rewatch. It comes together well, but for a show focusing so much on narrative consistency, it's also somewhat simplistic. Flashbacks being the driving force behind character development also comes off as cheap, albeit I was never sure whether to mark this as a negative trait or not, given how the entire show is build around memories. It did however leave a sour taste, simply because flashbacks often look like very convenient narrative devices to make the character develop the way you need them to, no matter the direction they were taking beforehand.
>Am I right in thinking there's Greek theater influence or something of the sort?
No clue. I mean, most works have links to traditional greek theater, simply because the structure lends itself very well to dramatic character arcs by utilizing tragedy. And Nakamura also tends to weave western influences into his works, so I wouldn't be surprised. Palme is narratively based on the Gunnas of Hinduism, aesthetically on Fantastic Planet and thematically (to a certain extent) on Pinoccio. There's not much Japanese influence to be found. Although Fantastic Children never felt as carefully crafted to me, so I never even bothered to read much into it. It at least appears very straight forward.
>The quality of backgrounds also diminished after the flashback.
Feels more like the narrative development dragged the setting into looking less visually gripping. It's easy to make forests and temples look engaging. Less so for giant concrete buildings and structures.
A traditional ending would be boring and it slowly became more obvious that the series wasn’t going to end like that as it went on. Shichka just had far too much blood on his hands for it to end any other way.
It’s kind of sad that ending was controversial to some though. It feels as though an anime can’t have anything but an unambiguously happy ending these days if it doesn’t want to piss people off.
>the narrative development dragged the setting into looking less visually gripping
Fair. By the way, is that speech in the last episode I posted from somewhere or original?
>It feels as though an anime can’t have anything but an unambiguously happy ending these days if it doesn’t want to piss people off.
Not only anime, user. It's the "snowflake generation" mowadays, that considers everything that doesn't cater to their escapism bad.
Don't get a match in any of the languages I know. Doens't really mean much, though. Maybe it's Italian, Russian or Czech, who knows.
I don't think the thing that annoyed me about the ending was togame dying it was the "my emotions were all pawns" thing. Like I said that makes sense for her character, and the themes of the show. Honestly the idea that her legacy controlls her more than her love does was a really interesting idea. But, I could also see her getting over her legacy and becoming human like Shichika did. The first has a lot of good things for the theme, the second would have left a better feeling in my stomach.
Togame needed to die because she was simply too stubborn to ever let go of her desire for revenge. It was unlikely she’d ever grow out of that because she refused to forget her status as a princess despite that title meaning nothing because her family was dead. Plus you could argue that her dying is karma considering that she had Shichka kill several sword fighters for extremely selfish reasons. Compare that to Hitei who has no one killed (Emonzaemon killed all of his targets for her sake without her express permission). Shichka was content to just go with the flow of things from the beginning and therefore had nothing to die for.
I enjoyed Hedgehog in the Fog but didn't see it as the masterpiece everyone claims it to be. What am I missing?
The thing is you are correct in every way. That is why I say on some level katana was a 10 for me. But I don't think you can deny it was on some level a twist with episode 11's talk with her saying she wanted to stay with Shichika. With that I thought the show was going to give her a redemption where she decided revenge wasn't worth it.
It's just about one's sensitivity, but try to check the animation technique used for the short film and focus more on details next time you watch it.
Probably the fact that it's the most atmospheric piece of cutout animation ever created. Would be my guess at least. Try finding something on a similar level. Doesn't exist. It's the peak of its artform. Only Norsteyn himself can reach that level, and he never did again. Tale of Tales and Heron and Crayne aren't even remotely as good. His Winter Days short was even better animated, but it still was lacking in other areas.
Try harder
I did enjoy the visuals and atmosphere quite a lot. Maybe I just need to watch more cutout animation in order to form a better basis for comparison.
Also need to always take into considerationg to year it was made. Nobody would give a rats ass about Heidi if it had come out 10 years later. The only reason it's considered a "masterpiece" (which is ridiculous to be honest) is because it was made during a time of limitations. Wouldn't be surprised if the justification for Hedgehog in the Fog was the same. Like Kawamoto's Doujouji temple, althought that's actually his best works despite most others being better animated. Although I do agree that Hedgehog in the Fog is kinda overrated. Best piece of animation ever created seems a bit much.
5/5 +Hedgehog in the Fog
2/5 Gay
6/8 ++I like you
4/5 +Robot Carnival
Anime only
5/6 Daicon on your 3x3?
2/8 You tried so hard but you still use OPM. Next time leave it as the ED frames.
5/5 fpbp
What 's wrong with that grid
Soldiers of Sorrow over Encounters in space? Dayum
Too many: ~65%
>Anime only
Horrible sentiment. Read manga.
How did future diary make it onto anyone's 3x3
Gundam X
Having a ton of "obnoxious" shows mixed in the obvious shows he actually likes
>Mirai Nikki
>Death Note
Come on
What makes you think that he doesn't like those "obnoxious" shows? He seems far more genuine than some others in here.
good for your standards
pretty great
great excusing the glaring exception
pretty good
I don't know how this happened.
pretty great
really great
pretty bad
fine for your standards
good for your standards
1/3 -tamako -lwa +kaiba
0/1 -jojo
5/6 -laputa
1/1 ant
1/5 -jojo, 5sm, lion, actress
1/1 opm
2/2 hxh, opm
3/3 hxh, daicon, akira
-gunnm, trigun, bebop, lesbians
what's the manga left middle?
3/6 -tatami, haibane, lain
3/7 -steins, trigun, lwa, winter lolis
0/1 -madoka
36 favs is shit taste
2/5 -fma, naruto, planetes
4/5-6 -wolfs, 3gatsu?
>what's the manga left middle?
Fire Punch
What's the appeal of 3x3 threads?
Autism, literally. Neurotypicals need not apply.
Time for another random sample of Yea Forums's taste. 9 random grids, one random panel each.
Raw data:
>192863791a+(8), 192865181+(5), 192873886+(9), 192879899+(6), 192866841+(6), 192878349+(8), 192861978+(3), 192862416+(8), 192872976+(8)
Please rate others.
This one is baffling
Collages look neat
Waste of trips
>I don't know how this happened.
What exactly?
Too lazy to make a jpg
Gurren Lagann
Yuyu Hakusho
>Too lazy to make a jpg
Then make a png.
Pretty based
Do it
Not to be too, too pretentious, but Texhnolyze and Penguindrum--or maybe just Texhnolyze--are shows you have to think about on some level to really enjoy, or at least that's how I saw them, but Shinsekai Yori is a show which gets worse the more you put your mind to it.
Having them all on the same 3x3 was just contradictory in a way I've yet to see in all my years in these threads, so I was just kind of taken aback.
Texhnolyze improves when you see the parallel to Mouse Utopia and understand what happened with Ran's visions. I've never seen Penguindrum because I despise Ikuhara, but his style is somewhat esoteric so you can appreciate it more when you unpack it. Shinsekai Yori is a stupid person's "deep" show. It's retarded. It's very poorly made and has wildly inconsistent production values. Psycho Pass was better, and that show was terrible.
Are you kidding? Both of them are popular among casual anime viewers. You don't need to be smart to enjoy texhonolyze, both of them are on my 3x3 as well. I also like gunslinger girl. The rest are 2deep4me though
Sometimes they allow you to talk about cartoons you'd never be able to talk about outside of them.
3/5 interesting
Summit of The Gods is not that good man.
Why not? I liked it much more than The Climber, and that one is already highly regarded.
Summit of the Gods is very good and I'm not interested in what you have to say.
It excels at nothing.
7/9 (might have read the manga/VN instead of the anime)
He's right you know
All garbage. Seriously kys
What's wrong Shinsekai Yori's story?
>Yotsuba is garbage
There certainly isn't anything special about. Pretending for Yotsuba to be special generally results from peer pressure. You're expected to like it, so you just do. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Soulless insect.
Your parents didn't love you enough.
See, that's what I mean. I am guaranteed to have had a better childhood than either of your favela monkeys yet I don't feel the need to flock to this series. Why is that? Likely because it's you who are the insect people who grave parental love they've never experienced.
I'll back you up.
Yotsuba is boring unless you're a literal child.
This has to be the worst case of low-effort bait I've ever seen on here. Just fuck off, troll.
Don't you people feel silly?
Have you ever considered that Yotsuba might just be a really enjoyable manga for many people and that you simply have shit taste, retard?
What's your 3x3?
>and that you simply have shit taste
Post your grid or fuck off.
>hinsekai Yori is a show which gets worse the more you put your mind to it
I don’t know, but when I watched it I found it really great and well constructed. Maybe if I rewatched it I’d like it less, but I don’t feel the need to watch it again.
I started reading Yotsuba before i was on Yea Forums or was looking for Manga on the internet but yeah, i was definitely peer pressured,
This post is so stupid I don't even know how to respond to it.
you've been doing this every thread for a while now. what's the point? what can you infer from all those grids?
why are all the pseuds so infatuated with the cloud short?
>what's the point?
It's fun. And it is even somewhat representative of these threads if you look at it over some time.
>what can you infer from all those grids?
What kind of things Yea Forums seems to like and how diverse that taste is: There seem to be very common picks, but every random grid has had some less common things.
Who posts most often: Grids that get posted every thread appear far more often than those which get posted once a month.
Differences in style and in what pictures people select for their grids.
Among other things.
what are middle right and bottom middle?
Yooo I said that word again, Ma!
>Sans titre 68.png
Why not give it a titre? And why 68?
What's with all these teens with their widescreen 16:9 3x3s? It looks awful. Squares are nice.
4:3 is the best ratio.
What’re the middle, middle right and middle bottom names?
>192863791a+(8), 192865181+(5), 192873886+(9), 192879899+(6), 192866841+(6), 192878349+(8), 192861978+(3), 192862416+(8), 192905233+(3)
Jesus this one looks like ass
So like all other grids posted ITT.
>not the recognizing middle bottom
the absolute state of these threads
Take a good look at it. It is egregiously shitty looking, almost like it was made badly on purpose
top left?
Shut the fuck up already you imbecile. These threads are about favourites. All the grids look dogshit anyway and nobody tries either. At least thats what I hope. Otherwise the posted content becomes even worse.
Fuck that was a typo. That’s Akira. I meant bottom right.
I mean I think that’s Pompoko or Ponpoko or Pom Poko or Pon Poko but just in case
+Wittle Litch
-Yu Yu Hakusho
Joj 8
+ Chihiro, Perfect blue, K-ON
- Samurai champloo (?), Gurren Laggan, Laputa, that kyoani show about an amusement park
Dragon ball
+ Doremi
- Sailor Moon
Joj 4, KLK
Katanagatari, Cute gemstones, MiA, T&B
Punpun, Cute gembutts, Jitsu wa
Scissor spit gf
I want to fuck Togame
The chair one and the trigger one
+ Monogatari franchise, KLK
- Haibane Renmei
+ K-ON, Kizumono, Dumb witch kids, Potato journey
- FLCL (?), Steins;gate (I love the VN but hate the anime)
+ MS Ikusei Seikatsu, MS Site
- Madoka
+ Mirai Nikki
- Death Note
+ I want to fuck the purple bitch with the eyepatch
- Death Note, Claymore, Teggen Toppa
cute eyeballs
+ I want to pet Osaka
- Genshiken
+ Nardo
Monogatari franchise (?)
+ Lucky Star, Monogatagatagatagatagatari
- Euphonium
+ I want to bap Mugi, Watamote, NHK
- 7 witches, Love Live, Yuru Yuri, Steins;gate
+ K-ON, DK Daily life
- YrYr, Shiki, Ichigo Mashimaro, Code geass
+ Tsukihi is best girl and has best theme, Perfect blue
- Madoka
I have learned out of my mistakes and it is now a jpg
calm down there buddy. why are you getting so flustered? don't tell me that's your grid. I hope not, but if it is you may consider re doing it from the ground up because it is easily the worst itt and prossibly the worst I've seen in a long while
pompoko. the others are a bad fanart of princess kaguya and a ralph banski cartoon.
Nobody gives a shit about your opinions or what you pretend for these threads to be. If everything looks bad the level of how bad they look doesnt matter. Get the stick out of your ass aesthetics pseud.
yeah I'm thinking it's your grid. for shame user.
Thank you very much
>yeah I'm thinking
Doubt it.
>If everything looks bad the level of how bad they look doesnt matter.
Stop being butthurt. That 3x3 looks way worse than any other in here. Accept some criticism, mate, don't freak out over such a trivial fact.
>If everything looks bad the level of how bad they look doesnt matter
the mantra of modern anime studios
Not my grid and no it doesnt. Be a pseud somewhere else.
New meme: random height/width on you're 3x3 and stretch to fit
why is wanting to look at something that does not look like utter garbage equivalent to being a pseud? don't you have any standards? Makes me wonder what shows do you even like
then again that one is probably your grid, so I guess I already know the answer
Post yours then, troll.
Yes it does. It' the best about the world's most dangerous sport. It has one of the best effective narratives in all of manga. It got me interested in mountaineering with the way it's written.
>the best about the world's most dangerous sport
No, that's Killing Bites.
>world's most dangerous sport
>climbing with a rope
Not even the most dangerous sport of its own sub category.
That's not real.
>sub category
If you want to troll, at least use a proper rating like 0/9, shithead. Though, in your case, it'd probably more accurately be a 0/0, right?
>being this triggered
>lmao I totally trolled you
>192863791a+(8), 192912010+(3), 192873886+(9), 192879899+(6), 192866841+(6), 192878349+(8), 192861978+(3), 192862416+(8), 192905233+(3)
That dousn't quite work out, user.
2/9 terrible
2/9 very bad
I want to call this good because it has Soremachi but 3/9 it's shit
>192863791a+(8), 192912010+(3), 192873886+(9), 192879899+(6), 192866841+(6), 192878349+(8), 192861978+(3), 192862416+(8), 192915348+(7)
How about you rate others first, retard.
Rate others.
Wait ... something got mixed up there:
How about you rate others first, retard.
Another update:
>192863791a+(8), 192912010+(3), 192873886+(9), 192918210+(1), 192866841+(6), 192878349+(8), 192861978+(3), 192862416+(8), 192915348+(7)
>tfw you spend like 30 minutes going through the entire thread, leave, come back and no one gave you (you)s
>wasting time rating people in a thread as abysmal as this one
Rookie mistake, really.
I was just about to rate it, but then you bumped the thread. Now you'll have to wait until the thread reaches page 9 again.
What's the point of the updates? What's changed?
>What's the point of the updates?
New grids getting posted, which means I add them to the selection pool. Whenever the RNG selects one, I'll update the grid and post it.
>What's changed?
Most recently, panel number 4 (center-left), when the total number of possible grids to pick went from 34 to 36.
Before that, panel 9 (bottom-right), from 30 to 34 grids in the pool.
And before that, panel 2 (top-center), from 27 to 30 grids.
And before that, panel 9, from 24 to 27 grids.
24 grids is the absolute minimum for which I'll make one.
Right now, the chance for a freshly posted grid to get selected is just below 25%.
What do the numbers mean when people reply?
what is the name of pic related?
i really like the artstyle
they mean you are a newfag
little witch academia
Those are fractions, user. You should have learned about them in elementary school.
No idea what I'm doing. Just picking what I like the most.
>Just picking what I like the most.
Yes, user. That's what you're supposed to be doing.
I thought this was a circlejerk over who has the best taste?
You're lucky it isn't.
Even if that was the case you are probably better off being honest about your taste because it would likely make for a more interesting grid
>192863791a+(8), 192912010+(3), 192873886+(9), 192918210+(1), 192866841+(6), 192927163+(9), 192861978+(3), 192862416+(8), 192915348+(7)
What's top mid and mid right?
>top mid
the sky crawlers
>mid right
wings of honeamise