Does Goku wish for a better son to spar with deep down?
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
At the very least he hates his clothes
He wishes his son wasnt such a fag
CHADhan cucks Goku every night. No fag detected
>Fucks Goku's former rape victim
lol no
If anything, he was the one who was raped. Twice.
>raping anyone
When you end up getting sidelined by your dad after he died can you really blame him?
Jobhan can barely satisfy Videl as is.
Gpku didnt even know what marriage was. Do you really think he knew what sex was either? Chichi coaxed this dude to fuck without his true knowledge about it what they were about to do.
Someone post ToP WEBMs
Why don't you just go rewatch whatever?
What an absolute savage
well he definitely punched and kicked cunnies without any second thought, who knows he could've just experimented with his dick and Shithan pops out
Enter GODku
Stop this Jobren-tier spamming
My posts are related to these threads though. Unlike jobren spamming.
Do you people think dragon ball has a strong panel flow in general? if yes, is it the reason of its success?
الموت لإسرائيل
It's an imitation of their shit post. Find something else.
I doubt it, the majority knows dragon ball for the anime, with the slow-pacing and silent moments in battles. I like both of them though.
>Death to Israel
How is this /dbs/ related?
>he doesn't know
Know what?
Don't question your divine Master or you'll face retribution.
Now post ToP WEBMs
>implying he didn’t just stand there naked and screaming for ten minutes and then shoot a blast of sperm like a kamehameha from his dick handsfree and use his kamehameha remote guidance power to maneuver it into chi-chi’s coo-chi and up the boom tube like a torpedo into the death star
Go back to /pol/ faggot
Not really an imitation. One has goku and the other has jiren. The quality is in the character being posted. For that reason, Mine are obviously superior.
>he doesn't browse /pol/
Don't play, it's just a different character but the shitpost is employed in the exact same way. Try harder.
Did he use the sacred ointment though?
>he browses /pol/
>Spics think that copying a style while applying minor changes isn't the same as imitating
>Post Death to America tyson mike
>No one cares
>Post Death to Israel tyson mike
>2 responses in 5 minutes trying to start an off-topic conversation
A on, I.... MOAR
no, his only son goten is enough.
Goku doesn’t recognize any states as legitimate
Goku doesn’t recognize that girls don’t have a penis
Goku doesn’t recognize much of anything because he’s borderline retarded
Yes. He only cares about people up to the point that they stop being useful training partners.
ATs panels have god tier flow, imho. toyo gives in to making everything cluttered, but im not sure if thats a time constraint.
well, no, although it's a reason why DB is so enjoyable to read.
its success comes from the premise.
the only thing going for the DB Shit manga is the premise which is incredibly hit and miss. the panelling is fucking cluttered and awful.
seething kike.
in my post i did a very good explanation on how it wasn't. I recommend you to read it again.
If i apply minor changes to it, then it stops being an imitation
>ever useful
It's probably is. In the original manga akira dedicates entire chapters to a battle, something toyo doesn't do since the chapters are released monthly instead of weekly.
Give this thread your energy anons!
Give me the sacred ointment instead
Dyspo Dyspo
Enter Chad.
You posted Jobren buddy
Based mods deleting the Jobren trash
>If I imitate a style instead of a single work made in that style it stops being an imitation
Goku thinks his son is a faggy faggot, you fag.
I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
And yet she managed it twice. Gokek probably jobbed to himself so he could lose to a weaker for (again).
How is it not?
>waiting to job again
MC at 0-3 against his rival. Unreal.
>wasting ki on jobber techniques
holy based
best fighter outfit in the entire series
>everyone made fun of him for wearing it
>actually looked cool in it
Enter ChadHa-
But he did nothing but job in that uniform. The best he got was a useless tie with Dabura and even then, Dabura stopped the fight because he felt Vegeta being evil and could be used a servant.
Enter Moro.
fuck the WHAT is thing THIS? Terrifying ! IT'S
What a lovely goat.
What the FUCK is this ?? It's horrifying
I miss yesterday's episode
Just ask Geekdom to ask his sources for the re airing time.
I mean dbs Yea Forums episode
I can give you a summary:
>Jobrentards got humiliated
>Jobgetadogs got scared and barely had a presence
>Some Gohandogs spammed but got humiliated too
That's about it.
You can still catch up on it on reddit
> You're country
> You're favorite character
Argentina (I'm white and from Germany, pic related)
Gohan nino
Goku is always looking for a superior training partner, now that Broly exists everyone's days are numbered, of course, Broly himself is doomed to be thrown away like garbage as Goku will try to seduce Jiren next.
Goku black
Vegeta beats Goku not just in battle but in all areas of life
USA (Detroit)
I guess that's why Vegeta has a massive inferiority complex towards him
What's with everyone wearing sports clothes in these pictures»
Do muzzies in France wear nothing but tracksuits all the time?
Post more of these please, Samir's DBZ art is always a pleasure to behold. Especially the one where Vegeta gets raped by police
>All of reality is shaking
>Space is distorting
Jiren has just unleashed his time-shattering sperm!
Motivated. Determined. Resilient. Confident. Mentally untouchable. Notice I didn’t say physical because no man is. Unfortunately our physiology limits us anything past that. More words can describe my presence but let’s not be selfish.
I walk a path. A path that was aligned for me since the beginning of time. The Creator gave me life through abundance. Allowing the correct souls to cross paths but not only through eye contact but to share passion with one another. A passion that allowed human life to be conceived, over, and over, and over again. And through it all with proper planning, placement, and the correct space and time, here I stand.
As you wish
Best girl
Post armpit and feet
Waifuwhale, stop posting here
He adopted a new son and made him his sucessor so yeah, pretty much
>being replaced by nigger because your daddy dislikes you so much that he'd rather wish for his greatest enemy to become his son than spend time with you
Gohan & Goten had hard lives
Anyone agree with this
>Destroying anything
LMAO, all Cuckhan will do is job.
GT was bad but since Super managed to be even worse its accurate enough
Yes, and somewhat yes. The movement direction carries over to the anime, where it really shined (imo from early DB tournament up to Android saga). I can't speak for the rest because that's when the art direction shifted irreversibly, so I assume the animation/motion theory has too.
But just looking at Toriyama compared to Toyotaro, you can see that Toriyama is truly a genius within his industry. Toyotaro has no directional flow.
Uub is indian tho
GT has its strengths but I wouldn't go that far. Super executed its concepts with ever so slightly more finesse than GT, but they're both trainwrecks animation-wise and story-wise. I'd at least take Super's cosmology over GT's.
Super would do well to have more of GT's edge, without fully imitating it. Its light hearted nature feels more true to Dragon Ball, yet that light only shines with complementing dark tones.
Enter the God of humanity
This is even better than I remembered, the faces of Vegeta & that crying sheep are pure kino. What kind of twisted genius comes up with Vegeta being Adidas-wearing muslim in the first place
Morobros....this can't be happening.....
I unironically like his Vegeta design, way better than Tori's, Toei's or Toyo's
So Hearts beats the stuffing out of UI Goku, ultra super full power SHITren, sHit, God Toppo and SSBE Vegeta, all at the same time...I wonder who's going to stomp Hearts into to the ground...
She has big butt
Gogeta is stronger than all of them combined?
>t. abdul
Bejita on suicide watch
>tfw Moro will probably appear as a cyborg or clone in DBH and will have to either job or serve a fanfic villain like Hearts
Just like GODly is.
The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.
LORDren the KING
Cringe as always
S-SHITrenbros this can't be real...
based kekly manchild
MUI Gogeta fused with MUI Vegetto from another timeline
Based Tacos.
My semen quaked within my balls when i read this
Where were you when Ajay was destroyed on Twitter?
>fenyon's work looks weird and is anatomically incorrect in some places.
>I t-totally disagree...
>Based nappasan gave an exhaustive explanation that shows Ajay's lack of anatomical knowledge.
>I m-mean Y-you are right, b-but Yamamuro still sucks XD.
What a cuck.
Exactly. See? It wasn't hard to understand.
>weaker foe
in his sleep and tardku was too stupid to realize what was going on.
>Its light hearted nature feels more true to Dragon Ball, yet that light only shines with complementing dark tones.
Holy cringe. Super light hearted nature is shit.
Vic's gonna lose Bois the judge is really hard on them right now
Can someone explain this image? Why are they going to kill the goat?
All claims against Marchie got dismissed bois
He can't. Nobody can stop copying the superior Jiren chads. We define the meta.
Then you're not a gentleman.
I... I like Dragon Ball Super.
Holy shit Tardkutards are retards.
Shut the fuck up
HAHAHA go learn what imitation means, you retarded ESL shitter.
Not an argument
kek based
I accept your concession
Mariobros... what is this power?...
>posting """"smug"""" images negates my stupidity
No concession was made, except in your head.
Holy fuck watch out, it's the most based man in the multiverse!
>posting a character smiling is "smug"
Inferiority complex i see.
I like Jiren. BASED
>avatarfagging again
Ahem... Gentlemen, he wants 0-4 against the mod.
Why am i not surprised?
>ningens still arguing about which ningen is superior
god i want to creampie Whis so fucking bad goddammit i cant stand it i want to ruin that angel
OUT of this palace of linguistic righteousness and mental cultivation, you sub-par drudgeon.
angels are not for lewd
Nah, he is okay with his son doing what he wants.
And that's because Chadku decides to go away and train somewhere remote whenever he wants.
No but he misses when he was with him in the time chamber and Gohan constantly seduced him with those tight saiyan pants
Vic is getting btfo in court as we speak
I'm loving this so much, his shitty voice was never worthy of CHADly
goddammit his lips look so fucking soft i just want to lovingly kiss him while holding his hand gently yet firmly, then pull him in and hug him so tight he feels like he almost cant breathe and his whole face flushes
Sorry, my dude, but Whis is already taking the thorny cat cock on the regular.
Gohan is such a disgrace in Super
>Talking to himself
Cope, mutt.
>SHITrentard confirmed lybian
Anxious to read more of your Arabic tomes of superfluous intellect.
>p-please cop- AHHH DON'T HURT ME
Concession accepted.
>CHADrenking is an arabic prince
holy fuck how are they so accomplished?!? I cope Brolybros, I concede.
more like mindbroken gokek hiding behind kekly
reminder that your mother will never be this proud and have this level of admiration for you
>loses immediately
Nice job Shithan
I want to fill him to the brim
Listen the FUCK UP.
Jiren is based.
dead show
dead thread
based baldku
>Vic's going to lose
based desu. If the Vic controversy didn't become a thing for autists to bandwagon on then nobody would've remembered nuBroly for his insanely mediocre voice actor.
>Retards are going to start spamming VA shit and get threads deleted again
No one won anything, appeals will drag this for years and the defendants are still liable for defamation.
Go back to shitposting.
She was cheering for her lover
Reminder that he was right about ningens
>Hearts beats the stuffing out of UI Goku, ultra super full power SHITren, sHit, God Toppo and SSBE Vegeta, all at the same time
And where exactly is some record of this?
>multi-task device that also has spyware that allows (((them))) to spy the private life of it's users
Reminder that Toriyama predicted smartphones
Here's a list of characters more powerful than GODly;
BASED CHADren bro, absolutely fantastic.
yes, this is how Toryiama actually draws black people
Salaam Aleikum Jirenbrother
To eat it. Supermarket meat is not halal, they must kill the animal themselves for which they take visible enjoyment.
And since they're muslims, they've both most likely fucked the goat beforehand.
>Zyzz Blanco
Delete that shit
who is your favorite GoD?
Ratgod Genius
It might sound like Toyo propaganda, but it is almost impossible to distinguish between Toyotaro's work and Modern Toriyama's.
>DB Shit
Is this supposed to parody super? I honestly can't tell.
>his universe is the only one on expanding development
>first time traveler was a U12 citizen
is he going to be relevant, won't he?
i want to sniff her pits
The anime seemed to think so.
so, how many chapters until the inevitable turf war between Freeza and Moro for the throne of emperor of the universe?
>Does Goku wish for a better son to spar with deep down?
I dunno, but I do know what I can tell you: Vic is wishing he had a better lawyer right about now.
Enter the CUTEgang
Goku should learn parenting with Yujiro
It's astounding the level of misinformation and pure headcanon surrounding Jiren supposedly being weaker than Broly and Moro that still circulates these threads. Neither of those shitters have feats that come anywhere close to Jiren.
>Broly struggled with SSG and SSB
Jiren literally blocked SSG with one finger and no-sold SSBKKx20 and later a fucking Spirit Bomb by looking at it.
>muh raw power
Jiren literally shook the entire World of Void by walking and flexing his ki a little. It was also deduced that his power exists on the quantum level.
>muh gimmicks and magic
Jiren was able to effortlessly adapt to and ultimately conquer an angel-tier technique that relies on gimmicks and mysticism. He flat-out overpowered it. It's also canon that UI is stronger than fusion, which is what ultimately defeated Broly. Meanwhile Moro isn't even stronger than SSB Goku and Vegeta.
>m-muh broke through dimensions
It was a visual effect, nothing more.
>muh promo material
Jiren is directly stated in numerous places to be the strongest antagonist and the strongest mortal. He's also stronger than the GoDs, while Broly only MIGHT be stronger than Beerus.
There is NOTHING anyone can do to refute Jiren being stronger than Broly and the gimmick goat. NOTHING.
I doubt it'll happen.
Moro doesnt want the throne, he is just likes chaos
No one will bite such an obvious bait
>ad hominem and appeal to homosexuality
But Freeza won't be happy when he finds out there's a guy eating the planets he could be selling
btw who even are the guys who buy his planets and why Freeza don't just kill them and steal their fortune?
>no one will bite
Of course not, if you tried to bite chadren your teeth would crumble.
I never thought about that, but it's true that entire chapters were devoted just to fights, sometimes with antagonists who weren't even the main threat i.e. Nappa, the Ginyu Force, etc. Why is the format monthly? Is it just because Toyo sucks and couldn't hold up to a weekly schedule or does Toriyama not want to come up with napkin drafts that fast?
Why does Goku act as if Goten doesn't exist?
Because he would have nothing to do with his time if he didn't run dad's business.
>Jiren is directly stated in numerous places to be the strongest antagonist and the strongest mortal.
Source and dates for those statements.
Provide source that includes up to and after the DBS movie.
We'll all be patiently waiting, take your time.
He disowned him when he lost to Trunks.
>It's also canon that UI is stronger than fusion
Nice headcanon.
Broly has never be defeated either.
>He's also stronger than the GoDs
Only one, which is the weakest of the lot.
Meanwhile Broly is canonically stronger than Beerus, who is the strongest GoD, and may even be angel tier.
Face it, Jobren is a weakling jobber who got HUMILIATED by Roshi.
dead faggot
Based, the perv will finally pay sisters, day of the band soon fuckos cherish your nuts while you have them
how much s o y do you have to consume to be against vic?
>case is moving forward
>not a single clear rebuttal to anything the Jirenscholar posted
Why am I not surprised?
>moving forward
>everything got dismissed because his lawyer is a fat retard boomer
Nice cope, incel
Because that's how obvious the bait is.
I mean so far Moro has only been attacking the milk way i think, maybe Freeza is very far away so he havent heard about him. And like you pointed out Freeza's "empire" is not an actual empire, he is just a warlord that conquers some planets and sell them, i dont think there are many planets that he actually rules. Either way he'll only have problems with Moro if he actually interferes
>Only one, which is the weakest of the lot.
Not the guy you're bait fighting but, in the anime Whis explicitly says that the GoD that cannot defeat Jiren is stronger than Beerus, to which Beerus replies with "i only lost one in an arm wrestling match" obviously because of Jiren we're led to believe that said GoD is Belmond, and i don't actually remember if the gag about Beerus losing to Quitella at the arm wrestling competition is in the anime. Anyway here is the clip where they say that:
In the manga however, i believe they do explicitly say that it was Quitela who beat Beerus at arm wrestling, and i don't remember if Whis says that the GoD that cannot defeat Jiren is stronger than Beerus, but in the manga we saw that Belmond played dead when all the GoD's fought and he wasn't even injured.
So basically, ????????????? Anyway please continue fighting over whether Jiren or Broly have the biggest cock.
reminder that broly hides his buttcrack with the pelt because he will never have well-defined glutes like this
I can't wait for the U6 spinoff and the adventures of the CUTEgang
>i-it's bait if I don't like the truth!
Likewise, this is NOT an argument. Rather, it is a whimpered concession.
The way Quitela reacted pretty much confirms that him and Beerus are strongest GoDs imo
The SHITrentard is going to post those post Top statements about SHITren being the strongest mortal and strongest antagonist or not?
I have places to go and I wanted to see this answered today.
Nuttela knows they're the strongest and it's not even close, Beerus on panel went in against all of the Gods.
You forget that this is Dragon ball, the Universes are very very small.
I wish. Sadly we are forever locked on the Goku only show
Belmond was merely pretending though, so we don't really know if he is strong or smart, or weak and smart.
Remember to pray to your god almighty.
>post headcanon
>run away like a lil bitch
This is the thought process of an Araberencamel.
Not necessarily. All we have to do is bombard all of their social media with nothing but images of the Cutegang demanding a Cutegang spinoff and I'm sure they consider it in a few years.
This. But what else can they say? Admit it? They have to shitpost and fish (you)s with something. But be certain, they KNOW Jiren is stronger. It's just the nature of these aggressive threads that won't let anyone concede.
>guy who said 0% chance this goes past TCPA
>its going past TCPA
>he didn't see THE IRREFUTABLE
Hi newfag.
So was there even a point to all those donations?
Sure but there is more reason to belive he is below Beerus and Quitela then to belive he is a equal to them, let alone stronger
what about that SSG Goku is strong enough to entertain Beerus while SSBK against Jiren is the same as nothing
Probably, it's just one of those discrepancies between the anime and the manga because Toriyama probably ran out of space in his napkin to explicitly state which GoD was superior to Beerus.
>they KNOW Jiren is stronger.
Said no one.
>Won't post it
I you know better than to embarrass yourself even further.
Well, realistically that can be attributed to Battle of Gods being a random movie that didn't have to worry about setting things up for an anime, since at the time there was no plan to make Dragon Ball Super.
But the rationalization now can be that sure, Beerus was entertained, but just in the sense that Goku was the first mortal to not get atomized from one of his blows. Beerus was also entertained in the manga when fighting against Vegeta in his world, but then he stomped Vegeta when Vegeta landed a blow on him.
Man, what a retarded retcon was that shit.
>Whis: holy cuck, the Jiren we knew as being stronger than the GoDs is nothing compared to his full power?
Pretty clear to me.
I'm on mobile right now. Want archives link, pussy?
>holy cuck
>SHITren isn't strong enough to be compared with Beerus
>not even acknowledged as a possible rival for Beerus
I like Broly Verde the most.
Rereading some chapters because of the discussion and i just came across this, El Grande Padre says that anyone that holds back or doesn't fight will get fucked, so did he not notice that Belmond was pretending because Toyotaco is a hack fraud? Or what?
>counting Namek even though New Namek was established
Either New Namek already had mortals on it (never shown, see the Moro arc) or Shin is a retard.
Beerus was just playing around against SSG, Jiren was taking the fight seriously. Even after mastering SSB Vegeta was no able to even make Beerus fight seriously and got one shotted once he got angry
He definatly just mentioned that there is a god that defeated Beerus in arm wrestling, Toei probably thought that it was Belmond since he was the one behind Jiren, who was the main antagonist of the arc, while Toyo went with the cat vs mouse
>not a rival
> failing miserably to parrot Jirenchads again because Jiren is from another universe.
>someone that can easily manhandle you is a rival
BOOM. Just like that. Illiterate about the lore just like DOESN'TKNOWTHELOREtaro.
The clown isn't he holding back.
He's literally one of the Gods weaker than Vegeta and Goku.
He was the only one that wasn't all fucked up by the end of the fight though, i always assumed that he was just pretending to be knocked out, but the page i posted would imply that El Grande Padre would've noticed if he was just pretending to be knocked out. So, did he really get knocked out and then just smiled for no reason while laying on the ground? Or, did he pretend to get knocked out to not fight and El Grande Padre didn't realize? Or did he not get injured because he is way stronger than the rest?
>Quitela isn't Beerus rival
>Quitela isn't from a different universe
>Goku hasn't established rivalries with beings from other universes including SHITren
See? They have NOTHING but nonsense to back their frail headcanon. Both mediums state that suppressed Jiren is stronger than the GoDs. OVER.
You can't warp facts. No room for discussion. Session ended. Done.
You take first prize on Damage Control at least.
Fuck your stale shitposting you boring lying donkey
Woah look at him seethe! Watch out for the spit and the shit flinging.
Imagine if tardku wasn't literally zamasu's first interaction with mortals.
>suppressed Jiren is stronger than the GoDs
When even Kale is stronger than Belmod...
>Thread was going fine with a cordial discussion about the pecking order of the GoDs
>retards start shitting with their false flagging
We really can't have nice things
>SHITren isn't strong enough to be a rival for Beerus
Yikes Shitrenbros.
He didn't pretend all match. And he was the only one unscathed. He is definitely top tier. Only simmering tacos claim otherwise.
They all look like shit.
Then we wouldn't have the best arc since the Frieza saga. Thank you based Tardku.
See what I told you? Little do they know, ridiculing themselves like this only works against them.
kek based
Best flow ever.
It ruined shonen for me. JoJo panels make zero fucking sense. Late Naruto panels are also nothing but vomit.
He also only got hit once. The others had an extended fight which shows why they were more damaged. Not saying he was or was not faking, but that explains the damage part
I don't have a favorite, but Arak, Quitella, Moscow, Ivan and Belmond are the best looking ones, aside from Beerus and Champa of course.
And we all know who caused it, the worthless and tasteless Jobren shitposters.
We literally know what happens
Future zamasu, that merges with goku black, never met goku
Is the saiyan saga Vegeta fight the only fight where multiple characters gang up on one and don't get stomped?
O CHADphesy fish, CHADphesy fish, elucidate me, whom in this big universe, qualifies as rival for me?
but he was still directly influenced by goku black killing gowasu, which only came to be because tardku was zamasu's first interaction with mortals.
Goku and Freeza ganging up on Jiren while 17 goes for the win doesn't count?
You mean when they fought Vegeta? Because Nappa stomped everyone, Vegeta stomped Gohan, Jajirobe and Goku, Krillin too, kinda.
>SHITrentard deflecting from the fact that SHITren can't rival Beerus
>brings up characters already stated stronger than Beerus
Big fucking cope dog.
>waiting till they're exhausted to appear superior
What a fucking hack.
But he is superior.
Maybe it's planets that allow developed life (human level, mortals)
Enter CHADhuh.
He can kill Broly (Tongue attack)
I meant the Vegeta fight. Vegeta took good hits from just about everybody.
>why is Chadmond waiting until the others destroy each other to one shot the last man standing?
Because he's smart, unlike you. It's called strategy
So, we just found another preceding character that fucks Jobly. So far we had:
>Hit (one shot)
>Buu (absorption)
>G Huriza
>Omen and UI
>Krillin (Kienzan)
>Frost (poison)
>Trio de danger (poison)
And now we have
>CHADphesy fish (completely ignores him)
Fucking BASED.
"Waiting" is still not performing, which would make him be erased.
Nice headcanon.
>stronger than the Angels who are stronger than the Gods of Destruction
>weaker than Beerus and Quitela
Nice headcanon.
>>Krillin (Kienzan)
so I guess the scene where Cells tanks a kienzan is exclusive to the anime?
Well, some fags call it filler because it wasn't on the manga.
Vic's stupid lawyer and his own cult like fans are the reason he lost
Reminds me of SHITren kek
>EGP, the most powerful being reminds him of Chadren.
Fucking BASED.
So is this just one part of the case or is she totally free from it now?
But we have no reason to believe that impacted his worldview
>w-well he wasn't moving his body all time therefore he should have been erased even when he was in the middle of a smart strategy to beat everyone!
Whatever makes you sleep at night
but was it on Kai?
what about ssbe final explosion
This is Beerus's reaction to Jiren, what is his reaction to Broly?
he was too busy being distracted with Bulla
>a literal baby kept his interest more than Broly's power level
Holy shit based
You know what to do, gentlemen.
Jamie is totally free from thi now, Ria and Ron still have the Conspiracy and other things but as it looks the judge isn't going to rule in vic's favor on that but who knows what could change between now and October, he's made it clear he's not accepting breaking news new information either just what was presented in the courtroom
Based ESL SHITrenscholar.
What an incredible ruminating and superfluous IQ!
Why are we assuming krillin can actually land the kienzan?
He misses more than he hits
SSB Kawaii isn't easy to master.
At least he didn't go for Calvo, training for that is true hell.
Nobody knows.
Jamie had the smallest part, basically her defamation only mattered because it COULD influence conventions.
So shitposting online isn't enough to get you in trouble in Texas
Thank you, thank you. I try.
Tardly might think it's a pizza or something. Or might try to tank it like the ignorant ape he is.
>birth by angel
>godfather Beerus
this is no normal baby
Uub is really based but he dissapointed a lot in GT i hope he really becomes the next Goku in Super, i wanna see him fighting cabba someday and winning with pure majin power, no transformations, extra points if he becomes a really good friend of pan
Why is he here?
Do we have any evidence that you can't tank it?
I mean, I think the biggest power discrepancy is 2nd form frieza (around 1 million pl) and krillen (around 5-10%)
But do we have anything comparable to broly, who's at least 1000 times stronger?
this is shitren's reaction to jobeta. what's your point
> AnalRapedly is here
Kienzan can only go so far dude, sure it can fuck up people way stronger than krillin and it can probably kill a distracted base broly but the moment broly gets on battle mode that kienzan would just break
Cope you exposed spammer
>creates your own signature technique
>gets ripped off by literally everyone that performs it better than yourself
I guess the greatest lesson he learned from Roshi was how to be a good teacher without even trying
>CHADly tanks everything for hours, days, months, forever.
>SHITren the staminalet goes down in seconds, even 17 could injure him .
This isn't looking good for us jobrenbro...
mental patient talking to himself again. quite sad.
>life saved by the dragon that is TERRIFIED of shitrus
He's already been exposed as a lybian SHITrentard that falseflags as a BrolyGOD here and on /int/ threads, but he's currently living on a different country.
>Shitlycamel doesn't know what a proxy is
Literally 80 IQ
I likes Broly.
Him my favorite character.
So are piccolo and king piccolo the same guy or is piccolo just a clone with the same memories?
t. Markus Jonhson
goku black
9 MAY 2020 ?? WHAT ??
>Boo=Yea Forums
which board is Moro?
>Shitrencamel outing himself as a proxy user on Yea Forums
Jiren has never seen Gogeta, fake news, reported.
You forgot Cell can drink him dry if not outright absorb him. And if Broly is too big to fit in the tail, then Cell can either go in his power-weighted form or use Piccolo's giantification technique.
Toyo has been hyping him up a lot, the reveal that Kid buu inherited most of the Grand kaioshin's divine powers for example pretty much confirms that Uub will reach god levels
Fucking kek
>yfw he grows to become morbidly obese duo to Dai Kaioshin's influence on his dna
I can't believe they made Jiren angel level. What were they thinking?
He will have Kaioshin mode and Majin mode
Broly is a kamui user, he just doesn't know it yet.
They didn't, relax.
The only mortals within the Angel range are Gogeta and Broly.
> Broly
Not even Beerus-tier.
Nah, but im hoping that his skin color changes, similar to how a sayan's hair changes to red, because kaioshins have skins with fruit-like colors. A blue god form would be fitting since he is indian
>I wonder how would it feel like having Trunks for a son
>skin becomes majin-like (holes and shit)
>grows 3 heads and 3 pairs of arms
>one of the heads is the original one and has black (maybe pink?) hair, representing its majin side
>the other two have white hair, one is its Kaioshin side, the other is his human side using UI
Would be absolute kino
>nherited most of the Grand kaioshin's divine power
user, Kid Buu is a living godling who is well beyond any god in the multiverse interms of magical power.
He was there before the multiverse was even created and might even predate zeno.
Kid buu, not ever, not once, not at any time use his magic power.
Want to know the really really really scary ass part about kid buu?
He was doing what goku does when he fight weak as shit opponents.
Fight on their level to have fun.
He never at any point during his fight with goku use his full power.
Even more terrifying?
A monk/berserker was losing in strength against a damned insane black mage who didn't use a single MP point or spell. He was just stomping a mudhole in his ass with pure physical power and the bullshit unfair tier physical form.
If the fucking GenkiDama/Sprit Bomb wasn't a hard counter to him, if that goddamned thing that wasn't created specifically to kill demons and evil beings then Kid Buu would have gotten serious and just ate everything in the universe and not stopped ating universes untill everything was gone then HIBERNATED AGAIN!!
The Genki Dama's real pourpose as buddhist inspired weapon to harm those with dark karma and negative emotions but also kill and exorcise demons was litterally a hard counter to him.
That is the onlhy reason the buu saga ended well. It would have been a super future trunks saga tier fuck up if he didn't know it or didn't thknk to use it.
And Uub.
The human reincarnation of Kid Buu
The ancient entity of unkowable pourpose is born to the race of beings who have preternatural talent with ki and is able to learn magic relatively easily!
All of those dudes are fucked if Uub doesn't stay pure hearted!
>currently living on a different country
>on a
>different country
>outing yourself that you use a proxy
it's still Yea Forums so what are Yea Forumstards doing here?
His super form is him turning completely hot coal red.
Based Shitrengenius correctly dismissing comparisons between Beerus and GODly when a pre-zenkai and weeks of training GODly was already stronger than him!
The angels aren't that strong in the first place. They're just a bit stronger than the GoDs. F, it's mainly just a title of respect. Fighters such as CHADchad cha CHAD are already Whis tier.
Thats...a lot of text. You are right about his majin powers being a bigger deal but the main reason why god ki hypes him up even more is because not only its a straight up power up but that alsomeans Uub could possibly do anything that a Kaioshin could do, shit like god teleportation(wich seems to be better than Goku's teleportation) create kachin blocks, portals and maybe even create life
user, Kid Buu doesn't have Majin powers.
He's not a Majin.
He's got the Majin stamp like Vegeta does.
Don't you get it?
While KidBuu was sleeping off the dark karma of the universe Bibidi found him and stamped him.
He was able to bring out and force the evil him to take control and that is why he's like that it's also why he could mostly control him.
He doesn't have majin powers, and in canon he can teleport across the galaxy and universe and the otherworld at whim
Daioshin powers mean nothing to him.
The things you listed?
Those are authorities granted to them by the universe/divine beings/whatever.
What Kid Buu has is real magic.
He could easily do all of that on a whim.
Unlimited, unbridled, peerless might
Proof for my theory
A nothingpost
A nuanced and storied history filled with glory and approbation
Utterly superior combat acumen
God I fucking hate losing
A uniquely subtle yet mystifying design. An imposing yet tranquil countenance. A visage that imposes a soliloquy of esoteric scintillation
The most compelling character this franchise has ever seen
>He's not a Majin
Uhn he is tho
>He's got the Majin stamp like Vegeta does.
He is a majin not because of the M, but because he is called majin buu
>He was able to bring out and force the evil him to take control and that is why he's like that it's also why he could mostly control him.
>While KidBuu was sleeping off the dark karma of the universe Bibidi found him and stamped him.
>He was able to bring out and force the evil him to take control and that is why he's like that it's also why he could mostly control him
Really not sure about what you are talking about here
>Those are authorities granted to them by the universe/divine beings/whatever.
Even if that was the case, those are still habilities that he would inherit. Also i dont know how your video backs anything that you said
>goku gets upset when people use ki unexpectedly in hand to hand combat, most recently when beerus did it in their fight. probably to has to do with some honor thing.
>goku uses ki the very first second he makes a mistake, not even 5 seconds in, during a "friendly" match
Super is poorly written fan fiction. Just fucking admit it.
Read the interviews you fucking newfag. Clearly you've been taking lore lessons from that fucking hack Fuckotaro.
There are plenty of problems with super. This is just you being a whiny bitch
Sorry Jirenbro
Who did I just mention?
I have, and none of them support your claims besides the one about Majin buu being maybe older that U7, and that doesnt much
Mr Satan
CHA = yam
CHAD = cha
When will we see Lunch again? The last time I remember seeing her was in the OVA where we saw Tarble.
Never. Just forget about her like Tarble.
Tarble still got a small mention in the Broly movie, Lunch gets nothing
Beerus makes FAGren suck his big, meaty, barbed cat dick. Fuck off Jirenniggers, we're full.
>Uhn he is tho
He is not.
He in canon is an entity that is older then the multiverse
He wakes up eats and destroys shit for a long ass time then goes to bed. That's who adn what he is.
>He is a majin not because of the M, but because he is called majin buu
user, Kid Buu is OLDER then the Majins.
He is called Majin because of the Majin stamp. Just like Vegeta.
>>He was able to bring out and force the evil him to take control and that is why he's like that it's also why he could mostly control him.
>>While KidBuu was sleeping off the dark karma of the universe Bibidi found him and stamped him.
>>He was able to bring out and force the evil him to take control and that is why he's like that it's also why he could mostly control him
>Really not sure about what you are talking about here
Ah, you don't know.
Okay Word of God states that kid buu is older then the universes and bibidi only found him
>>Those are authorities granted to them by the universe/divine beings/whatever.
>Even if that was the case, those are still habilities that he would inherit. Also i dont know how your video backs anything that you said
user, Kid buu was not evil.
Toriyama stated that Kid Buu became corrupted by eating evil mortals.
The stamp brought his evil out and it and by extension babidi took control of him.
Boom! Hahahaha I win!
The person you are talking too isn't me.
Secondly Toriyama states that he's an existence that is older then the universes
Lastly he wasn't evil until he ate too much negative mortal karma and evil energy.
The majin stamp works how.....?
Goku didn't defeat kid buu. He didn't even give him a real fight if you think about it.
He was a fun distraction before he went back to destroying all of existence during his cycle of awakening and sleep.
The Genki Dama erased all of the negative karma and evil in kid buu and purified him.
Goku kn
No him but none of what you are saying negates that he is a majin. He has a "m" of "majin" in his belt and he literally called "majin buu". What makes you say he isn't?
But she was apart of the original cast in DB, before she fizzled away, we didn't even have any animal people really until Super either
He's a majin in the same fucking way vegeta is a majin.
Only because of the stamp.
That's it.
Tha'ts all.
Majin Buu is not and never was a majin/demon.
He's some existence that is older then everything.
>He wakes up eats and destroys shit for a long ass time then goes to bed.
...and how does that refute him being a majin?
>Kid Buu is OLDER
Kid buu isnt a name, its just how that "incarnation" is refereed to, his actual name is still majin buu
>Okay Word of God states that kid buu is older then the universes and bibidi only found him
I know that but there is nothing about dark darma or whatever
>user, Kid buu was not evil.
>Toriyama stated that Kid Buu became corrupted by eating evil mortals.
No dude, Buu used to feed on the evil feelings of mortals, and from time to time he wakes up and rampages. He was ALWAYS evil
So what the fuck is this shit supossed to be? Did bibidi give him pants? And you still haven't explained why he's called majin buu.
>Secondly Toriyama states that he's an existence that is older then the universes
Thats not really what he says iirc, at best Boo is as old as the universe
>he wasn't evil until he ate too much negative mortal karma and evil energy.
He was tho, Tori said that he kept feeding of the evil intents of mortals, he simply got more evil as time passed
>The majin stamp works how.....?
Like i stated im not sayan he is a majin because of his belt, but because its his name. Majinns are DB versions of Djinns, and thats pretty much what majin buu is
>Bored Impression as he casually blocks multiverse buster tier attacks
Enter GODren.
Such a laconic and terse character. Gotta love him.
>SSB Keketa dies from a planetary explosion
>If not from the explosion then he died to a fucking vacuum
nice headcanon
>killed by a ring laser
Canon soon
Freeza thought that destroying a planet was impressive against God Toppo.
Only Zeno is universal, the rest are even weaker than M8 Broly.
Characters' retardation don't define the meta.
Why would frieza think that he isn't capable of destroying more than an planet?
The anime is canon, you don't go overruling things you don't like because it doesn't fit the super duper powerful narrative.
>Call me a faggot again and you die, dad.
>And for the record, Chichi is MINE. My mother belongs to me and my cock ALONE. Show your face around the house again and I will NOT hesitate. Do you understand, you little bitch?
Do you see this? At first, it might not seem like an impressive feat, but Jiren is moving in null time. He is literally moving without the force of time which is impossible because time is the thing that makes objects move. Jiren literally surpasses time itself.
Hit? More like sHIT.
The boys.
Ok cuck.
They lose HARD against a 2v2 with Toppo & Jiren.
>posting gay porn
Based vegetabro!
What's bigger than a planet? A star? Who wants to destroy stars?
At the beggining we thought his eyes were the key to his power. But it was his GRIP all this time.
Even if he didn't destroy a star, he should know by his amount of power that he can destroy it. If frieza thinks that destroying a planet is impressive then he can't be capable of more.
>SHITren and Jobppo
weaker than Goku and Vegeta both of whom Beerus no diffs
New thread
Oh wait is that panel real? Holy shit it's so retarded and down to the bone. Looks like it's made so that even the dumbest of tacos can understand it. The anime at leaves room for speculation as to why was Goku able to surpass time skip.
Obviously the Chadnime is canon. God I'm so glad it is and it's perceived that way by the vast majority of the audience.
The girl and the clown.
They could easily turn them into dust.
Cringe post
>both of whom Beerus no diffs
>alien ESL gibberish
How so?
Nice headcanon. Broppo is a hakaishin himself.
Jiren is above the GoDs
>no arguments
Told ya.
Because you're retarded. Cell wasn't even unmastered SS2 tier and said he could BTFO the solar system. G Frieza is leagues above.
Zamasu was using a ki attack right then
I wanna turn them into my personal hand puppets
>...and how does that refute him being a majin?
He's older then the idea of majins. Older then the fucking creatures that become majins. The kaioshins.
>Kid buu isnt a name, its just how that "incarnation" is refereed to, his actual name is still majin buu
The same way everyone calls the namelesss namekian Kami. It's just something he was saddled with not his reall name.
Hell his real name isn't buu. It's just was bibidi called him.
>I know that but there is nothing about dark darma or whatever
Toriyama is hardcore into budhist beliefs.
And he outright states that kid buu is made of the evil of mortals and since not only mortals are eaten but the souls, he gets all of the evil.
>No dude, Buu used to feed on the evil feelings of mortals, and from time to time he wakes up and rampages. He was ALWAYS evil
That's what Toriyama outright states.
>So what the fuck is this shit supossed to be? Did bibidi give him pants? And you still haven't explained why he's called majin buu.
He's called Majin for the same reason Vegeta was called majin. As for his name. It seems that Bibidi just made that shit up.
He was around LONG before names or even talking was a thing.
Thats not really what he says iirc, at best Boo is as old as the universe
That's exactly what he says.
Before =/= as.
>He was tho, Tori said that he kept feeding of the evil intents of mortals, he simply got more evil as time passed
user, he didn't say more evil. He said became evil.
>Like i stated im not sayan he is a majin because of his belt, but because its his name. Majinns are DB versions of Djinns, and thats pretty much what majin buu is
He's not a fucking genie.
He's not a demon
He's not a majin
He's a fucking multiversal existence older then the universes.
He doesn't even have a name. WHO NAMED HIM!
Didn't read.
You are right. Sad to see how inconsistent the character are in their destruction levels though
user, goku beating time skip means nothing.
It's litterally goku at the end of the movie pulling some retarded bullshit out of his ass and it working because MC.
He is a majin though. He being an old being doesn't refute it. And their pants has an "m" in it. That's proof enough.
This is an excellent point, as buus clothes are generated by his body, so no one gave him that M
However, we also know that devils in dragon Ball aren't called Majin, rather Majin seem to be reserved for magical entities (possessed or created)
Good pup.
Is vegeta a majin?
He was called a majin because he was stamped?
user, he's not a fucking demon.
He's older then demons and demons have nothign to do with him or has his powers or abject powerlevel.
What sluts.
He doesn't reform based on random shit.
He reforms based on magic shit that is tied to his...existence.
Else he'd go back to being buuhan when he blows up as kid buu.
The Majin stamp/belt/slave belt is what makes him a majin.
It's not who he is.
Why does the "m" stands aside of majin then?
>The anime is canon
He doesn't go back to being buuhan becaus he doesn't have him anymore. And are you saying that he has an "m" in his belt just because he wanted?
I was talking about cell not frieza.
Too bad, I've already stored your concession away.
You're an idiot
Babadi is dead
The magic is done
Still has the m
It's because Majin is a term for what he is, and others under magical influence
It's cause Majin means dark magic person
Couldn't they just have based the concept of "Majins" off of Majin Buu?
Its' the majin stamp babidi gave to him when he found and woke him up.
For fucks sake it looks exactly like the M stamp that babidi gave to dabura and vegeta and those othetr people
How else do you explain it?
It's there because it's a part of the curse, not because it's a descriptor of who he is in any way.
Majin Kaioken Jiren is theoretically possible and he stomps literally anything.
He stopped drawing them like that since the 2000's, and he never draw a caricatural black person like your pic, that was only toei's shit
>For fucks sake it looks exactly like the M stamp that babidi gave to dabura and vegeta and those othetr people
>How else do you explain it?
Not the same dude but its most likely just the type/ source of Babidi's magic. Majin boo feeds on evil feelings, babidi powered his underlings by using their evil feelings, he is just using the majin magic
>babidi give it
His skin color is very dark in GT, and Toriyama designed the characters in it too.
So he might be a mixed pajeet/nig
The chads of Yea Forums need some representation, you can write in a vote for CHADren to join the Yea Forums roster for the upcoming autumn cup, you can vote for your other favourites, but you can drop CHADren into the write-in section along with any other ideas you have, with enough support, these ideas will get priority over the given selections
The magic had nothing to do with his life force stupid.
The control over the person with the majin stamp did.
If they were stamped they were evil till they died or overcame it through plot.
Kid buu was too evil and too insane to fix.
The majin stamp fucked him up forever.
Majins aren't artificial.
They are what happens to kaioshins who are born bad or go evil or something.
>Not the same dude but its most likely just the type/ source of Babidi's magic. Majin boo feeds on evil feelings, babidi powered his underlings by using their evil feelings, he is just using the majin magic
No. He's using HIS magic not Buu's magic.
He empowered them by embiggening their evil AND enslaving them with his Majin tramp stamp or in the case of Buu his swag gold belt.
Everything in the buu saga. As a matter of fact we have canon stories where Dabura is shown as the king of hell without the Majin slave tat.
He's FUCKLOADS stronger without it apparenly.
Buu was never said to be in control of babidi magic. He was too strong for it. And a "m" would appear in his forehead not in his belt.
I never said he controlled babidi magic.
I'm saying that the belt is a special thing that Bibidi created.
Like the majin stamp tool.
And that's based on?...
SHITren can't use Kaioken