Who would you side with?
Dr Stone
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why doesn't Yea Forums like this anime? it's really interesting
The burger side
I hate boomers but I'd still choose senku
I'm sure there is going to be a "I told you so" arc where Senku brings back the old people and they meme shit up to 11, just as Tsukasa warned.
because artificial difficulty
the stage is set for realism in terms of science but you need to suspend your disbelief for the petrification thing and also the antagonist is a semi-omnicient super saiyan
like dude, what?
Senku obviously. What the fuck is the point of living if you don't strive for improvement, convenience and happiness?
Why would anyone want to side with a psychopath like Tsukasa?
>muh communist utopia where nobody is bad ever
kill both
revive all the females
user, a normal sane human being knows that Tsukasa's paradise is nothing but delusions. Unless they are as dumb as him.
unfortunately the average human being is dumb as shit. take a look at current events to prove my point
help lettuce kill demigod, then you can fuck off to whatever country you want, free the women there and have your own harem with nobody else to bother you
The only good reply
>well written characters
>good pacing
>funny scenarios that wouldn't happen anywhere else but a post historic stone age
Why does anything else matter?
>Is unswayed by what other people think
>Ironically unironic
>Has a professional capitalist
>Giga chad (steal yo wife)
Obvious choice here.
Tsukasa doesn't even have toilet paper so this is a no brainer
we still won't want your ugly ass.
for the sake of consistency. as it stands this world runs on cartoon rules while it tries to talk about science in a realistic way
fuck consistency. I like my pizza with burnt patches.
Dont worry they become friends again.
with pickle rick
>the antagonist is a semi-omnicient super saiyan
>and that's a problem
Team Toilet Paper
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but while it is absurd that Tsukasa is a man who can fight lions with his bare-hands and catch crossbow bolts, they wrote him that way so that Senku would have a reason to rush modern technology.
Realistically, Tsukasa would be a brute who could kill a lion with a spear and effortlessly beat up Senku and Taiju even if THEY had spears, and really the crossbow should've been enough tech to defeat him, but then he wouldn't be all that scary if they could pacify him with stone-age tech and it would've seemed excessive for Senku to rush gunpowder so quickly.
hence, artificial difficulty
fuck boomers
>anime about science
>Tarzan kills a lion with his bare hands
Best answer.
A crossbow is not stone-age tech
This is not the stone age, this is a stone society.
You wouldn't be able to revive them
Every fictional story has artificial difficulty
>never heard of sci-fi
The suparhuman teenager trope is the fiction part, along with the petrification
we dont watch dr. reddit
But reddit watches demon slayer
Checkmate shitposter
Love this meme, go back edgelord
Yea Forums is not one person. Go stick your opinion up your ass.
Before I start let me say I like it, but it has some big flaws regardless.
In terms of believability or the suspension of such could only go so far. The entire would turned to stone. Ok, thats a good start. We are talking about a huge mystery to where something impossible happened. Then something else happens that is impossible, which was Tsukasa punching a lion and the characters didnt question it. These were lions and they were the size of dogs. Its like the author wanted to make Tsukasa fearsome but it just turned into a joke and didnt realize lions are huge and even certain bullets cant piece their skulls. Tsukasa just killed him and his excuse was he was the strongest in their highschool.
That was pretty stupid. Just have the guy fuck up some wolves.
Any ways later you find out about Senku's foster parent and the village.
Now the author can easily fix this but the story as so far explained was pretty dumb and made astronauts dumb as all hell all to make Senku look smarter.
So it some glaring flaws but its enjoyable to read none the less.
>characters didn't question it
Here's the point I stopped reading. His superhuman power is well known, he's a celebrity. So while they were shocked to see it with their own eyes, it's not new information. The fact you couldn't process this throws your credibility out the window.
Neither, I'd have killed myself. I don't want to live without my stuff.
>lions are huge
are they?
yeah they are, especially wild ones.
all comes down to if you prefer pussy to all the modern shit senku can recreate that tsukasa's kingdom wouldn't have because they kept themselves in the stone age. this is what gen was debating
NO ONE, and to say oh hey this super scientific show is so scientific then you can't fucking have a super human teenager! Especially when you ride on the whole scientific facts as the main premise of the show. No matter how fucking strong a person is they cant kill a lion in hand to hand combat ass naked. You dont get to use science at your own convenience.
Those were the descendants of cuck zoo lions. Living in their enviroment after being freed is sandboxmode compared to african savannah.
they had other zoo animals to contend with mind you. Hell there are tigers and bears! Fuck Bears are even bigger!
You're retarded lad, calm down and read the disclaimer
deal with your glaring plot holes fag.
Doesn't mean all animals were able to escape. The proof I'm right is in the way they chased our heros down. Notice the males were with them?
You don't know if they had any tigers to compete with. Same for bears except for the native ones.
so? Male lions joim the hunt, it happens. you want me to get you a youtube clip of this?
Tigers live japan dude and bears should have been the ones to take over. But I think they didnt do bears because of Golden Kamuy
But those fuckers are the apex land predator
Side with Tsukasa for the harem, but then switch to Senkuu when he makes me a better offer.
Read the disclaimer, if you can't deal with a fictional sci-fi story, go watch a documentary
I think if you need a disclaimer to say the science used is at the authors convienence, then you aren't a good writer.
if you cant deal with legit criticism then get off Yea Forums
It happens, specially in this sandbox territory. Less danger means looser natural selection and weaker offspring
>post-petrification society existed for 3700 years
>invented nothing
How is this possible?
But the science is basedvon reality.
So every sci-fi story is trash in your opinion?
umm no dude if humans were gone then it would have been even more dangerous because food was plentiful and repopulate. If anything those lions should be as big as Savannah lions. It was all the strongest survive wild type situation and with humanity gone animal kingdom should have thrived.
>Tigers live japan dude
Only in zoos, and unless they could escape they starved to death rather quickly.
>bears should have been the ones to take over.
Why? Bears coexist with large feline predators in the wild, and Japanese bears are mostly herbivorous anyway.
>legit criticism
Spouting halfvbaked opinions doesn't count, sorry
No and quit putting words in my mouth. If you are going to base your story on scifi and you establish its rules only to quickly break them to make some one look cool its just bad writing.
not all scifi are written poorly, so no.
>more dangerous cause food was plentiful
Based retard
>Why? Bears coexist with large feline predators in the wild, and Japanese bears are mostly herbivorous anyway.
are retarded? bears are omnivores and HELL NO THEY DONT. the biggest cat a bear goes up against at best is a cougar. Any bigger the bear and cat tend to be much further away from eachother. Bears are Apex land predator/ omnivores. There is no real Ursine bear that lives off of plants. And before you say Koala bear, those arent technically bears they are marsupials.
its not half baked when you are pointing out legit flaws that even the author responded to.
They should all be shit according to your logic since they mix irl science with sci-fi fantasy, which is BAD. Or is this going to be the typical
>"everything I don't like is bad"
You haven't seen many large herbivores in the show yet they could hunt, did you?
ok I get it now, you've been trolling this entire time! oh man for a second I thought you are that dumb.
>Manga has some real elements
>Manga has some fake elements
I guess everything that has the concept of gravity in it as well as the concept of magic is now flawed.
Be honest and say you're nitpicking the same way a teacher picks on the smart kid in the class.
It's very simple, science and laws of physics are real
Petrification and characters are fiction.
The disclaimer supports just that. You should be able to understand this
>expecting the rick&morty audience to grow a fucking spine
He has leaves
>gets exposed for being retarded
>goes on damage control
Like pottery, anything else you would like to add to this?
They were too busy inbreeding
No they arent because they based it on the logic and premise they set it out to be and not betray that. You are putting words in my mouth when you cant seem to figure out what I am saying.
Just because one thing is scifi doesnt make it the exact same as every scifi story, however in this scifi story the scifi element wasnt super human captain cave man verse puny scientist, this was wilderness verse man with an unknown mysterious cause. If you act that being turned to stone is a big mystery then have some one do an inhuman feat with side characters going "oh yeah thats always been possible" then the turning into stone part doesnt seem that impossible mystery any more. It just means some jack could have cast a magic spell all along and because there are magical people already! Do you understand now? Do you get that believability to your plot is just as important as your premise?
Senku if only cause Tarzan is the worst villain I've seen in recent memory. Being gary-stu wahh fug ALL adults is just boring.
You saw lions and they chased after the 2 main characters. They knew how to hunt and they also had boars
yah you arent listening Im done with trying to give you literary knowledge.
And that makes it bad. You shouldnt need to do this in scifi. Do you see this disclaimer on any other scifi? No? Well that should fucking tell you something.
No user, it's you who doesn't understand, while you are right on the first part you fail to see that EVERY character is superhuman in some way. Just the fact you saw Senkuu count for 3700vyears and Taiju enduring it should've been obvious to you that we're dealing with a superhuman highschool trope. This was the case since the first 10 minutes and you failed to take notice. Now you're paying the price.
enjoy your stomach cancer
You're trolling got me thats for sure. I mean no one would think or even believe for a second that with humanity gone the animal kingdom wouldn't thrive.
Because in this sci-fi the science can be replicated. It's not something far off into the future. They make explosives, multiple times. The disclaimer needs to be there for legal reasons aswell.
Your logic is just
>everything that speaks against me wrong is BAD
Go watch something else if you fail to enjoy a story.
The mental train of thought isnt that hard and if you read the manga many people come back with no problems in fact everyone came back with no problem. So no one there is super human. Taiju is very possible but physically breaking the laws of physics isnt one of them.
Boars and humans are way smaller than what they'd hunt in the savannah.
No again you just ignore critisim because you want to get into a verbal argument. You ignore glaring plot holes because there is a disclaimer saying hey the author is terrible so we need to put one up.
If you want to make a series with super human people in the wild you need to do that in the first chapter. Every fucking manga goes over this, shows the basic premise of the manga and stick with those rules of their manga. Dr. Stone just pulls an asspull of logic because it has a disclaimer now.
thats besides the point, the POINT IS THERE ARE LIONS THAT WERE HUNTING AND CHASING THOSE 2 KIDS. What the fuck do you think those lions were chasing them down for? Ass insurance? That means they hunt that means for 3,400 years they suddenly got smaller? No they should be even bigger because of the area they had with few to no competition in terms of predators.
>There is no real Ursine bear that lives off of plants.
Pandas aren't real I guess. Or Japanese bears for that matter.
Also, the coexistence was about regions where both bears and large felines exist without one displacing the other, not that they are friendly with each other.
>Pandas aren't real I guess.
pandas are endangered and arent from japan, pandas can't even breed properly anymore, they are omnivores.
This argument is so retarded. Holy shit are you autistic? You keep going on about physics and chemistry and all that but do you know any physics beyond a high school level? I find people who complain about things being (obviously and intentionally) unrealistic are insecure fags who don't understand shit anyway.
>no response but you are retarded
i accept your concession
you're guilty of the same thing. What do you study or what have you studied?
>doesn't know how survival of the fittest works
I want to say Tsukasa, but he'd probably destroy my statue.
rip boomer user
no you just ignored the basic building blocks of creative writing and why writers dont do shit like this. Its because it shows you are making it up as you go with no real thought to the process. Bad writers use disclaimers.
But they did that in the first chapter, Taiju and Senku are both superhuman. We wen't over this already
The point is that big predators need big prey since otherwise they'd risk to use up more energy for hunting their food than they'd gain from eating it. So, if suddenly your prey halves in size the advantageous change in size would be getting smaller, not bigger.
You only get bigger if you get an advantage from it, like being able to hunt bigger prey or out-competing other predators, but especially in the situation you describe getting bigger is the last thing you'd do.
senku because medicine
>dodging the question
Let me guess, you have a certificate from a community college in making coffee?
I know user doesnt, he cant seem to figure out that being an apex predator on top of the food chain means you grow larger and bigger, not smaller.
That's not how it works. Animals get bigger to counter threat because only the big survive. If you live in luxury, you have more smaller ones because no threats.
no they arent. Humans are capable of doing what they are doing. Look a steven hawking, he hasnt moved and is still a genius. Taiju being able to do human labor isnt super human.
Which lions did have the advantage? What other predators were around we saw? NOTHING THEY SHOULD BE BIGGER.
I have a bachelors and it wasnt prevalent to the conversation.
Evolution has slowly been trending towards smaller organisms in tightly knit groups with higher populations.
Mammoths => Elephants.
Dinosaurs => Birds.
Bachelors in what?
Pandas still mainly eat plants, and I mentioned them because people tend to know them and their eating habits way better than the Japanese Black Bear.
And yes, all bears are omnivores but some of them just prefer to eat more meat than others.
Evolution takes millions of years not a mere thousand.
Theater and Literature
Not how it works user, the growth stops when you reach the top because by definition there is nothing more to surpass. Then you keep breeding till the lower chains become endangered not being able to supply enough food for apex predators, they start diminishing and getting smaller to compensate.
Learn biology
the point was bears would be predators in the japanese wilds. The pandas cant even procreate with put help, they die off.
Humans have become noticeably bigger over the last 2 centuries.
Sure you do.
>Not how it works user, the growth stops when you reach the top because by definition there is nothing more to surpass.
no you retard, if you havent noticed Humans are much taller and bigger than people 3 thousand fucking years ago. So try again.
You need to learn your biology you massive moron.
>doesn't know lions can form large packs
>plenty of food so no competition in current habitat
Think user
thats growth not a change is species.
yeah and if you don't believe me start reading books and find out.
Mammoths were small if you compare them with modern elephants.
t. manlet
Weren't we talking about size changes in lions?
>he goes and compares humans to animals
So show me proof lions got bigger since 3000 years ago
>lion packs
Wolves run packs dip shit
a pack of lions is a Pride and males always have to bleed off to new prides or take one over.
yes and the shrinking of the lions isnt evolution its simply shrinking when illogically in their favor.
Downsizing happens in short bursts rather than gradually.
You got me there. Congrats user.
>he starts talking semantics cause his point has been proven wrong
So basically you know piss all about anything scientific and are trying to make points.
Are lions apex predators? last time I checked those niggers were going extinct or at least were of concern.
Wrong, no human is able to survive in solitude for 3700 years. No human knows every scientific fact of the last 2000000 years, no human has limitless stamina. You are full of shit.
>doesnt read because they are legitimately retarded. the whole point was they have competition but not in terms of human activity, which means their animal instincts hunts goes un-fucking-hindered from a greater threat. Those damn things were as big as dogs and thats not how big a lion is even held in fucking captivity.
apex predator just means they aren't prey of another predator. Which is true for lions and a lot of other species.
You still had to take science in college kid, you wouldnt get through with just majors alone.
Aren't humans shitting on lions?
I would sooner side with Hyoga than that faggot.
No you are wrong because it seems every fucking human could. Not so super human when every fucking human can survive it. Its in the manga, read it! When they start bringing people back they all are normal. Seems like any one could do what senku did but chose to just dream rather than count. If every human can come back then that means everyone is super, oh wait that just means thats the norm now not super human since every human can do this super human feat.
yes, but since humans are turned to stone they dont have problems with those guys anymore.
That makes us assholes, but not predators.
I'm an anime only and I forgive a lot of the things a lot of people whine on about (like Shishio killing a lion with a single punch). What I don't like is that a lot of the characters simply aren't enjoyable. The premise is really cool and interesting, but the characters don't carry it. Senku isn't an enjoyable character, Taiju is the HOTBLOODED SCREAMING PROTAGONIST dialed up to 11, his ladyfriend is just an uguu kawaii ladyfriend etc. The part I actually enjoyed the most was the flashback establishing Senku's and Taiju's friendship, because you actually saw them as characters and understood why they like eachother (unlike the absolutely horrible opening scene).
>backpeddaling this hard
You're making a fool of yourself
He is right, no one cares about Dr. Flop because it's shit. Literally Rick & Morty for atheist losers.
So you know pop science, that's great. Full of shit.
keep trying troll its cute how you couldnt figure it out but now its time to say good bye.
I know you are projecting
If I am really back peddling then it would mean you couldnt keep up and had to slow down for you.
Wrong, every human cept Taiju and Senkuu went into a coma. They were the only 2 to stay awake, not even Tsukasa did that. Youare full of shit. At least pay attention to the story you're shittalking about.
>he's leaving now that he has been proven wrong
About time
they were the only two you got their perspective from you idiot. The ship captain came out saying its about time. Stop being retarded.
>doesnt take the hint
>thinks he should leave when this whole thread is to why arent people watching muh new favorite show
>evading this hard
Based retard quads
3rd year of mechanical engineering in UNSW. So I know more about science than some theatre fag. Only failed one subject the whole time too. Fuck thermodynamics.
do you spout words you don't understand? There was no evasion. It was statement of how retarded you are and now that insult just flew right over your head. Great job retard you made your special needs class proud.
>he is still here
Weren't you going to run from having to admit you lost the argument? Go on, go
I think the show is a lot more solid than people make it out to be, but they sort of bungled the "visionary villain" trope by making the villain's ideology so fucking retarded that no viewer would ever relate to him. People can even vibe with the idea of Char dropping a giant rock on Earth, but I can't see anyone supporting Tsukasa's world he wants to create.
>"u r dum"
how cute
>3rd year of mechanical engineering in UNSW.
you mean drop out
and last time i checked mechanical engineering has nothing to do with biology infact has very little to do with it so you would only know as much as mean in the convo we are having yet you still fail. You should know more than me which is perplexing because you are still wrong.
You should visit twitter, they're on his side
wrong what? one guy and now that applies to everyone?
only a loser would say the other side lost the argument.
you need a break little girl?
ok I get you now, you mad and you cant come up with an argument.
So you admit to not even reading the story, I could go on, c'mon. Ask for more proof
What are these?
>the loser is trying to project now
Wait, weren't you going to leave?
and what, you proved to me that everyone else was still thinking? yeaaaaaah
wait werent you checking your douche to see how butt hurt you were?
But I already won, this is my victory lap. Go ahead, give me another (You)
pffffff hahahahahahahaha
his plan/ideology made no sense and came from a place of deep resentment and revenge
I have a feeling he was a science nerd himself, he became a prize fighter to support his sister.
>thinks he won
you know this isnt the special olympics right?
And they're gone. Do you want details on how losing consciousness works?
c-c-carefully carved stone! I swear!
Really it would still be your only option because you will still run into the same problem of shit quality iron
>he is pretending now
Now this is epic
yeah they are stone now their minds are still going.
do you even speak english?
I don't think I won, I know I won. Stay mad.
>resorts to child like responses
Wrong again
I'm not the user you were arguing with most of the time. And i'm not a drop out. I'm currnetly doing internship because it's a requirement.
Better than you at least
>1 character dreaming
oh my god its like I just said they were dreaming amazing thank you for proving me right again.
>I am not the samefag you think I am but I am
doesnt look like it since you cant respond properly in english.
Only fitting when talking to a kid like you. You think you deserve to be taken seriously now?
I'm older than you chum, and trust me, you havent proven anything still.
oh you going to sick your pop culture meme followers and dox me?
>he is pretending to be retarded now
Kiss my feet
There is no such thing in the manga by the way. The anime is really shit.
its boring, has bad pacing and I learned more from yakitate japan
Senku by default. Tsukasa's model is unworkable and is a betrayal of all the people who died to advance civilization and uplift us so we could shitpost on Yea Forums
You seem to understand me just fine. That's all that matters
because they don't want to get killed by him
and? if his conciouness means he has been fading that means it isnt super he just continued to count, And that means other people were capable of doing the same.
So much older he has to point it out. Look here grandpa, maybe your alzheimers is acting up again, but you already lost 5 arguments.
Its not hard to understand a child.
so you are underage. thanks for playing
Depends on the mammoth species. Woolly mammoth was comparable to an Indian elephant (except for the last population of Vrangel island that became dwarfish). But imperial mammoth and especially steppe mammoth were much larger than modern elephants. The latter was among largest land mammals to ever exist.
Can you repeat that? Your english cannot be understood anymore.
Tsukasa's a fucking retard. Is he going to kill every child that wants to bring their parents back? Every child who disagrees with his methods and murders? He's a naive kid with too much power whose ideology could lead into a bloody tyranny at best, a massive genocide at worst.
I spoke in underage terms so you could understand.
But they weren't, notice how everyone was portrayed as quiet? Cept Senkuu and Taiju?
The side with the nukes.
they were also portrayed as thinking too, all you saw was everyone in silence, because they are stone. Even then senku and taiju were drifting in and out.
It was your grammar that made it like that however, please fix it
It seems like you are an ESL too.
And mentioned their consciousness was fading which Senkuu confirmed it peaking roughly once a week. Sorry buddy, you lost this argument. Even in an interview Inagaki confirmed only Senkuu and Taiju were awake. Cute headcanon tho.
It was perfectly fine for you to respond, if you don't like your own underaged language then maybe you should stop talking like a child.
yet other people were able to do it eveb after being petrified recently. 3,700 years later everyone wakes up just fine. If you won then there would be no reason for you took replying to me right? Well try again.
Yet you still understand it, why can't you just fix your broken post?
after you fix yours ass hat!
Everyone else was in coma-like state. Authors own words. Will you accept this or continue being retarded?
But you understood mine, why fix something that isn't broken?
are you serious? how old are you?
you are really trying to loop your logic around? Are you really saying that you didnt do the same thing from the begin to which I fucking mimiced you to just so you could understand me? You really are a child.
Stated in the first volume under extra information.
You did a poor job at mimicking then, otherwise I would have understood it.
if it was that bad you wouldnt responded to it in the first place
>Only the science parts are accurate
>The people are anime
>B-But the people are like anime!
Thanks for playing
>needs a disclaimer at end credits to say this
>its a smart show honest
>what do you mean no other scifi show needs to do this?
I really wanted to know what you wanted to say, I still do. Fix it.
Fuck off discord tranny. You will never pass and kill yourself soon.
after you fix yours.
No reason to, you understood it perfectly. Looks like we're at an impasse.
Then that means you understood my mimic and were lying
Wrong, I didn't understand it, you did a shitty job. You'll never make it as an actor, sorry to say.
but it mimiced you so you should fix your own post
>You'll never make it as an actor, sorry to say.
i have to admit I got a response out of you so I think I actually do.
Not well enough.
did enough to get a rise out of you
I wouldn't pay to see you act. Street performer at best.
Also Tsukasa did nothing wrong
Ah jeez, Senku. I don't know...
thats fine, I do it for the art
Street performer tier. Not good enough for that penny. Just a (You). You return it anyway
Made me chuckle. Guess you're not such a bad guy after all. Even if you're wrong.
Stopping progress is unga bunga tier
I want my selective eugenics
This guy knows what's up.
Well got my manga knowledge so I know they both side with each other eventually
The good guys, so Tsukachad
Unintentional compromise
I think the problem is that Onions man is the most unlikable protag in history
He's literally genius level but can barely understand simple concepts and anytime anyone tries to call him out on something stupid he goes
His entire character is "I'm right you're wrong because the manga says"
Usually science characters have some time of glaring flaw or some fault in them like being unable to relate to human problems but Onions man is literally
>I'm 100% perfect in everything except sometimes I'm a bit weak hahahaha
Dr.Stone is bad because the DR is bad not because of the stone part
There is great sci-fi story about this idea -Robert David Reed, A Billion Eves
Why didn't Senku just mass produce repeating crossbows instead of muh gunpowder?
Yet he scored the most votes in every popularity poll. The thing about him is that he's not about words, but actions.
Taiju would fuck something up again and all progress is lost. With gunpowder you just mix more.
They went the propaganda route anyway.
Oh wow shit dude the MC won the popular vote?
Who would have fucking guessed?
Terry is the most popular king of fighters character despite kyo being the mc
Except the whole part about losing access to the nitric acid cave and therefore being unable to produce gunpoweder.
>Evangelion takes place in an alternate version of the mdoern world where crazy shit is happening
>People don't crow about it being unrealistic
>Dr. Stone takes place in an alternate version of the modern world where crazy shit is happening
>Fucktards always scratching their head, unable to cope with the fact that the show has a fantastical element
You're issue is literally just that you assumed the wrong premise. You were expecting REALISM, ex. Suicide Island, but you got fantasy.
You're not supposed to expect it to be realistic. For the sake of argument, imagine someone watching the Twilight Zone or something and going "But that's not possible...?"
Seems fucking stupid, right? Cure your autism.
Do 10 year olds play King of Fighters?
In Dragonball the most popular character is Goku but in Fighterz it's Goku black
Doesn't always happen. If he was that bad, he wouldn't score #1. I feel the thing here is that most MCs cause problems by being dumb and jumpy. Senkuu on the other hand gets into conflict because altho he's right he doesn't want to waste time with debate and would rather - show- you his ideal, cause he can make it. He has Gen now to smooth things over.
Cause Taiju wouldn't just revive Yuzuriha on the spot, giving enough attention to the lions yaddi yadda
The fuck are you talking about? Yuzuriha was already revived by the time the rush for gunpowder as a weapon was happening.
All the stone wars conflicts could've been resolved by holding Tsukasa's group up at crossbowpoint, instead of making a mad dash for explosives.
Whilst you're right your MC has to literally not be on screen or in the manga for whole arcs at a time for him to lose the popularity poll
I mean if Taiju wasn't dumb, Tsukasa wouldn't even get revived
Has anyone else here played the first Star Ocean game? It really seems like Dr. Stone ripped off the plot
He won in "the west" too if that means anything, since different outlook and reader ages. He's just autistic. It's a price you have to pay to know all science.
And? The point is that the best way to deal with Tsukasa would've just to have multiple repeating crossbow users, instead of going through an entire ordeal because Tsukasa monopolized the nitric acid.
>strongest in their highschool
Ffs, I'm a speedreader myself but you are way too retarded.
Tsukasa is the strongest highschooler primate who was the wonder boy in the universe's mma scene. Forget reading, did you even look at the pictures of him with mma gloves?
Tsukachads powerlevel is so high it takes atleast a small hydrogen bomb to kill him.
You need to revive the users, which he couldn't. He didn't want to kill so booby-traps are out of the picture.
It takes a paper plane coated in nitroglycerin to scare him and a stone spear to kill him.
Good thing he found an entire village of people then, dumbass.
Both sides half assed their ideologyās
Onion wants to re start civilization but is not searching for teachers and academics to re-create a library or farmers to re-create agriculture which is the most basic foundation of every civilization yes I know he can make those things himself but considering his bullshit level of knowledge he has faaar better things to do.
Tarzan would have to kill every person in North America, Africa and a good chunk of Asia (including woman and children) for his ideology to even have a small change to succeed and even then as Chrom proved another one will just rise up again
>Faggot who deems himself smart tries to nitpick the show
>they can't point to actual flaws and end up showing they're brainlets
Every time. I don't understand why autists struggle so much with the concept of heightened reality.
Especially considering heightened reality fuels the tone for most anime and manga ever made.
Not even Chrom handled to him an entire house of chemical materials he could gas hem whit several different heavily toxic mixes, and re-invent war crimes
youre fucking stupid. if goku can read minds and kill tigers with his fist then sneku should be able to whip up futuristic weaponry from unrefined wood and rocks
one side had a hardcore disadvantage and thats for the sake of driving the plot, which is objectively shit tier writing
He doesn't want to kill anyone. Tsukasa was already prepared to wreck his shit. Senkuu always goes for the non-kill options. With crossbows you'd have casualties. Plus the village has no experience with ranged weapons. Debatable outcome.
>tfw they have iron before they have iron
Shit anime.
>beats lions barehanded
>stone spear can kill him
yeah, no.
I mean sure a sharp edge could penetrate his skin, but there's no man or device that could chuck the spear too fast for his super human skills to avoid.
Senku literally won the war by creating nitroglycerin and threatening Tsukasa with it, animeonly pleb. Hell, even in the anime he straight up creates gunpowder with the intent to threaten Tsukasa into fucking off. He doesn't want to kill but he'll still pull the trigger as a last resort if he's forced to, and Tsukasa knows this as well which is why he tried to kill Senku in the first place.
Why not make the tongs first? What's the problem?
Senku spend 3,700 years counting every second to stay awake. He knows not only one field (physics) but he's also knowledgeable in biology and mathematics. He's absurdly intelligent.
And you're surprised cause one guy is absurdly strong.
You clearly don't get the point of the entire show
Tsukasa is literally killed by being stabbed by a stone spear. The 'nitroglycerin plane' should've tipped you on that post being a manga spoiler.
He created both with the intention to negotiate, he didn't fly the paper airplane in Tsukasas face, just a demonstration.
And again, Tsukasa conceded because he knew it wasn't an empty threat. If Senku didn't actually have the guts to blow him up then Tsukasa would've just walked right up to him and caved his skull in without fear.
The whole fiasco could've been solved by mass producing repeating crossbows earlier and threatening Tsukasa with that instead.
He's not trying to avoid the spear
How can he grab a small and fast crossbow bolt but not a bigger and slower spear?
Are you assuming that they are made of iron?
The problem was the casualties again. Hyouga and the rest would have been killed and Tsukasa would only realize it once they didn't come back. Then all out war. I get it, you'd kill a few fuckers, fine, have to crack some eggs. Senkuu's just not like that.
The guy who can treat an infection so I don't die in my 30s because I cut my ankle on a sharp rock.
No other material would be feasable. What's the problem with making iron tongs?
I would assume they are made out of titanium-casted porcelain.
Proximity, protect imouto instinct made him lose his cool and act as a shield. Hyouga explains it.
If they're not scared of repeating crossbows and would fight to the death while getting showered by bolts, then how could explosives scare them?
Anything that can cause death would suffice as a threat. If Senku had an army of repeating crossbow wielders then Tsukasa would be equally as unable to wage war as he would be against explosives.
I would assume they are made out of titanium-casted porcelain.
Crossbow sucks though. It is more of a meme than katana.
Have you seen those goons? Their brains were rotten. There is a chance it would go well or not. Senku just went with muh nippon to make them lose morale and cause his fighters would be better with swords than ranged weapons.
The funny thing is that the spear goes straight through him and his sister ducked anyway. If she didn't dodge to begin with then Hyouga would've gotten a double kill. It was a pointless gesture.
Is this a joke? 10 peasants with katanas are peasants with katanas. 10 peasants with crossbows become a deadly force.
You mean the same goons who got chased away by katanas? And you're telling me that repeating crossbows are less scary than melee weapons?
Even if you revive the females.
What makes you think that they would take you?
They will probably enslave you to become a cumcow and throw you away when your dry.
She was already ducked, Hyouga just went for a ruse and Tsukasa took the bait.
Yep, snapped them back to reality, they know what katanas are. They would charge in otherwise and the villagers would be forced to kill. I don't understand why you're arguing this. You're right, it would work better if they didn't care about casualties.
>Plus the village has no experience with ranged weapons
What the fuck do you think a spear is
Humans are inherently good at throwing shit
>It takes a paper plane coated in nitroglycerin to scare him
Gonna be honest, that would scare me too.
>and a stone spear to kill him.
Well, yes but keep in mind that it was the one spear thrust he couldn't afford to dodge.
Love makes you stupid. This is well known.
Are you unironically implying that nobody would have known what a crossbow is and that it is a weapon that could easily kill them?
Senku,shitposting is infinitly better then death by scratching your foot whilst slaving away for some butt monkey tier empire
Not the same type of aiming and handling is required for both. Too different for primitives completely new to the concept. Weak morale.
>make iron tong first
>when the caption literally said that the iron rod is the first time they acquired iron
It is an oversight of the anime dept in this case since there is no such retarded thing in manga.
Wouldn't be thrown off as hard. Cause "they're just cavemen" logic "bet they can't even use them" and charge in like the goons they are. Katanas are just that huge of a meme in nipland.
How many episodes in this season? if it's just 12-13 I will wait for seasons end to pick up the manga but if it's gonna be more than that I might just pick it up now
The iron rod was the "iron" goal, that was their "iron" goal from the start.
I would love to see a version of the story where everyone crossed Tsukasa over some stupid commodity, yeah the first one did for a Cola but could you imagine his face when someone did for a TOLIET PAPER!
Sure thing, anime-only peasant.
2 cours, 24
Making crossbows will also mean making a supply of crossbow bolts. This makes it logistically challenging as you're supply of labor is limited. Bows of any kind also need dried wood to be effective. Otherwise you don't get the proper stiffness from the wood and less draw weight.
On the other hand, you've already got people with significant martial skill so giving them better weapons is only a technological challenge. Once they're made you're free to move on.
>repeating crossbows
HA, no.
Repeating crossbows would take more craftsmanship than the entire village has on hand. Add to that a shortage of arrows and inferior materials (no seasoned wood) and making repeating crossbows would be twice as hard as making iron swords.
Alright where do I go to read then?
But that's literally what happened, why be mad? Senkuu wanted to make a generator from the start.
Hell the enemy is a bunch muscular retards using Stone Age weapons, some good old Viet Kong guerilla traps alongside walls should have enough
Viz, mangaplus or manga srtream
>that's literally what happened
Lol. Sometimes it is better to stop when you realised that you don't know what you are talking about.
Prove me wrong
At least make an effort if you wanna start an argument you lazy fuck.
Go on nyaa and get the viz scans. Don't disappoint BOICHI
Tsukasa for the lols
1080p is out on >horriblesubs
Genservice the episode. I want Kohakubutt back.
jajaajajajajjaa lol
I'll fucking kill you
i want to fuck suika
So you can't prove me wrong I reckon
This wasn't in the manga, based anime
Aluminium, probably.
>tfw we're barely going to get any best boy throughout the rest of the season.
incredibly based
Tsukasa revived Gen so he's clearly retarded if he thinks Gen is a "pure" person.
His opinion on what's pure or not is different from your everyday person
But we got plenty of Ginrou.
>implying he didn't revive Gen so he could relieve his sexual frustrations
>implying demon so.yer is good
>ywn have a heated gorilla ontop of you
When will she rape Senku?
I thought he revived Minami for that?
He revived Minami so she could watch
how many episodes until COLRA
>gorilla in critical heat
Won't be adapted this season
Need glass and sulfuric acid (which needs gas masks).
>they censored Gen's ass
Fujos gonna be mad.
>the anime shuffled around and added scenes just to adapt fewer chapters in order to make the promise into the end
We were robbed of sunflowers for this, it'll be a commercial break endpoint at most unless they do some serious rearranging, and if they do that then we won't get sulfy chan next episode either, fuck the the fujos.
would you?
I think it's cute.
Of course
I am interested in animeonlies opinions.
I went and read through the chapter again and it seems like having the sunflower field be a commercial break endpoint would work fine. After that, they could either end the episode on Senku talking about how this is the real dawn of science in his chemistry shed or on Senku alluding to Sulfurina when he talks to Ginro
I'm just a little salty that they slowed down the pace right as we're getting to the best scene in the story, I want it now...
Fuck the anime, I was looking forward to sunflowers. Fuck Gen, Magma didn't beat on him enough.
Seems like the anime will end up lending itself better to being watched after every episode has been released. Hopefully the bds arent retardedly expensive
From the dialogue, I'd imagine animeonlies are going to think that was Tsukasa
the strength of the father and the intelligence of the mother
actually. i will say that dwarfism could have happened. no predators and small prey so the smaller lions that dont require more food live and bigger and more hungry lions die due to little to no big game. cats for example were bigger but evolved to be small bird/rodent eaters. not sure if there is big game in the alternate japan. but i do know that islands usually make predators smaller.
someone gave the same answer i did. he be right.
depends on enviromental pressures. in a situation where there is no prey you can quickly evolve to be a miniature version of a lion. not sure on the time scale though. not an scientist
Finally, someone that's not a retard
>he fell for Gen's scam artist magic
>Trying to survive with only women
Cats in Australia are getting bigger because they have no predators and abundant prey.
Australian ferals are new breed of giant cat. The Australians might manage to kill them all though they are sure trying.
Yea Forums are full of tsuns.
Yea Forums likes to shit on popular anime. Have you seen how the threads were before the anime? It was comfy.
>Tsukasa: Senku, idgaf who you revive: traps, terrorists, autists, whatever. Just, for the love of God, do NOT revive boomers.
>Senku: I'm reviving everyone.
I actually agree with Tsukasa but I'd still side with Senku, too.
pls no spoilers
me waiting for swedish dub
white women are disgusting
t. retard samefag, go fap to your moe shit you virgin.
yes as i said, dwarfism happens when there is a lack of prey and smaller=not needing as much food. so it makes sense if there is a lot of prey and there is a predator "slot" available, that cats would get bigger. so in short i agree that predators like getting bigger but if there is not food they will get smaller, especially on small islands. australia is arguably an continent its so big, while japan is quite small relatively.
Takamura killed a bear, did anyone complain ?
The OP's really starting to grow on me the imagery's a bit too on the nose though. Cogs, wheels, and other components are literally coming out of Senku. I fucking get it! He's begetting science into this "stoun warudo."
Only 2 more eps, then you get a new OP
I can see why they only did 2 chapters this week, 3 would have been too rushed
lets be honest to ourselves and stop expecting a Mythbuster anime. Anime is an exaggeration, Tsukasa is strong man, so strong that he kills lion with a single bash. That's supposed to be a plot saying, don't fuck with this in hand to hand combat.
These characters are supposed to represent an archetype. Some are extremely loyal, some are pervert, so e genius, some beautiful, some Amazonian etc etc
tldr Yea Forums is illiterate zoomer who never read fiction
They added some Tsukasa and Gen fluff, they could have done clear world if they wanted
Also, Senkuu, the ultimate tardwrangler
still would have been rushed, you can tell by reading the chapters
Cute lioness
They did a similar thing with 4,5,6.they could've fucked off with the ED, for clear world.
>he's not about words, but actions
This. Why do people need to be verbally told by side characters or a narrator why the MC is X or Y? Are we really growing up in a generation where subtlety is lost and context doesn't mean jack shit unless something's written in stone?
>clear world
what the f is clear world
Tsukasa hating boomers is one thing, Tsukasa smashing children's parents LITERALLY HOLDING THEIR KID'S HAND is another thing entirely. He's fucking retarded.
The chapter that would have been adapted if they did 3 chapters this ep instead of 2
Boomers have to go, it would be hypocritical to bust up only select boomers. All boomers have kids.
Because I've already read the god-tier manga.
I am addicted to cola so it's not like I have a choice. Also Tsukasa would just kill me.
Gen has a sweet tooth. Whenever scienceboy makes sometthing sweet, he's first in line. Like cotton candy or (fake) chocolate
kek the fucking blood asspull, of all places he stabs there.
He had the bags all over his body. There was more than 1 bag shown
> yuri twincest
yes, this appeals to my dick
I really like it because I'm not a bitter ricel
Most people with a soul hate the rick and morty shit, the "I fucking LOVE science" crew it appeals to, the blatant western-influenced propaganda, and the disgusting Korean "art".
Also, it is an isekai shonen.
My cavegirl fetish is stronger than ever, bless this series
New Zealand had a bunch of gigantic animals, predators and hebovores, precisely because it was an isolated island.
She's nothing like a cavegirl though. She's your average waifubait "superstrong but still extremely feminine" kawaii girl.
>it's that incel again
the non-retard
so Senku
It also appeals to projecting incels, such as this guy.
> isekai
But I don't hate Dr.Wholesome.
>extremely feminine
It's literally an isekai.
> isekai, definition : character is transported to another world
they're still fucking on earth, they haven't gone anywhere
No matter how hard you try to meme this, it won't come true.
>"kore wa STONU WARUDO" (in this STONE WORLD)
the stone world is earth you retard
>Black Knight (2001) is not an isekai because he's still on earth!!
Planet =! world.
i don't even know what that 3dpd shit is
if they travel to a ALTERNATE REALITY earth, then yes i agree it would be isekai
however in doctor stone, it's the same fucking earth, just a few thousand years in the future
Is Naruto an isekai then?
No, because the main character doesn't travel from MODERN WORLD to STONE WORLD.
Bleach is an isekai, so is One piece if you apply this logic.
>drinking cola when you can ask for Kohaku's salty pussy juice
He travels from ninja world to toad world. If Dr.Stone is an isekai, so is Naruto.
Why would Gen get the nectar? Kohaku hates him.
So, retarded children?
You don't know how gay Gen is, he'd rather drink Senkuu's dick juice.
>Gen becomes Senkuu's cumdumpster
he travels from earth to earth you cumguzzling retard
Does Kohaku's have a nice stinky butt?
if you think her butt smells bad wait til you get a whiff of her rope, literally never been washed once in her life
Senkuu, without a doubt.
I'm not interested in actually staying at the stone age. Even though I doubt I'd be able to have a computer with internet connection during my lifetime, at least there would be new things rediscovered every day.
Also, he's the only one who can make mass production of resurrection formula, and the more people are brought back the more chances I have to enjoy things I like such as music or, in the absence of cinema, at least some theater plays.
This pleases my dick
>manga stinktier
You'd get manga, they have manga... in the manga
>welsh accent
why are females so fucking useless
The toad world is part of the ninja world and always has been.
I guess this is proof that Dr. Stone truly appeals to the Rick and Morty (retard) crowd. Isekai is about travelling from one world to another, not from one celestial body to another. By your retard definition, any space travel work of fiction is an isekai.
i need a minute to just unpack the sheer retardation in this post
by "travel" senku was on the planet earth, he didn't fucking go anywhere, he just waited 3000 years and when he woke up he was still on the exact same earth
he never went anywhere, it's not isekai
for your other example
going from planet earth > mars = space travel
going from planet earth > mars (alternate reality) = isekai
staying on earth > time passes > still on earth = not isekai
planet earth > traveling to alternate reality earth = isekai
Just like the stone world is part of the dr stone world, what are you retard trying to even say ?
The stone world is part of the real world too. What's your point?
Naruto is an isekai
>i need a minute to just unpack my sheer retardation
You unpacked it, alright.
The Stone World is an alternate reality on Earth because it was not created by the mere passing of time.
But why do I even bother, there's literally no point in talking to someone who's this intellectual inferior - and I'm not even all that smart, it's just who you makes me look like a genius.
Wow this really triggered the libtard normies itt
an alternate reality implies a divergence in the timeline, thus making it an alternate reality
time line > event happens > outcome 1 (true reality) or outcome 2 ( alternate reality)
in dr stone there is only one timeline and only one reality
modern life > world petrification > time passes > "stone world"
there is no alternate reality here, it's a linear sequence of events, they're still on earth, they haven't gone anywhere, it's not a isekai
this is the last (you) you're getting out of me i'm tired of wasting my time when you're obviously just trolling
>this is the last (you)
It's hilarious, this creature thinks I actually wanted it to talk to me. It's like a dog telling me "this is the last time I will piss on your wall".
the side without Taiju and Yuzuhira, the quality of the anime skyrocketed without them
>he got btfo
>starts samefagging
>this is the last (you) you're getting out of me
Guess not the dog can't stop.
No argument
> inb4 "lol inspect element"
i almost feel sorry for you, with how upset you're getting over being proved wrong
>everyone is the same person
Looks like more than one guy is calling you out
>inspect element
So not only he is a retard, he is also a tourist.
I like the manga and the anime.
The one who would let me seduce Kohaku.
>he is getting this upset Naruto is an isekai
I love it
Hilarious, coming from a husk without a soul whose favorite favorite anime before Dr. Stein was Naruto.
Rick and Morty is pretty good though. Like what kind of person hates Rick and Morty? Most people kind of like it or don't care about it. But you hate it and for that you believe you have a special soul?
>anything about science has to apply to real world standards and be SUPER REALISTIC
>he is projecting now
>tried to defend Naruto before
>Rick and Morty is pretty good though. Like what kind of person hates Rick and Morty?
Hell yes. Dr. Stone and Rick & Morty are equally awesome.
>>tried to defend Naruto before
Only you did that, Narustonetard.
I don't consider isekai a praise
I think they are both pretty good. I don't get the supposed similarities between Senku and Rick though.
Rick is an evil bastard he would kill you and not give a fuck about it. If the whole world got turned to stone Rick wouldn't even try to cure everyone unless Morty convinced him. Probably would just change universes.
>watches exclusively isekai
Dr.stone is not an isekai, 3 different anons proved you wrong. Time for you to head back to your pedo threads
Senku, what's the point of a harm when they look like this
I can't be the only one to find this episode deeply problematic with its fetishizing of lesbian relationship and casualisation of incest?
You must be at least 18 to post here.
harem* jesus maybe I'm too dumb for science
Would smash
t. 3 different anons
Hard to believe you're the minority here, huh?
no, not really, I doubt there are any other Jews here
>he just insulted himself
I mean, hes not wrong.
Eugenics would certainly give humanity a boost
is Senku a school shooter?
They started it, this was in self-defense
I guess irl Senku would be treated like the muslim clock boy
I wasn't there for the happening. Quick rundown?
>his school is half empty
>he killed all of them
he made a fake bomb as a prank that people thought it was real and got arrested, the media made him a martyr through victimization because muh islamophobia
Senkuu would just say they got too close to one of his inventions and whoops.
Japanese Rick and Morty
>The jew is still trying
This pretty much
that would be HxH
more like a school shocker
Imagine riding GenĀ“s cock
Not how it works.
Why are there so many cuckolds in this series?
>Taiju literally brings the girl he wants to fuck to Tsukasa and he gets to watch as either he fucks her himself or his random grunts gangrape her to "prove her loyalty" to Tsukasa
>Chrome spent his entire life trying to heal Ruri, then he agrees that Ginro/Kinro spitroast her in front of him, and then he loses her virginity to Senku, the guy who already cucked him out of the position of the "smart guy"
>Senku who pretends to not be interested in girls because he has a tiny pee pee which he hopes will grow up before he has sex with Kohaku ends up being cucked when Kohaku literally gives her virginity to the first bad boy she comes across (see last chapter her pulling her panties down)
lol what a casual
git gud
realy well polished stones
got recreate aids somehow
she has the fetal alcohol syndrome face
This might be shocking for you, but for many people life does not revolve around women and sex.
>for many people life does not revolve around women and sex.
Hilarious, considering that's literally all Taiju thought about all those 3700 years, and likewise Chrome his entire life.
>wants to kill corrupted adults to create an utopia
>resurrects an army of corrupted looking adults
I don't understand this logic
they're probably the same age as part 3 Jotaro
Just a couple of samefag contrarians dislike it, no need to be alarmed
Why is the science kingdom flag a dick with balls
When does Senku revive a 40 year old middle manager who increases their work efficiency by 1000% using his boomer management skills?
I mean surely Senku IS going to revive a 30+ year old boomer considering his idelogical conflict with Tsukasa right... RIGHT?
It's a rocket, why do you see male genitals everywhere? Don't tell me you were staring at Tsukasas body when he showed up.
He'll revive the ultimate capitalist Chad and together with Senkuu and Gen they will construct the new stone world deep state and become imperialists.
Weird taste but you can have it
What's weird about wanting to introduce genetic diversity to a cute inbred cavegirl?
Damn the fan art looks so much better than the real thing, shame
You can always read the manga
Nothing when they have proper facial proportions lmao
Face still looks too ugu~ for me man. Might read it for different reasons but she's not one
>he doesn't find it cute
Too young for this anime
I'm not going to lie to you. I needed some time to adapt, but after 2 years the ugu grew on me. I think it's cute now.
Why are you trying to conflate age with anything? It's a shonen anyway if you're trying to say it's somehow especially mature.
I can see that, maybe when I'm reading it it'll work with the humor and tone but from an initial glance it looks hilarious to me, like a worse clannad but with admittedly nice cavegirl ass.
With too young I meant that you weren't affected by the age of the ugu. Molded by it etc.
Focus on the ass till you get used to it. If you're interested in the manga.
I've been through that era man, it looks bad to me, that's it.
But it's not new to you, that's the important detail. Honestly her eyes change all the time. So the maximum ugu is when she's supposed to be cute and during action panels her eyes are normal. So it's not clannad 24/7 and that what makes it easy to get used to. At least from my experience.