With VRAINS officially ending at episode 120. What are your final thoughts on Fuijki Yusaku as the? Did he live up to the name of King Of Games?

Episode 118: 無謀な提案 – Mubō na Teian
(A Reckless Proposal)
Playmaker barely manages to fend off Ai's attacks. Having found an opening, Playmaker attempts to launch an attack against Ai. However, Ai knows Playmaker inside and out, and can predict everything he will do. Ai then unites the feelings of all the Ignises, and brings about the advent of the ultimate Cyberse monster.

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 石黒達也 || Ishiguro Tatsuya
Direction: 高橋雅和 || Takahashi Masakazu
Animation Director(s): 金子優司 || Kaneko Yuji

Episode 119: 壊れゆく自我 – Kowareyuku Jiga
(A Broken Ego)
Having learned about Ai's sorrow, Playmaker tries to convince him to stop the battle. However, Ai has already made up his mind, and won't back down no matter what. As the two's battle continues to rage on, Ai makes a proposal to Playmaker.

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Direction: 佐藤道拓 || Satou Michihiro
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk

Episode 120 (FINAL EPISODE): 繋がる世界 – Tsunagaru Sekai
(A Connected World)
Both Playmaker and Ai have come to acknowledge each other's ideals: the importance of connections to humans, and what an AI ultimately desires, respectively. The two then use everything they have left to settle their battle once and for all. Just how will their Duel conclude?

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 浅野勝也 || Asano Katsuya
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 荏原裕子 || Kawamura Yuya, Ebara Yuko

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Other urls found in this thread:


Vrains is my favorite spin off mostly because of Ai and Yusaku and I'm so mad that his was the most rushed arc.

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>Did he live up to the name of King Of Games?
Winning all the duels doesn't make him a King

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He's the supreme king

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Kek pretty good. Link of the source?

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I would still pick up Yusaku as my fighter. Yours, Yea Forums?

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Boring main character. They hardly even push his Anti hero gimmick. It's like they remembered that this is a Shonen for kids and they can't push Yusaku this route since he's the main character

Yugi had a 27 episode series once.

At least they'll get a rest now. Especially Yusaku who pretty much had to solve EVERYTHING. In this show. Literally Jesus.

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ladies and gentlemen, your final boss

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Is kaiba a king?

I guess we all can agree that VRAINS could have been three times better had they added the lost incident children in, right?

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It could be three times better if it had a divine card.

I wish vrains was more batman beyond-ish in how it handled the depiction of the MC's life. Maybe it would've allowed more for yusaku as a character


oh no no no

Muy entretenido. Me reí.

With the way they were handling characters in Vrains, I doubt it.

Why not exactly? Watching more people duel would have been better than seeing the same 3 people duel 3 or 5 times and still lead to nowhere. The lost incident children would have totally felt like the signers and they would actually have had something that tied them together.

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I think they would have gotten us the same levels of excitement that any Takeru, Yusaku or Spectre duel ever did.

It would have been more entertaining watching them job than watching Kengo or Emma job over and over again.

Spectre duel did*

>These same 3 people dueling 3 or 5 times is better than these other 3 people dueling 3 or 5 times

Miyu and Jin are actually cute and feel like more fit to fighting alongside Yusaku and Takeru. Emma and Blood Shepperd are boring looking and they feel forced to be in the team Yusaku.

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I disagree

was he the one who lost the most in the end ?

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4 characters got more tag duels than Yusaku.

Does it matter?

He got shafted so bad I forgot he existed until I saw this

kind of.

Yugioh anime hates tag duels now
Although compared to how arc v tag duels shook out as a duel the ones in vrains didnt seem TOO bad


here lies piggu, he never dueled

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You think he would be forced to cooperate with more people.

I didn't think that

Yusaku better use Darkfluid to defeat Ai.

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Anime tag duels has always been messy with its rules since they always had their own fields and then they sometimes use cards that just flatout can't work in the real game.
The Tyler Sisters duel in Arc-V should have been how Tag Duels are done, but then you get silly cards that has to force some sort of interactions between two incompatible decks

They need to create a new cover monster.

I mean they shoved soulburner in there pretty hard.

A bit surprised that they didn't use the "driven into a corner" quote for Vrains' final batch of summaries.

Where is the guy who was supposed to organize a new Vr/a/ins sings?

They've been very adamant about not having tag duels for a long time despite whatever tag opportunities may come out, so no, I didn't even think shoving SB around would have made it happen anyway

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That would basically gives us the name of the winner of the duel. Though I have a feeling everything will end in a draw.

What are your honest thoughts on this monster?

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Don't care about it

Well now that they did it in the last 20 episodes it just makes the rest of the series look odd. Especially when they did stuff like this.

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is the true ace monster

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Dbh it looked like they were trying to find the fastest ways to cull characters by that point due to time limits

Well they didn't and they still pushed Playmaker and Soulburner as a wonder pair.

Is this series even worth having one of those charts on what to watch and what to skip? I feel like you could just watch the beginning 4 episodes, skip to the revolver duel from season 1, skip to the Bowman duel at the end of season 2 and skip to the Ai duel in season 3 and you wouldn't really miss anything worth more than a paragraph of explanation.

I hate how close the OP made Takeru and Yusaku when in reality they were barely friends. Well in S2 at least. It wasn't until S3 started that Yusaku began to show some fellowship

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The duels are great to watch.

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Are the OPs of vrains an even bigger lie than the final ED of Arc-V showing the Rus and Yus hanging out together ? I won't stop being mad

Ai is ___

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really purple.

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Funny considering the last OP of VRAINS happened 100% and even used the same shots in the Anime. The ending is also a way for the writers to wrap up the characters and let the audience know they are doing ok in the end

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pffttt hahahahahahah 120 ep is still to much for this boring show.
Hope the next only is better or at least bad enough to have fun memes like ArcV.


Darkfluid and Ai's Ultimate Cyberse have a Double KO, and then Decode vs Templar will be the last battle, with the former now winning.

"haha" posters are too dumb to decide what's boring or not.

Both are really enjoyable for the most part. Fuck off generationwar faggots.

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Oh man, what the fuck is even gonna happen with MR5 now? Imagine if they blame Vrains's failure on the Links instead of the rules and they create bullshit rules that ruin Links like MR4 ruined Pendulums, Synchros and Xyz

>Vrains's failure
Yugioh anime can't fail.

Miss me yet?

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links didn't fail nor did the card game sales dropping during vrains it's just the show sucked ass

So why does his garbage look like jewels?

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Its telling you that duel links is garbage

it's telling you to stop being F2P pay real money instead of grinding gems all day

What will their role be?

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Someone should make a timesaver list of just the better duels. Context doesnt matter too much to someone who just wants to see if vrains has anything to offer in duels but doesnt want to sink in 120 eps of time

it still looks cool.

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he'll be the director of DM super.

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>added the lost incident children in
Maybe. The thing is Vrains lacked real enemies for the main cast. Which ended up with always Yusaku alone defeating the enemy and everyone else jobbing. Honestly it was fucking pathetic, especially Aoi, who went under 3 transformations and still couldn't do anything in the end. It was a shitshow really. Same with Go.
Things would had been different if the real enemy was a massive organization with many sub bosses and all lost incident children were good duelists. But alone I doubt it would be too different.
The other problem was the main cast lacked appeal I think. Some designs were awful. What the fuck were they thinking with Go?

>it's a shitshow when everyone but the protagonist get things done
You must really hate 5ds too.

atleast this wasn't as bad as arc V, but honestly i think i enjoyed Zexal alot more then this.

Level 2
[ Cyberse / Effect ]
You can target 1 other Cyberse monster you control that began the Duel in the Main Deck; return it to the hand, and if you do, Special Summon from your Deck 1 Cyberse monster with the same Level, but with a different name. You can only use this effect of "Garbage Collector" once per turn.
ATK / 100 DEF / 1900

Attached: GarbageCollector-JP-Anime-VR.png (92x68, 15K)

There was a god that defeated the god yusaku is based off of in the origin of sumo wrestling.

>if the real enemy was a massive organization
If only the show had some kind of large omnipresent corporation with a hierarchy of leaders established in the first episode

I hope there would be a lot more dynamic monster interactions in the next series, I understand why Vrains couldn't have reached as high as some as the previous series as the manpower just wasn't there for it, so hopefully they can sort shit out and get the action in high energy again

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>hate 5ds too
I never watched it.
I wonder why they dropped that stuff. Even Queen was almost defeated off screen.

no, lostincidentfags forever SEETHING

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SOL seemed like that at the start with the chess pieces, being only the Bishop, Knight and Rook that spoke to Zaizen, while the King and Queen just appeared when the formers were discussing behind the scenes. Wonder when they decided to massively change things.

>as high as some as the previous series
Really trying to cover those bases, I see.

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But 5Ds did what that user wanted to see in Vrains.
5Ds had a lot of personal rivalries between the characters and the duels there actually had some meaning besides the "defeat the villain of the turn" thing that Vrains did.

>a lot of personal rivalries
I only wanted that for Go. Otherwise it should be trying to defeat the villains.

That is one tough Kuriboh.

He seems much happier on female cast shows
Hes never coming back

He's probably referring to Part 2 5Ds.

uh huh

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Go had that little quarrel with Yusaku, but it didn't work well because Yusaku never gave a fuck about him, so it was just a one-sided thing.
There were hints of more rivalities, imho. For example, at the beginning it looked like Spectre had some kind of undisclosed past with Aoi, but they never did anything with it. Like seriously to this day I never knew why Spectre choose to meddle into Aoi's business, in first place.

It seemed more like something to do with the blue angel story character itself and how specter hated what she symbolized but both got sidelined hard anyway. And the show is fine with specter remaining a sociopath I guess because revolver is good now and he does whatever revolver does

nice art but what's up with that zooming and not actually showing the sword go through?

Absolutamente basado.

At the end of the day, autistcucks live up to their name.
Chadmaker is better off with anyone else than that blue slut.

He has a connected future with AIs.

>spic memes

though I have to admit that this is pretty good

Honestly, Aoi probably should have just been Miyu. A Lost Incident child that developed into the Blue Angel persona as a means of coping. Her insistence upon alleviating the hearts of others when her own heart is shackled in darkness could have been what made Spectre despise her, and her effectiveness at inspiring/relieving others (outside of himself) could have made him admire her, thereby giving him conflicting feelings towards Aoi that mostly rounded out toward: "I want to destroy this."

Huh no one ships Yusaku with Aoi anymore. Can't believe Yoshida made a full show with no sexual tension between the MC and MG. Don't know if thats good or not

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What do you mean? Yusaku is just a retard when it comes to romantic shit. And there's no shipping to talk about right now.

kek. I think I saw that glitch before.

Not everything is supposed to revolve around the lost incident. Otherwise they would have brought up the torture on a more consistent basis. A lot of the conflict centered on things happening post incident.

I know, I know, I'm just saying that's one way they could have explained it. Lazier, but easier.

eldctrumite is legit glitched in the game Konami can't even make games properly anymore

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Miyu is an excuse for mild amounts of development. Have to have that somewhere.

all kuribohs are tough.

>still giving him replies
It's not that hard to tell who it is by posting style since it never changes

It's more notable that he didnt indulge himself on fujobait as much as he normally does

They should have released at least an update already

Only the late first part though.

It's not like it was a big thing.

How come the synchro and fusion monsters are decent where the ritual and xyz monsters are shit for Yusaku?

Absolute> eXceed
Clock> Vortex

Yusaku is a pretty boring and inconsistent character in large part because the writers didn't know what to do with him. He was a complete fucking asshole in Season 1 but mellowed after after the first half of Season 1. Then he became "friendship and comrades" in Season 2+.

None of VRAINS's cast outside of Revulva and maybe Soulburner are memorable.

>None of VRAINS's cast outside of Revulva and maybe Soulburner are memorable.
Based but actually true as much as it pains me to say

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Not that the cast was particularly big in the first place, since they seemed deathly afraid of episodes about stuff other than the main threat of the season.

So what's the next summoning method going to be? Am I going to be able to put my fusion, synchro and xyz monsters in the main monster zone again? That's all I care about.

They're only shut up now because they're cucked by Yoshida.

>Borreload Furios not appearing in the anime
>Borreload not getting a link 5 or 6
>Link 5 appearing so late
>No link 6,7 and 8
>Bohman as the ultimate villain
>No villain like Zorc,Darkness,Z-ONE or Don Thousand,
>7 recaps
>Not 146 episodes
>no autismlove
>interactless characters
>Episode 84 and 85 not being the duel from 116 and 117
>Flame dying
>vrainfags claiming that its all arcv fault
>delusion autists still claing arcv is the worst and having a meltdown if their favorite series is insulted

Truly, the worst series.
Ygo 7 better be better.Sad

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Man, Link summon was so lame that it didn't even have an upgrade like former methods.

Either itll stay with links for 3 more years bc to any normies or kids the list of summoning methods heightens barrier of entry with each addition, or the next one will be a lot more restricted in use and less impactful on the game

There's multiple recap episodes but other than that everything is part of the main story. VRAINS is the most plot dependent YGO show with no filler and a fast pace. There's episodes w/o duels that are there to advance the plot and duel episodes take 2 episodes to complete.

S2. It was obvious that originally SOL Technologies was going to be the big bad but something changed during production of S2 that they rushed things to have the final battle with Ai which I think was how they planned to end the series akin to the Ceremony Duel of the original YGO.

Vrainlets more like episodlets.

It was a different age.

God I miss the actual good virtual reality series.

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Me too user, me too

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Being allergic to at least some fluff is what really did vrains in. Outside of what, recaps and two brave max episodes, the show operated on an entirely linear track with the same basic structure each season.

They will come back to life, in a new merged world where both Humans and Ai can co exist.

>banned and retconned

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Now bring back Yuma to save the franchise.

>official konami poll
>zarc wins
Vrainlets on suicide watch


Based and pendulum pilled

Vrainbros.. were the Nico ratings all a fluke...
Is it possible that actually.. Arc-V is remembered fondly by everyone?

We're truly a doomed cause

Ai really love all the Ai puns.

The anime has been bad for 5 years because the nips deserve it

where is my tournanent arc

Why is there no good Yugioh fanfiction? I can only think of one or two that were well written. The rest are mainly written by fujoshi.

What do you mean? There's plenty of CaC out there.

I had a dream in which Vrains received a new series for it to have a tournament.

Not gonna post that poll?

He's inconsistent in the move from s1 to s2, but from s2 onwards he is suddenly and consistently the mouthpiece for the wisdom of mankind and always correct. Because all he needed to become the local wise sage was to resolve his grudge I guess

I felt that the best Playmaker is when he is excessively confident saying things like his dueling always win and being the opposite of past YGO MC.

Remember this?

Attached: 3reasons.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Why did he stop doing that? I loved when he did that!

Name a better couple

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I hope the personalities of characters are bigger next series. Not in an annoying way, but like a lot more individualized and with better one liners thrown at each other once in while.

>skip to the Bowman duel at the end of season 2
That duel is awful. You could probably recommend the recap episode at the start of season three over the entirety of season two.

>Superior plant steel, folded ten million times

...Shark and Rio?

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I'm getting Bakemonogatari intentional anti-climax humor vibes from this

If only Vrains had a budget and a pornographic fixation on 10(,000) year olds.

Define "good fanfiction". Also I don't know why there is so much complaining about fujoshi here when half these threads are cringey shipping shit. I guess as long as it's a straight crackship it's okay?

What a last duel. Seeing her brother die, and laying in piss, and being told to give up dueling.

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What does CaC mean here?

Because it symbolized the Lost Incident. Only time he did it after Season 1 was against Bohman because he brought it up again and in response he specified Revolver was the one who kidnapped him and not Kogami.

Lightning really should have been the one to absorb Bohman at the end of S2, instead of what happened.

>Only time he did it after Season 1
Nah it was more times than that. He did it vs Earth too. Though I agree that it was a coping mechanism for the lost incident. Once he put the past behind him by end of S1 he slowly said it less and less until he totally stopped.

Custom cards. He's memeing you.

battle network is not virtual reality.

>vs Earth
Forgot about that to be honest. And I recall he did it once at the hot dog truck too by the start of the Season.

>and laying in piss, and being told to give up dueling.
fanfic writing retard.

I liked watching lightning because he was so bent on getting what he wants and showed it
It turns out that an anti buddha like bohman isnt very easy to make engaging when his whole schtick is detached transcendence

Yea Forums can't stand fujo ships even though some of them have more chemistry than the "canon" straight pairings.

Xebec is dead.


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Ritual isn't bad at all. Also meteorburst and quantum have different purposes.

Exceed and excharge are mediocre, the latter more so

Now let's take a look at the previous heroine's last duels
After being stupid because of some mental issues she beats Joey, has a mental breakdown, challenges Rafael and loses off screen without him even breaking a sweat

In canon, thanks to Joey's lie she has a tantrum and tries to beat the already defeated Marik with his own God card as a final fuck you only to get mind raped for her trouble, she then completely disappears from the series with no mention of her by Joey or anyone.

Final duel in the series is a tag duel between her,Judai and their kouhai and rather than the duel it's more about repairing Judai's relationship with her only for him to leave before she gets a chance to confess her love for him.

Her last duel in the series is a handicap duel between her and Crow against Sherry and it leads to her suddenly having developed healing powers effectively putting an end to her "I hate myself because my powers can only cause people pain" angst, just like Asuka her love is one sided

Not a duelist, Yuma will put a baby in her and then abandon her like the fujoshi bait that he is to go world traveling like his daddy and mommy did.

Her last duel was against random fodder with her shota teacher and she effectively put into a plot box until the very last few seconds of the show, she may get Yuya dick but she has to share with the other 3 versions of her and the other 3 versions of him

Yeah, this franchise is not kind to female duelists.

2 is an upgrade over 3 and so on. Individual monsters didn't have much upgrading though.

It's a pet peeve of mine for VRAINS. Like, look at the latest episode
>Garbage Collector still pops out of a hexagon
>Flame Bufferlo still pops out of a hexagon
>Flame Bufferlo still dissolves
>Sea Archiver still pops out of a hexagon

>Clock> Vortex
People actually played Vortex and Meteorburst.


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>sleeve poll
It's not worth caring about.

Can't outfox the box.

They have different purpose. Meteorburst is an extender and has been used in D/D/D as well. Vortex is cheesed out with guardragons

That's not Bakura and Malik the gayest couple in Yugioh.

I'm trying to point out the whole "as a friend" thing that never really happened.

Atem sees Kaiba as a friend and Kaiba is willing to actually die and break the laws of space-time to beat Atem at a card game. That's LIKE friendship...I guess?

>A Broken Ego
Phew for a second I read
>A Broken Egao

Bakura and Marik have more romantic chemistry than Aoi and Yusaku. Prove me wrong.

Did they ever fuck

Bakura didn't get "chemistry".

Yes, they have a kid in the epilogue

Ai has more romantic chemistry with yusaku and hes an AI in a robot


Having Players become monsters on the field and using life points for the new summoning method

You're all welcome to hang out with us over at /dlg/ on /vg/. Duel Links is a free mobile game where you can play with over 5000 cards and battle fellow duelists from across the world.

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Based, bro. I hope Quickdraw and the other drawfags move there as well.

Wasnt Yuzus last duel the one where she crashes into a building?
I dont remember her dueling afterwards.

She had a short Battle Royale with Sora against Security afterwards, but I wouldn't count it as a legit Duel to start with mainly because Security and Sora already had lots of monsters out while she just had her starting hand.

So what will Konami do with the 2 core booster packs that come after VRAINS ends but before the next series begins? They don't have an Anime to pump out new cards to shill.

>give her wins
>don't adapt interactions actually important to her role

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Maybe Konami will FINALLY give us Drones and other Anime archetypes used by characters not in the core cast.
Or they'll just shove in every single Yusaku and Revolver card that hadn't been printed yet.

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>Her last duel was against random fodder with her shota teacher and she effectively put into a plot box until the very last few seconds of the show, she may get Yuya dick but she has to share with the other 3 versions of her and the other 3 versions of him
I still don't understand why Yuya dueled against brainwashed Serena and Ruri when it would have been far more dramatic for him to duel against brainwashed Yuzu and Ruri.

The cast's backlog from Season 3 for the January Set, and a preview of YGO 7 for the April one, along with a bit of remaining Vrains backlog,

Wow thanks, I was already planning on going there but is nice to have an invitation. Arigatou Kaiba San

>she may get Yuya dick but she has to share with the other 3 versions of her and the other 3 versions of him
>Implying that's bad
One pair is already dating and the other is into each other. The only ones who lose in this situation are Joeri and Serena for being Gay

I'm still mad about the lack of Sunavalon.

Drones coming in 2022.

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Why did they even bother giving Revolver so many lame generic dragons instead of focusing solely on Rokkets?

What went wrong? Why did Konami put no effort in releasing Anime cards not used by main characters unlike in Zexal and Arc-V despite the fact that Vrains' cast was so much smaller?

He's a rival so he gets many and varied cards.

>Forgetting about the Gouki, Altergeist and Marincess cards introduced this season
come on, pay attention, they got their backlog ready for next year

What an ugly archetype

As others have said, there's enough of a backlog to last 6 months. I'm curious about what the cover cards will be. My guess is whatever new super awesome shiny boss monsters that Yusaku and Ai whip out at the end.

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I legitimately don't know what was going on here, its like there was no communication between the card designers or something

Not much where to go with Rokkets. Sniping from the hand? OP. Banishing from GY? No Rokket hits the GY so that could have been. Banishing from the field? Powercreeps previously stablished Rokkets. Different effects like Recharger, Synchron and Tracer? No need to destroy their theme of being just bullets more.

Maybe it's precisely of the smaller cast that they want to drag things out more to ensure they have stuff to release later down the line.

The weirdest thing to me is that during Arc-V, the Booster Special Packs had 2 Anime themes and then 1 OCG theme. But come Vrains, the Deck Build Packs that replaced them only had OCG themes, no Anime themes even though that would have been the perfect way to introduce many of the cards the Anime put so much effort into shilling. Seriously, I would have much rather had Drones, Sunavalons and Armatos Legio than Fur Hires, Prankids and all the other forgettable Deck Build Pack decks.

Collector's Pack Fuel

So no yu-gi-oh anime until 2020?


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Except the most developed of the vrains anime-only archetypes have way too many cards to print out and konami does not seem to want to increase the pack size of that.

I wish Collection Packs came out twice a year instead of once a year.

I want to see Konami try to print out the hell that is Hydradrives lmao

More light dragons soon.

Attached: light dragon.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

Great... now I have to finish it.

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How can people even compare the other girls to her? Anzu is best.

It's not shown, at least in the games.

They were so adorable.

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What duels would we have gotten if the series hadn't been cut short?

Just put all the character names into a hat and pick two names out

Some kind of Playmaker tag duel I suppose. But that might just be my wishful thinking. Maybe in another timeline.

Meanwhile in Bizarro Vrains...

Attached: The-Bizarro-World.png (844x480, 647K)

Ai vs Revolver.

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Revolver vs Revolver (dark form)

Attached: Reivolwa Era.png (1916x538, 663K)


Poor deluded fool.
Havent you noticed how they are deliberately ONLY printing @Ignisters in the October set.
Just so they dont have to print new archetypes in January and instead they can say 'see we havent forgotten about Goukis and Altergeists'

goukis and altergeists this next one then the others the other set.

Honestly, I don't know, something like Go vs Aoi, Aoi vs Akira, and Revolver vs Ai were implied at some point to have been a possibility, but I don't think they'd have followed up on it regardless if it was cut short or not.

lol, no, there's only room for Ignisters in IGAS

they'll be putting be something else than @ignisters in this next one even if it's only one other anime archetype.

Kek, I come from /dlg/ and was just memeing, is there really a dark form of Revolver?

Left one is S1 Revolver, when he was the main antagonist of Vrains' first arc.

Attached: Smug Revolver.jpg (1142x1870, 416K)

How many unprinted cards does Yusaku have left?

Nah, that's from when before he mellowed out.

I can't believe Vrains never discussed YAMI NO KOKORO, that's like Yoshida's favorite theme.

>Aoi vs Akira teased by Aqua when she became Blue Maiden
>PM vs Revolver 5 teased by the latter after the 3rd Bohman Duel

Attached: kokoro no yami.png (1280x720, 1M)

This series centered more on science-fiction and eschewed the supernatural elements of previous series, so KOKORO NO YAMI would feel out of place.

>that's like Yoshida's favorite theme
I think Yoshida's favorite theme is Hopu vs Despair. He used that philosophy as a central point in Zexal, the Zexal manga and the Arc-V manga.

Don't forget 5Ds.

he has stuff from the first duel that hasn't been printed.

ai and revolver tag duel vs pandor

Man I completely forgot about this card's existence.

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Queen would get unique deck and not job in half an episode, that's for sure. She wasn't in S2 opening for nothing.

Didn't even use it against Blue Angel.

fuck off /dng/
dont bring more shit to /dlg/
just discuss manga already

We can't discuss manga when they aren't getting scanned or translated consistently

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and s3

shout out to any Noh eps not listed, and episodes 101-102

This is the shortest Yu-Gi-Oh! show to date. Even Zexal had more episodes.

Watch YGO7 have even less episodes than Vrains when NAS and Studio Gallop are focusing on YGO8 later.


>zarc wins
Because Zarc was a good final boss, no matter how much people here shit on him.
He was foreshadowed since the S2 and it was ominous and overwhelm enough that you could actually believe why he BTFO so many duelists in the same fight.
And he was a perfect Yu-Gi-Oh! final boss that got all the requirements checked, even if that season was atrocious.

Attached: SupremeKingZARC-MP18-EN-ScR-1E.png (469x694, 792K)

Thanks for stating the obvious m8

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Why did konami never try to sell yugioh plushies to girls? Was kuriboh, that looks like a hairy ballsack, not marketable enough?

Based KoG.

in 4 months we will be Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Structures
Remember to keep the threads alive

Attached: Bosses.jpg (1210x1212, 649K)

That's the least likely of all possibilities.

>Divine Serpent
>Season 4 filler trash
>"Final Boss"
Get that shit out of there.

You forgot Vrains final boss monster. FEAR the might of linguriboh

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what the fuck I completely forgot about the Satellite

Did they even show it this week? What was the point?

Virgin Drains vs CHAD-V

>Three more months until Jump Festa

Attached: Judai Yuki.jpg (756x484, 44K)

>sleeve poll

Just wait 2 more years until we pray for ygo8

>Yusaku vs Ai
>Yusaku vs Ai
>Yusaku vs Ai

>vrains losing anything : it dosent matter
>vrains winning anything: we are the best

>using a sleeve poll as proxy for a competition between two series
Don't be fucking retarded.

So what will you be watching until DM Super 7

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No you can only have the partner duel the protagonist once. The doma filler was redundant.

> you don't want to use superpoly on vrains and arcv to create v-rains
I feel sorry for you user
>that and the mandalorian

>DM Super
People meme'd this when Arc-V was ending and before Vrains was announced. Unless our meme magic powers grow strong, it ain't happening.

They're really cancelling VRAINS for a fucking basketball anime?!

>he dosent watch comfy basketball

Aren't people meming for a female protagonist or a crossover/legacy series more than DM Super?

VRAINS could have gotten a thousand episodes and neither she nor SOL would have gotten anything done.


Here or elsewhere? Because here the bigger joke is DM super.

Arc-V WAS the crossover legacy series.
And female protag will never happen.

> you don't want to use superpoly on vrains and arcv to create v-rains
Can't have pendulums in speed duels.

It's not just a basketball anime. It's Sora's basketball anime!

Attached: AhirunoSora.png (361x579, 302K)

>what is god power.JPG
>image link pendulum

>Divine Serpent
>Barian Hope instead of iC1000
>No Perfectron

>Two of the characters are voiced by Yuki Kaji and KENN

the hero we deserve
you mean Dark Knight

Bohman fills the Final Boss box better than Ai. Ai's the Ceremonial Duel.

Egyptian god link pendulums?

Sports is even more drawn out than card games.

Thats the joke

>your final villain is you
>your final vilain is your friend
Who pulled it better

Lightning got away with everything

Lightning didn't accomplish his goals and died. That's not getting away with everything.

>>your final villain is you
is this real life?

Arc V fags should move on.

if your monster dies, your cat dies in real life

>Zarc was a good final boss
How about fuck you?

Attached: CAC Tier Monster.png (854x720, 228K)

Considering we need to be as generic as possible with how low Link set the bar, sacrificing specific card types from either your hand or field to bring out something from the Extra Deck (ex: combine a monster and a spell to bring out a monster from the ED).

>combine a monster and a spell to bring out a monster from the ED
So Fusion with one material?

Yes, you can also do it with a spell or trap to bring out something else. We need to be as generic as we can get.

>spell or trap
meant to write spell AND trap.

How about no. Also, who could have been a better final boss than Zarc? Leo was lame as fuck, Reiji becoming suddenly evil couldn't have work considering he was always a good guy and he created the Lancers in first place. That Doctor guy? He was a literally who and didn't even duel once, so who was left?

That effect it's kinda irrelevant in the Links era, anyway.

can't wait enough for ygo 7 too see you cry for

I hope pandor gets to be cute a little more.

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She looks a lot like Fi from skyward sword.

Attached: fi from link skyward sword.png (2391x2392, 2.48M)

Anyone know where I can find a package of episodes?

I'm not going to have internet for a bit and want to download several episodes but I can't be bothered to download each individually.

I haven't seen anyone package them all up, they're probably waiting for the series to finish up.

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Zarc was fun but far from the best
What's this poll?

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - 138 - The Dragon With Dark Wings (720p) [ColdYawn] [500B24FB].webm (720x404, 2.83M)

Gundam Build Divers 2

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>"I was an entertainer that people liked, so I decided to destroy the world"
Epic final boss

Also she knows Friendship is the true meta, which is why she won so goddamn hard

Attached: Anzu pink and blue.jpg (739x415, 35K)

The true meta is being a hero character in filler.

Hopping on the Vanguard train. They have a cute loli duelist unlike vrains

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People kept asking Zarc for a bigger and better show day after day, so he gave them the best show of their lives and their last one.

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completely extraneous.

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Play duel links

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I only really want the elephant one, the other ones aren't quite as important to me.

Attached: magnus dux.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Where are the Appliancers, user?

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The image was made before the Robopii duels occurred.

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Gay basketball you mean

Go shill your soulless ripoff somewhere else, faggot.

As opposed to gay card games?

Already said it before but I'm catching up with HBO's Silicon Valley.

>Takeru mentions going back home and envisions Kiku in his ideal future
Where is the gay in vrains according to you?

is that supposed to be a bad thing

The games have barely anything alike, I don't know what's a ripoff about it

>Fujowhales are not loyal at all
What a surprise.

Now that this is over we can finally objectively rank them.

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From favorite to least favorite, blue angel, maiden, girl, aoi. I want something that could bridge marincess to trickstars in the future.

Aoi>Blue Angel>Blue girl>Blue maiden

No tournament arc, was this even Yu-Gay-Oh!

I knew we could make it, Zarcbros. ArcV>5ds confirmed in Japan.

Attached: Zarc Fanmade figure.jpg (1446x903, 75K)


The pol is fake you retards.


He's not winning anymore but it's close

>12 Borrelsword Dragon



based on the polls
based and all is right in the


Every time I see this posted I keep seeing Yu-Gi-Oh! VIRGINS.

Yes. The first series didn't have a tournament arc either. We need a gauntlet arc.

your not wrong though
waiting for chad ygo 7

Those are some high levels of self consciousness, bro.


How many of us arent virgins?

I mean, you're not wrong.

This is nu-Yea Forums, and vr/a/ins is made up of mostly crossboarders, so about 90%.

You are obsessing over it too much, user. It is not that bad that you are still one.

To think VRAINS really managed to be worse than ARC-V...

t. didn't watch arc-V

Did you actually watch arcV? You sound like all of your data comes from memes.

They were both pretty bad. Whether one is worse than the other is which you find the bigger issue: a good show with a lot of promise completely dropping the ball and then shitting its pants in front of everybody (Arc-V) or a boring show that never even bothered to try to pick up the ball (Vrains)

Yeah, both are bad on their own terms. Arc-V was the definition of a trainwreck while Vrains was as exciting as a wet fart.

Except none of them are bad. The characters are great looking and the duels are most of the time great to watch. How about you take some time and watch it instead of just repeating meme opinions?

Attached: Ruris school.jpg (1501x926, 1.55M)

would you live your life in excitement before going to shit in your older years
or live a life of shit til the very end

Reminder that all YGOs are great, if not for you for someone else. Fuck the generationfags.

Attached: Peace for all yugiohs.jpg (893x201, 17K)

>characters are great looking

Watched both series btw, the laziest form of argument on the internet is pretending your opponent hasn't read/watched something. It is intellectually braindead

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Relax Zexalfag. Ygo7 should be similar to it in some aspects so it's just a matter of time before you are happy again.

How about not sounding like you just picked up meme complains next time?

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No. They cant write for shit. Aoi and Go are jobbers. Soulburner is annoying. Revolver's character is all over the place.

>Ygo7 should be similar to it
Depends on who are directing it though.

>Soulburner is annoying.
He was really entertaining, though. Why lie on the internet?

How about defining what a "meme complains (nice English)" is? Since you seem to be an expert on what is valid criticism and what isn't.

Nah Gary Stu can fuck off. The God literally smited Robopi when he is about to get killed.

Tournaments suck.

>Except none of them are bad
What world do you live in?

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>Why lie
Soulburner was Vrains' Crow.

The revisionist world where Arc-V and Vrains weren't panned through most of their runtimes

How about not pretending that arc v and vrains dont fall short even by the standards of previous yugioh series. Especially when it comes to character relationships ever since arc v's hotels

>character relationships

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Zexal had the benefit of minimum executive meddling for whatever reason, which I doubt will ever happen again

I wouldn't say most. Even with Crow, Stockholm syndrome and people blaming DSoD held through a good chunk of Synchro.

The anime's cgi team tried their best but borell is kinda uggo and probably wont be remembered compared to yusaku's ED monsters

Go just has a weird color scheme.

Attached: Vrains Op 1 Borreload.png (1280x1118, 2.06M)

Vrains is more polite in telling people to go away with a notably bad first 5 episodes

I don't think they were that bad.

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Yet when you ask any yugioh thread about the anime they say: hurr durr keep watching you have to watch the first 30 episodes before dropping a season

Normally I'd pick trainwreck as a lesser and more entertaining evil but I cant condone arc v's cynical attitude towards duels, the very premise of yugioh, for a good portion of fusion arc. Vrains just kinda forgets characters or drops them when not really knowing what to do with them, but arc v was a lot more flippant about taking a dump on it's own cast.

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That doesnt mean anyone has to listen to that. Most average anons taking all of Yea Forums into account wouldnt tolerate that at all, since there's probably plenty of normal 1-3 cour anime much better suited to them

I hope the next one has motion duels as well, it's the only excuse they have for constantly changing backgrounds.

>I hope the next one has motion duels as well

Attached: Revolver NANI.jpg (1920x1080, 695K)

>arc v's cynical attitude towards duels
You mean how many of their outcomes didn't really matter and the plot would often march on regardless of who won?

Field spells
I think moving backgrounds are dumb if it means we get uninspired rolling hanna barbera bgs most of the time instead of more distinct set pieces for duels

Yeah. Maybe vrains did it too I dont really remember but not to the same consistently egregious level

I'd settle for just letting Field Spells affect the background again.

They're going to force crazy changing moving backgrounds in anyhow.

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Pretty bad with all the cues of of how much the early vrains production was struggling with how ugly they looked

I think the go duel was interesting with the ring thing they had going on.

Not even more tolerant vrains fans would prioritize listing go's first duel as one of the good ones in the series worth watching

I don't really trust you to speak for them.

I guess that's the consequence of having some kind of standard

For not trusting rampant shitposters?

I hope for Vrains' final duel to be as hype as 5D's was.


Getting riled up at all for an opinion as uncontroversial and plain as "the first 5 eps of vrains are bad" getting posted is amusing

Duel monsters is more intense than any sport, you know?

I want to fuck Aoi!

Attached: Aoi maid.jpg (768x1024, 107K)

YGO since Synchro Dimension

Said no one ever.

Is it weird I like Arc-V but think Yuya is pure shit? Every episode not focused on him was great.

>riled up
just replying doesn't equal riled up.

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Unfortunately yuya only became more intolerable or annoying with the passing of time so I dont think you're alone. I didnt like at all that any other entame duelist were in that entame mode throughout their duels but for some reason yuya only bothered when he was about to win. Seems like a glaring oversight on how he comes across to viewers

I am on ep 101 and Yuya feels fun for the most time. I don't get what the butthurt over ep 92 is. It was a little disappointing after the hype but nothing to lose your head over. Maybe shippers wanted Yuzu to reunite with Yuya already?

It's not shitposting just because someone thinks a part of vrains is worse than other parts

We could make entire essays about the psychology of Yuya, but personally I think he was an alright character until his duel with Yoko, when he developed the typical EGAO mentality that people here hate so much. And with good reason, what kind of mother says to his son to only laugh instead of letting the feelings flow? That's not healthy. And that's the reason why Yuzu will be a better mom for Yuya than Yoko.

You were posting that vrains fans wouldn't say that the duel where go's character was established was good. And I have good reason to believe that's not true.

Maybe studio gallop simply doesnt have it in them anymore despite their efforts. There are other studios whose best days are years behind them now and havent able to match that. Or ones that just up and died like manglobe because anime is a tough industry

I'm meh on vrains and actually like several characters but go himself just feels like one of the bigger awkward misfits on the show and doesnt contribute much outside of brain hack memes. Why does it matter so much that duel established go when go himself isnt of much consequence or value

How good are they?

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Yeah, Go feels like one of those mooks who duel the protagonist for one episode and then are forgotten after that.

>Why does it matter so much that duel established go when go himself isnt of much consequence or value
Every card game anime need a petty and obsessive character who only cares about victory. I don't think any of the other obsessive characters quite go the length he does to try to win.

Not really, or at least he's on par with Blue Angel, both were stars of Link Vrains that took the mantle of responsability to protect it from the Knights of Hanoi, the difference is that Aoi managed to grow from her defeat in a positive way, while Go threw everything away for power.

I kinda get not wanting your son to become warped or something but at the same time the situation warranted some alarm and anger when someone's CHILD or friend that you personally know goes MISSING, and it's confirmed malicious people are/were somewhere around. But yoko got dwarfed by later problems

Aoi's place in the show is kind of awkward as well tho. But at least she has her relationship with Akira who was connected to Sol that had some kind of arc, including resolving issues as siblings.
Go resolves his issues mostly off screen

Other than killing earth (which to bohman didnt matter for some reason, bc specter I guess) what consequences did he hold for the plot?

I blame the tonal shift were they abandoned the whole Link Vrains celebrity setting. (Which by the way was really good, since these characters were a good foil to Yusaku's personality)
I mean the episodes where Go turns heel and Yusaku taunts him were really enjoyable. But I guess VRAINS had to pay for Arc-V's sins and the entertainer stuff was too close to it.

pushing neo storm access. plus his arc is apart of the plot.

Killing earth was very consequential to Ai's evolving hatred for humans though.

You're trying to make the argument that being a relevant episode equals good but that's not true. Even if hypothetically go was a lot more integrated and important to the show, I still think his very first duel is not good and I wouldnt reccomend to someone who would ask for a list of top 10 or even top 20 duels in vrains

I would, the wrestling gimmick made it unique, I enjoyed it.

Which is a gimmick done much better in his duel vs dna doctor

Ai's plan has more to do with what he wants for AI, not humanity specifically. To bohman and lightning they didnt care

I told you I thought the ring thing was interesting, and goukis are fun to look at that. Besides I wouldn't make a top ten list to watch because those duels usually have pre established context, especially in vrains, where here's no real casual duels.

That tackles a heel turn, not just wrestling. It's definitely a follow up duel.

I think keeping the entertainer thing while combining it with current Yusaku could've been interesting.
Take Lost Incident PTSD Yusaku and have him get wrapped up in the world and shenanigans of the resident Vrains celebrities often against his will.
Remember when Blue Angel challenged him and his manhood or how he got wrapped up in a bout of manliness in his first Go fight. More stuff like that with some more colorful characters could've been interesting.

That doesnt say anything about if they actually did it well in the first duel, which I dont think they did. But considering the circumstances is understandable

>delusion autists still claing arcv is the worst
It is though. It's just the worst for different reasons than Vrains

He'll be revived.

That's what I expected from VRAINS when I started watching, but as I said, after Arc-V's reception VRAINS was fated to suffer from this.

Yusaku def was more entertaining when he was more abrasive. If only they were able to use that better

>So who was left
Leo could be written better instead of being yet another ">muh ruri"
Alternatively, Punished Roget. He could hijack the Arc-V machine to make himself a final boss tier deck or something.

>Yusaku and Go's ace monsters continually clash without destroying each other until one of them falls down.
It totally did, they even animated them in a ring fighting. That's what anime Yugioh should strive for. Another fight that thematically represents their characters is Yusei against Aki in the Fortune Cup, most notably Stardust Dragon embracing BRD.

Aoi deserved better. I hope at least we see her as Blue angel again at the end.

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Is okay for me to say I totally hate Hydradives now?

Some say Yuki Nakashima became too busy because of idol work to play a bigger role.

>Because Zarc was a good final boss
I don't even think you believe this

>And he was a perfect Yu-Gi-Oh! final boss that got all the requirements checked
Yeah I remember when Yuya dueled Zarc in a big final battle oh wait no

I dont think they're comparable at all since the latter went a lot deeper into Aki's history as well plus the psychic dueling concept that would come up later for a bit
I didn't enjoy go's first duel and it was immediately dwarfed by the ones afterwards in the first cour

It depends on what you consider worse, a show with a great setup that started with all the potential in the world and fucked it up or a show that stayed at a consistent tone but that tone was ultimately not very engaging and wasted potential in a different way

They're comparable in a way that the card game is a medium to show an exchange between characters.

Synchro is where the whole TRAPPED IN HOTEL ROOMS and FUCKING SHINJI memes started. It was already there. It just got exacerbated by how nothing the arc was

I think the latter is less malicious to viewers in the grand scheme of things. Easier to decide early on if it's not for them and ignore

This is understandable due to how YGO series are 3 years and the jump between arc quality can be ridiculous. Do you know how many people get turned off by GX's first episodes and have to be coerced into watching the rest with nothing but "no no, it gets better" just as an example?

After Action duels and Speed duels, I never want to see motion again. Just give us good quality standing duels again like Zexal

I think Yuya was fine at first, but like the show, he eventually becomes pure shit

>but personally I think he was an alright character until his duel with Yoko
So like the show, everything went downhill with Smile World.

Remember when we actually thought Yuya's EGAO philosophy was like a big setup for him eventually realizing he can't do that with everyone around him (beginning of Synchro) and hypocritical because of his berserk mode? Man we were so naive

Yeah I think the only duel setpieces I can distinctly remember are from the standing duels. Bohman a shit but the giant statues set above the clouds was a cool idea.

>they can't remember the tower of hanoi
This is just confusing.

I remember the tree guy

Which yusaku and revolver had a standing duel with for the finale
Most of the time it's generic rolling backgrounds in speed duels which gets monotonous.

Is it bad I frequently rewatch GX's first two cours?

>GX shortened because of KENN
>Carly changed the entirety of 5D's
>Kotori in every episode because of her VA.
>Reiji's role shortened because of Hosoyan being busy in Gundam
>Spectre axed because of his VA
>now Aoi appearently also too

At this point it would be better if Manga became the main medium for spin-offs. At least there wouldn't be problems regarding to voice actors.

Not really because you already know what GX is like and how it gets better. First timers don't know that which is why GX sort of killed the anime's popularity in the West

I dont think reiji can be chalked up to his va. That's his main job and it's not like yuki kaji has trouble showing up everywhere

what happen to spectre's guy?

He didn't say a single word in S3, something must be up

his main gig is stage acting or something

He got deleted by Ai along the other hanoi, did you skip the first eps of S3?

to be honest i forgot he even existed in season 3.

What? It's just some questionable casting choices.

>influence how the show goes
>just some little casting problems thats all

>I showed you my dragon duel me!

>Most of the time it's generic rolling backgrounds in speed duels which gets monotonous.
They'll break out into generic backgrounds in standing duels to pretend there's more motion than there actually is.

Attached: exodia.webm (640x480, 2.97M)

Yeah, not all actors are always available. Producers probably didn't know Kenn and Nakashima were going to hit on something bigger than yugioh.

I think it would be better for the anime if the characters were voiced by literally whos that were truly in compromise with the project instead of high profile VAs that are absent half the time.

>using dm as a representative example of all spin offs
Gradient backgrounds being used to save some time diesnt change what the actual setpiece is when the bg is clearly shown

MCs are usually voiced by literalwhos. Not sure about KENN, but I don't think he was famous before Judai.

Judai was KENN's first anime role

Aoi's seiyuu was apparently dealing with her management company shutting down and transitioning to a new one. Not 100% sure if true

Obviously I'm not saying it's to the same for every series, but I do get the feeling they tend towards having shit move constantly. That's why there's so many summons that aren't just materialization.

Attached: code generator.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

That is correct, earth star shut down.

I found a new duel!

>it's not like yuki kaji has trouble showing up everywhere
Isn't he a dedicated voice actor? I don't think I've heard of him for anything else.

>Spectre axed because of his VA
Wasn't Mieru also axed in Arc-V for her VA as well?

And I'm saying they come up with better set pieces with standing duels a majority of the time. When everything is in motion all the time options are much more limited and kept relatively simple to be easy rolling bgs. There's a difference between that and occasionally incorporating speedlines or whatever to help convey a moment of action

Having your company shut down is a pretty valid excuse to not be that sure about whatever contract obligations you had under that comapny

Specter's va is mostly involved with a diff industry, not a comparable situation when other popular vas have no issue getting around with multiple shows

I bet this shitshow didn't even have duel spirits. It seems like every show that doesn't show duel spirits or downplays them will turn out to be shit (5Ds, ARC-V, Vrains)

Pokemon could afford Aoi Yuuki for like 150 episodes and 3 movies. Yu-Gi-Oh couldn't even do it for 10 episodes? I guess NAS was really greedy.

5ds explicitly pointed out duel spirits, they simply werent important
Maybe one could say meklords were apocalyptic duel spirits

zexal had duel spirits?

Rua and Ruka had constantly their lifes saved by Regulus and their other fairy tale monsters. They were important if you cucks didn't skip episodes.

even popular seiyuu dont cost much at all compared to total cost of production. If they didnt want to pay they wouldnt hire since theres so many other seiya vying for an opportunity
Video games is where the real money is for voice acting

Yuma's Gagagas, Baby Tiragon, Shark's Shark Drake, Rainbow Kuriboh, etc. Every Number, actually. Number 96 is also technically one and he is a major villain

And? It's objectively true that the duel spirits concept in 5ds were a small footnote at best, the conflicts didn't involve them in a major way

No, this time cards are just that: simple cards. And the monster were no more than just mere holograms.

>Linkuriboh doesn't count

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Zarc could talk to his dragons, so Duel Spirits definitely existed in that universe.

That's why I said downplayed. I was actually surprised by that bit but it's still pretty minor

>I guess NAS was really greedy
They still are, why do you think Vrains only will have 120 episodes?

That's not unwillingness to pay when they've had no issues with doing so for all these years, that's unwillingness to continue a torturous production

Oh that reminds me, Yusaku never saw the Cyberse World proper, but I guess he couldn't anyway considering it got destroyed

Even the shitiest project can run well if there is enough money involved.

It depends on what their setting is. Many of them opt for plain cities a lot of the time.

And Crimson Dragon is what exactly?

Who, yuki kaji or hosoya? I'm saying both are primarily anime VAs as their jobs and neither have had issues in the past of doing multiple shows iirc. It doesnt take that long to record for one show out of all the hours of the week
It's not like kenn who also had singing or aoi's va doing idol things

I'm sure Shuiesha has a hand in budgeting so NAS wouldn't be the only one deciding that.

>muh budget
Doesnt help much when studios who could help out are already booked for up to a year or 2 years in advance and have contracts to fulfill

I was just bringing up the reason he's so everywhere, perhaps it was redundant to do so.

A normal anime god, was never a card in the anime. Duel spirits in 5ds were distinctly of a completely different dimension

>Duel spirits in 5ds were distinctly of a completely different dimension
Wait, isn't 5Ds a sequel to DM and GX? Duel spirits were pretty common in both

They were there in 5ds but not nearly as important as in gx

Yes, but in both DM and GX the spirits were in the normal world. The other dimension thing, as shown in the Doma Arc in DM and in Season 3 in GX, was more of the spirits being tangible beings

>Manga became the main medium for spin-offs.
Then you would have adaptation problems.

Not every set is going to be great but there are higher highs in creativity when standing duels are an easier format to do layouts for and less limiting for design
Why is this concept so difficult to grasp

The setpieces are constrained by the setting more than motion. The only way to get around this is introducing plot points that loosen the constraint. Usually VR or alternate dimensions. Which at this point are probably both sort of dry.




FUCKING RETARD, your mental capacity is non existant.

Field spells are useful sometimes but they don't want the duels to be uniform which is often why they go without.

Their status as servants of a south american god combating other south american gods was way more prominent outside of ruka's dragon than being tied to the monster spirit dimension

Even in zexal though they found ways to vary up the sets in the first half (which took place in the city) whether or not field spells were involved from the start

Retard Ancient Fairy Dragon was a fucking spirit just as any other signer dragon, or do you think suddenly actual gods were involved? You absolute fucking braindead retard, why do you think they're tied to cards in the first place??

I can't believe I have to share a thread with dumbfucks like yourself spewing shit they know jackshit about. Next time shut the fuck up.

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The crimson dragon is a literal god in the 5ds universe though. Its divine status takes precedence over how it chooses to manifest its powers.

I don't think Yugi was talking about the past (although he may have been referring to the closing chapters of Duelist Kingdom, but I doubt it), I think he was saying that going forward, he would like for them to be friends, since they actually have a lot in common, like loving games, respecting the skillfulness of the other, etc.

i'm going back to the tcg to try and become better until ygo7

Yeah I'm sure that's why an actual god can only manifest itself through cards and his sworn enemies can also only manifest in cards.

If it doesn't get spoonfed to you in the most direct way possible it didn't happen huh? For fuck sake.

The speed duel bgs are a lot more samey with each other outside of a few cases when link vrains being destroyed is involved

Im gonna buy a Switch together with Link Evolution. Hopefully, by the time YGO7 starts Konmai completes the VRAINS era

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Card games in yugioh spin offs are an extension of the dm concept of ancient magicians using it as a format to manifest their own powers. If that's why combat is still ritualized as card games in 5ds why wouldnt a god choose it?

Playing revisionist with the crimson dragon mythology doesnt help

Zexal did hit a lot of places. Though I think it was too sunset like.

YGO pro 2 all the time I would spend in these threads. By the time YGO7 is out I'll be good enough to spot misplays and stuff.

Hopefully you'll buy a Switch for something better than a slow, janky, minor update to Legacy of the Duelist that manages to somehow crash on the Switch.