Tell me I have shit taste pro tip you can't
Tell me I have shit taste pro tip you can't
>master piece
No gungrave
>no trigun
>no mushishi
yeah, you're a fucking 13yo pleb.
Masterpiece: HxH
Amazing: FMAB, Evangelion, SNK
Good: Death note, Parasyte, One punch man
Shit: all others
you have shit taste, faggot
Masterpiece: HxH & FMAB
Amazing: Evangelion, SNK, Mob Psycho
Good: Parasyte, OPM, Death note, Madoka, Made in Abyss
The rest are meh
Masterpiece: Evangelion, Mob Psycbo
Amazing: Madoka, Hunter, TTGL
Good: Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball
Everything else is pretty shit.
huntertards everyone
>liking trigun while calling others 13 yo
>good = Dragonball
Trigun is the exact opposite of what 13 year old boys want in anime
You're thinking of Hellsing
Masterpiece: HxH, Death Note, Code Geass
Amazing: Attack on Titan, Erased, Kimi no Na wa
Good: Dragon Ball, Parasyte
Alright: FMA Brotherhood, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho, SAO, MIA
Not Good: Madoka, My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, Cowboy Bebop
Greatest Of All Time: Space Dandy
classic Yea Forums elitist
Seen it when I was 14 & liked it. Rewatched at 22 and realized it was horrible. It's a kid's show. People like Trigun for the nostalgia.
Bait tier thread trying to stir up serieswarring again. Report and ignore
>Mob Psycho
Good animation alone doesn't make a series "masterpiece"
>that filename
Actually kill yourself Reddit.
>Naruto bad
NPC detected
it's superior to hunterxhunter i'll say that much
>Entire point of the show is that heroes who refuse to acknowledge that some people are worth killing are bad heroes
>Literally the fucking exact opposite of what every childrens show proposes
>Trigun is for kids
Lmao imagine being 22 and still thinking like a toddler
>a show about bad heroes is an adult show
t. toddler thinking he's mature
>Mob psycho, FMA, Madoka
80% of that is based off character development but okay
>Hey guys, I hate Naruto too, do I fit in yet?
>Madoka in masterpiece
Didn't even read the rest, you're alright no matter what they say
Wow you've seen so many anime
Put everything in bad tier.