Who is your favorite anime reviewer and why is it the PEDANTIC ROMANTIC, /a?

Who is your favorite anime reviewer and why is it the PEDANTIC ROMANTIC, /a?


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Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself

chad marco (me)


amazing thread

Jesu Otaku before the Trans-trendies got to him (Her).

Fuck off

Chibi Reviews

>cute boy
>notice the pins

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digibrony mlp

who even watches anime reviewers? like you cant watch an anime and make your own decision if it was good or not?

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Autistics need help understanding cartoons

no no e-celebs must tell me what's good and what's bad so i know what i like

I need a 40 minute detailed analysis to let me know if I should watch an episode and form my own opinion, okay?

Is he trying to say he's both a tranny and a lesbian? That's just a straight man. Surely no one is delusional enough to think a man who wants to stick his dick in women is a lesbian.

i get all my opinions from digibrony mlp to repost them on Yea Forums

To get a different perspective

>why are half of Youtube anime reviewers trannies?
Who? Pretty much all the ones I can think of are 'normal in that regard.

based and retardpilled

He's dating another tranny, who is also an anime youtuber.
It would be funny if it wasn't sad.

I like one e-celebs "reviews" but i don't know if Yea Forums likes him
plus his channel is dead anyway so it doesn't matter

This guy, some other KyoAnus licker, and that guy who reviews yuri anime come to mind (Zeria or something?)
FtM or MtF?

literally what is Yea Forums?

*unzips dick*

MtF obviously.


>gross british teeth
>"cute boy"

>watching anime reviewers

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I cant be expected to read a bunch of text posts
much easier to just watch a video

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

>he can't spend 5 minutes on a text review but can spend 20+ minutes of a faggot reviewing an anime

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review this

yeah if you're brain dead

I think those guys(?) are friends of pr.

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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong site, reddit is two sites down

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no its objectively easier to watch a video than read text

>15 minutes
>still not deleted

>MtF weebs are all into yuri, moe, and lolishit
>FtM weebs are all into shonen and fujo stuff
It's almost as if...

You watch dubs don't you.

best guy ever


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This. To think that all Hitler had to do was just market a variety of pride badges to get people to mark themselves.

mods are asleep
post penises

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Watch again

Just watch
this pedantic faggot guy is one of the jannies
only way this could still be up


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everytime I see this image, I become gayer

Sometimes will check out an anime if Gigguk gives it high praise and I don’t see anyone on Yea Forums talking about it (though that’s usually because I missed the threads).


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Mods are gods. All praise the mods. I'll burn an offering in front of an effigy of moot tonight.

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Hey, good job mods

No, this is why I come to Yea Forums.

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i love the mods
thank you for your hard work

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>tfw uncut

feels amazing man

>user banned
>thread lives

what did he mean by this?

The mod is putting his head on a pike as a warning to the rest. He should've stickied the thread too though.

digibrony mlp is my top no.01 eceleb idol

To dissuade other tourist faggots from posting this e-celeb shit

To make an example of him. You should know what he did wrong.



Get fucked e-celebfag.

>he actually believes this has any impact


Death to all trannies. Is there anything more disgusting than those things?

kill yourself

>grrr I must be a pessimistic faggot about everything
Just shut the fuck up and relive the good old days for 5 fucking seconds

>user was banned for this post

Mod psyops, he makes his own thread then bans himself.
It looks like he did a good job.


mods, you missed a faggot here

we don't see that these days, what happened?

Nigger fuck off, everytime this shit happens everyone sucks mod's dick as if they did everything right. Can't wait for you to go MODS=GODS again when this happens again.

I cannot bring myself to watch any anime reviewers, they are all pretentious fuckwits

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vile furfaggots

You're not here enough. It happens at least once a week these days. And soon enough this thread will go in the

why don't Yea Forums mods delete garbage e-celeb threads like Yea Forums mods?

Sweet justice.

>they are all pretentious fuckwits

>tfw cut
>tfw it takes me an hour to cum from fapping unless I go a few days without
Feels fucking bad. I imagine it would help me last longer if I stuck it inside a vagina, but 3DPD isn’t worth it. Do tengas properly simulate vaginas?

>Is there anything more disgusting than those things?

Incredibly based mods

Based and redpilled

Because, get this, we like to congratulate mods so that it motivates them to keep doing good things. When everything is hidden away, everyone assumes they aren’t doing anything. They do this shit for free, least we can do is throw them a bone when they do something right. Unless you unironically want us to turn into /pol/ or something, in which case you can fuck right off

I just love when literal whos talk like they know more than actual writers and directors. The fucking nerve, I swear

>i need someone to review this for me or explain something to me
is there any other sure fire way to tell how much of a faggot someone is?

based mods I love you

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my cute wife Jibril..

Fuck you

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A public ban can always hide the fact that you're slow and incompetent at removing awful threads, huh.

The true beauty of anime/video game reviews is seeing someone you like talk about something that you're into. Its like a replacement for talking about it with friends when you have no friends or no one close by who shares your interest.

Based, fuck trannies and /u/ncels

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your wife is more than just cute
some might say she's angelic

You're still a bunch of fucking faggots, mods. Delete a few of the generals up instead of going for the low hanging fruit for once.

I mean just look at this shit



>"someone you like"
>those faggot
yeah fag

you're free to leave anytime.

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can mods just ban anyone who has a reddit search history in their browser?

4channel is my friend

Mods aren't asleep, but the penis remains uncut.

How does being cut affect it? Does it somehow affect sensitivity around the head? Because my best orgasms are from stimulating the head.

thank you jannies

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I understand the irony in your post.

>banning people


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As it should be.

>we like to congratulate mods so that it motivates them to keep doing good things.
like eating shit while you suckle on their fagtits? fuck off gayboy

The same people who look at review sites to decide their opinions.

I dunno what it is, but I liked him in his heyday

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do a flip