How many of your favorite anime composers are actually white dudes under a pseudonym?
How many of your favorite anime composers are actually white dudes under a pseudonym?
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Funny I was just thinking this morning how if I ever wanted to do music work on an anime I'd probably have to do something like this
Good to see it's possible
Literally nothing being white
As long as he makes great music this shouldn't be a big deal
What does it matter?
No one.
At least read the fucking read article you're posting before making shitty threads.
Living the dream
What about authors?
Based Alien.
This has nothing to do with Japan as far as I can tell. He was pretending to be a Japanese woman because Western publishers wanted more diversity in boring music for 11 year olds to play at their viola recitals
what does this have to do with anime?
As long as they're white I don't mind
He wrote orchestra music for Japanese school children interested in music.
Nobody would interview someone like that so he never got caught
Rasmus Faber is probably not his real name
Didn't Marvel comics have something like this with an editor?
It sounds like the publisher knew who he was, but simply used a pen name.
Mavis Beacon?
>he apoligised and had old stock removed
Wtf, whites need to stop apologising for this sort of nonsense.
Yes, Akira Yashida.
His shogunate is turning out better than the previous mandate, but thats not a high bar by any means.
Why are whites such cringey ass weirdos?
They wouldn't have to apologize if they never did it in the first place.
I mean, white people made the world into what it is today, niggers didnt do shit, asians have been irrelevant since Djenghis Khan. Surprise white dudes make the best music, who would've thouhgt?
why would I care
Why pretend? Theres a bunch of white dudes in the bizness, like the Shield Hero guy
i dont see a problem with this. If you have the talent, who cares if you call yourself the queen of england?
>History revisionist
If he was so talented why'd he have to use a fake name? Surely his talent would have gotten him noticed.
>pretends to be jap
>writes music for western children
>not anime music
not anime
They wouldn't have to apologize if non whites created good music.
lol okay
Lunge is literally the most autistic character in anime history.
> [citation needed]
He doesn't need to give a citation. If it wasn't for Europeans colonising most of the new world you wouldn't be posting here. Computers as we know them probably wouldn't even exist.
pretty sure all of them are. Whites are genetically superior to Japanese - ever wonder why all ancient famous musicians are Europeans? It's no doubt that we can create better music than any of them and why most "Japanese" composers are probably Caucasians.
>If it wasn't for Europeans colonising most of the new world you wouldn't be posting here.
Oh no, a life without Yea Forums. How terrible.
>Yuki Kajiura isn’t a Japanese female but a white dude.
Then stop posting faggot
>taking credit for something greater men than you accomplished.
He made string music for fucking children.
Now if I said Toru Takemitsu maybe? Maybe something anime-related like Susumu Hirasawa? Mamoru Fujisawa? They accomplished twice in life what that random nobody did (write unremarkable music pieces meant to be played and not to be listened to, except he did it under a fake name).
except Yea Forums was based on 2ch, a japanese image board site
>missing the point
They wouldn't have computers to even created 2ch on in the first place.
you niggers are the ones that act as if we're to blame for everything our ancestors did, so whats wrong with turning that around and treating our ancestor's achievements as our own?
Jokes on you, my favorite animu composer is some madman from Straya.
I see shit like this a bunch of times with Twitter Artist.
The allegation is that he misrepresented himself to gain work, both denying work from people who were otherwise qualified and those who were interested in their work.
That said, the guy who wrote the post comes off as an insufferable faggot, so I can't be entirely sure that's what happened at all. It may merely be a pen name and someone took umbrage for no reason.
>strawmanning this hard.
user, I said nothing of the sort.
Just as bad as WE WUZ ARYAN GODZ
>be American niggger
>actual ancestors are western sub saharan negroes
>claim to be egyptian KANGZ
>claim to be Jews (Black Hebrew Israelites)
Nobody says that
Why do you stroke your dick to a random nobody who wrote babies' first music piece like it was a great accomplishment? Yeah I don't know, maybe for you it is.
Isn't Blood+ soundtrack done by the same dude from Lion King?
>Nobody says that
There are people saying it in this very thread. Moot should have shut Yea Forums down before leaving. This place is beyond saving.
>there are people who go mad a white man wrote babies' first music piece cause of a penname
you didnt answer my question
>There are people who derive pride from the fact a white man wrote babies first music and lied
If misrepresenting your gender or ethnicity gains you work, the world is broken. That goes both ways, women shouldn't need to pretend/pose as men to get better prospects either.
imagine being this angry about white people and our accomplishments
Bros, i think Kevin Penkin isn't japanese.
>still going on
Oven dodger
Imagine unironically thinking that this is an accomplishment.
theres no way this thread isnt gonna be deleted within the next 30 minutes
>No please stop going on please don't destroy me with your facts and logic please stop NOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAH /POL/ HELP MEEEEEEE
not an argument
>admits it
Get outta here Ben Shapiro
>be le 70% mutt
>post about the wonderful things people with no real relation to you have done.
>contributed none of those things to society other than some shitposts on Yea Forums
>you aren't engaging with my strawman fallacy
Why would I? I haven't said anything of the sort, nor do I believe that. For someone that bitches so hard about niggers, you sure have the intelligence level of one.
Without western influences who's to say oda would have risen to power and succeeded as much as he did for his subordinates ro finish the job and unite japan. Japan could as easily be a splintered country fighting itself so hard that the Chinese actually could have just taken them over, then we have a world with no anime and no eastern videogames
>just published shit under a pen name
I was expecting this to be funnier. Like he was actually disgusting himself physically as a nip like that Italian who played the Crying Indian.
Ben Shitpiro is liberal scum and also your guy.
Now stop being proud that a guy lied and stole, you're acting like a nigger.
s-shut up!!!!
All he did was a use a penname
lol u mad?
>I mean, white people made the world into what it is today
why are you replying to me you retard, im on your side of the fence
Japanese Man Proven To Be Weeb. Tells the press; "If I made it, so can you, SephirothSasuke9873", more at 11.
He pretended to be japanese to sell shit effectively doing false advertising, he even used broken english. Pretending to sell people something and selling something else. That's theft.
fuck niggers
Doesn't the idea that him "Pretending" to be Japanese and causing outrage because he took money and support intended for a person of colour just imply that they think they need to be given money because of the colour of their skin and not their own talent or abilities, which establishes a status quo that they think that they are unable to produce competitive quality content?
It's like saying "I'm organising a Math test scored 1 to 100 with a pass at score of 60, and I support #MartiansInMath! To support them, I'm giving them 20 extra points for being Martians because I think they are too stupid to pass otherwise."
>thread about composer for childrens music
>brings up western contributions in 16th century to "prove" whites are superior
your insecurity is showing, user.
This isn't reddit user, you dont have to be afraid to say "nigger".
Sorry I just jumped in to point out the importance of the western influence, not racial superiority. I'm no /pol/fag
No it's because he is a lying liar that lied about being someone else to gain more money and if he sold books without trying to lead people on no one would care you autist.
and those who aren't are plagiarizers like yoko anno lol
I'd understand the outrage if he went out and claimed some kind of award, grant or subsidy for ethnic minorities in music, there would be valid reason for that I imagine.
But being angry that you bought his music beause you thought he was a cute japanese girl?
It's stupid and has no intent on the content that they are paying for, and if they think it does then they are a announcing that they only supported it because they were a "Minority" which is patronising and racist as fuck.
>mediocre white musician gets awards by pretending to be a japanese female
Is this like the trannies that break records in female sports?
Why do white people do this?
>"Shit! How can I refute something like this?! Am I really going to have to use THAT already???"
>"...oh well, guess I have no choice. I'll have to use 100% of my brain power. Here goes nothing!!"
But they have to do it. They can't help it. Fraud, theft and other forms of parasitism are how they survive, how white "culture", as they call it, survives. They have always been a little less than human. The moment they cannot leech off real humans any longer, they go extinct.
So there are a significant portion of people who only paid for his content because they thought he was there music waifu which is retarded and bigoted as fuck.
not an argument
>But they have to do it. They can't help it. Fraud, theft and other forms of parasitism are how they survive, how Jewish "culture", as they call it, survives. They have always been a little less than human. The moment they cannot leech off real humans any longer, they go extinct.
Your mother is not an argument.
>this thread
Sure is anime and manga in here
>having a favorite anime composer
Your father is not an argument
no u cope
>If he was so talented why'd he have to use a fake name? Surely his talent would have gotten him noticed
Makes no sense except for someone being butthurt about something being gaijin. Usually its white people who think they are honorary Japanese or sth.
Smh senpai
>muh fake outrage
Can't wait for Yea Forums to be another twitter capped board. Back in the day, people would post "WHITE PIGGU" and giggle about it. Y'all never listen this guy music in first place, yet defend him like the white race depend on him.
And people said SJW was bad. Look at the thread and say it again.
sure is pal
There are plenty of reasons to buy music from a cute japanese girl except "muh minority". You could be trying to "mix it up" with exotic japanese music, especially when you're trying to teach kids who get bored easily. In that case you don't want to buy normal european music disguised under a japanese makeover. Or maybe it's just no one wants to buy music from this guy under his real name because he sucks. Stop assuming shit.