This is not lewd

this is not lewd.

Attached: 10.png (960x1378, 445K)

Uh yeah? Of course it isn't. It's art.

It's shit.

Ceci n'est pas une pute

gay as fuck

I want to stick my dick up her ass in a non lewd way

Pourquoi tu parles grenouille user?

>no nipples
Of course it's not

Parce que mon zizi dans ton troufignon

Not with that small of an ass it isn't.

I thought this was world famous.

Attached: margritte-this-is-not-a-pipe[1].jpg (950x662, 506K)

It's the human body, it's the most natural and beautiful thing you can see

I bet she has severe back pain

Its pixels

Perchè nessuno parla italiano qui?

Attached: Okaa-san notices your bulge.jpg (610x744, 182K)

I personally would want a little more ass and a little less tits.

your point?


It's not the ass, she actually has a nice and big one. What she's lacking is hip size, even though she has a respectable one, but it is overshadowed by titty monster assets

It is, but not all Frenchies are artophiles

If its art, why is her forearm making a tangent with her hips?

Bella zio, non dovresti preoccuparti del governo che casca invece che postare su Yea Forums?

Non sei il mio nipoto, ciuccio. Non avrei mai un nipoto come te, senza niente nella testa o tra le gambe.

Attached: Smug banana.jpg (509x501, 115K)

anything can be lewd if you have the right mindset...

*glares at little sister across the living room*

Attached: Megastare.png (953x304, 175K)

that's why it's art nigger

porco dio

Oh shit she asked "what?".
What do I do now?
She's staring at me as I write now.
She said "What?", louder this time.
Oh fuck she's cpmoaing helm e

It's so badly drawn it completely lacks any amount of allure.

¿Cómo se llama esta serie?

how can you have ass without hips? it doesn't make sense

Si avanzo, sígueme. Si me detengo, empújame. Si retrocedo, mítame, Nagatoro.

Oh great the fucking degos have arrived.
What's next? A boat load of chinamen?

If you don't remember this you need to leave

Attached: __nagatoro_and_takagi_san_karakai_jouzu_no_takagi_san_and_etc_drawn_by_viperxtr__sample-43d1fad69e9b (850x779, 155K)

shut the fuck up, burger. Go eat something.

So its specifically made to be terrible, huh?

Attached: 1447017335367.jpg (240x320, 54K)

>Go to art museum
>see this

Attached: 6790.png (459x688, 318K)

>instantly cum

Attached: Screenshot (66).png (694x411, 156K)

No me jodas Nagatoro

What's wrong with her thumb?

Ass are the buttcheeks. Hips is the width of that entire section. You can have a nice plump ass but with a thin hip line. Like OP's. I'm sure people use them interchangeably, but I make a point of distinction between them.

Attached: 1523691272754.jpg (645x677, 37K)

>realize that the artist is a lazy fuck who hides hands and feet

Attached: 5235t21rtf.png (229x287, 47K)