It will soon be time for more delicious chuuni pits and Robo hijinks.
And which JK would you mike check? Which JK would Mike check?
It will soon be time for more delicious chuuni pits and Robo hijinks.
And which JK would you mike check? Which JK would Mike check?
Mike check
This isnt the time for jokes user
Where the fuck is mike
Built for mike check.
Is nandatte REALLY okay every day?
what the FUCK does dass mean
>Corrupting the innocent
moon that cry
ROUND! moon that cry
no its still doesnt make any sense
It's supposed to sound like "wa mudazukai"
It fucking doesn't though.
Fucking Japs
Itsudemo okay.
Majime is best JK
I heard there was a popularity poll released. Anyone have the results?
That's the old poll
Baka is your gf. What happens?
Envision that tongue wrapped around your dick
I take her shooting and she nds in her foot
later than night I take her out to a quiet gas station on the outskirts of an interstate highway and club her over the head with my 1924 production swedish mauser
dump her in the dumpster, not before harvesting her organs for selling on craigslist
Eat curry with her
Why get Baka as your GF when you can have Yamai instead?
I'd probably become dumber, but It'd be worthy.
I want to Wa! Moon! Dass! Cry! with the JKs!
I hope you all got a good dream about JKs tonight, except you, Yamaifags. You could dream about hell.
The new poll will end this Saturday so prob next week we'll get the results
What do i need to do to date Robo ?
She is so beautifull
Maybe first, you need to learn the proper spelling of 'beautiful'
ask her to help with your friend's smelly house
You need to learn why your friends house smells so bad
You need to play Lizardon with her.
Show her your barnacle.
Why did the translator use SpongeBob jokes?
Yamai is so cute
Why is Yamai showing everyone her panties?
Is she?
Who'll Yamai be when she's 40? Maybe she got over her chunni face and married majime?
Mental illness isn't a joke, user. It can affect any of us.
Human trafficked to China, but escapes and ends up homeless then in prison, where her organs are harvested because China
So hold on, the entire rooftop sequence was a horror story Baka made up, right? If so, how did she know about Majime's fetish to make refrerence to it in the story? Did fucking Robo just tell everyone about it even though it was revealed to her in confidence? How can you like that tactless bitch after that?
Yes, the whole episode was Baka's imagination
Yamai is in HEAVEN she talks to her brother JESUS and I in English every morning to me in e float after breakfast when I wake up I hear her as I chew gum and smoke she sometimes grabs me and shocks me I dont mind even though it hurts because Yamai is perfect she hurts me because she plan is divine we know nothing of it Yamai kills people in Africa every day she talks to me because I must be special and receive her messages though all of you all can too I believe if Yamai wants if you can talk to Jesus you can talk to Yamai and Yamai talks back to me
Yamai can't speak english, user. It's an imposter.
You sound like that homeless guy outside my barber's shop. I should ask him about Yamai next time i see him.
Yamaifags are truly the Sataniafags of this show
A shame because Yamai is actually cool.
Yamai is a stinky lady with stinky armpits
Just let the thread die, tomorrow we will have a fresh new episode.
fuck thsi poser bitch I bet she doesn't even know music
It's today
I love Wota!
Majime is so cute
How many hours till the episode?
Next chapter?
Probably next month
Is the anime popular in Japan yet?
Tell her to introduce me her hot friends.
>finally a robo episode
>but the thread was started by shitty yamifag
wont expect that much from this thread then
>Yamai kills people in Africa every day
Big if true
What's wrong with appreciating Yamai's pits?
Her panties cover up the portal to the undead dragon realm, but only the gifted can see it.
So she's looking for people who have the holy sight so she can form a party to defeat the evil Sorcerer king Ibrahim al Polineshis Ishmaehl Goetterdaemmerung.
Tiny Robo.
I actually don't believe baka when she says she got 10 points on a test about anything.
I bet she cheated.
I'm surprised Robo doesn't use this trick more often.
Robo episode, thank you anime staff
My wife Baka is so cute!
Shit Wrap
did they kiss?
>bakachads rise up
>boy wants to confess to robo
>ends up deepening his friendship with his friend over his smelly house
How do you even get the idea for such a demented storyline?
The author must have a very smart brain.
what the fuck
this guy
Based as fuck Chuuni with them rap skills.
Who the fuck is this ?
>Did fucking Robo just tell everyone about it even though it was revealed to her in confidence?
Yes, it was too funny that not even Robo could resist telling everybody.
Also, even though you say it was revealed in confidence, in actual reality Majime just blurted it out in a very public and open area like a pervert.
It would thus be correct and reasonable to assume, that having many people know about Majime's deranged fetishes would at worst only get her some kind of perverse sexual exhibitionist pleasure.
Looking at Majime's behaviour in the recent episode shows no decline in her obsessive, pathological gayness towards Robo, showing that the original assumption was correct.
>chuuni raps
>no longer using chuuni bullshit shenanigans
Instant best girl
Thread is sluggish considering subs are out. Is there some secret other thread?
Fucking burgers
Moriaki from SoreMachi. Basically the same exact character as Waseda.
Since when liking a girl makes you a stalker ?
Now this is more stalkerlish and a lil gay
*train noises*
>Since when liking a girl makes you a stalker ?
he literally stalks her
Blushing Majime is cute, a shame her yuribait moment with Lily was too short.
> - I'm tired of doing train noises, so can we stop?
> - Huh? Robo were doing them?
Translator-kun: "lemme just pull this derailing pun out of my ass."
Holy shit this is some weaponized autism.
how dare you, moriarky is not a horny degenerate.
why would they do that
I thought they forgot to dub robo's lines but she was doing the background noise all along?
Her rapping sounded pretty decent, too. Rapping in anime usually sounds awful and outdated.
Decided to webm it: >That girl's sleeve being different on one frame.
Really bothers me.
He's basically the same. They both have to deal with absolute idiots on a daily basis. Waseda definitely has it worse, though. At least the students in Soredemo aren't all on the spectrum.
>nigga getting closer
Getting a closer look at the cowtits.Cant blame him.
They hired Herkz and he is adapting jokes now.
I mean, this is the guy who put a TL note explaining what "loli" is.
B-Based. Literally an exact parallel. Tfw it's been 7 years since then
Is Yamai a Tupacfag or a Biggiefag?
The last part was very unnecessary
You guess
What the fuck am I watching?
Soulja Boy
Oh shit.
Making Baka orgasm
When is Waseda x Wota episode? I'm so tired of waiting.
I miss him so much, for a time listening to him made me happy to be alive.
I wanted to object on the grounds of the Golden Rule of not revealing a fetish of another which you yourself wouldn't want to be revealed, had it been yours, but reading deeper into your bullshit, you're actually raising a very fundamental question of whether Majime wanted others to know, or perhaps thought that she didn't want it, but after it happened realized that she did want it. However, seeing as there's no practical way to know this, and seeing as revealing a fetish is not a reversible action which you could try out and then roll back like nothing happened, I believe one should maintain the stance of non-disclosure, regardless of whether the fetishist wanted it or not.
next episode hopefully
Yuri will rape loli, right?
His fag friend ruined his chance.
Yes, and Yuri's nickname will be changed to Rapey.
Because that's what she deserves.
Don't worry, she gave him another
so what was changed in tne op
Made for old men gang bang.
This kills the Yuri.
Thank god.
Rapping Gabu
So Yamai's future is being passed around by black rappers?
Based Baka
>they skipped straight to the second year without adapting the Baka studying chapters
what the fuck
Negro, I think that works with your siblings.Forgot what its called.
He et near her and talks to her.
Stalkers do not do that
Is Yamai the greatest character to ever exist?
Ah, fuck.
not even the top 3 of this show
So no flashback?
Robo doesn't have cowtits. She has perfect sized tits
You're arguing from principle here, and that's fine I basically don't disagree.
However, the original poster asked how Robo's actions could be possibly justified.
Your argumentation may be fine and good in an interpersonal relationship where one would not act in ill will or indecently to somebody they cared about.
In my defence I only considered three points.
First, there is no evidence that Robo really cares much about Majime.
Second, once information is out publicly any individual can decide how to use it, whether immorally or not.
Third, it was Majime's own responsibility to keep her perversions secret.
Finally I find your last point interesting, which is a lot like what is brought up in Shakespear's Caesar, where Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to conspire together. In that what might happen, or what can be reasonably assumed to happen doesn't have to happen and after an irreversible action was taken there is no way to know for sure.
They aren't 2nd years yet, that's just advance notice of next year's placements.
I thought he was getting closer due to baka and wota "fat" talk, just as a random passing joke or something.
Westermarck effect?
Yeah, thats the one but Wikipedia didnt mention anything about smell though.Oh well.
Not enough Loli in this episode but it's a pretty solid episode. Really like the stalker boy. Also, Loli looked taller in some frames.
Hungry for men.
If Wota isn't careful Yamai is gonna steal her Waseda away
I'm crying.
Is she as smelly as Gabu though?
>your dick need to be this long and girthy
She has bad hygiene so probably yes.
What if I challenged Waseda to turn Yamai into an idol?
Her breath is probably foul.
Her shit probably smells better than her whole body.
>bloody rashes
>greasy forehead
Mentally challenged mating dance.
based Loli cinegridder
Is this porn?
Yeah, she looked taller than usual.Guess they are giving loli leg service.
Holy shit.
does anyone recognize Takahashi and Aoyama's VAs? They both sound super familiar to me but I can't quite place either of them
Why is popping bubble wrap so pleasurable?
I can't believe Yamai is into bukkakes.
>one of the greatest episode so far
>this thread only talks about the last and least interesting part
Which JK would be the easiest to rape?
the world is money, money, money
This coming from Baka doesn't sound like a compliment.
Yamai. She's physically weak and no one would ever believe her so you wouldn't get caught
Lily, she would faint.
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka and Nobunaga Shimazaki
Definitely Loli. She's small, weak, and easy to trick.
I cant believe yamai is into men
Fuck, this is so annoying. Can't even tell who is saying what.
When will HS fix their shit? The non-pirated version is fine.
you poopy scum
You're a fat, gross hikkineet without any redeeming quality. When you are fapping as usual in your dimly lit room, this happened. What do?
just learn japanese
>finally an episode without chuuni autis-
Too bad it sold so poorly that Shiena had to rebrand
Can they please stop shoving Yamai down our throat?
Robo is the best wrangler.
>tfw Loli only appeared for a few minutes in this episode
Literally me
Something something I want to shove down my stuff down Yamai's throat
Robo's hands are too big
>surely they can't top yamai's autism
>starts rapping
>tfw Majo literally only appeared in the OP and ED in this episode
They could really use the post-ed time slot for her, couldn't they?
Robo got captured in Wota's BL eyes image and now she has yaoi hands.
Her right hand is bigger and longer than her left. Sasuga Robo.
only a matter of time til one or two yamaifags post their terrible rap here using vocaroo
Does anyone have a webm of Wota mashing the like button?
I feel like some people here spend more time complaining about Yamai or her fans rather than talking about the things they actually like about this show.
The threads went downhill after the third/fourth episode.
I want to be a test sample for Robo
yeah when those autists started shitposting here
Tell me why she should use you as her test sample?
so revealing that Waseda is Teshitoku-P at the end of this episode all but confirms the next episode will be the convention, right? Waiting a week to hear Tomatsu's sweet screams is going to be suffering
Again I was about to dismiss what you said, seeing as I don't believe that the morality of Robo's actions depends on whether she cares about Majime or not, but as I tried to make up a thought experiment to illustrate, it occurred to me that this isn't a matter of morality to begin with. If there was a pervert displaying her degeneracy in front of you, whether you would get an impulse to deride or even destroy her would depend entirely on whether she's cute or not, morals aside. If it was Majime, you would of course try your best to protect her secret, because she's cute as fuck, but if it was some ugly ass landwhale, your gentlemanly intent might well be supplanted by utter disgust.
The original poster's intent was to tacitly invite people to convince him that Robo was in fact not a bitch, but what I now realize he's missing is that the whole segment serves to positively inform the viewer in an elaborately roundabout way that Robo at the very least doesn't give a shit about Majime, and most likely is disgusted by her. It's a sad realization, but oh well, Lily x Majime is fine too.
Imagine getting blowjob from Yamai! Imagine her cavity ridden teeth giving you urinary tract infection
Single-minded happy baka was super cute.I cant help but to smile along.
>Yamai or her fans
I dunno man. Maybe because they keep shitposting, samefagging, spamming the same post over and over again every thread, insulting others who don't like their autistic 2d "waifu" as one of the said, making meaningless threads, necrobumping, and the list goes on. Just maybe. I like this show though. The JKs are interesting. That's why I'm still here despite all of "that".
I'd almost think she was cute if she wasn't Baka
You can only praise something for so long before it becomes excessive, but you can never complain too much. Besides, it couldn't have been worse, like in any of the several threads I'm avoiding this season, despite the shows being good/decent.
Thanks, we should do this again sometime.
You just blew my mind!
So Baka is confirmed clinically retarded and not just an idiot
Nobody wants to talk about Waseda's glorious rant because it hits to close to home
Why is Loli's skirt so short? Is she a slut?
It's amazing how some slight design alterations and a good VA can turn that animal Baka into a cute girl. Only parasites managed to pull that off in the manga
Bad influence from Lily.
Such is the fate of anime adaptions of CGDCT shows
Yeah, I worked in a home for retarded people for a while and I did similar things to make the retards calm down faster.
Worst girl of the season.
>Robo wrangles her tard with easy distractions
>It works
>Waseda wrangles his with bribes and yelling
>It gets worse
Waseda needs to get some tips from Robo
best girl, worst fans
I´m gonna get some use out of this
Any easy ones? I want to work on some. There arent any pencil and bubble wraps close to me.
obviously Waseda never thought about why public parks ask people not to feed wild animals. He's setting Yamai up to be fucked for life once she graduates and no one cares about her enough to bribe her to behave
I am going to marry Baka
And cheat on her with Robo doing things like jerking off on demand in a petri dish whenever Robo ask for a DNA sample
>He's basically the same
no, moriarky would never do anything for female attention.
they'll be gone next season
I once told a severely autistic girl that she should lie in her bed with her eyes closed while breathing slowly because it's a fun game. It only worked once though.
Waseda is misunderstood, he just has a young-girl-wearing-office-suit-fetish (understandable and patrician taste by the way). It's just that the rant on his student was due to his immense passion of it and also some frustration on the stigma on dating younger girl. He has for the most part never have shown interest in his students, like ever.
Yeah, tried that before. Hearing something pulsing like a heartbeat from inside of my head in the dark gave me anxiety.
>2nd rap performance this week in anime
When will rap be made illegal in Japan?
Did she cum?
>we got a great episode
>only few discussion about the ACTUAL episode
man you guys suck
That's because this show puts out great episodes every week so we kinda took it for granted.
Definitely a Biggiefag, her flows are on point.
It wasn't that great really.
What was the other one?
last week's was better
it's one of the weaker episodes of JK but it's still better than pretty much everything else that came out this week
>In two skits he's managed to get closer to Robo than Majime had in seven episodes
How did he do it lads
>/u/ fags and rap haters buttfrazzled by two shows in one week
kek, i didn't expect that anime hit rock bottom
She sickled herself later
Gotta love the poorly-drawn Waseda on the chalkboard. He looks so smug.
By following his primal directive: acquire female of the same species with intriguing quality with purpose of genetic material exchange
Sonething a confused about her sexuality ambigouts girl can't
>acquire female of the same species with intriguing quality with purpose of genetic material exchange
This and he wanted to shit talk his friend's house.
People still watch that trash?
Lily is becomming more direct with Majime doesn't she?
kiss when?
tall loli
I want to rub Loli's shapely thighs!
Lily is going to rape Majime
Carole's boyfriend is handsome.
his getting buttfucked in prision right now.
after Lily rapes her and Loli
No, he's in protective custody.
After Baka becomes a real girl.
She's so cute.
shit beat me to it.
I didn't know I wanted a love struck idiot voiced by Matsuoka until today. Also that train of events regarding the guy and his best friend is so fucking painful and hilarious.
baka's legs look nasty
what did Loli mean by this?
Is this socially acceptable thing to do to a retard?
What I thought was an animation error turned into a minor storyline , I love this show.
Posts I didn't know I really need today. Thanks for making my morning, user. I don't have anything, but here's a naked Loli user made the other day.
a naked edit (like ) would be great here
I'm dying. Baka's delivery is perfect.
That stop motion like thing in the OP always makes me laugh. It's supposed to be impressive in live action because it takes a lot of effort but in anime it's basically a still frame.
Loli is a good friend
>oddly satisfying compilation (2020)(asmr)
Based Robo.
I think I figured that whole thing out:
Welcome to 9 episodes ago, user
>Yamai will never rap a confession to you and cutely cling to your arm when you try to leave halfway through
pshh everyone can say that
just check the archive slowpoke
That's something.
Based schizo poster
Loli's legs are too delicious god damn.
Who drew that cute sensei?
We have a mangaka in class
That's clearly Shakure-zamurai wearing glasses.
Baka is cute when she tries.
Now people can stop calling her a boy.
Nah, now she's just a trap.
Please don't be hard on Baka, for be an amphibian she is pretty smart
Well there was parasite Baka. Maybe they'll bring it back to make her pass the 2nd year finals.
Infested Baka doesn't cause lily allergy reaction
Which JK could you beat up in a fight?
Erai is slipping, I thought they were supposed to fix HS laziness?
Maji gomen
I don't know you missed everyone saying that HS finally became better than Erai for Sentai releases about halfway into this season.
Is Sensei going to fuck Wota?
The episode reminded me of how few Robo chapters there are. It really suffered a lot from trying to stretch things out for her.
well shit.. only Sentai releases, not CR?
Yeah, CR releases are still fucked up.
They aren't supposed to do anything. They simply used to have the better subtitle ripper. HS caught up, and now are equally shit. Erai is slightly better in some cases, HS is better in others.
I'm not too into Robo honestly. Maybe if they played up her "potential evil dictator in the future" thing she'd be more fun.
CR ones were never particularly fucked up, Sentai ones used to be but now they're better, Funi ones are still a mess.
I don't really like her either but I do feel like she's underutilized. I'd like the chance to like her you know, but as is she's nominally the third female lead that just kind of exists in the background of Robo and Wota. Her only story line has to do with the guy that likes her, which is an okay one but it's really about the dude and not about her, and she doesn't interact with the girls outside of her circles much unlike the other two.
Kind of think they should just give her the boyfriend so she'd be set apart and we could watch her autism actively.
Webm of Robo gasping when Baka killed her pet please
probably most of them. Majime might give me a little trouble because she's like 4 inches taller than me, but for the rest it'd be pretty trivial
the trouble with Robo is that she's too introverted to compete with Baka and Wota. Majo would have the same problem, but in her chapters people go out of their way to talk to her so she has a chance to shine, while Robo just sits in the background for the most part
I don't date bullfrogs.
How tall is she?
she's supposed to be around 6 feet iirc
Life is significantly better, or at least funnier. Though I don't know if I wowuld be able to keep an erection around her, she ould most likely ruin any sexy mood with some dumb joke.
Why would you need to keep an erection around her?
oh, she isn't actually taller than me then
Imagine fighting against this.
Baka looking sad just felt so wrong.
You may be able to physically overpower them, but are your autistic brains capable of outretarding the JK's?
I've managed to come to the conclusion that Lily is my favorite so maybe
Fucking hell, I just want to carry her around everywhere like some kind of cute small animal.
I don't follow the logic here.
Are they recurring characters?
To make passionate love to her and produce healthy offspring.
Are you an amphibian as well?
Loli will wreck your shit.
>healthy offspring
I think Baka has at least one too many chromosomes for that to work.
Will this series end with a Baka Keyser Soze moment?
Fuck the web player for not looping this properly.
No, it ends with Baka shooting up the school.
Yeah. Though I think they only have three chapters, including the two that were adapted today.
But why? She seems happy enough.
In one of her dreams baka
The school shooter episode would be a Yamai one.
Which girl would you have anal sex with?
Columbine with Baka and Yamai, Baka just thinks it's a joke.
Wota, the same as any other kind of sex that isn't mating pressing for the sole purpose of procreation, which is what I'd do to Majo
Lily so she remains pure.
not before robo releases her pets in the school and eventually japan spreading throughout the world through weebs going to comiket
And Yamai thinks the school is run by demons who kidnapped her elven princess.
Yamai should make Lily her elven princess
Really want to read Pointy Chin Samurai and see what all the fuss is about.
And it's Waseda the one who kidnapped her, he was the final boss all along.
How do you sexually fight someone?
You two fuck and the first to cum loses. I see it all the time in doujins.
>only 2 episodes left
Life won't be the same after no more animated Waseda and Yamai scenes.
Oh I see, basically what Shinka threads are.
How do you go from voicing a femdom goddess to voicing Baka? It's a downgrade in every sense
But her debut role was Yasuna.
You're right, for some reason my brain had Chuu2 first season as a 2010 airing date
I would check all of them
The girl with hemorrhoids.
How come everyone wants to fuck Robo?
But its not an anime, the characters make it clear in the anime
it's only 2 people, really that's only one more than the number of people who want to fuck Loli and Waseda
Yamai and Wota both want the Waseda though.
Lily would want to fuck her by default so that's 3.
kill yourself
It's a threesome ending user, learn foreshadowing basics.
Robo has such a great boyfriend.
Im jealous
>Lily fucking Robo just to NTR Majime
now that's a doujin I want to see
Count me in.
I want Lily to fuck Majime, so not everyone.
Go away wota
Yamai has such a great boyfriend.
I'm jealous.
Make illegal love with Loli!
Then waseda just brutally fucks her until morning.
Both the princess and Yamai? Perfect end
Yamai has great thighs
Matsuoka's voice is really fitting as a minor mob.
I just want to slowly teach her about love
Machikado Mazoku and this anime have this IAN FAGGOT guy as the translator, but they have complete opposite translation style and principle.
This anime has literal TL while Machikado has 4kids localized trash.
How the hell did this happen?
Is Machikado's translation Ian Faggot's fault or not?
This also explains "mike check" and "Hamburger" (hambaagu), since the translator is a Japanese.
Why don't you bitch directly to the whatever company does the simulcasting, you dumbass? What do you expect us to do about it? And why would you obsess over this to the point of learning those niggers' names? I bet none of them know yours.
Translator != Supervisor
My favorite theory is that Jennifer Challenged forced him to go 4kids.
You can vote for Mike Check to join the Yea Forums roster for the upcoming Autumn Cup, as well as any others you'd like to join.
You can also write in your own ideas, and with enough support, can find their way onto the team.
Yamai and Lily both want to fuck Majime.
But why did she start rapping?
screaming loli nau
Gotta keep Waseda on his toes
perhaps he was wondering why you would eat ramen before losing your backpack
Honestly the Yea Forumsnon translated the manga should just do the series even with the Ota name screw up since his I think does a better job of capturing the tone and characters than boring literal translation.
This, I'll never understand why you people keep shitting up threads to bitch about a paid service you're getting for free. It's one thing to bitch about fansubbers, but unless you're complaining to the simulcaster itself you're not accomplishing anything. You know the dumbfucks that actually pay for those services certainly aren't complaining so you might as well pretend to be a costumer and complain yourself. Same with Erai and HS, everyone's always bitching about their shit rippers, but I rarely if ever see anyone complaining on platforms where they hang out. Sometimes I wonder if they are even aware of the issues with their releases.
How to entertain a retard
Is baka confirmed retarded now?
Uninterested sex is hot as hell.
Imagine of waseds includes yamais rap in his songs
>yamai this
>yamai that
>yamai this
>yamai that
Robo is such a good friend
Robo's middle school uniform was cute as fuck
So are the boys actually gay or what?
Wota pls
holy fuck haha
What if yes and what if not?
I think 5cm/s is a good speed
What happens to the loser?
Red school uniforms look so gaudy it doesn't fit Robo at all.
They get pregnant.
I want to fuck loli
Just started the episode. What the fuck are these subs? I feel bad for people who watch this, which sucks because it's a good show
So anons? What ARE eating anyway?
I wonder if Yamai would be down for experimentation.
Reminder: This will be in the next episode.
What kind of hand gesture is this?
she's putting a curse on Baka
Is the girl Bino-sensei?
mess with the BL, get the horns
She cute, surprisingly.
kek that fatty being edited to dream of rice bowls, japs are fucking savage
I'm in love with Yamamoto's thighs.
Which girl is daughterfu? I choose Robo, I want a daughter like her.
Loli, although it might be hard to parent a scary delinquent like her
They REALLY went hard on the cringe with their chuuni character. It's kind of admirable
>Waseda: tardwrangler
>Robo: tardwrangler
Who else?
Lily is a tardwrangler too
Majime is a different kind of retard though and Lily endgame is to steer her into full fledge lesbian and then scissor and sucking on Majime big tits
What if Yamai was isekai'd in another world?
She'll get raped by goblins. End of story
Yamai being isekaid into an actual grimdark fantasy world where everyone is far weirder than she is so she has to ironically play tsukkomi a lot. Not a bad idea for an episode sketch
Based riry
Sure it has, Baka. My flesh keeps expanding.
She is already in an isekai, from a fantasy world to normal japan. Like every isekai, she is trying to find her way back.
Imagine Yamai trying to isekai herself and she must end up killing herself
Beta confirmed. Maybe uke.
Bino's a girl?
I cant fucking believe that Robo is going to get a bf AND a gf first before her friends!? How did she do it
>he doesn't want an emotionless scientist sexy girl to toy with his body
What are you? Gay?
This has 4kids localized trash too, they botched the joke that the train noises were being dubbed by Robo and turned it into some train pun.
she is cute when she is quiet
Ia Robo confirmed the hottest girl in school?
Yes, so hot she melts your dick
I wanna see more Yamamoto in her demon hunter suit.
>Yamai living under a bridge, raped daily by other mentally ill homeless
Who is more based? Milo or Waseda?
Is waseda's vocaloid music that good
Good enough to get wota wet that's for sure
It isn’t real! Yamamoto is poor!
By having superhuman intellect.
Oh great finally this rather lackluster thread will end
anyone can translate this? might be the result of the newer poll
That's just her trying to predict the results of popularity poll.