Will there be any historical anime in the upcoming Fall season?

Will there be any historical anime in the upcoming Fall season?

Attached: Historical anime.jpg (450x618, 96K)

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blade of the immortal counts as much as those and comes out next season

>implying anyone cares for shitland saga


Oh shit blade of the immortal is getting an adaptation? It has been so long since I read it I have forgotten most of the plot. I remember the jail parts and the ending

Kino no academia 4

yeah its being dierected by the same guy who directed texhnolyze and more aptly shigurui

Better than Dr. Cuckold

Kino academia, rezero

You care


For me it's heroaca desu

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how are those historical?


Isn't it going to be animated by Lidenstudios/ aka the studio behind the cgi Berserk anime? Why dis

Attached: Smile even though your heart is aching.png (588x588, 341K)

lidenfilms didnt do berserk 2016, that was miilipenise or whatever they're called. Lidenfilms did hanebado last year, that volley ball anime with the really good animation


i meant badminton. Anyway check this shit, should give you some hope


Have sex

Sure whenever you finally dilate

I just did ;)

>blade of the immortal
finally... a good series. this season has been shit, El-Melloi apart.

Kill yourself.

Kill yourselves, faggots.

really? Anyway I hope you're right...

>Mass replying
Major yikes from me dawg