>why yes I'm dead, how could you tell
Why yes I'm dead, how could you tell
Sleep tight, Sofa.
>exploring sofi's anus
I want to drive my stake into this undead creature.
Same, but into this other undead creature.
There is enough space to snuggle up on her.
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
It's a fucking coffin, user.
That didn't stop this other vamp.
where do I find lady yupiel fan art?
What is Sophie hiding in her HDD?
This is the only one I know.
Primo cunny
sad emoticon
vampire x big human ****
Looks comfy enough.
> how could you tell
ur layin in a coffin dawg
Yeah, she needs much more. An actual series as well if 774 ever gets done with Naga.
Sure it does.
the pochi doujin was so popular she made her own serialized manga, this one could do even better
Maybe she has some of the doujins this other vamp did.
Be that as it may, I'm six feet tall. That coffin doesn't look like it'll be long enough for me to squeeze in there.
Sometimes feels good to be a manlet.
Is this show as good as the threads made it look like?
Its mainly comfy and the vampires are cute as fuck.
Depends if you generally like CGDCT.
The semen demon version.
Manga is good too, though translations stopped for whatever reason.
Don't die on me.
These Kyuuties have such outrageous hips.
Someone should impregnate them.
Damn, I don't believe Sophie's dead.
Can Vampires still give birth? Important question.
They can birth dhampirs if they mate with a human.
Another event tomorrow where things won't get scanned.
It would be difficult, but with enough effort it might be possible.
We've got nothing to lose in trying.
Bird Love?
Why yes, Sophie is my wife. How could you tell?
Imagine raising your dhampir children with your cute vampire wife as you all live in a large Victorian mansion. Every day would be a bliss.
I thought this show was dead in Japan. Nice to see it getting more events.
I don't know what threads you've been looking at, but most of them, including this one, reveal how shitty a crowd this show attracts, which should tell you a lot about the show itself.
No, it's great.
>In Balkans folklore, Dhampirs (sometimes spelled dhampyres, dhamphirs, or dhampyrs) are creatures that are the result of a union between a vampire and a human. This union was usually between male vampires and female humans, with stories of female vampires mating with male humans being rare.
>with stories of female vampires mating with male humans being rare.
This reality sucks desu.
>the manga will never be translated to english
why even live bros
>why even live
To learn Japanese.
To translate the manga.
why are you still blushing? I've never seen a corpse or dead body blush before
It's actually a disgusting undead abomination. Such satanic creatures do not obey the rules that bind mortals.
makes sense
this makes me very happy
Daily vampire threads are my lifeblood.
Thank you, you magnificent bloodsuckers.
When did the girl from toradora die?
What am I looking at?
Adime Timmies
WRONG this kyutie is sleeping
Is this a Vampire loli thread
It's a Sofa thread.
Sophie bread