>despite being a very attractive girl Yunyun is a loner
Is the whole Konosuba world gay?
Despite being a very attractive girl Yunyun is a loner
Be patient user, she has autism
her personality consists entirely of half-baked failed chuuni and fat tits
at least the other konersuber girls have interesting mental disorders and perversions
She is the Demon Lord after all.
Well duh.
My headcannon is someone got idekai'd, but him and the van he was driving. Then Spice and Yunyun wolf happens.
She emanates an aura of dorkness. Only good for a quick fuck and sayonara.
can someone please tell me where I can watch the new movie?
All my usual streaming and download sites dont have it and I know it is out there I'm not a new fag I swear I've been here all summer please mercy
>I'm not a new fag I swear I've been here all summer
God this post is cute
A lot of 13 year olds are dorky but grow up to be cool
She only hangs out in the starter town and everyone thinks she's a loner because whenever she helps people she runs away after. That and she freaks people out with glowing eyes whenever someone so much as glances at her adventurer posting. Tl;dr it's autism because of her fat Yunyuns
Every dude in Axel is too busy with the dreams from the Succubus Shop.
It's just less trouble than the alternative
i want to marry her soo bad
Stop posting, Yunyun
Why, yes sure. But you didn't need Yunyun to realize so much. Just look at Konosuba himself, who is a flaming faggot, holy shit.
Like she'd even be able to stomach typing that about herself
She could get herself used like a piece of meat but friendship? Not a chance.
Because she doesn't love explosion magic. That's the problem.
>Hangs out with Dust
you're gonna have to wait for a bd release before it's online
unless you can find a camrip i guess
now link to a stream please
thats what I'm asking for
I know camrips are out there and I want a link to one
Wait, just like western shit you have to wait until the dvd or bluray.
And stop watching cam rips wtf is wrong with you.
I NEED to see it
Please, help me
If the author actually showed her being courted by a guy that isn't Kazuma, then autistic waifufags would lose their shit.
I haven't read any of the spinoff stuff, but isn't she running around doing shit with Dust often?
Wait, what?
>Is the whole Konosuba world gay?
well, konosuba is pretty gay, I don't know about that ""konosuba world"" you're talking
How fucking autistic you have to be to believe that.
Ease down. I just haven't read anything beyond the anime.
>watching camrips
I bet you eat your meat raw too, off the floor, of a public toilet.
she's extremely socially anxious, there's just no way a cute and extremely powerful girl like Yunyun would have no friends
Its literally impossible to be an attractive woman and lack human contract or friends. My immersion gets immediately shattered when they pull shit like this
w-why would there raw meat on the floor of a public toilet
Yeah, but even her low standards are still too high for him. He's got his own girl and the succubbus shop anyway.
>so socially anxious that escapes even from friendly people
>too OP to be raped
being yunyun is suffering
only lain can judge me
Pump and dump material. When the day is over there's nobody sharing the bed with her
She is friends with everyone in class 3 you pleb
I just want to be friends with her bros.
>thinking you are funny for making an ironic shitsekai quartet joke
Jump off a bridge
>feeling personally offended because someone watched and referenced a show you dislike
Wew lad
>despite being 13% of the cast, Yunyun accounts for 53% of all bad jokes
Yunyun purpose is being cute and tender, not funny.
The fuck's a cender?
best girls of the serie are secondary characters.
yeah, right..
How is that even possible?