2019.....I am forgotten

2019.....I am forgotten

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>harem, shitsekai

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I believe you mean reverse isekai

I remember it
I quite liked it too

Nothing like a good tsundere. Haven't a manga this much in a while

manga was horrible
anime was fun
Did the LN end?

I think so but TL's died long before that.

How many translated?

14 I think

Good, that insufferable broad can go fuck herself

I will never forget that S2 never ever, for no good reason.
LN still doing fine.

btw, the mango translation finally got to the point where the plot picks up.


I remember it. NEET Lucifer was my self insert.


Why is Chi-chan so well endowed?



Goblin Slayer is reverse isekai, this isn't.

You failed Goblin test number 27, not believing in Goblins. I've got my eyes on you, Goblin Boy.

There was this one OST track I forgot the name of. Was quite nice to listen to.

Goblin slayer is a native isekai

How do you feel about.... GAWBLINS

Wrong it is still going but moved to a discord server. Latest release was 17 but the licensed release is catching up, currrently on 14.

Your brain is reverse isekai

>2 girls

Why do people always forget about Suzuno?

literally who


Emi is tsundere done right