Characters who did literally nothing wrong.
Characters who did literally nothing wrong
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I'll always commend the capacity Elfen Lied had to insert every heavy theme in existence into its story only to handle them laughably bad
Mfw i watched this scene
I barely remember that girl.
Why she existed again? She had no relevance at all.
I agree, dad was only checking for bruises to make sure his little angel was okay.
user that's her nether region
OP you made this exact thread months ago
not that I care
Yea Forums go home
she saved the mercenary guy, don't remember what else of relevancy she did
Well, you have to make sure every nook and cranny is unharmed, she might be embarassed about it, being adopted and all.
user she's 11
You have to eat all the eggs.
Yeah, 11 yo can hurt themselves in the most stupid ways or be hurt very easily by other adults, user, you can never be too careful.
Was this scene the most far anime went to portray pedophiles?
Even now I think that was a pretty bold scene to put on a anime.
Worse than that would be to show actual rape going on.
She had a dog
Normalfags be like "yIkEs nOw ThAtS eDgY"
And that's already a wrong on itself.
>characters who did literally nothing wrong thread
>hitler is not one of the first 10 replies
What has happened to Yea Forums?
Plenty of hentai did that already
That gets tiring, though.
Not even close.
Watch more anime. Specifically Gundam.
So he just watched her butthole and pussy?
/pol/ forced every other board to grow up a bit.
Is Elfen Lied still considered babby's first edgy anime?? Has anything newer taken that spot?
Which one?
They are like 50 episodes long so I never bothered.
I don't really bother with edgy shit anymore so I could only guess. Tokyo Ghoul maybe? One of those random shows where a classroom of kids gets fucked up? None of those seem nearly as memorable to me, but that's probably just a matter of age
Name one thing he did wrong besides job to job to Run
Clowns are born wrong
Did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact might be the purest character in the series and the victim of abuse himself.
Deadman Wonderland, Mirai Nikki, Toky Ghoul.
Elfen Lied is now kinda obsolete in this regard.
What anime is this?
So what? I'm just working off the list, user. Orders are orders.
what list
Based Steve Jobs
you say heavy theme but it was really just fetish shit
I don't remember this, the hell happened on this part again?
elfen lied
it was a flashback showing why she ran from home (stepdad sexually abused her), I think it was around the time she went to live with Kouta and the others
>Is Elfen Lied still considered babby's first edgy anime?
Its more like daddy's first edgy anime. Zoomers aren't going to watch, let alone know even about old anime that isn't on crunchyroll or netflix.
>Zoomers aren't going to watch, let alone know even about old anime that isn't on crunchyroll or netflix
Stop eating lead paint old man, you sound like a seething incel faggot.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman strikes again!
Ah, how some things never change.
Holy shit her leg
>actually exists
Choose your words next time
The fuck gundam are you talking about? The only one that did pedophile shit like that was victory, and it was a goofy as fuck weird episode where hes naked in the tub and is almost drowned by a naked chick but they are moving around like loony toons characters and he spends the rest of the ep running around town naked.
Char being into young girls is something that never get smuch expansion past being mentioned, The actual pedo char from ibo is treated like a psychopathic monster and their relationship is never shown anything explicit.
Boku No Pico.
thats why he was checking her body lol, she unironically have a tumor.
But it's true. Nobody wants to be associated with the cringelords and meth victims from /pol/. The 10000st reiteration of "Hurr durr Hitler did nothing wrong!" is just as forced and unfunny as your stupid dad meme pic.
>ironically having a tumor
Never heard of high heels before?
How does one have an ironic tumor?
Like if you smoke all your life and never drink but wind up getting liver cancer that would be an ironic tumor.
10/10 wonderfull joke my friend
85 gram pack of keks
IBO had underage homo prostitution.
Me on the left
everyone knows at this point that hitler's gravest mistake was losing, so it became redundant
char clone was a ass slave
pic related
Raped and killed kids.
for like, 1 second of a still shot that wasnt even that explicit.
Don’t worry. It is a moot point.
>expanded her empire
>killed terrorists
Literally nothing wrong.
I unironically like Elfen Lied and I'm proud.
Came here to post this
>Made Anime Real
>Saved Her Waifu from Cyberbullying
>Saved Blitz' Daughteru from a fate worse than death, which also saved Blitz' soul.
>Summoned the one person that ultimately saved the world.
>Turned the anime industry upside down, Creating a golden age of anime crossovers.
>Indirectly introduces the gift of Coffee to the world of Earthmelia
Literally did nothing wrong. fuck demon nigger and fuck angel janies
didn't win the mc bowl
That's due to shitty writing user, if Hackahiro had a proper head on his shoulders she would have won effortlessly.
Same here (caveat: referring to the manga). Something about Lynn's writing keeps me coming back even when the current series is a ecchi (bordering hentai) male power-fantasy isekai. I generally drop stories with cheap, low-hanging fruit premises but he somehow makes it work.
Parallel Paradise: Check it out for the tiddies, stay for OL's mind-fucking plot-twists.
>tfw I watched this show with my father
Did he like it?
>wasnt even that explicit
Are you serious?
As long as you weren't a twelve year old girl at the time it couldn't be that awkward.
Sincerely and strongly believe these two did good.
If you disagree then your soul is pulled down by gravity.
Put me in the screenshot unironically.
The least innocent JoJo Villain.
what did he do to you
Is that the guy that raped Gatts? js.
user we don't talk about the list what the fu
>Characters who did literally nothing wrong.
>handle them laughably bad
Care to explain in more detail? Laughably bad as opposed to what? How exactly did it deal with its themes poorly? Can you provide a better example that handles the same themes?
>cheap, low-hanging fruit premises
What do you mean, like Isekais and “I’m just your everyday average high schooler” romcoms?
He's based and redpilled.
If he wanted to prove his group's ruthlessness, they did enough just moments prior to raping and killing Bols' daughter. It was just cruelty for the sake of being cruel.
Me on the right
I was not expecting the cousin to win the bowl.
ah i understand now
>Characters who did literally nothing wrong.
pic related
havent' seen it yet but isn't the "villain" in from the new dindu?
change my mine
She's treated like a dindu in the shitty anime, but the manga is based and tells her genocidal ass to fuck off.
>Annabelle Cat
I bet the Feddies made fun of his name.
Fucking kill me, I mistook Gihren for Gato from the thumbnail.
What If you don't do both but still end up getting cancer.
shame upon you
gihren was based
gato is like chinese knockoff space hitler 2.5
Elfen Lied's "tragedies" are clearly just the writer's fetishes. He just lucked out that the anime had an incredible soundtrack and that normal people find hia fetishes sad and mistook them for what they were.
For what it's worth, he was appalled at receiving mails from diaper fetishists. Maybe that was because they were plebs who preferred cloth diapers over disposables, though.
He's literally did everything werong though.
My friends
When I was around 14 they moved me very much. I even cried when listening to the ost but eventually I realized they were "maximum suffering" stories where the protagonist suffering was more important than logic and after that I felt amused
I'll bet you don't even know the history of the phrase "Hitler did nothing wrong", newfag. Honoring the fuhrer is a tradition as old as Yea Forums itself.
He turned the whole world against himself by being autistic. dived and conquer was not in his book.
he should have stuck around and help fix the aftermath instead of entrusting the next generation
Spoilers for JJBA
Doppio did literally nothing wrong and only lost by a slim margin due to factors that were out of his control.
And that's a good thing
The problem is the empire and Esdeath group were already evil by themselves. Assassins and torture freaks.
Only going completely over the top would have started a conflict between Syura's and Esdeath's group. Or else it would have been just "empire doing empire things".
Well, she was ok with that, and he just wanted to make a video.
From the empire point of view she was an hero and role model.
Too bad the empire was everything wrong.
Guess he didn't feel to turn Tatsumi into her pet, or her sex dungeon slut.
And that's the only way she could have won.
After watching the series I went back to follow the manga. When diaper girl showed up I finally realized it was all wank.
Elfen lied was just practice for brynhildir.
Is blatant that the author had not a clearly idea of what he was doing, and the editor just pushed him to put all kind of bullshit into it.
I despised how this anime tried to portray Lucy as a victim despite the fact that she murdered hundreds of innocent people that didn't so much as know her name when she was just a child. Glad she got fucking capped in the manga.
God this show was literally the start of my life going downhill when I came in contact with "real anime" at age 12.
Before this it was pokemon, card captor sakura and yugioh then a friend showed up with this.
explain to me how live for the average citizen was bad enough to warrant a revolution?
>Lets keep those evil bastards out of your village, they are rotten to the core
>No Tobirama #NotAllUchiha
>Literally born evil
Tell me why he was the bad guy again?
Dude, serious?
The "average" citizen was overly taxed and considered cattle. Nobles and rich people could do whatever they wanted.
We're going to build an exclusion zone and the Uchiha are going to pay for it.
It's not the baby's fault, user.
which season of Legend of Korra is this from
Do you mean her or the dad?
Honest? Check.
Reliable warrior? Check.
Cheerful and lively? Check.
Determination of steel? Check.
Unique tastes? Check.
Pays his deals? Check.
Strong? Check.
Can last an entire night? Check.
17 inches? Check.
Don-chan is the most noble character right there and I'm glad that people are finally seeing the truth.
>The only villain who wasn't inherently evil for the sake of it, besides Kira.
>get raped by dozens of soldiers
>find out your pregnant
>get bullied into keeping the baby
been a while I had a good time here
looks ok to me
it's just shadows
what are they doing in that pic?
Based and Donovan-pilled.
>can't even defeat a blue rat
snooPING AS usual I see
Yeah, so he never got the chance to do something wrong.
I didn’t knew they did an anime based in woody allen