
Interesting little piece, shows a stark difference in history for Kakine and Accelerator

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Other urls found in this thread:


>That previous thread
Good riddance. If a thread dies due to lack of activity, it dies

I’m attracted to Saten!

Everybody in this fanbase is. You’re not special in any way, shape or form. Get over yourself.

I forgot.

Then why was this thread made?

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>MP immediately (IMMEDIATELY) shows up and starts samefagging after I saged

We all did.

Ever stop and think that maybe Saten just has more fans than you think and it’s not just one person obsessing over her?

Wonder how long he was refreshing the catalog for a thread.

I wonder how much longer Touma Kamijou will remain single.


>name literally satan
>gives classmates level upper that puts them into coma (forbidden fruit)

Take a good look at Kidine and Shotaccelerator, why the fuck are you guys discussing meta?

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He’ll probably get a girlfriend when Othinus realizes she doesn’t need to dress like a prostitute to get attention. Being blonde is already enough.

Everyday until Kamikoto

it's only been 6 months

Need to have sex

Hope you like it

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Since the shitstorm named Index 3 finally cleared?

Obsessed as heck

Accelerator > Kakine

Fate? What's that, some kind of anime character?

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It’s a girl.

I want to be impregnated by Accelerator

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I’m disappointed with the quality of this thread so I’ll post this.

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It’s still boring but now we have something cute to look at.

I hate you so much. I should pretend this thread never existed
I shared an interesting bit of art which sheds light on Accelerator and Kakine's childhood, but I should have known to stay away from these threads when there is no content.

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What happened to her nipples?

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The lack of nipples in any of the anime adaptations so far is a serious problem.

Nah that's just a fanart by the artist, don't think this is based on anything.


I wonder if level 5 other than one-way traffic is all princesses and bonbons. Gunha-kun is running around Noyama. After watching Chikizzu, the era when Chikine-kun was too small ...

Even in English I don’t know what the heck that means.

I wonder if the level 5's other than Accelerator had good lives, Gunha is insane , Chicken watching is fun, but not when they are too small.

>Gunha is insane , Chicken watching is fun, but not when they are too small.

I don’t know what that means.

I'm not.
That makes me special.

So will the demon who told Isaac that he'll need 10,301 deaths to achieve his perfect golem be finally be confirmed in the anime to be Will?

Ever notice how every time we have a half decent thread, people bitch and moan about how supposedly bad the thread is endlessly? No seriously, last thread had some actual discussion and it didnt derail despite multiple shitpost attempts, and people kept going ">this thread" or some shit. You never seem to see that on actual shitpost threads though. Interesting that.

Almost like we have retards trying to push an agenda or something. Just ignore them and talk about what you want

Shitposters are insecure cucks, more news at 11

Maybe if you would stop samefagging

Truth hurts, huh?

So how long will Misaki be controlling this dyke

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Why don't they make an actual Raildex fighting game by Arc System

Forever, she’s going to use her as a substitute to fuck Touma

Is that doujin finished yet?
There's still an unfinished frenda doujin that went nowhere too

Isn't it behind a paywall?

You can’t have sex with Frenda unless you pay anyways.

Guy said he was still working on it, I know he made a site with partof it on there. Looks like you have to pay to see previews though.

Samefagging isn't going to help you make your case. The other thread devolved into absolute Yea Forums-tier random shit and it died early because there was nothing to talk about.

It's almost as though you're saying the rest of us should have to shut up and live with shitty threads and lashing out at anyone who says otherwise. Thanks for the useless meta discussion though, I know you need to get it out of your system every day.


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Any information on what is taking Accelerator's timeslot yet?

It’s almost like it devolved into that because people started responding to shitposters, thus making people leave and proving his point, huh retard? Also it died like 30 posts early, boo fucking hoo. Stop crying over duh state of duh thread and talk about fucking Raildex you fucking faggot

>oh no my claims of samefag are off base better deflect
Deal with it, nigger

Glad you agree, I accept your concession etc

Also see

My mongol blood refuses to pay anything

Except that you got offended when the guy pointed out how transparent you and your ilk are. Yes you. Stop trying to police the thread you wannabe mod nigger

Hey maybe you should, like, fuck off from the threads if you don’t like them instead of trying to control them?

Stop metaposting or get banned

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>If you say something I disagree with it means you're stupid and bad and I hate you
Acting like a middle schooler now are we? As expected.

Don’t worry I’m already doing my part of reporting metaposting retards that stir up e-drama

Or maybe it’s because it’s not Raildex related you fucking retard. Go make out with your boyfriend somewhere else

Pretty sure you have no say over who gets banned or doesn't. Keep trying though, let's see if the mods agree with your little tantrum and do anything.

>stop reporting me for breaking the rules

Or maybe pointing out how one thread went to shit doesn't mean I hate this series and want to hurt your precious little feelings. If I did I wouldn't fucking BE here, retard.

You dont really have any place to be smug since you are literally breaking the rules. It isnt a temper tantrum if you are in the wrong

>defending metaposting
Are you secretly MP, or just extremely autistic?

>openly admitting that you would rather bitch about thread quality than talk about the fucking subject material
Holy shit kill yourself

>It breaks the rules when I don't like it
>Yet I'm free to meta post as much as I want

Typical "logic" from the kind of socially autistic loners you'd expect on a Chinese fishing forum, not that I'm surprised.

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Nobody fucking cares about your feelings about the state of the threads. If it isnt about Raildex than you dont belong. Now either shut the FUCK up and talk about Raildex or fuck off

>something happens
>assholes start an argument that's way more annoying than the thing that initially happened
Every time. Perfect time to fix the thread with cute railguns.

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>wtf don’t report me for metaposting

Hey, maybe we all should, like, fuck off from Yea Forums if we don't like the 24/7 shounen cancergenerals instead of trying to self moderate?

But we are telling you to stop metaposting and talk about Raildex. But you refuse to do so. Why? Why are you here if you refuse to talk about Raildex?

Last thread was garbage and ded tho

I was talking about your feelings, though, I never mentioned myself. You're the one getting all analravaged, not me

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this thread is a dumpster fire beyond salvaging too

Nice try but check these

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>make an offhanded comment about how fags try to push a narrative
>come back to them REEEEEEEEing hard and some other retards trying to argue in my stead
Holy shit fuck off both of you

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From this point forward, anyone not talking about Raildex should be ignored. If you do this the thread will be fine. Put your e-peen fights aside for 5 seconds

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>Can't talk about anything anymore
>All discussion must be super-srs because REEEEE
Fuck this clown world

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How big is Mikoto's railgun?

You can be silly and have fun while still being on topic you insufferable retard.

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shut the fuck up

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You can get that stick out your ass, fag.

Nope, not today, you fags arent taking over this thread with your autism

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How about not necrobumping threads that are clearly going nowhere

I mean if you faggots love talking to one another THAT much just make a Raildex discord or something

When will Gunha and Junko fight crime?


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Enjoy your vacation

>I start posting Mikoto
>Thread immediately back on topic
>Enjoying my delicious cake

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Pretty sure one of them got banned

When will Kakine manga release? Same time as Astral Buddy and Railgun? Or is it the same time as Index

Why is Saiai so super?

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Go to /vg/ or /c/ if you want a circlejerk waifu image dump cesspool.

Kek cry more


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What do you fags wanna see in part 3?

I'm still hoping for all the Level 5s to team up against something at some point


Kamachi please

Um, I'm gonna have to issue you sweeties in the thread a minor warning. Some of your statements display pointless toxicity toward other posters and you might make some of our users uncomfortable.

>take random background bitch
>give her her own spinoff series

You're a smelly dum-dum.

Youre a pee pee head

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You’re a turkey

There is literally nothing to discuss. Even OP said it, but fags like you just can't accept anything which goes against your narrative

I just wanted to say I love you guys

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Honestly I think Touma needs a bit of a breather, I wouldnt mind focusing on someone else ala NT4 or something for a novel


More roll call illustrations.

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>The things you want to discuss dont count because I said so!
Literally two post below yours disproves you, deal with it

Team battles and synergies, mostly - like what suggested, for example. I'd like to also see Touma and Misaka battling side by side.

This, Boris Johnson is based for cancelling parliament

Stop replying to him retard, he just wants to metapost

More School kino soon

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated bottom of my class in the Academy City Curriculum, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Catholic Church, and I have over 300 confirmed punches. I am trained in philosophical warfare and I'm the top lecturer in the entire Science Side. You are nothing to me but just another nun. I will punch you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me just because you are the bride of God? Think again, harlot. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of espers across Japan and your life force is being traced right now so you better prepare for the preaching, whore. The preaching that completely destroys the pathetic little thing you call your ideals. You've been living your life incorrectly, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can donkey punch you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Kamijou Faction and I will use it to its full extent to psychologically slap your ass off the face of the continent, you little child error. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held on to your habit. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn tramp. I will shit morals all over you and you will drown in life lessons. You're illusion is about to be fucking broken, kiddo.

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>It's actually good
Based Kamachi.

It’s to be expected of Kamachi


Nah it's average.

God damn it, how much longer until Astral Buddy? Why was the last chapter only 7 pages?

Nah it’s great

Why did he have to die?

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Nah it's perfect

>shows a stark difference in history for Kakine and Accelerator
But we already knew the difference between Kakine and Accelerator.

It's 1.

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It's barely better than current Railgun and Accelerator

-expanding on Gunha
-giving Mikoto more villain links so that helping Touma isn't her only role
-status update on Fiamma
-a proper ending to Kekine and Beetle's situation
-Touma going off the rails and level 6
-involving more of the saints

I would also add number 6 but he honestly no longer matters to me

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Uiharu is the best Railgun by miles

so Gunha x Junko?


You're giving Railgun and Accelerator too much credit.

No I'm not.

Misaki a pile of shit

Accelerator is still fighting literal whos as usual and the art still sucks, so it shouldn't even be in the debate.
Railgun is looking a bit up since the past two chapters have given Kimi more screentime, but the simple fact that we know she's going to fail and can even see her plan completely falling apart sort of spoils the fun.
Astral Buddy on the other hand just had a fun fight wrapping up, showed us some banter between two level 5s who don't normally interact, Junko and Gunha being bros, plus an interesting cliffhanger. If anything, if you want to make up a competition, it should be between Dark Matter and Astral Buddy. The other two just don't match up.

The boring Gunha/Junko fight is only there to fellate an already overfellated charisma void that is Junko.
>Junko and Gunha being bros
Two planks of wood being "bros" is just another thing no one wanted to see except for the rabid fans of these characters.
AB is the Captain Marvel of Raildex and is only better than Accelerator and Railgun thanks to its pacing.

>comparing AB to Captain Marvel
Trying too hard to bait there, user.

>captain marvel
What a reach

>overfellated charisma void that is Junko.
Baffling considering her plentiful charisma is what draws people to her, both enemies and allies.
>Two planks of wood being "bros" is just another thing no one wanted to see except for the rabid fans of these characters.
That just sounds like you're biased and have some petty beef with fans rather than having legit criticisms. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read it. She's given other readers plenty of reasons to care about her and her story, but if you've got a problem that's on you.
>Captain Marvel
Sorry, I don't watch Yea Forumsshit so you'll have to come up with a better comparison.

>he doesn’t like Gunha
Holy shit what a fucking faggot

According to the magazine, 300k kilometers

The Rosencross could attack Sakibasu and that would be big enough to make her involvement not feel forced

Index spin-off where Index is the ACTUAL MC when?

That spinoff ended already user.

But I want a story-driven one like all other big shots in this franchise.

Reminder that Mikoto would agree to Kimi's plan if it wasnt because she hurt her friends

Uh, they're not friends. They are sidekicks. Misaki is really Misaka's only real friend.

You're dead out of luck then.

They are friends, Misaki is her gf

>her plentiful charisma is what draws people to her, both enemies and allies.
Just because the narrative implies she has charisma doesn't mean she actually has one. Narrative has to be backed up, you know. Any idiot can write a character that has everyone surrounding them admire them for no reason.

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That fight was great, it even gave us insight on Gunhas power and everyone wanted that, not only his fans

Looks like a male gay Mikoto that dyed his hair

>he doesn't like Gunha
Holy shit that's based

>Narrative has to be backed up, you know. Any idiot can write a character that has everyone surrounding them admire them for no reason.
And the narrative did back it up. Nor does everyone blindly love her. And when she fucks up, characters like Kobayashi tell her to get her shit together rather than pampering her. Gunha showed up to kick her ass and only got friendly when she showed she had guts. Nothing in this series happens for no reason, so try to keep up.

Railgun had two fun fights wrapping up a couple of chapters ago though. And it doesn't matter that we know that Kimi is going to fail - that's fucking obvious since the protagonist opposes her - what matters is how she is going to do that so no fun is spoiled.

Mikoto doesn't have the depressed fuckboi eye lines

Oh thank you for elaborating. Kakine is the TRUE NUMBER ONE after all, while Accelerator is Raildex's most powerful second ranked

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Mikoto absorbs part of the Angel Dragon

She would if she was an homosexual male

Thank god the thread mellowed out and you guys stopped responding.

Lets keep it that way

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Uglyharu a SHIT

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*Reroductively self-sufficient is the word you're looking for

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>sheds light
Is it not just fanart

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No need to project your inadequacies on to others

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Its art made by the official artist of Dark Matter spin off.

Uiharu's the literal definition of inadequate, we can all project like a projector running on dark matter semen energy

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Mikoto has such nice legs

Damn, UGLYharu's hair is so dirty that its molding

>the simple fact that we know she's going to fail and can even see her plan completely falling apart sort of spoils the fun.
This isn't the problem half as much as the fact that you know none of the characters will be affected and it won't do anything to the setting. You already know after all that the MCs are going to win, in nearly every book you ever read, you know that in the back of your mind, the real problem is we know what Mikoto and co. are like in the future, and we know Kimi isn't there, and her plan of powering everyone up isn't going to work even if the MCs get out unscathed, that's the real problem. Not that you know she'll ultimately lose. This is why spinoffs aren't usually given to main characters you constantly see in the main series already, there needs to be blank spaces and room for them to grow.

>Nothing in this series happens for no reason

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Ollerus, Fiamma and Silvia in a new gag spinoff soon

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Not having dozens of new characters show up every novel would be nice.


How did Kamachi not ever consider this dynamic

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You're right in principle, but it's not always important to not know the ending. Even in the absence of "true" suspense one can enjoy an adventure with characters and situations that they enjoy, which is exactly how I feel about Railgun most of the time. I like seeing these characters go up against other characters - and even though I know they win I like seeing how that happens. I'm not the user you were talking to, and as for this arc in particular I'm on the fence, but just as a generalization I don't think the existence of later Index novels prevents Railgun from being good in other ways. It simply means that its value must come from places other than major paradigm shifts.

Because he's got way too many characters already.

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I'm sure he has. Just because he didn't show it doesn't mean he hasn't thought of it. His books are already long as is, I'm sure quite a bit gets cut.

>It's not important to not know the ending
I think you should read my post again.

I love Fiamma!!!

Me too Chirstainbro

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I want him to come back and get on the burning hot friendship route NT15 teased.

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I meant to reply to both you and the other user. In any case, whether you're concerned with the ending itself or its greater repercussions it boils down to caring about "how things turn out". It's basically just splitting hairs to say that those are different; although sometimes I guess those are hairs worth splitting. My last sentence, though, is more appropriate to your post - that the value comes from places other than paradigm shifts. So nothing major is different now, that's what we know going in, but there are other things to give purpose to a story than the difference between point A and point B. You can just close back to point A but still have had a journey with meaning. If nothing else it can be a story worth telling.

See where the Kamisato and Yuiitsu plot line goes.

>It's just splitting hairs
So is differentiating between premeditated murder and an accident, but we still do it.
>A story can be worth telling even if there's no differences at all
If we're talking a comedy or something maybe. Or if this were like dragonball or something where it's purely about the spectacle and no one cares about the substance, sure. But most people don't really read raildex for things like that, and Railgun doesn't do a very good job of either one if that's what it's goal was. The problem isn't that we know *anything* like I said, but we still know *too much*, and Railgun doesn't really try very hard to rock the boat and challenge any of your assumptions going in. We *could* have had things like having Robutt actually win, defeating Mikoto, and then killing itself for example in some other manner, to shake things up a bit, but that didn't happen, we *could* have had characters who didn't exist in the main series, like Tsurigane, die, develop, or otherwise affect side characters like Oumi, but we didn't, we *could* have had a lot of other things to fill in blanks, give minor developments, or otherwise surprise readers and overturn their assumptions that they go into an arc with, but it really doesn't happen. The most we've had of that is what, Mikoto sort of hinting maybe she's shaken up by Accelerator still? That could go somewhere, maybe, if Fuyukawa doesn't die first, but considering how little else has overturned assumptions and made you go "Ah I see, so X was Y the whole time", not breaking canon, but rather changing your view on it, it's hard to give the benefit of the doubt.

Why are these two writing walls of text

I didn't mean to scare you user, I'll try to keep my posts to 25 words or less so you feel safe next time.

Don't assume the negative, I asked why. What's the general topic?

Mikoto vs Accel in Part 3?

I imagine you could find out by reading the content of said posts.

Better to always ask. Someone nice enough might say.

just a heads up, the IF stream is at 19:00 JST/6 AM EST tomorrow morning
even if you don't give a shit about the game, some seiyuu will be there (and hopefully seiyuu revealed for potential new characters)

Who the fuck cares, give us Railgun 3 info

I'd imagine plenty of people would care if someone like Umidori was confirmed and we learned who her seiyuu was.

>Some seiyuu will be there
No one interesting though

>no Abe
Hard pass.

People would care more about Railgun 3 than a villian of the week from a possibly shit NT anime

Thanks. Almost forgot so I'll wake up early to watch.

The main difference between Kakine and Accelerator is that Kakine wasn't punched in the face by an ordinary high school boy.

You're the only one comparing the two. Wait for the Dengeki stream in a month.

This has nothing to do with the anime from the beginning so I'm not sure why you're projecting your anger here for no reason.

Is dark matter the best raildex spinoff manga right now? I think so

Too early for me to claim it as such. I want to see where exactly they're going with it.

At least wait until more chapters are out shill.

Can you stop saying that constantly?

The Index LN’s best days are behind it. All we really have to look forward to is Railgun three and then I think I’m dropping this series completely.


See ya.

Thank god.

Thank you, if only you left sooner.

I’m just kidding. Obviously I wouldn’t drop it. I just wanted to see what you guys would say.

Hey better than DarkMatteris#1anon.

Crowley please stop bullying your students

Kakine need all the bullying

No summer Othinus no buy

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You will have to wait till 2021 or 2022 for that

>tfw no mobileposting female lolicon gf

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Normal one would have to come first. I think she'll come after Birdway in late September or early October at the latest.

Best girl

She just had a break up for being retarded though.

Don't tell me you believe that user

Considering Birdway hasn't been announced and Othinus has (and her prominent featuring in the original PVs) it would be kind of a dick move to delay her for Birdway at this point.

It's MP. Given the way she mentally vented like an idiot, it's likely. Plus there's always idiots who think with their dick.

Birdway has been announced and featured in the initial 50 alongside the Game Title screen though. But I expect them to go popularity first.

I'm fucked if she comes soon because I dick rolled for swimsuits

>A generic, vague "I want this to happen" counts as real discussion

I'm not talking about that, I'm saying the art for Othinus' unit was already shown

The duality of men

I'm going to restart if the gekota I have aren't enough, so I'm not too concerned one way or another. It really just comes down to if you've rolled anything good enough you can't bear to part with it.

>it would be kind of a dick move to delay her for Birdway at this point.
More time to save gekota.

Enjoy your vacation


Why do Mikotards samefag so much?

Your girl gets plenty of attention already

I don't see any Himegamifags here

Kek you know who I'm talking to, Misakabortion.

There's close to 10 thousand Misakas alive at the moment. You're gonna have to specify.

Clones aren't people, they're just a mass of cells

I love Mikoto and no one can tell me otherwise

What about Saten?

We all are..

And Index too!

I can tell you to have sex

What character would you guys want to help show you around the city? You get to choose from

A: Kuroko
B: Kamijou
C: Stiyl
D: Mikoto
E: Saten
F: Kongou
G: Tsuchi

All things considered what character would you pick and why would you pick them?

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Fuck off


I personally think Kuroko would probably do the best job since she works for judgment. I think she’d be able to give you the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time so you could make your way around the city alone the next day with little to no worries.


If I go with Touma around the city. I better be ready to be suck into a World Ending Problem.

The only “yikes” I know is when a certain magical goddess gave away her entire lifestyle and the power of a god to love in the basement of some guy who will never live her back like a real girlfriend. That’s the only “yikes” I seem to be aware of at the moment.*

Cringepilled and bluebased

Othinus will get her full body back someday.

How sad.

A world ending problem for Touma is if Index gave him an ultimatum to date her or she’d leave forever.

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Rent free

I made a sad Mugino boys. Look at her.

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Seething OTcuck

With Mikoto!

It’s funny but you know he’d HAVE to date her if she did that right? He wouldn’t just let her go and you know it. They’ve been through too much together and he loves her as much as she loves him.

With that outfit anybody would be sad.

The zoo keeper from curious George had the same outfit and he seemed happy though.

tfw your threads are only good for shitposting

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Funposting is different though. Look at the dialogue in the Railgun anime for example. It’s just all fun with no restrictions.

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5:00 AM CDT

I’m not going to lie. It’s a good outfit. Right guys?

It’s good. Don’t worry.

Fuck off, Sonyshill.



At least he didn’t get rejected at the dahasi festival. That would be embarrassing.

Don't act like you don't know.

If he self inserts into Touma he did.

That means we all got rejected at the dahasi festival though except Railgun only fans!


Do you like my new wallpaper

Attached: misaki_misaka.jpg (1920x1080, 463K)

I like it!

Hey! Watch this image for more than five seconds. I promise it will 100% be worth it user. Just try it!

Attached: B22CDEC8-BD8E-4497-85E3-1E5A7188D3C9.gif (960x540, 708K)

Lost all interest in this game desu Senpai

Dilate, Squeeaboo

We heard you the first time fgocuck

I think it was worth the wait.





walks away

Fate is only popular though because Urobuchi wrote Fate Zero and Madoka Magica is a better anime anyways. As far as this series goes I think Railgun may not be the best anime in the world but I liked watching it the same way you’d watch a sol. It was just relaxing and good entertaining to have on.

Holy shit rent free
You should fuck off back to/vg/
Cause Fatechads live in your head
But you insist our series is dead

How many times have you watched each anime?
Index 1: twice, Index 2 : once, Railgun: 7 times, Railgun S: 3 times, Index 3: once

Index 1 and 2: 3 times. Index 3 once. Railgun S' first half twice. Railgun 1 and the second half of Railgun S once.

Index 1: Twice
Index 2: Twice
Railgun: Once
Railgun S: (First sixteen episodes) Twice, Once overall
Index 3: Dropped, read novel instead

I’ve watched Railgun and Railgun S twice and I’ve seen Index once and I only seen parts of Index 3 and the Accel anime. They’re just so different that I’ve never really been able to get into any of them besides Railgun and I like Railgun because it’s relaxing.

As far as normal anime go like Index and Accel I think they’ve been heavily surpassed by modern anime and older ones to the point where I don’t gave the patience to watch them.

First two Index seasons twice (plus some random episodes a third or fourth time during our marathons)
Railgun once, Railgun S three times

Everything except silent party and index 3 twice

Bless bloatgirls for adding a skip for the last 8 episodes

I don’t think you watched it. That’s just my opinion though.

Index 1: 6 times
Index 2 : 6 times
Railgun 1 : dropped and read manga
Railgun 2 : once
Index III : once

I HIGHLY doubt you skipped silent party. Think about how dumb that statement is. Did you MAGICALLY know you wouldn’t like it?

>railgun: 7 times
What the fuck, why would you do that to yourself

>That blatant attempt to change the subject
Raildexcels just can't stop losing

Attached: Your tears.png (490x417, 241K)

Index 1 and 2 are boring though.

>shitposters butting heads again

Shouldn’t we talk about a different thing every ten minutes so we don’t get bored?

I don't care what you think though.

I bet you think silent party is good.

I don’t think it’s good. It’s genuinely just good. Not everything has to be adapted to be good. Ever notice that anime originals are the best anime series out there? I wonder why?

>Ever notice that anime originals are the best anime series out there?

That’s actually kind of true.


>I have shit taste
We know.

We already had to cope when Touma didn’t sleep with Index when she slipped into his bed because she was scared of the thunder in episode six of Index.

I can name three anime originals that are better than any three adaptations you can name.

It's called being a cumbrain

I forgot.

Hope you got some normal weeb powers to deal with it

My power would be to always be lucky,

It makes me feel happy

It makes me feel nostalgia.

We all feel nostalgia when we watch A Certian Scientific Railgun staring Mikoto Misaka.

Pretty much.

Well personally I think that MP is a cute hopeless romantic and I love her adorable rants about finding love.

We all know that magic is the superior power

We all do.

One of the strongest british magicians lost to a bag of shit

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I don't know who this MP is and I couldn't care less.

Mugino Posters!

My wife!

You be quiet!

I love you!

And Index too!

That’s true! That’s so true!!

Guys I have a crazy idea. We should actually talk about the series.

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You would say that. We already are so stop trying to cause trouble.

Why does he have a gun?
Why does he have a gun?

His power isn’t good enough to confirm kills.

The second best esper Kakine is an even bigger loser/jobber then Stiyl.

He doesn’t lose. He just makes a lot of mistakes.

They’re not ranked on power though.

Attached: C560C79C-2F57-41BE-A928-969FCCE17961.jpg (1080x1553, 674K)

>Astral ButtTrash

To shoot you in the heart and win you over with.

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How do you get ahold of Awaki with no service?

Awaki talkie!

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To be fair, he lost to Accelerator, nearly defeated Accelerator and Mugino together at once but got stopped by Takitsubo and Beetle interference, and then met a literal god.

This would be a powerful scene if there was no diddly squat


I laughed in real life

Thank Nogood for writing AB's script.

Gunha was a clear anomaly, the third strongest esper in the series. He took on Ollerus and managed to get a few blows in. If it were Misaka, Mugino or Misaki it'd be alright, but Accelerator, Kakine and Gunha are Level 5s of Level 5s.

Thanks. I worked on that joke a long time ago.

Wtf does that change about his point? Kakine wipes anyone below him in few minutes max besides maybe Gunha with that bullshit endurance.

Didn’t he pee himself against that druggie girl until Measure Heart came to save him?

I think Gunha is actually a double agent for the U.S. government.

>pee himself
He's smart and didn't go beyond when she tampered with his AIM. Takitsubo could make Accelerator trip up.
Besides, why would he need that? He's perfectly capable of beating up people with his bare hands and fists.

Oh that was anime direction bullshit I think, In LN Takitsubo didn't need to get shot

>“Just so you know, she collapsed on her own,” said the girl in the dress. “It’s because she
forced herself to keep using Body Crystal in order to fight us in this building.

He probably works for angel fall Kuroko. He was sent to this timeline in a time machine to save the world because Touma ends up jobbing in his last fight.

Ever since WW3 Touma has been jobbing in fights though.

I mean at least 3/5 of the Big Bads so far, have get what they were after. So it would not be that surprising.

He's not that smart. In terms of intelligence the ranking goes like this:
1.Number 6

>Mikoto over Accel

>More intelligent then Accelerator
Nope. Might even be a stretch to put her over Kakine, considering his keikaku to getting to Aleister was near flawless, he just needed to find DRAGON

Fiamma get to The One of Above God in the Aeon of Orisis and fix the elements but because he was behind an Aeon, he didn't get to the top or maybe even what can truly be call The One Above God and lost in the end .

Othinus get Gungnir destroy the World and got someone to understand her.

Yuitsu Kihara get revenge on Kamisato but we still don't know how her dumb idea about Kihara Meme Virus turn out.

Crowley and Coronzon both just right out lost and fail. Those the pieces of Crowley's Plan that are still left around in places may lead to someone else finishing, what Crowley's started. Even if Crowley no longer want that to happen

It funny, that now that Crowley is no longer after the success of his plan. It may every well success without that King of Fail being the one behind it but with someone else being behind it.

Explain his plan but like you’re explaining it to a kindergartener?

Accel > Kakine (for accurately predicting Accelerators train thoughts at the same time as the other did for him)>Misaki(for memeing Gensei)>Mikoto (obvious superiority over the rest)> Mugino (understood the Beetle situation, though slower than Accelerator) > Gunha

6 is all hype for now

I would say the same about Coronzon, if someone else try to finish the plan that Coronzon's started. They would have a way better chance of completing it then that dumb demon would ever have

Crowley wanted to destroy all magic and return to the Pure Phase(World) beyond all other phases(World).

That would be kind of awesome if someone else takeover for completing Crowley's Plan and Crowley is now trying to stop them.

It's not a phase. The Pure World is the world past all the phases- The Physical World. The Phase is the entire point he's doing this because magic fucked it up.

Mikoto A BEST


Building off what the other user said, phases aren't worlds. When Kamachi uses the term world he's referring to the entire realm of existence covering the universe and beyond. I sometimes confuse world with planet or phases too

>nukes in my ninja tiddies LN
It's Kamachi alright

Yeah. It's basically the Seeable and Unseeable Universe.

Othinus is BEST

She lost them in a tragic prostitution accident.

Othinus is shit, and shit smells worse during summer. Why would you want Shitinus to stink even worse?

Othinus like third or fourth best. Maybe second if you've got a fetish. Mikoto definitely a best.

>Kakine redeeming himself and becoming an mc
>more delta force
>an arc where Touma saves a bus full of cute shotas

Huotou confirmed.

Can anons handle several books of Kekine similar to Kamisato? I don't think so tbvh

Shota saving sounds good for a change tho

Laughably wrong. By raw computational ability, they all retain the same rank except for Misaki being above mugino. By actual intelligence feats then its
Accel>>Misaki>Mikoto>Kakine>>>>>Mugino>Gunha. Gunha is only below the repeatedly proven retarded Mugino because it's not clear if he even needs to perform calculations to use his powers.

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>several books
The books he's in are well received and his spinoff is good. People are anticipating it.

>except for Misaki
That's not how it works buddy lol. It's literally in Accelerator's intro that the number 1 esper in the city also had the number 1 brain. Since 4 is > 5, Mugino is capable of performing higher calca thans Misaki. It's unfortunate that that retard is number 4 but this is some hard coping

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Index 1: Once
Index 2: Once
Railgun: Once
Railgun S: Halfway (Checked out after that nerd gave Kongou lip for using her powers to help. I figured everything after that was going to be awful filler.)
Index 3: Once

I don't get why Kakine is ranked so low. He picks the wrong fights but that's not entirely his fault, its simply outside his predictions. Letting Beetle go was the only stupid thing he did, everything was foolproof, and it was only a shell of himself that made that decision. His shtick is getting close to something, only for something to go horribly wrong. In one case, he thought that Accelerator wouldn't be able to wrap his head around his ability due to its foreign laws. Accelerator was braindamaged too, that probably factors in as to why he challenged Accelerator, cause he believed he could win with the mental depowering and the confirmed loss against Touma. The second time around, not only did he get around Accelerator's barrier again through a clever little trick, he was micromanaging Accelerator from going into the winged state whilst fighting Mugino simultaneously. It was only due to one miscalculation that Beetle was formed, and that is Takitsubo. Also, the Othinus thing is not a fair measure of intelligence, that level of power is insanely incomprehensible and hard to believe, thats an actual god.
The planning that went into retrieving the testament cards, the way that he maneuvered through the city to acquire the tweezers, the way he disassembled the tweezers and made them into a badass glove using a fucking toolkit, he's much more intelligent then we should give him credit for. He's just arrogant and emotional, thats what holds him back.

I wouldn’t even say he was arrogant in his first appearance, he just got desperate when he went to plan b and it kept falling apart more and more

17yo MC
11~14 girls
>ninja outfits
this series is tense

DM manga already confirms he didn't even intend go into Plan B blind. He intended to gain intel on Accel's calculation and thought patterns in case he would need to fight him.

Though we don't know yet if he actually will get that intel from Ringo before her inevitable Bad End, so whether he canonically actually had prep against Accel is still to be seen.

Yah NT6 persona fought a lot smarter and wiser, hence it got close to victory. I think OT15 Kakine was held back by his own poteinal since he didn't didn't have enough grasp of his own power to push the limits like he did later with shit like CD thoughts, absorbing matter and creating hostilic esper. Accelerator was sorta his wake up call to become the monster that he should have been.

Dark Matter is a theoretical power, the premise of the BR fight was to test, detemine and adapt based on his blow but Accelerator simply grew a lot from fighting Touma and Amata that he was already recording DM properties the moment they began fighting

>Able to "jump over dimensions"
Cripple Kuroko!

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a new drills girl in part 3 is a must.

>actually no news about Railgun yet
Really JC Staff?

I'm still praying it gets moved over to a competent studio. Chances of this actually happening? Less than 1%. But still I pray. In any case either it's been delayed or it's going to drop without advertisement because it's worse than we thought and JC Staff can't do anything right.

>he thinks a change of studio will change any possible production problems occurring right now

No no no, you misunderstand. I would legitimately take the entire project being scrapped and started fresh over the shit I fear this will be. Changing studios would only worse production issues if they were working on the same product - but if instead they made S3 from scratch we would be looking at something better. It would just take another year.

>when getting delayed is the best case scenario

Then you’re dumber than I thought, if the project is being scrapped and redone then there’s even less of a reason to change the studio

The reason is I don't trust JC Staff. Generally speaking I think the push to focus on specific staff over studios is a good one but JC has proven time and again that they don't schedule for shit and crap out mediocre products like clockwork. Giving them another shot so they can do the same thing is what I want to avoid.

The art, assuming it reflects canon and isn't just the artist of the manga having fun, implies that Kakine had a better childhood than Accelerator.

From OT5, we know that Accelerator DID start out as a somewhat normal kid with somewhat normal abilities, and then one day, shit hit the fan and he found himself going down a dark rabbithole. Much sooner than Kakine did, going off this picture.

Unless Kakine was a late bloomer, or kept his Dark Matter from looking TOO interesting until later somehow, surely they'd have wanted to fuck around with Kakine's white playdough just as much as they did with Accelerator's "hurt everyone that touches me"? Where are the scientists who might wanted to see what these two powers put together would do?

It most likely will not be teleporter but guessing over other dimensions(Universe). Maybe there a multiverse in this series or multitimelines


Ikr? Funny how the DM-based research (DM weapons, Shoggoth, Equ.DarkMatter etc) only really took off AFTER Kakine was almost dead following OT15.

I mean, if they wanted Kakine and his DM so bad, couldn't they have ambushed him with Hound Dogs/DA, and a ton of AIM jammers/Capacity Down?

It like everyone can use Dark Matter better then Kakine and without him around, as anything more then a DM's generator. Make it far more deadly then when Kakine is using.

Accel episode when?

Attached: accel arrested.jpg (895x720, 115K)

They'll probably delay it since it's the only part of this franchise they like and competently want to animate and they want the best for it.

Great outfit to get mistaken for a magician and shanked like Himegami.

No, JC Staff only have dollar bill sides in there eyes. That mean fast release and doing too many animes at once, that mades all the anime look bad/crap. They will not delay, unless there a natural disaster

>Esther and Huotou are just assists
>release another Accel variant instead
peak laziness
still 2 hours and 20 minutes away

Bet possess


What the fuck did I just read

Let me properly translate what that user said; He said that J.C.Staff are greedy bastards that don't care about planning shit, and he hopes for a natural disaster, preferably an earthquake to bury them for good.

Haven't been in the threads for about two weeks, did anything happen during that?

Railgun III was oficially cancelled

Kakine manga spin off was released and the fist chapter was pretty good. Also Gunha and Junko fistbumped and Misaki got butt hurt from that and the fact that Gunha broke out of her control

Misaki keks have been oddly quiet after shitposting for a whole month about how she "dabbed" on Gunha.

First I heard of that. Also
>implying anyone would date MP

8:00 AM CDT

Almost like it was mostly shitposting user. Notice how MP also shut up about Junko "beating" Gunha

He would be dead in second if she was serious before he can even guts out of her control.

It was just one guy to out insecure people like you, user.

Gunko is real and a cute

Misaki was too kind and didn't want to hurt Gunha by breaking his brain.

Good, is it already anounced that it will be a series? Will it be monthly and come out at the same time as Accelrailbuddy?

Its a series, yea. Monthly

Imagine thinking that Kakine manga will be better than Accelerator one.

It already is

If it was as good as Accel why Accel is animated one?

and Railgun, too!

Because Kakine just came out

Because Kakine manga is too awesome to be animated by JC Staff

There's really no indication that level 5 espers were *actually* ordered by power level or raw computational data. It's just generally accepted since there's a correlation between how complex (i.e. the number of calculations that an ability should require in order to be used in real life terms) a power is and how strong the actual Esper ends up being.Going by lore, they were just ranked by how useful they happened to be for Aleister's needs. If it depended solely on math, every single teleporter should be level 5 automatically. My reasoning for ranking Misaki higher than Mugino is along the same lines, her ability should require far more complex calculations than Mugino's.

mugino is a dumb ape so she should be 7th

1. Most people were mostly shitposting. Like with Mikoto, even Misakifags recognize she would be toast in a 1v1 against him.
2. She did end up dabbing on him, since she completely froze froze him for enough time as to kill him in a real fight to the death with the people she had with her.
3. The "fight" was another fanfare situation since neither her nor Gunha were going all out.

People have underestimated the complexity of Meltdowner, beams make zero sense and they still work anyways. equations for them must be especially hard. This is why it was so hard to hit Hamazura in the first place. Try to solve quantum physics equation while predicting this man's bullshit. Impossible.

>dorm manager teleporter
Touma is crying in another dimension

>he's yellow and powercrept all yellows and is limited despite not being seasonal

Touma doesn't deserve a cutie like that.

All Kamachi MCs are assholes who turn into bad fathers, it's fine

In terms of raw power:
1>2>3 (AAA)>=4 (full power)>7>5>6*,
1>2>7>=3 (Fanfare)>4>5>6*,

*We don't know Aihana's ability yet, so we don't know if it's a combat-type ability like the others or a utility/support-type like Misaki's

Calculation power seems to match the usefulness ranking since it's mainly due to the calculation power that the Level 5s can even use the ability to the extent that makes them useful. Electromasters and Telepaths are a dime-a-dozen yet it's MisaMisa's potential/calculation power that lets THEM specifically be chosen as Level 5s and be useful.

Thor and Kamksato are the 2nd and 3rd most popular NT characters so there's no reason to not expect them over Umidori if they go that far

As for others only time will tell since the new Accel does have a different ultimate. Ollerus is in the OP so I doubt he'll be an assist

Who's the first?

Mikoto with the AAA is overrated as fuck. It's just a glorified powered suit with conventional weapons and she can't even access the part of it that makes it relevant.

Kamachi's Apocalypse Witch gets a PV from Dengeki

It's polling time yet again for the Autumn Babby Cup and Accelerator is still confined to the sidelines. You can change this by voting here:

Attached: 2500bdb78b64d08d5bf1ed6c64a2e646.jpg (698x1000, 75K)

We keep losing so what's the point.
VECTORS won't work anymore.

Give it up, user. Since the move to 4channel board culture has been dying.

Wow, I never thought about it like that.

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>20-30 year gap

That’s about how long Touma has been a virgin isnt it?

He’s socially awkward.

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We already did.

Nobody watched it, accel is flopping harder than index 3

>blame Accel for losses and demote him
>continue to lose

Attached: 1547445534044.jpg (412x371, 32K)


I always blame other people when I lose because if it’s a team game you’d be dumb to take all the blame for yourself.

I didn't even notice it was airing. I was too busy watching Anne of Green Gables.

Touma is an incel.
"WAAAH why can't I get a dorm manager onee-san girlfriend?!" "WAAAAH! women treat me like a doormat and I hate it!" "WAAAAAH I hate being single!" "FUKOU DAAAAH life is terrible!"

Garbage as usual.

Eh, we had WIDEFACE in as the starter keeper and it all fell apart, maybe a return to the classics is what we need.
Board culture was dying before that, the split was just another nail in the coffin. But it's either try to keep it alive, or lie down and watch everything turn to shit.

Hishigata's remaining lifetime/10

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He just look too bored all the time and it’s a turn off.

>another fucking accel variant

I'm still waiting for the raws to watch it. The stream was too laggy.

LO a cute! A CUTE!

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Attached: mpv-shot0112.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

shit like the manga

Wow, I didn't know LO's seiyuu was a key animator for Index III.

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These two better have live 2d models. Last event was awful too, hopefully it's not a raid one.

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>Angel speak

Attached: mpv-shot0116.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

>Black Wings Accelerator

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It's almost like everyone involved with making decisions is a retard or something.

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Huge jew tiddies

Waiting for subs

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She worked very hard at drawing Saigo

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It's a lottery with step up, but I wouldn't count on live 2d

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Best Kamachi illustrator, god damn

Attached: mpv-shot0126.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

Wait, Accel is step up? Heh, what happened to the retard who insisted those things aren't going to be normal.

Fun as usual

Here we go. Remind me again how many chapters/months this guy was bleeding out before he finally died?

I agree. I agree.

So I will have to spend many times 9000 gekotas to get Esther or Black Wings Accelerator? while Huotou is for free as long as I complete the missions/raids to collect 145 crystals to unlock her like the previous welfare assists?

I think having Kuroko is enough.

Get back under the table and finish your job

Yes, Huotou is like summer Takitsubo and Index in how you get her


I think the same, I'm happy with my 4 stars battle Kuroko (green).

What Raildex character without using powers can run the fastest?

Attached: 348FE680-791F-48F0-B8C3-31519D67F9A2.jpg (1241x1748, 284K)

Kongou is the most aerodynamic so her

I thought she was kind of weak like Misaki.


Mikoto or Touma

I know it’s because of her power. I’m just saying.

Attached: mpv-shot0127.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

You just KNOW

10046 a cute! A CUTE!

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Attached: 1551540648137.png (1080x1535, 604K)

Holy shit

Weren't the whole fight and episode 7 during night? Why the fuck is day in this one?

Clones really are better than the original, those are some fucking bedroom eyes

Was it? If so, they fucked up the timeline, just like all Raildex anime has

Maybe they just felt like fucking with the colors in that episode, Accel isn't usually purple either.

Attached: 1566571091122.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Outsourced episode

He’s so handsome here!!!

I like how dedicated Accel is to protecting the sisters.

I thought he was purple because of the night sky but then they forgot to make it night.

Probably this
They spend whole nights running for about two weeks


>Misaki is more intelligent than Kakine

Common sense wise, hell yea. Kakine can calculate faster but hes a god damn moron with the application of his powers


It's plausible that a shoddy retrieval mission might be what set Kakine onto the dark side. By necessity he forms a team and rarely sleeps deeply because he's making counter measures to getting jumped and dragged to a lab, which would be why when Accelerator leaves him for dead it's a great boon for the scientists of AC.

>she completely froze froze him for enough time as to kill him in a real fight to the death with the people she had with her.
There is literally no indication of how much time passed.

Attached: mpv-shot0129.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

She really looks like Mikoto here

Attached: 20190906101444.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

Well, 10046 is a Mikoto clone...

>It's another dumbass who doesn't know the difference between wisdom and intelligence
Figured as much

Hurr durr

As in more so than usual, you cant tell its a clone as easily because she's emoting more

>dude intelligence is solely calculative ability dude

Mikoto will be Part 3 MC

Kakine was a hero, so it’s possible he was actively trying to stop them from really fucking with him until some point

This looks more like the mmo black wings than the anime black wings

So it's more accurate

I suppose, I just thought it’s a strange choice since everything else is literally just anime stuff. Shame about how they went the Accel variant route though

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Did they really hold a live announcement just for Accel and Houtou? Literally who cares?

Details from the stream:
>They've updated the AI as requested by the users
>Raw Materials Campaign will be implemented as requested
>3.1 million + times was Accelator taken down in the Grand Order event
>3.2 million + for the Mugino event (I don't know who the boss was for that)
>2k people were able to 6 star Takitsubo
>Step Up Gacha
>Home Screen Ranking Top 10: Mikoto 3 star, Mikoto 2 star, Summer Kanzaki, 3 Star Touma, Another Mikoto Variant, Accel, Summer Mikoto, Live2D Summer Mikoto, Live2D Mikoto, Live2D Summer Kanzaki
>Date Rank Top 10: Mikoto, Kanzaki, Misaki, Accel, Touma, Index, IDK, Kuroko, Last Order, Saten
>Maximum Times Dating has been done by a user Top 10: Last Order (450 times), IDK, Shokuhou, Saten, Accel, Index, Misaka Imouto, Mikoto, LO, Touma
>For Top 10 in team usage, Top 3 are: 3 Star Touma, Summer Mikoto and Summer Kanzaki
>Saten, Lancis and Lessar are top 3 Assists
>2 million downloads have been reached! They'll be announcing details on the commemoration tomorrow!

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So nothing

So everything

>Raw Materials Campaign will be implemented as requested
Thank fucking christ.


There sure are a lot of people in here being hostile for no reason over Accel

Mikotofags mad they didn't get there pretend Railgun info.

how many downloads needed to have english version but subbed?

>2 million downloads have been reached! They'll be announcing details on the commemoration tomorrow!
That was faster than expected.

Squeenix holds occasional live streams for game updates, popularity rankings, stuff like that. it's not solely to announce one thing. Seiyuufags might tune in just to see their seiyuu too.
Eventually they'll show off collab trailers there like they do with the sword dykes game.

I’m just saying, did they really not show anything new off?

Never, fuck off

No? They held it for a bunch of game updates and ranking stuff which is pretty common in Japan to care about. I care about it, too.

But that is new among the other details. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not new.

Because you're a sad, no-life gacha cuck.

You say "a bunch" but all I see is the AI is being tweaked. That really didn't necessitate an event.

It’s not content, telling me people dated last order 450 times is pretty well, irrelevant.

A game update does not have relation to an event. An event can happen as standard.

It is content though. Again, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not new.

>>Raw Materials Campaign will be implemented as requested
Does that mean I can now collect crystals to 6 star my 3 star summer Mikoto?

It literally is not content for the game itself, people dating last order doesn’t change anything for the game, now if they did something like making a last order battle character because of said dating then that would be making content for the game itself.

I really don’t know why there’s someone who gets uppity over anything negative about SE

Desu I shouldn't have to spend gekotas to refresh to 6 star welfare assists

It isnt content though. Who cares that some autist has dated LO 400 times?

Me too, I feel so raped...

It doesn't have to be content directly of the game. They had that with game updates and a new event. It's content about the game and stats of interest that is common among Mobage streams. Nothing to do with SE, you're the one insecure making it about SE.

Watch more mobage streams. Again, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not new.