Violet Evergarden

/ourgirl/ is back. Jap theaters are full and spoilers will be flooding jap chans soon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cute couple.

this doesnt look like anime anymore

How long until I can watch it?

Depends on how poor your country is. Ehh, 3 - 6 months.

>they will have all the victims name in the end credits
My body is not ready to watch this

Where are the rips?

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Even in death kyoani yuribaits lol

How bad is it gonna flop?

This time they're not to blame.
The original author is responsible for this chapter, it's a beautiful story about a little girl and her adoptive mother but her mother is a full blown lesbo.

Depends on the fuel.

It's not, you better start preparing your pillow.

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They look like men.

They look like real people and not moeblobs.

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Do I have any chances to watch this in Somalia?

Dead thread. Pity bump.

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>posting a turbo-moeblob to make such a point

Of course :^)

So violet is a dyke now?

I mean the BD. I'm not fucking watching anime in a fucking theater.

Fucking Yuribait, again. Kyoani never learns.

What if she was always a dyke but had this part of her locked away by her trauma?

Aren't yurifags kyoani's main audience?

6 months.

Fuck, just checked it only will be on 21th november in cinema in Russia. Still gonna go watch it even if got rips before though.


This was unexpected


That'd be fujos.

is there a list of international theaters carrying this?

>yuribait again
one fire wasn't enough

Well, she was wet for her shousa earlier so...

What makes you think this wasn't caused by the fire?

The wait continues.

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Go away you little shit.

no way fag

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>Jap theaters are full
How many will carry this?

73 in Japan if I'm not mistaken. This number is kind of deceiving though, some places in Tokyo have dedicated all of their available rooms for this movie.
You walk in to see what they're screening and it's literally nothing but this movie. Weird stuff.

>Jap theaters are full

So their movies are finally selling, huh? But it's too late now. A Pyrrhic victory it will be at best.

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>Jap theaters are full
Nope, but you sure are full of shit.

Lower than Konosuba screens?
Maybe it'll rank in mini-theater rankings. Those don't count to the main theater screens I think.

KyoAni doesn't have a megacorp backing them up so yes, it's a low count.

Apparently they finished work for this project the day before the arson attack occurred.

Those are two very handsome women

KyoAni's lewdest loli

That's not Kanna though.

>Yuri Bait

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Who's the distributor this time?

Even with Kadokawa's backing, they only got 100 screens though.

Im too much of a fag to joke about people dying im a fire but goddamit, fuck this dyke loving studio

>What is Koe no Katachi?

Why is that man wearing a dress?

>what is the K-ON! Movie

A piece of shit.

This anime is trash, im ashamed of Yea Forums

I'm going to the cinema now.
If possible, I will take pictures of the site.

We arrived at the movie theater.

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>No crowds
Dead movie


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>Foot fetishists
Truly they deserved that fire.

A great number of people.

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especially impressive since it's premiere is at 9am on a weekday

A movie that got outsold by some kickstarter-backed watercolor movie.

It's a weekday morning user

Wipe your lens

I think user's just going with the theme.

Fucking kek why do japs sound so awkward when they cry? My friend was feeling quite uncomfortable with all the weeping around him.

What do they sound like?

no seat left for the latefags

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and the bitching about the lack of seats continues

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Pigs trying to squeal silently.

That's a really clear description, I can imagine it now.

The movie is over.
The movie theater was wrapped in applause.
Before the movie started, the people related to Kyoto animation greeted us when I entered the theater.
They were just watching the audience quietly.
I had a news on the new movie at the end of the movie.
The release of the new movie will be postponed from January next year.

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>The release of the new movie will be postponed from January next year.

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It was changed to "Coming Soon".

>The release of the new movie will be postponed from January next year.
It's understandable. The scheduling was probably mangled if they hadn't completed it before the arson - better they postpone it and release a good product, than a cobbled together mess.

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I had a feeling they'd postpone it.

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Thoughts on this hairstyle?

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That's like Kyoani main line of work, so yeah.

Please no.



Yuri will conquer the WORLD

>movie came out

Guess imma need to start another fire


>Guess imma need to start another fire
Self-immolation would be much appreciated.



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Seeing her smiling naturally feels so good anons.

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what will happen to him?

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Violet is getting married. congratulate her.

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I can't belive they leaked pictures of my wedding.

Who's the lucky woman?

your mom faggot

Burn at the stake in the town square.

I would tell you to kill yourself but you are so insignificant that you do not deserve that privilege

9/5/2019 already and there's still no interrogation or anything. If he just refuses to speak, then what?

He will be the object of mockery and parody in all the manga and anime that will come out in the future and his name will be synonymous of loser in all the dictionaries of the world

Are you really so dumb that you think charges are dropped just because the perpetrator doesn't want to talk?

Why do they look like men?

I'm guessing it's because you watch too much moeshit.

Will she finally stop being a moron?

But this is The Anus of Kyo we are talking about here, aren't they the mustards of Moeshit?

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yes! Or alternatively
>dropped on insanity charges and relocated

>Anus of Kyo
You realize you're the only moron who uses that nickname and makes you really easy to spot, right?

I never watched VEG but wasn't a major plot point Bioletto wanting to fuck the major?

If they just finished the movie a day before the incident, that explains why they couldn't bring it to AX. A damn shame. I really would love to watch it.

Why is she so cute?

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>look at this retard
>she's so loud and obnoxious
>it's so hot today
>my feet hurt
>I want to go home
>and daydream about shousa

Fully booked at one theater.

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>blockbuster because of pity
It's a new low for this industry. Imagine all the hard work done producing a movie only to flop because another movie stole your sales just because people feel sorry for the studio that burned because they neglect fire safety.

>Yurishit/ LGBT pandering
I hate 2019

A 10k seller doesn't need pity but it sure does need lots and lots of butthurt from children like you.
Please post more.

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Or they legitimately want to watch the movie regardless. Enough with your cynicism

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What would you do if your daughter introduces Violet as her boyfriend?

Homosexuality is wrong.

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What offends me is people keep refering to it as "movie".

Its not. Its just theatrical showing of an OVA, similarly as VEG TV itself was shown in japanese cinemas too.

There is one "movie" and its the one thats called such i.e. will be released in 2020. There is huge difference in production of Eternity OVA, which is basically TV veg quality and "movie" that will be released next year.

It's 1h30m long, it's being published through a theatrical release and it has 劇場版 attached to it in some places. Calling it a movie is fine.

god i wish that were me

This is going to be on Netflix in 2020, huh

Don't forget them.

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Fuck me. This timeline is the worst, they didn't deserve this suffering.

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reposting autism

>le reddit anime, so simplistic only a brainlet have trouble understanding it
>le 56% filler anime
>other 44% is a fat guy on a scooter narrating bill nye the science goy lectures
>eyes covering 3/4 of face
>soulless harem
>have to sit through 20+ ep of filler just to understand after story
>after story is generic garbo
>fuck stars
>watch this to fall asleep
>shittier version of every school SoL, pass
>why do ppl recommend this as baby's first romcom, it's neither funny nor romantic, r ppl being sarcastic
>pretentious detective show
>like connan 20 years ago but somehow 10 times worse
>omg, such suspense, such wow
>koukai no nigger
>idk how they managed to ruin a generic school battle setting with such trash writing
>melo-dramo edgy shit
>no one relatable
>nignog MCs
>supposedly 9.5/10, ok shlomo
>koba what
>koba the fuck
>look guys such meme, such funny, let's share this on le funny Yea Forums
>violet autismo
>somehow someone in exec had the brilliant idea to write original ending and completely ruin the only decent writing kyoani was graced with
>what is character development, must be something otakus use to justify pedophillia

free- gay lords
hibiki - Koff #2 snooze
phantom world -grotesque singing, how hard is it to find a person that can actually sing in all of nippon, is japan filled with bug ppl
tamako-shittier clannad
full metal nignog - the parody is more interesting than the actual show, jesus christ

truly a studio for ppl with shit taste
i suspect Yea Forums is just for redditers that wants (you)s instead of karma

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What a profoundly low quality post.

That's an obnoxious pasta. Fuck sports and their tribal shit seeping in media.

>thinking anyone will read this long winded garbage
Here's a pity (you)

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>Homosexuality is right.

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Supporting KyoAni means supporting a company that neglected the safety of their employees. This eye-candy is just their method of sweeping everything under the rug.

>kyoani fan
>calling other children
Nice try.

kill yourself retard

I wonder if it has a full list of everyone like in Munto.

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Tell that to the families of the deceased.

I've seen this thread before. The exact responses, images and all. What the fuck is happening I'm scared

Just pirate it. Like everything else.

>Virtue signaling weeaboos will probably start a mass campaign to make this the highest grossing anime of all time in the wake of the arson incident like capeshitters hell-bent on making Endgame outgross Avatar

