Has Negi given up on drawing Nino?
Her art has been pure QUALITY lately in comparison to the others(Yotsuba excluded)
5toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Nino a shit
Its over. Give up
Miku a blushing cute!
Negi is fond of misdirection. Don't be fooled.
>Her art has been pure QUALITY lately in comparison to the others(Yotsuba excluded)
Nino had great art in tsundere tsun, the spit and idol from last chapter, and the confession from 100. You're just being a complaining faggot.
>unironically posting Arthur's shit
Guys, but what if we didn't?
Why are Mikufags so vindictive?
What do you expect user. Mikufags are ledditards.
Why is she so cute,bros?
Tsubaki also a cute
No way. Itsuki and Burger-kun are KONO SHUNKAN DESTINY!
I'm calling the cops you hair murderer
because ninoniggers and lardski faggots have been beating us down for so long but now that their girls are completely out all they do is seethe and talk shit so we're finally just letting out our repressed frustrations.
>omega doormat
>not threatening
>easily embarrassed
>baby's first waifu
Take your picks
>posting reddit screencaps
You have to go back.
That picture is folded to look derpy, baitmaster.
Wow, you really sound like someone from off-site. Where did you come from?
Mikufags have been vindictive even back then
user, I...
That was originally posted here you absolute newshit
This is the one and only truth.
How much salt will there be if the curry drinker wins?
Little to none since she's first girl. Yotsuba winning would cause more salt. Naturally, Ichika winning would cause the most.
I've been here more or less for like a year now? I just don't talk like most other 4chinners user
>Eat a 7 course 1000 yen meal
>Wash it down with another meal
>but now that their girls are completely out
I'm going to take your free salt. There seems to be plenty if not an infinite amount.
>gets 1 panel
lmaoing @ your life
The only possible endgame is Yotsuba vs Zetsuba.
Why are Mikufags being mean to Itsukichads now?
Reminder that only bride and Fuutaro get color panels
Why do ninofags hate Eatsuki?
She's cute and a good girl. Maybe 5fags shit post a bit. Also make shitty those shitty mono-quint picture and mono-quint waifufagging topic OPs but that's no reason to hate 5 herself.
its mostly repressed anger
most of it us reveling in our long fought victory, its ok lardski fren. I still love you. plus the common enemy of the ninonigger still is there for us to hate together
So Yotsuba-Mutsumi rematch?
Quints becoming more battle shounen by the day.
Will the kisser be revealed this arc or the next?
You know that is falseflagging, right?
>Why do ninofags hate Eatsuki?
We don't. Stop with the victim attitude.
Don't get cocky just because you got a date chapter
In the very last arc and as the climax.
no buli pls
>thinking a date chapter is the only thing miku got
speedreader detected. narratively miku winning makes the most sense
sure thing
umm excuse me?
>narratively miku winning makes the most sense
Waifubait doesn't win.
>slightest bit of relevance
based and psychpilled.
Who are the fathers?
>No argument
Sasuga 3fag
Imagine unironically posting that edit
OK, guys. What if, despite all the evidence, foreshadowing whatever, your quint loses. How will you react?
On the other hand, waifubait is one hell of an arguement!
I will be very upset but if the ending makes sense and is well written I can forgive it to some extent.
>but if the ending makes sense and is well written
No, no don't say that.
reminder that someone who was born from a multiple birth is more likely to have a multiple birth themselves
From left to right,
Maruo, ?, Takeda, Isanari, Fuutarou
The difference between ninofag shitposting is that they do it for fun whereas mikufags are actually serious and genuinely angry
>if the ending makes sense and is well written
Everyone who says this is just going to rationalize reasons on why the ending is bad of their quint loses, and probably couldn't explain what makes for good writing in the first place.
Are you unironically trying to claim Miku isn't waifubait?
Maruo the most beta guy of the series.
>be doctor >got his crush Rena NTR'D by disease
>love Rena >Rena says "he's just an admirer"
>takes care of her kids >develops 0 relationship with them and they turn into dumb spoiled bimbo thots.
>Meanwhile CHADsanari is close AF with Raiha who is cute, takes care of the home, gets good grades, and will marry a CHAD
>Has no biological children to carry his line. Isanari has 2.
>Spends all day slaving away like a wagecuck with no time for family. Isanari just goes fuck housewives during the day, chills with his kids during the evening, and then """"works"""" at night.
>weak af. scared of rain. Isanari so alpha he makes his own expired milk alcohol when he's not drinking sake
>says he won't let Fuutaro have his daughter
>Fuutaro marries his daughter
Nino ain't dumb can see who's her REAL DADDY.
This always looks to me as if she's facing a serious bowel movement there.
Please Negibro don't spoil us about the bride
This. Both are bad tho. I wish both parties kept shitposting to a minimum before bump limit.
Uhm, no? But that's not an arguement either
Ate too much of Raiha's mystery curry.
There is no way the ending won't make sense. The only thing holding people from admitting it will be their bias.
Someone needs to make a "uuuuugh, it wasn't just a fart" edit.
You should know....
People with shit instead of brains fail to understand that Nino is the bell kisser, the bride and owner of Fuutarou's feelings (and next his wallet). The other quints are made only for fapping purposes, nothing else.
this is an overdrawn image
That would be relevant if the actual plot revolved around that event
>not an arguement
Try reading the series, just because you don't like the fact that the series has heavily implied Miku as waifubait doesn't mean you can say it isn't an argument.
>be burger machine
>sharts the mart
"Bomb has been planted."
You forgot Nino is also Rena, Lolikano, and being stalked.
This is Miku's best panel
>last thread reached 700 posts
Is everyone afraid that their quint is going to lose? Seems like people can't calm down when everyone's at the edge of their seats.
Your logic doesn't make sense.
You're basically saying that a character designed to be popular isn't going to win because... she's designed to be popular.
If this was your arguement, you're better off pretending you didn't have one in the first place
Ichika looks way off in there lad
Huuuum sweaty, Miku is going to be revealed as the lolikano he took the photo with.
Shitty falseflagger
>designed to be popular isn't going to win
She's winning, just not Fuutarou.
Alright now laddies SHOW me the BEST proof that your quint is the bride.
Still busy huh? Bummer.
Last thread turned to a total shitfest because of some anons pretending to be other anons just to throw shit around. Not like that doesn't happen often, but that was worse than the usual
We're back in the hype zone since people expect that something big will happen next chapter, although in past it was always the volume end chapter that most impact (104).
I guess everyone wants lash out one last time before it's over.
>If this was your arguement, you're better off pretending you didn't have one in the first place
Fuutarou is the father of all of them
i said this so it's true
Oji-san! There's an hole for everyone!
Nino is a bitch, so that means she wins because nice girls never win since it's "boring"
What's wrong user? She's winning T's D.
> but that was worse than the usual
We can call it Toxic Thursday.
You are a sad piece of shit
Doesn't even look like Miku
>Who are the fathers?
One of her students > a Soccer team player > Old bald dude > Fuutarou > JAV actor (since she fucked many actors she's unaware who's the father)
It's okay to not have anything to say, user. Enjoy jerking off to your last (You)
Post nationality and fav quint, i'll start. Brazil, Nino
She's winning user, be happy for her.
Nigeria, NINO
Reminder that Miku got the best vanilla doujin
Miku, India
Mexico, Nino
Nino, Burger
Morocco, Nino.
He is going to end up with all 5 girls, right?
That is why he didn't put a ring on the bride in that scene.
Fuutarou is not wasting any time!!!
>You remind me of how pathetic I am, we belong together!
Pity end.
Nino China
Konoha, Village of Leaf - Njno Nakano
Peru, Nino
Leaf and Yotsuba
Ichika is a close second
>Narutards are Ninofags
I can't say I expected better
Por eso su mugroso país está en recesión económica y de seguro tragan carne de perro.
Chad, Takebayashi
The states, Nino
>not 1 European
Explains why the threads are good.
So, when are we finally the the birth of Nino and Fuu's cute daugther?
What will be the name of her?
Israel, Nino
Threads hit a record low quality this week.
I'm European, not replying to some blogshit post though
Holy mother of subhumans
>sister inferiority complex because she never tried overcome it.
Miku pity win
Yotsuba pity win
>Give her all to improve but still fail, result: completely soulless
>not 1 European
we don't speak arabic
made to sell merch. see: sensei, rem, miku etc
Because Yea Forums knows Fuutarou will reject Nino in chapter 101
Pretty much
China, Nino
I know that for third worlders the standard for "good" is shit, but damn.
You can thank Neenuhspergs for that
Phillipines, Miku
Kenya, Nino
Somalia , Nino
Mauritania, Ichika
The bride, Miku
Nigeria, Miku
Post sick size and fav quint
10cm Nino
I love Negi.
I fucking hate this fucking manga and the fucking faggot OP making the fucking faggot thread and fucking Nino most of all
Niger, Nino
Brazil, Yotsuba.
BarBados Country, Nino
Hit the nail on the head
PH, Ichika.
+20cm cocks for MIku
Ivory Coast, Ichika
Miku is the kisser
Niger, Ichika
Shitty and backwards parts of Mexico with a lot of "prietos" and faggots love Miku.
Superior and more insdustrialized parts of Mexico with lighter skin and high IQ loves Nino.
Mga walang kwenta.
Itsuki. Philippines.
Nino Main girl confirmed
This post almost has more replies than ips in thread lmao
>Let's create a character that's surely going to be the most popular of the 5 for the only purpose to sell merch.
>Let's not make her the bride though, that's not her role! Ah, but still, let's give her arguably the highest focus in the manga. I'm such a fucking genious.
Read again
half of the replies are BBC Nino jokes
Italy, Itsuki
I see that Nino drugged Itsuki.
Show the maturity of Miku fags i guess
34 are the worst duo pity win.
Butthurt Mikufags can never resist an opportunity
Muh next. Nino is the bride or the last boss .
كيف كان الطقس في باريس؟
LGBT cloning tech.
Are you really falling for this? If you were to quote them all, a faggot would get a (You) from half of them
I have been shitposting in these threads for 2 years. Ask me anything
You should behave or we won't send you our dirty clothes as humanitarian aid.
that's what a filler tier character is yes. nino has had the same focus, they're both filler to set up for 45(+1) endgame.
Futarou runs after her no matter what.
antartica, yotsuba
*Fuutarou and Miku
Fuu-kun always looks at her
No, that's what a retard would think. The logic doesn't make sense. Also, Nino isn't half as popular as Miku is in Japan, they're in two completely different boats.
Did you enjoy C96?
Too much NTR ffs
There is literally nothing wrong with NTR.
Futarou is the one who matters here.
There's literally nothing wrong with anything if you think about it
Used and discarded plot device lmao
>Zero trust relationship
Why does Negi hate Ichika so much
Kill yourself
Of course. You are reading how she ends up becoming his bride.
Maybe I'm a speedreader, but what have some of these quints actually done FOR Fuutarou that has substance? The majority fell for him because of things he did for them, but Ichika, Nino, and Miku dont seem to do anything that Fuutarou takes to heart.
Ichika paid for the house, teased him a few times, but didnt actually do anything.
Nino awakened him to the fact that he's likeable sure, but other than a couple blushes by asserting her attraction, shes got nothing on him.
Miku took some of his lessons to heart and was helpful in getting the other quints to pass, but other than that, her entire story revolves around her feelings for Fuutarou and not Fuutarou's feelings for her. She spent weeks/months on the dead mom bread when she knew that Fuutarou didnt have functional taste buds.
Yotsuba's actions directly correlate with the things that made Fuutarou happy, like making his school trips fun, or getting him to befriend his classmates as a class rep. Raiha nudging him to take out Yotsuba in 36 and him having fun with his classmates in the beach chapter are all evidence of this.
Itsuki actions correlate to things that make Fuutarou's life less of a pain, like advising him on her sisters, which he takes to heart in scrambled eggs and pool chapter and in Mikus date chapter.
They all in some way help him get close to the other sisters like Ichika helping him get their phone numbers or Miku helping him find Nino in 7GB, but none quite like Itsuki does as the confidante and as Rena.
Shut up Yotsuba.
Oh yeah? Well your quint is a disposed plot gadget lmao
>Maybe I'm a speedreader
No, you are definitely a speed reader.
Sounding like an Ayumifag there
Why is Fuutarou dense with Ichika and Nino but not with Miku?
reddit manga
reddit thread
reddit board
Germany, Nino
China, Nino
Best girl
Nino 2nd
This isn't the Kaguya thread bro
Deal with it.
Anons, which quint would like disco music?
Thailand, Nino
>45 dominating sales
>new vanilla stuff
>new married preggo stuff
C96 was good.
Not a fan of the NTR or miku+oldman stuff or how fags post those here, but apples to oranges.
I hope Yotsuba would like to dance some Kool and the Gang and Earth, Wind and Fire songs.
If you had to remove 1 quint from the series and replace her with Takebayashi. Which quint would you remove?
not sure why this is always posted as "reddit is allowed" argument. Hiro there says that you can talk of Yea Forums on Reddit, not the other way around.
If Takebayashi was one of the quints Futarou wouldn't be needed.
Takebayashi is just a future Miku, they even look the same
They do look alike
>Takebayashi is just a future Miku
Why are you angry? I just stated the truth
This is not the Nino I signed up for
You've been schooled, bow out gracefully
How about this one?
I accept your defeat
Naw, what you wrote down correlates with the series. Ichika hasn't done anything for Fuutarou, while Fuutarou has done things for her. Call it whatever you want, but his kindness has always been there. Some could call it love, but it's not. Nino made Fuutarou's life really hard in the first part of the series, which made a lot of people in the beginning hate her quite a bit. She helped him out once with their father, but in the end that didn't change how she acted towards him until after 7GBs. Miku tried to get Fuutarou to quit because she was tired of him just viewing her as a student, while not taking anything into consideration. I wouldn't say she's as bad as Nino, but she did get in the way of his own life circumstances because of her own selfish desire. She has tried standing up to Nino for Fuutarou's sake, but that moment was overtaken by Itsuki's actions. She did make him some bread, but that doesn't really count as doing something for him. She's the one who chose to put all the effort into cooking all because he said he likes someone who is good at cooking. Miku is infatuated with Fuutarou, she "fell" in love with him before she even knew him, just like Nino. While Yotsuba has only tried to make Fuutarou happy and enjoy his life and she's succeed in that. Itsuki has helped Fuutarou with his romance issues, but she's also toyed with his past when it comes to Rena. So Itsuki has played the part of both being helpful and being unhelpful. Ichika, Nino, Miku, and Itsuki have all served as stepping stones for Fuutarou to learn how to love someone. He learned from Ichika that not being honest with yourself and to others can cause pain. He learned from Nino that you can unexpected fall in love with someone you never thought you'd fall for. With Miku he learned that love requires effort. With Itsuki he's learned to experience things for himself instead of relying on a book.
Nino didn't fall in love with him before she knew him. She fell in love with him after getting to know him.
...getting to know him is why she fell for him.
Other than that I agree.
>Miku is infatuated with Fuutarou, she "fell" in love with him before she even knew him
When will this end?
So is Nino a shotacon?
She is a BBCcon
Nino is a niggercon
Wait, it isn't?
not in this, or any timeline
In my opinion, with Nino's feelings I truly think they only exist because of all the parallels. So I just associated her feelings with Miku's since they have been paired together by the looks of it in the series. Her feelings don't really have much depth to them because she's been written like a Disney princess imo.
Explain to me why this girl shouldn't win.
Because she hasn't done anything to deserve it. She won't even tell him that she loves him.
Because she has no nose
The only thing she'll be winning is a rope.
All me.
>She won't even tell him that she loves him.
I think he's been suspecting her feelings for quite a while desu.
If this doesn't have a Harem end, I'll riot.
Then prepare the forks, user
So this is the manga through the glasses of a retarded metafag
the man is supposed to do the chasing.
He's right tho
Because she's lolikano. Lolikano is a horrible plotline.
>He actually took the time to write that
>People are taking the bait
Not sure which one's saddest
>Miku getting the white speech bubble
Is this the only time we have seen Fuutarou laugh from his heart and truly enjoy himself?
And guess who is involved.
Because black wouldn't show up as well with poop hair?
>Is this the only time we have seen Fuutarou laugh from his heart and truly enjoy himself?
That's (You).
because her despair is more delicious than any other quint
Coping hard at someone having a different opinion than you. I see...
because shes the bride
Not that user and I don't believe "the man" should do the chasing, but the protagonist should in a romance. A main character is chosen from the cast or written around because they can move the story along, otherwise you have an inactive protagonist that's just getting shoved around by events, in which case you'd just get a more interesting narrative out of the same story by changing the main perspective to someone else.
There's also the beach chapter, where all his classmates say he looks like hes having fun. Of course, this is also thanks to Yotsuba helping him get more involved in school activities.
>Fuutarou almost kills himself on a date with Yotsuba
What did Negi mean by this?
Is this his future if he chooses 4?
>high IQ
>loves nino
You are utterly pathetic Yotsubafag. You aren't worthy of my (You)s.
It's foreshadowing Yotsubas tragic suicide.
Nino herself has low IQ but that isn't the case for her future groom (Fuu-kun)
>Miku is infatuated with Fuutarou, she "fell" in love with him before she even knew him
This is what triggered 3fags.
>Exiting and stimulating things awaits in Fuutarou's future in he choose Yotsuba.
But that's not a bad thing user.
>كيف كان الطقس في باريس؟
>I'm the only one that loves you be grateful nerd!!
Someone put a fedora on her
yeah it's bad
>Miku tried to get Fuutarou to quit because she was tired of him just viewing her as a student, while not taking anything into consideration. I wouldn't say she's as bad as Nino, but she did get in the way of his own life circumstances because of her own selfish desire. She has tried standing up to Nino for Fuutarou's sake, but that moment was overtaken by Itsuki's actions. She did make him some bread, but that doesn't really count as doing something for him. She's the one who chose to put all the effort into cooking all because he said he likes someone who is good at cooking. Miku is infatuated with Fuutarou, she "fell" in love with him before she even knew him
Unironically this.
This. Currently a miku or a Nino end would simply boil down to "okay Nino/Miku, I let you choose me."
They can't handle the truth.
Transparent samefag
Where did they touch you?
Oh boy, here we go again.
Getting called out hurts, doesn't it?
>4 means death
At least try to come up with an argument instead of calling "falseflag!" Everything you don't like.
You don't bother with arguments so why should we?
I'm from Italy though and I like the quints (Ichika,Nino,Miku and Yotsuba) equally
Mikufags wanted Miku Confession in the classroom
Miku Rejection in the classroom
This one butthurt Mikufag needs something to do instead of getting buttburt and calling someone a falseflag or samefag when someone talks shit about their waifu
Not really, but hearing different opinions sure does hurt you tho.
You missed a quint
Why would be give up on best girl whom he have put in a great deal of effort to date?
>talks shit
It's not even talking shit, now he gets triggered by actual discussion.
Whatever let's you sleep at night
Same to you, careful to not dream about samefaggers.
Only a ESL nitpicks common grammar mistakes
user, this is the OG user that wrote this If what I wrote is incorrect then you can just point out what it is.
>il fait froid ce soir
>2fags and 3fags constantly clawing at each other for a 3rd place finish
You're turning on Yotsubafags now?
I don't understand people who want their waifu to be with Fuutarou. My waifu is mine and nobody else's.
Which quint winning would give Negi the "Hack" status indisputably?
Maybe for you, ESL.
nino belongs to everyone
>Fuut and Nino are in love with each other.
Go home
At this point Miku.
This one butthurt Nignofag needs something to do instead of getting buttburt and calling someone a falseflag or samefag when someone talks shit about their waifu
Hahahahahhaha you're trying to pin this onto Ninofags now?
Why so defensive?
i want my quint to be happy
Mikufag... this is sad...
Why so defensive? One liners don't make you right, you know?
>implying any of the other quints know shit about him
Yotsuba fell in love with him after a single day and was somehow in love for 5 years
Ichika loved him for 5 years after a single game of cards
Nino loved him after one bike ride
Only Itsuki having feelings for him actually makes sense
>nino belongs to everyone
Yup. That's right, respond to the falseflagger just to paint Mikubros in a bad light even if it means shutting up the thread, mommy must be so proud
Miku probably. Maybe Nino.
>let's misinterpret and cheapen everything! That'll make me look smart!
Hack is usually determined by popular opinion so basically anybody but Miku is a hack ending.
Are we supposed to babysit the mikufags?
>Nino loved him after one bike ride
5 minutes with a blonde wig
Yes, just like her sisters did during Kyoto
you're supposed to use your brain and stop responding to obvious baits
Bros, how does the official translation of "The Quintessential Quintuplets" by Kodansha compares to those of LHT, #dropout and Yea Forumsnonymous?
At the time she thought it was some relative of his
Hi, I'm going to start reading the manga. Who is the best girl? Convince me.
just remember, odds >>>>>> even an you'll be fine
You're so lucky I cannot visit these threads often
>Yotsuba fell in love with him after a single day
So did Fuutarou.
shop miku's face there and it would be perfect
Other than sounding nice it's completely unrelated to the plot so it's dumb
The one with the antenna hair on her head
Headphones > Stars > not important
The fat one isn't best girl but she's the one who's going to win so you should probably just learn to love her now.
What's that shit on her face?
Who are you calling the fat one when they all look the same??
don't bother reading it
just pick your favourite design, pretend you're reading it, and shitpost in the threads to your heart's content
Despite the shitposting in the toubun threads, they are all best girls and all best in their own way.
To convince you will mean spoiling everything.
Just read the manga, you'll know who fatty is.
They changed each other's lives.
Ichika card thing was kind of weak, but it's not like she fell head over heels for him the moment she saw him again. Her love grew over time.
And her feelings remained the same after finding out the truth, that's why she spent the whole of vol7 in denial about liking him
Miku was probably the kisser
Ichika, Nino and Yotsuba's motives have been portrayed as too obvious by Negi for a mystery and if Itsuki secretly had feelings for him then her motive would also become obvious.
Not saying it couldn't be the others but from a writing perspective it wouldn't make much sense to add the kiss for the others since it would be too hard to hide.
Itsuki (5) is the best, followed by Ichika (1), followed by the rest. 5 starts off really rough because she's designated first-girl, and in the beginning it feels like she gets a lot of attention just because she's first girl; in the second half of the manga, she gets less attention but becomes infinitely comfy with Fuutarou and I wound up really appreciating how genuine she is. She's a cute dork and I love her. Also she's a good enough sister that she has no desire to cuck her other sisters. 1 has a number of things going on for her that make her a really interesting character. She's torn between her career and her school for one, and then she's also torn between wanting to be a good older sister versus seizing the boy her sister(s) love for herself. She winds up falling to the dark side for a little bit and Negi handled it super poorly, but she had a lot of potential as a character. The other 3 are just character archetypes and are boring filler and I wish they'd quit taking up panel space.
fat/10 post
It makes narrative sense for Miku to be thr kisser.
I'm sorry your waifu is a trash deredere who hasn't been relevant for 30+ chapters after she told Fuutarou to 'prepare himself', a flip flopping doormat, or a genki-but-actually-despair autist who should neck herself.
1 and 5 as your two favourites is some based taste and if your 3rd favourite happens to be 4 then we could actually be brothers
sorry user, I really dislike Yotsuba as you can see from my post above. alas, the things that could have been.
You convinced me. 5 best girl!
>don't like 4
>so she's filler
Sounds like you feel threatened by Yotsuba.
So user likes filler characters
>me and the boys
But what makes Yotsuba really interesting is the despair not that childhood friend lolikano garbage or being genki or supportive or whatever stuff that comes with her archetype
13 and 5 are all great
2 and 4 are garbage
>I wound up really appreciating how genuine she is. She's a cute dork and I love her. Also she's a good enough sister that she has no desire to cuck her other sisters.
>but I don't like 4
Even though those things you say apply to 4 just as much?
You're a strange guy.
You're both retarded
There's one that is literally always eating.
Since Fuutarou started thinking of the bride as special, the only thing that matters is who he thought the kisser was at that moment (he would've later confirmed he was right), vol9 shows that he didn't suspect anything of Ichika, Yotsuba and Itsuki and that he only suspected Nino after ch71, Miku is the only one that doesn't get any thoughts or comments like that from Fuuts on that volume and given what happened on the day of the kiss and his thoughts right before it make it very likely that he thought about her at the moment
>Nino loved him after one bike ride
>5 minutes with a blonde wig
>Miku realized during her "help" confession that she knows nothing about him.
>Ichika is self centered like Miku she clearly don't care about Fuutarou.
>Yotsuba is always in her past and Yotsuba is love with Shotarou not the real Fuutarou!!
>Itsuki if she is in love with him, it's logical path after their strong friendship
Don't drop truth bombs here, you'll only get insulted
>25 best duo I hope Nino or Itsuki will winnnnnn..
Fuck 134 snake, doormat and suicide watch
I wouldn't post here if i cared about being insulted
Man Nino is so ugly in that picture.
You can clerly see the difference in post quality and knowledge between the average 2 and 3fag
I shouldn't have lumped her in as filler, that's 2 and 3 only. I think end game is going to be 4 and 5 with 1 as a dark horse pick which makes Yotsuba definitely not-filler. I just don't like her.
I think the problem with her despair backstory for me is that it came off too much as a 'pity me' sob story. It makes her seem weak and pathetic, and her interactions with F following the reveal have been weak and pathetic, and quite frankly all her suffering is self-inflicted and I think she deserves it. I found Ichika's struggle with whether or not to love Fuutarou to be much more compelling even if Negi butchered the execution of that part of her character in the end.
Yotsuba is anything but genuine. She's a coward, and the basis of her interactions with Fuutarou ever since they met in high school is a big deception due to her being too scared to own up for how she is. She forced Itsuki into helping with the deception too, even though Itsuki was clearly uncomfortable with the entire business.
What did she mean by this?
Why is Fuutaro blushing?
Holy Lord this amount of self delusion and coping
>at that moment
If he thought it was Miku he would've checked, he didn't check her lips. He can tell their lips apart.
>She forced Itsuki into helping with the deception too
Didn't know Yotsuba """""""forced""""""" Itsuki to buy those skan undies and then meet Fuutaro only to get NOWAYFAG'D.
Sound like something a deceptive coward would do.
Truth hurts.
>Here, let me just cherry pick this one instance and strip it of its narrative context so that it sounds like I actually read the manga
WOW and you cunts are the same fucks who say us Nino and Miku posters are the shitposters lol.
This is some high tier delusion and shit posting. Just take your
This picture looks like Nino is giving me three middle fingers at once.
thank you for your (you) donation
>marika fag too
r shit taste truly showing.
Not sure which is worse your taste or delusion.
That post sounds like something exactly a 23falseflsgger would write
Which quint would cause the most anal pain upon winning? I want to say Itsuki, but everyone expects the first girl to win in the back of their mind anways.
classic attempt at deflection, nice job!
Reminder Yotsuba was already btfo.
sorry, wrong smug girl
I wonder which fanbase should I demolish next, Ichikafags are irrelevant so no profit there, 5fags have gotten pretty retarded.
Around 30 threads of pushing Itsuki in the most annoying way possible down everyone's throats should make them the next Mikufags from my experienced calculations.
Anyone up for it?
Who's the cuter quint strictly based on looks alone? Pic not necessarily related
Nino. But conversely she's also the one who's going to dig up the most salt if she loses. All roads lead to ruin.
Tie between Miku and Itsuki.
I'd say Yotsuba with Itsuki and Miku not far behind. Ichika and Nino have more of a "sexy" look.
5fags are already pushing their own threads, it's weird to not see Chadebayashi or Itsuki at the top of these threads recently.
It would still be Ichika, but the next cutest is probably Yotsuba.
cutest is probably Itsuki.
Tie between Miku and Itsuki
If it's just looks you can't beat the fluff.
t. closeted homo sexual
Cuteness and not sexyness?
Ponytail Yotsuba or zetsuba is peak cuteness. The other 4 can't compare.
>cuter quint strictly based on looks alone
The only correct answer
yeah no, Yotsuba's design is way cuter.
Let's put the Lolikano, life changing meeting, ally since the beginning, and "support you with everything I got" stuff aside.
Which quint makes Fuutaro the happiest?
It's 4-chan
Yotsuba is more sex appeal than cuteness though. She's the most fapped to quint despite not being the most popular for a reason. Even Negi thinks she's for lewding.
>Yotsuba is more sex appeal than cuteness though
She doesn't. The fact that the picture you posted is a cutesy-pedoish art style shows she's a cute type.
also canonically wrong panties
For Fuutarou only. Unlike Miku who wanted to show her boobs in a public place with children.
Yotsuba is not more sex appeal than cuteness. 12 are the sexy quints and 345 are the cute ones. 5 pulls off sexy better than 34 though.
25 have the better balance between cute and sexy while the others are farther towards the ends of their respective categories and farther from the center.
> If your quint loses
Gotoubun no Hanayome is the official romanization, user. So, no Ifs.
>lewding Yotsuba
Die in a fire.
You couldn't be more wrong
>Threads lead by Mikufags are fucking cancer
>Threads lead by literally any other quint are readable
Mikufags are reddit. Draw your own conclusions from there.
Rent free
1 : A JAV actor
2 : The Dad
3 : An old geezer
4 : A sperm donor
5 : A student
Fuutarou will be with sidetail-chan.
Miku is the only one Fuu hasn't seen naked
Other way around buddy
Nope, it's right the way he said it.
Do you think Ichika will do interracial scenes?
>>got his crush Rena NTR'D by disease
I knew it, Yotsuba is the bride.
He's seen her take off her tights which has infinitely more sex appeal
t. Fuutarou
Maybe if it were someone who carried herself better than Miku.
With Miku it's not that appealing.
>anatomically incorrect
opinion invalidated. try again with an actual fappable picture.
I want to lick Miku
> the irony of this coming from a 42chaptersfag
We know Takeda.
Does not compute.
Nino a bitch
She still doesn't know any of that. Wtf you talking about
Itsuki no!
Evens > Odds
This would happen in canon as well, because that's how shitty Ichika is.
>Ichika completely forgot she cucked Yotsuba back when they talked at the inn
>fast forward to Kyoto
>"I've fallen for you ever since we played poker back then,it was my fondest memory"
Cope ninonigger.
Serious question, why am I supposed to feel sorry for this bitch?
She deserves all her suffering, no one forced her to be selfish and treat her sisters like shit in middle school. It is her fault to be as she is.
Original OP here. I think youre underplaying Itsukis role in Fuutarous life. As I see it, Fuutarou has the following priorities:
> Taking care of Raiha
> Having fun in his youth
> Escaping debt/becoming successful
> Helping quints graduate
all of these address one underlying issue, Fuutarou wanting to feel necessary.
Itsuki has constantly been the one assuring him that the quints need him, and that even if he wasnt necessary in their eventual choice of career, that at the very least they appreciated his time. Meanwhile shes also the closest to Raiha with Yotsuba a close second. I dont want a boring 1st girl wins again, but I have to respect that 5 has a ton of shit going right for her.
Not to mention Fuutatou might believe shes lolikano/rena. Shes trying her hardest to be like a mom to her sisters and Fuutarou knows that lolikano originally worked hard for her mom. Itsuki is the one echoing the lolikano promise the most ever since Yotsuba gave up. And that worries me.
not even him, but there's literally nothing wrong with what he said.
You honestly shouldn't. She was shit. Now she's pretty nice though.
hope negi goes absolute madman and pulls a harem ending just to fuck with everyone here.
He already said he won't. It wasn't ambiguous either.
I remember. I just want to be in denial.
It all comes down to your preference really. I appreciate her cause she paid the price of her wrongdoings and she is willing to try and care for Fuu's wellbeing and all. Wish she was less passive though
Don't think he could possibly be...I dunno...lying?
The correct answer is Ichika or Yotsuba.
>assuring him that the quints need him
With how he behave I honestly think he doesn't feel like he's necessary to them. Both Ichika, Miku, and Itsuki are going down their own paths, the first hint was with Itsuki, the second one was with Ichika, and the third one with Miku. Itsuki claims he's necessary to them, but I don't believe he thinks that. As far as with Raiha I honestly don't see it as a negative or a positive. She's his sister, Itsuki likes her and they're friends. At this moment I don't think it plays that big of a role, granted it could change later on. If Fuutarou believes lolikano is Itsuki, then he's most likely moved on from her already. But one thing that's constantly talked about in this series is change, Fuutarou changed after meeting lolikano. The same thing happened with Yotsuba. Itsuki hasn't changed and she still acts like how they acted 5 years ago. So I don't really think Fuutarou will fall in love with Itsuki just because of how she behaves like lolikano since Fuutarou really admired the part of lolikano that didn't act like the other ones. Yotsuba told Itsuki to act like she did 5 years ago, but we already know the girl from 5 years ago(lolikano) wasn't acting like the other 4.
No Lardski is an irrelevant whorelet who is a waste of ink in the manga. She does nothing but eat for fat jokes and her cringey speeches has no effect whatsoever to Fuutarou and the story.
Reminder that Itsuki will never be in the Fuutarou bowl. If that were the case we would have seen foreshadowing of it like we saw with Yotsuba.
Idk blacks, but whites definitely, since most asians love WC.
There're anons who couldn't see Yotsuba coming. Who's to say that Itsuki isn't the obvious winner and that everyone doubting it isn't just as blind?
He'll user. He just wants to make everyone mad afterwards.
Ok, Itsuki.
Snekchika, Meeku, Yotsuicide and Lardski are just filler quints used to develop the romance between Nino and Fuutarou. Anyone who doesn't see that is an autistic retard or clinically blind. You retards just fapped to the quint whorelet of your choice too much that you cannot see the tons of evidences that Nino is the bride.
I lurked for almost 8 years before actually posted something. Lurk more retard.
1. Hottest
2. Exquisitiest
3. Sexiest
4. Cutest
5. Prettiest
Why would he? Wouldn't it just make more sense not to make a comment at all?
>3. Sexiest
You have to be kidding.
>What did she mean by this?
>Why is Fuutaro blushing?
Fuutarou was thinking in his one true love
God a wish she stick her middle finger inside my ass while grabbing my cock with her other hand
Do it Yotsuba, do it!
Humm... actually, let me fix that:
> 3. Cutest
> 4. Sexiest
Since Yotsuba is athletic and all
Eatsuki with no ahoge
At first with white people, then as her career begins to fall she resorts to black and Hispanics, the last straw will be with Aboriginals. By then her vagina will be very loose just as her anus, she'll have to wear diapers.
This is illegal
>literally 1 quint is emphasised as the bride
>negi says he's dissapointed people think it'll be a harem end when he's made it clear
>people STILL think it's harem end and he's lying
i dunno about that one.
Don't talk about my sister Nino like that.
>Fuutarou would rather eat Itsukis panties rather than her croissant
I finally got the script for the vanilla Miku doujin done.
email: [email protected]
you gonna translate any more toubun doujins? The mikurare one is definitely worthy.
Will get started on this immediately.
what a boring doujin
Damn, hes really obsessed with Mikufags, jesus christ
Reading pretty damn fast there buddy
should try slowing down.
You know you'll do it Nino
Yeah, there will be more worked on.
Reach out if you have questions.
I know.
Nice catch
What are you on about?
Why are the quints so afraid of TakeStacy, anons?
Been away for a few hours and read the thread. I usually dont comment of 23 shit flinging but a dew anons were on overdrive this thread.
You sure you don't have a persecution complex?
Itsuki has no budding feelings for Fuutarou. Nothing. Zero. Nada.
user, I...
Yeah, I'm not gonna be a part of this, you fucking attention whore.
Nino is the current rep for You're Waifu. If you want to keep her there for the Autumn Babby Cup, or replace her with the obviously better sister (you know who she is) now is the time.
Can you translate the one with Yotsuba?
t. Itsuki.
because they didn't have the alpha sister to put her in her place.
Fuck off
Nah, Nino is you're waifu. Definitely.
>INB4 filename
go play hopscotch in traffic I just fixed it.
Are you anons ready to watch your quint lose? I'm mentally prepared already since I'm a 4fag and we just want Yotsuba to be happy.
>Are you anons ready to watch your quint lose?
She already accepted defeat.
Yeah, Mikus chances are slim but whatever. I'm just happy shes achieved so much
Yotsuba still has like 30% chance. Itsuki has 50% chance, Ichika has 20% chance.
Go back
ooba booga I eat your quints chances
I put odds at 80% on Itsuki, 20% on Yotsuba, 10% on Miku, 0% on Nino, and -10% on Ichika.
What Quint has the smelliest pussy?
3 >>> 5 >> 4 > 1 > 2
>Negative percentages
Unironically kill yourself
user cant into path
...Damn son.
user, why do you like the smell of BBC?
Anyone else notice that Nino isn't buying it?
I actually understood that, thanks
>too scared to confess so she dresses up as her sister
Ichika is the most beta quint
>being this bad at math
gee I wonder who could be behind this post
Yotsuba will never find happiness
What Quint would do scat sex?
Miku would be a natural, she'll love it.
Ichika only in front of camera as part of her job as a JAV actress.
Itsuki would think of it as a exotic meal.
Yotsuba out of despair would do it.
Nino Will not even think about doing it.
Nino handled Takebayashi pretty well all things considered.
We know Zetsuba.
I mean, sure. But at what cost? does 'My feeling will never change' sound like it will be good for her chances narrative-wise?
>Eat your quints chances.
>Itsuki is an user's quint too.
Hey! What are you doing Itsuki? No! You ate all of your chances to victory. Now Fuutarou isn't going to marry you idiot! You never liked him? That doesn't matter, now you need to marry papa Maruo, he's the only one who can pay your food without any problems.
I'd say in order of who handled it best:
5 > 2 > 3 > 4
>For Maruo
Itsuki wont NTR Nino like that.
Bukkorosu! Takebayashi!
Don't worry, Ichika can teach you math user.
>where is the cliffhanger of the chapter 99?? where is the bad event of this first day?
>where is Nino popularity go? and why Miku pancakes are so popular?
>why Nino thinks that Fuutarou doutb about her feelings?
>why Nino don't work with the boys group
>why Takebayashi comes from nowhere to teasing Fuutarou?
Ch100 was weird.So fuck Negi and your lie cliffhanger
Calm down you fucking chink. I cant understand what you're trying to say. Write that again after referencing a few English textbooks
Ask tieba
>500+ posts
and the bokubenfags said this was a dead series.
Based Korosuba
Last for Ichinude