Fairy Tail

More relevant than you're favorite franchise

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Damn autocorrect.

I'm always happy to get more Erza

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Wendy ryona in 2 weeks!

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What is this again?

I thought it was dead for good.


It's being developed by Gust so it's not going to be a musou or an arena brawler

And an RPG no other less so that's great!


You're right its just going to be shit

Any gameplay?

The only character that matters.

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It's an RPG

Why an RPG and not a fighting game?

Probably less effort. Such a shame.

an RPG games takes more effort than a Fighting game

A few animations and a lazy world map with shitty monsters seems easier to make than a moveset for ~20 characters.

I don't care a shit about fairy tail, will this game please my dick?
>inb4 cumbrain

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God fucking damn it, HxH was so close. Fuck you FT cumbrains.

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>42% FT
>44% story
oh no nononononononono

Huh they really took that under attention then.
Why didn't I knew about that poll before, I'd vote One Punch Man no contest


why percents don't add up?

So who actually likes Fairy Tail? Someone must, but all I ever see is people bashing it.

Fighting games are much more niche, they require a huge amount of dedication to git gud at whereas anyone can just pick up and play an RPG.

Eden zero is better

Hope thicc oppai loli is in the game

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I do but I agree with this

The girls are cute and the music in the anime adaptation is pretty decent. There's enough potential that a game might be good if it isn't completely half assed.


At least he almost took Natsu down along with him

I want to like it, but it's just so infuriatingly basic. Everything about it follows a predictable formula to the point where there is hardly any tension.
>You know the bad guys are all going to b one dimensional psychos who get off on destroying shit and hurting innocent civilians.
>Initially they totally outclass the heros, kicking then to the curb and getting theyr rocks off with some ryona
>Natsu/Grey/Erza will get pissed, reveal some bullshit power up, give generic friendship speech #2459, and then wail on the now shocked and horrified bad guys.
It's so predictable, that even when Mashima tried to subvert it, his subversion deviates so drastically from his original template that it in turn becomes predictable.

Multiple choice, most likely

I hope the game features cute yuri scenes.

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>Koei Tecmo
>The EA of Japan

Fairy Fail fans desperately clinging on a company which has been known for having bad practices to give them a "anime video game"

Glad something better like Bleach, Hunter x Hunter, One Punch Man, One Piece, etc wasn't chosen because that would have made things worse for the anime video games.

>koei musu shit developed by gust

I like it. I think Natsu's a decent MC. Though the whole him being E.N.D could have been done better.

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bamco is even worse with licenced anime games

That's already a given with Jump Force

hunterbros... storybros.....

Fairy tail maybe garbo, but I'll give mad props to Mashima. That means work ethic is insane. Love how he keeps in touch with his fans on social media.

Hes one of the few manga artist that isnt a fucking recluse

Starting a family with Levy is screwing him?

>bamco is even worse with licenced anime games
>one of the best licensed games was pushed by them

times change

>"Eden's Zero the video game? well lets see what this is about"
>comfortable space trucking segments where you steer the Eden's Zero through the stars, evading cosmic hazards like asteroids (you can mine that) and dogfights with enemy vessels in between teaching the robot how to swear like a sailor
>make landfall and suddenly we're playing a metroidvania where Shiki has to utilize his ether gear to traverse landscapes and achieve game campaign objectives
>sweat pouring down face when it transitions into a VN h-scene in Captain's Quarters or the Ether Bath

I do, it's got some pretty kino scenes

But I also understand why people might not like it, at the end of the day I don't really care I just wanna watch fights