Sword art Online

October 12th has been confirmed twitter.com/pkjd8I8/status/1169519608824336385

What scenes are you anons looking forward to seeing animated the most?

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Who are doing the OP and ED though? LiSA and Eir again? ASCA and ReoNa? Or a different combination this time around?

Hasn't been announced ye I'm afraid. Honestly hoping for someone new this time around. Aimer could be sweet.

When will best boy come back?

How exactly are they gonna squeeze 4 volumes into 24 episodes?

Eugeo? Never, but he and Kiritos homolust for eachother is what ultimately stops the latter from comitting suicide in the end of the arc.

Same way they always have. Every season so far has been 4 volumes for 24 episodes. Except Alicization which was 6 volumes for 24 EPs. They'll do just fine.

But if they tone down the gore I'm gonna scream.

well, they did a surprise in which the first episode was a 1-hour special for the 3rd season, so maybe another hour special or 2 for the rest of the episodes?

>What scenes are you anons looking forward to seeing animated the most?

Asuna impaled with a spear and near killed

Attached: I'm coming .jpg (564x751, 91K)

Is Alice relevant outside of this arc? I grew to like her a lot more than Asuna. Even if she's just a Saiba rip-off.

you ok kirito?
he makes the face as someone who just got raped/NTR'd

user, this is the final arc of the WN. The newest arc, Unital Ring, only has something like 2 volumes right now I think.

Kawahara said it wouldn't be impossible to bring Eugeo back, but he would only do it if he could find a way to fit it into the story and not lessen the impact.So all in all pretty unlikely.

Oh... Reki...

Attached: Reki 31313131311333.png (1103x1982, 1.77M)

Oh user. You have no idea.

Attached: Kirito_cheats.png (1276x715, 712K)

Kirito getting trapped inside his worst nightmares and eventually attempting suicide.

Also this:

Attached: Based soulsman.png (895x842, 81K)

It has one. And it's pretty good.

Attached: domestic abuse.png (480x480, 62K)

>they're unironically discussing shit taste online

Attached: 1562728740256.png (1227x1622, 674K)

Well, Kawahara has unironically made a far bigger impact on the industry than Togashi.

Probably not that difficult seeing as the first two series each covered 4 volumes.

SAO is having a 4 cour season at the moment. When was the last time HxH had a new chapter?

Oh, I'm not really up to speed with this series. Thanks for the heads up.

Attached: Kirito LE BLACK SWORDSMAN.jpg (500x838, 60K)

I really liked Eugeo's character progression. I really hope they don't bring him back. It would ruin everything that made the last season actually good.

>He doesn't know about D O U B L E B R A I N D E A D

Based, fuck that basic bitch Asuna. Punished Alice is perfection.

Attached: Punished Alice.jpg (850x629, 718K)

More like super-depression that actually braindead though.

youtube.com/watch?v=pUDUK-yvwQs cope hunterkek.

Pretty excited to see how they handle all the action but I'm most excited about the more emotional scenes like Asuna reuniting with Kirito,the whole section of Kirito walking through his life and the bit after everyone gets out of the UW

user I'm no doctor but your brain being starved of oxygen then later fried isn't what I'd call depression.

Sounds like dinner
Maybe Kirito is depressed over not being invited for dinner?

Can someone give me the context for pic related?

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It's from a Bd story called "If you were here..." it's a "what if" story about what would've happened if Kirito and Eugeo didn't get arrested and graduated the academy. followed by them becoming integrity knights.

It hasn't been translated yet so exact context is kinda hard. But thats the general plot.

He's only 1-time braindead, loss of oxygen sure.

But his brain didn't get fried, the power surge amblified his self-hatred and guilt after Eugeos death which is what crippled him in the first place. It's the same reason why he starts spazzing around whenever somebody takes the Blue rose sword from him.

I feel like crippleto may come off as comedic depending on how matsuoka handles it.

Someone post the suffering kirito copypasta

I have faith that if anyone can convey Kiritos distressed groaning correctly, it's Matsuoka.

>Having this little faith in chadsuoka
For shame

How are they going to handle all of the gore?

hey anons, here's your new progressive manga kizmel
say something nice about her and her artist, shiomi miyoshi

Attached: new progressive kizmel.png (758x899, 661K)

i dont have that but i have this

Attached: EDTfMNPX4AECoqM.jpg (640x920, 168K)

The new artist is so bad, especially compared the the last one who was brilliant.

you mean this?

Attached: kirito suffer e23.jpg (1089x613, 53K)

or this?

Attached: kirito suffers.png (860x1360, 227K)

or was it this?
this one's my favorite

Attached: kirito suffering.png (550x2890, 1.03M)

I'm gonna miss tawawa Asuna.

Same way they handled it in the first 2 cours. The really graphic stuff will get darkened. Otherwise it'll be fine.

The first half had no issue showing limbs getting cut off and for the most war WoU doesn't got further than that, there isn't many truly gory scenes Eugeos eyeball going pop and Chudelfuck getting skewered. There's just more violence in general. For some of the actually gory stuff they could also go the same route that they went with the twins backstory in EP 15.

Getting the mood right is more important than outright gore. For example. Gabe killing Alicia isn't gory in the slightest, but it's still chilling cause it's so fucked up.

This is what I was wondering too.
Are they going to be able to pull off a massive war with from all those people in the underworld and then later when all those Americans, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese? Wasn't the numbers 100,000+ people going at it massacring the Japanese? Not sure how A1 is going to pull this off. They better not skimp on their flagship anime.
I remember when they fucked over Gate and made it all friendly and shit. They cut out all the gore and scenes with massive amounts of people were replaced with small amounts. It was ridiculous. Parts where there was supposed to be a slaughter and invoke fear upon enemies was replaced with a girl literally twirling her fuckin weapon in circles doing nothing for several seconds because they didn't know how to animate that time gap and then just smacked people with the blunt side of her weapon instead of splitting them in half in droves.

Asuna is the true Mary sue

Regarding the gore, I think it should be fine. For the most part the gore isn't worse than in part 1, there is just a much larger volume of it. And the stuff that is worse will just get censored too, just like in part 1.

Probs lots of cgi for the armies though. Hopefully they'll make it look nice. The sword golem was very impressive.

you now remember the cave goblins from the first few eps
no matter how much we hope, it won't hold up to our expectations

WotU will be fine. They'll have to lower the scope of the armies I guess, and probably CGI the armies but as long as it's not some Overlord III shit it'll be fine.
Doesn't Alices Release Recollection kill like 10k of them?

Decent fight scenes
Fanatio fight was the only good one in the first part

The others were disappointing