What is the anime equivalent of OK Computer?

What is the anime equivalent of OK Computer?
Hard Mode: no Ergo Proxy for obvious reasons

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also In Rainbows is better

You fucking wish nigger, don't get me wrong, in rainbows is a fucking masterpiece but ok computer is their magnum opus.

Also Yea Forums is the last place anyone will ever talk about music, yet you are right, fuck this guy this is an anime board.

Ergo proxy a shit

I'd say something like NHK ni Youkoso. OKC is an entry-level album for people who went beyond the actual entry level for music. NHK is similar to that in the sense that it's more obscure than absolutely babby's first anime like all that popular shonenshit, eva, etc. but still very popular and well known.

There's people who actually believe eva is deep and underground, god i hate facebook.

Well, it kind of is if you're the type of person who is on Facebook. If you're not interested in anime Eva is the sort of thing you probably don't know about. Everyone has heard of Naruto Dragon-Ball or whatever, but Eva is slightly more hidden.

For me its The Bends

This user gets it.

That's a funny way of spelling Amnesiac.

"Not into anime" i'd say that they are actually watching almost every anime of the seasson, they are judt entry and i can't really blame them because i was one too, what vexes me is the need to tell other people how muxh they love anime and how deep they are, or sorta i don't really meddle with this people outside ocassional parties and shit, college is even worse than facebook.

There were fragments of music from Evangelion on the 18 hours of leaked OKC recording sessions, so that probably.

>like Eva for its message of accepting pain and finding happiness with other people
>entire fanbase is either dissecting the lore so they can have like five timelines of super convoluted backstory and "hidden meanings" or mindlessly reverent of the pretty colors and Christian iconography
>everyone who isn't a fan automatically assumes you're just a "tfw to smart" "2deep" shitter
Fuck Eva for being famous for all the wrong reasons


For starters eva was meant to be, a satire, we know for sure anno fucking hates his fanbase.

This, eva would be my favorite show whether whether it was extremely obscure or even more popular than it is now, its upsetting it's one of the most famous anime yet a majority of the "fans" completely misunderstand it.

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Well said.

Origin of Symmetry is better.

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Damn right it is, lemonsucker

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Except that everyone thinks like that

Not true, fans who like it because its "so deep", yet they are unable to explain anything about the show don't think like this.

They don't exist.

OK Computer = Steins;Gate

Fucking this, u can practically hear paranoid android when Okabe starts to mess up the present with the d-mail. And Exit Music for all the mayuri's deaths, just to finish with no surprises for the depressed okabe.

also so ra no wo to

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