Who wore it better?

Who wore it better?

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Other urls found in this thread:




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Notice how Yui just looks like a shrunk down adult woman, slender and tone. But Chi looks like an actual loli, slight chubbiness and an undeveloped skeletal frame, clearly she wore it better

The Mashimaro are just fat.

in a good way, not like shitsudomoe

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Lolis dont need clothes

But user, look at how FLAT Yui is

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There’s been plenty of threads for the shows separately, making a thread comparing similar two shows is not unusual

I dunno about that, the Colors are pretty tiny and even shrunk down, they don’t really have adult proportions

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What is wrong with Miu's lewd dreams about Chika?

Who's cuter?

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>I don’t like it so it’s forced
You have to go back

Miu is cuter than Sacchan but the Colors are cuter than the Mashimaros

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they're average

Miu is more lewd than cute.

It's not about that. You see, I think that a forced thread is a thread that has no real discussion and it's made multiple times for no reason, kinda like those coffee vs tea threads.

reddit might be more up to your speed

>You see, I think that a forced thread is a thread that has no real discussion and it's made multiple times for no reason
So in other words: Yea Forums

Yes, I do use it, but just not for anime related stuff. That insult has no real impact unless you're butthurt about the place, you know.

There's plenty of discussion around, take every thread about a new chapter from a manga or a new aired show for example.

Protips: do not give the daddyfucker any attention

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Are you telling me to not give you attention, user?

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And there’s plenty of threads for series’ that aren’t currently running or have any new chapters/episodes, get over yourself

Reminder that she’s evading at least four bans at the same time bans.verniy.xyz/main#1|A||

Attached: juju btfo.jpg (1678x156, 75K)

Then if you care so much, discuss the series or fuck off

The Colors are blowing pretty hard, aren’t they? I wonder how else that can be useful

Based mods. Remember: don’t reply, just report.
But user, being lewd IS cute

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That explains why (You) are still here, if you’re not going to contribute, then leave

I'm like an angel providing advice to help out other anons.

My apologies, her grammar wasn’t as horrible as it usually is so I didn’t recognize her at first

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More like a retard who shitposts threads she doesn’t like

Are you saying that I am improving? Thankies teacher.

Forgive my autism, but what are these outfits referring to?

No, just a good soul going around helping those in needs while learning english in the way to heaven. Such a nice person indeed.

Both Sacchan and Nono are cuter than Miu.

Attached: nono.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

But Nono is a hag


Nono is a pathetic wretch

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Sacchan is cuter. She got a powerup.

Attached: Mitsuboshi Colors v06_[繧ォ繝・Υ] 荳峨ヤ譏溘き繝ゥ繝シ繧コ 隨ャ06蟾サ_0071.png (1144x1611, 684K)

Isn't it obvious? It's meant to represent a demon, obviously some kind of Japanese folklore creature

What if I want to marry Sacchan but I also want to marry Miu?

infidelity is no good

You already know the answer to any question about you marrying someone 2D.

And if they were both okay with it?

There's nothing cute about a hairy sasquatch like this

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then all three of you will go to hell

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But user, they’re children

Even if she rubs Chika's chest to show what great friends they are?

Don't worry, user is not marrying anyone but his hand.

user's wife is adorable and hilarious

I'm willing to wait a bit.

You will have to wait a long time.

strike while the iron is hot, user


I think user is fated to miss that strike when there is no existing goal to begin with.

>hotpocket break time again

>implying they care about you

Imagine going to hell and having your soul tormented by lolis for all of eternity

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Hell is a place of punishment. You will have exactly what you don't want, sorry.

It would be horrible, they would tease you and tease you but you would eternally unable to fuck them

I believe the phrase is fuck while the loli is prime

I'm sure you are going to enjoy being teased in hell a lot by actually old grannies like the evil witch from the Disney's Snow White.

Why would an oni have a halo on their heads? Oni are supposed to be evil.

Lum, an old anime character that new fags get trolled for asking about.

>who whore it better?

Which one's more dangerous?

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>a tiger
>a loli
A tigerloli

The tiger, duh. Although your stupidity can be even more dangerous to the world, so congratulations, you are the most dangerous creature.

>A tigerloli

P-Please don't say it like that

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Are you scared or something?

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Why is user such a pussy? He can be beaten by nearly everyone.

That’s a very cute and funny letter Y you got there

Get that hag out of here.

And we could see her sweetly shaped vagoo

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Do you guys have mommy issues? Is that the problem here? Sure it must suck to have you as a son.

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This but unironically

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A lot of oni are traditionally depicted wearing tigerskin pelts to show their strength.

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Implied faceism too caelum.

I don't care about any of this desu I just wanna date Noa (or Miu or Sacchan)

loli haet pan

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>thread still alive
Someone has been very busy.

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loli liek pan

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I wish Pops had a magic wand somewhere in the back of his shop which could turn Nono back into a loli again.

I feel the same about you. Maybe if you were a child again we could fix what went so horrible wrong.

I wish I could show the Colors my magic wand.

We already know your father raping you is what’s wrong with you

It would be awful, absolutely nobody would ever want to be damned to an eternity of being horribly tortured by evil demon lolis

And I guess your mother wasn't very close to you, or maybe she was very clingy and that's why you end up hating grow up girls/became a manchild.

I can confirm neither is true, unlike you, as you’ve never denied being a little whore who took it from her father

Which Color is still a virgin?

Yui, which makes the thought of impregnating her even more arousing

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Nobody wants to see a little girl with a big pregnant belly.

The green one.

And why not?

Yeah, like who would want to see that lol like imagine being turned on by an illustration of one or maybe two little smiling blonde lolis at the beach with big pregnant bellies wtf gross right haha

We can just hope for a flashback chapter so we can see Nono and Moka together as loli.

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All them

Uh oh

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Well, except Sacchan of course. But that goes without saying.

Sacchan only does anal.

i will take sacchan's mom's virginity

She’s a hag though

Do NOT open this.

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A hag that can produce perfection is a good hag in my book.

What does that mean?

>a good hag

But who whore it better?

International Flight Training Center, obviously, what else? The Colors would be Fucking ashamed at your inability to Imagine

I liked the Colors but the Ichigo's are superior.

Attached: [GS] Ichigo Mashimaro - 01 (BD 1080p 8bit FLAC) [7D35A0A5].mkv_snapshot_03.17_[2017.11.15_23.09.00]. (1920x1080, 145K)

The Ichigos are gay.

no u

I wanna smash Yui to REENS

Is nobue the ultimate Yea Forums girl?
>no friends, as to hang out with 6th graders
>degenerate attraction towards lolis

she's literally me but i don't have a cute little sister with cute friends

To who these design appeal to?

Attached: I don't wanna be reens.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

>degenerate attraction towards lolis

user, that’s rape

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My penis

Younger kids (think Nick Jr. range) but also a certain subset of adults. For different reasons, obviously - kids self insert, while adults insert self. The former is clearly the main thrust of it, but Kotoha all but acknowledges the latter, albeit jokingly, when discussing how to get a ratings spike.

Or to put it in simpler terms: People that poop.

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Jesus, why is Yui’s face so fucking sexy when she cries?

Stop it. Think of how Yui would react.

>while adults insert self. The former is clearly the main thrust of it
I’d like to insert my adult self and thrust into the Colors, if you know what I mean

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But that actually makes this harder

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Are we ever going to get more translated Colors chapters?

Not if her eyes turn into pupils

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A real leader would take it with dignity.

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*pupils turn into hearts, for fuck’s sake

best taste ITT

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Okay but what if I do it until her eyes lose their pupils?

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Show it.

She is like if a male lolicon acted saintly their whole lives and God let them reincarnate as a female.

I'll wear them better

>not developing a fetish for oni girls

I didn't know that was possible

The costumes or the girls?

the cocksleeves

What would be the most ideal way to make these girls orgasm?

Two most likely scenarios: 1) Heavy petting under the guise of horseplay, transitioning into sumata. 2) Pops gives them a massager by accident. Kotoha gets it and mercilessly uses it on Sacchan (and possibly Yui.)

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>Heavy petting under the guise of horseplay

You play with them because they're a kid but you pull a fast one and start molesting them

The yurus wore it better

.Nono is cuter.

Damn, I wish I could see Nono naked.

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Why is Yui so rapeable?

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Correct. If we're talking about doing this at all, then obviously it would be best to ease them into it gently. There's no way they'll get off if they're tense.

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Heavy sleeper.

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Post the better version

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It’s official. I cannot look at any image of Yui blushing or crying no matter what context and not get a massive erection.


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Someone post the vocaroo

There's something about Yui but I can't put my finger on it

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I’d put all my fingers in Yui

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Nice, fan art I haven't seen before.

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But user, she’s too little. You should use one finger on her cute and funny place and be gentle with her.

Maybe he meant one at a time, working up from the pinky?

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That’s acceptable too, start small and then work your way up based on her response. She’s a timid fragile girl and she should be treated with care.

>she reads the thread
>anons constantly lewd her
How do you explain this to her?

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Miu is ugly.

We're just being a little extra daring. Eight year olds don't belong on Yea Forums, anyway.

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Miu is cute.

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Hell, I hope. But let's not talk about that.

What's the best episode and why is it the museum?

Attached: Colors.jpg (1600x900, 223K)

You should be banned for asking something like that on Yea Forums of all places

Sleepy thread

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Imagine fucking the colors


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That looks like a really inefficient way to power a gynoid.

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My cute little wife

What an awful thread.

>minimal amounts of shitposting
Actually one of the best Colors/Mashimaro threads we've had in a long time.

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>lolicon alarm

But it's full of lolicons. It's just awful.

It's been quite pleasant and fun so far actually. A nice change of pace. People love the Colors in their own way.

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That's kinda hot. It's like a tacit admission of Yui's sex appeal.

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Just by taking a quick look to the thread I wouldn't use the word pleasant or fun.

You most likely don't belong on Yea Forums then.

My favorite was the final episode, when they're running around selling strawberries. I hope there's a Season 2. Or at the very least that someone picks up translation of the manga.

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I've been posting since 2015 tho.

It sure would be nice if we didn't give this dedicated shitposter any more fucking attention.

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You sure enjoy pretending to be having fun but I only see a dead thread, and by looking at the time of some posts it seems like you guys were kinda doing their best to survive the night, gmorning btw

To be fair, it wasn't giving the usual hints of who it is until now.

Attached: sacchan.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Left is only liked by ironic lolicons.

I'm happy to let this thread die a peaceful death if the alternative is humoring some retarded attention whore. If someone wants to take the time to keep it from archiving for a bit longer, that's fine too. The thread has already more than served its purpose. It's been good fun.

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Yellow is the cutest Color, and the best average.

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So which one is the sadist, which one is the idiot, and which one is the moral one?

Huh, I thought I was being pretty obvious, This makes me happy, it mean my english is becoming better.

Bye-bye user, have a great day.

Yellow is the sadist, red is the idiot, and blue is the moral one. Prove me right.

Attached: Sacchan_cool.jpg (767x1226, 305K)

Kotoha's the sadist, Sacchan's the idiot, Yui's also the sadist

Yui is subtle about it most of the time, but she's the biggest bully of the three.

Yes, the translators said they will do their best but only if the lolicons from Yea Forums stop infesting these threads.

Yui is clearly the idiot. She fails to understand simple puns and are easily tricked.

That reminds me of someone.

This is the part you ask me who?, and I say you, and then I mock you for being easily tricked. Damn you are slow.

i like thread

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No, you don't. It's full of grumpy angry people that are too slow to take a joke.

Yep, a lot of grumpy ´people.

I like little girls.


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I also like big girls. I guess I have a girl fetish.

You like petite girls? That's great. At least you're not a weirdo like that Yuifag eww

Yui is a little girl though.

She's a child, there's a huge difference. Also a drawing, which makes you twice as dumb.

There isn't a huge difference, you're just a dumb ESL who doesn't understand the English language.

I think Yui wore it better.

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Are you saying people should love 3D children like they love 2D children here? You're sick!

True, but I do understand enough of what you are saying to get why you are an incel.


No, I'm just mocking user for being a grown up man infatuated with a cartoon as if he still was a five years old. I would love him to have a real gf to wake him up a bit and slap some sense.

Obviously I'm talking about a gal around his age, you know nothing too exaggerated