One Punch Man

New manga chapter today
Are we going to see more Garou?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I can't wait for Darkshine's fight.

Here's hoping it's not a thousand pages like the CE/PM fight

Who is Blast?

More fillershit.

I am Blast

Your mama

This guy


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I just finished season 2. it was really shit, does the manga have less time spent on "exposition" and people doing nothing but sitting and talking about boring shit for 10 minutes at a time? It was suuuper slow paced, it felt like i was watching an ongoing shounen anime adaption like one piece, not something thats supposed to be meticulously prepared chunk by chunk

>says it's suuper slow paced
>when it actually was rushed to oblivion

Manga has longer fight scenes like in every single fight of S2. They cut all of them short

And J.C Stuff is bullshit

Are you fuckign retarded? like are you a nigger? how does that contradict anything
If it was rushed, of course it would have much more lazy scenes of just a bunch of people sitting and talking with not much animation, what the fuck bro

Besides the animation quality, which is a personal thing whether it ruins the season for you or not, the story is basically 1:1 with the manga.
Like says, it's abridged in certain areas, but this is just kind of a slow part of the story in general.

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>new chapter today

It'll be delayed.

new chapter leak

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The last two came out on time

I wonder if ONE will ever get off his ass and do something

It got delayed.

So since half of the S-Class heroes left and joined the Neo-Heroes, what are the new ranks? Wiki still shows the original but half of them aren't even part of the Heroes Association anymore.

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wiki goes off rankings from where the manga currently is

There's 1.5 hours left in September 5th and Murata has 2 pages to complete + digital touch-up + scanning.

Generic tiddy girl

I expect the top A class heroes to be promoted to S class

They haven't updated their S-Class rankings yet.

thats not going to happen with sweet mask still at #1

Manga has even more of that bullshit, ignore it's existence.

It'll be out by late tonight

Why is she so prefect bros?

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Basically the only reason why most of the content i Season 2 exists is probably because the author realized if they just adapted the webcomic 1:1 into manga, Saitama would spend several years of manga or 2.8 anime cours without a single fight. The tournament, and Orochi, are there to give Saitama something to punch.

Actually I lied, he has a "fight" against Rover but that's literally it. He wouldn't have done anything in season 2 or most of season 3 until the end.

if dubs i am blast

is ONE hibernating i went away for two years and barely took 5 minutes to catch up to newest chapters of mob/opm

as much as people say it would be boring, when you hear the title "one punch man" you kinda want to see him one punch people.

because she's french

>felt like i was watching an ongoing shounen
Yeah, this is the exact part where it stops being a parody manga and tries to make you care about the stupid characters.

DO-S is better

dude it's like four and two retired and two joined the neo-heroes

Garou's introduction marks when the series begins to get worse, even without the terrible job JC Staff did. Its still good, but the Garou arc is much worse than the chapters from the beginning to meeting King. At least after the MA arc the Webcomic is starting to seem more like the beginning chapters.

I hope we don't have to piece this shit together and there's another roundtable like before Boros showed up which lists off all of their new ranks
I'm autistic about this stuff

Better at being Dead.

It tried to make you care about the characters since the first chapter

>New manga chapter today

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I don't remember any talking in the manga to be honest and all we get is action. Here's the whole case in short: it's JC staff user. They shortened every bloody fight scene there is more than to 1/3 of it's content and extended the talking scenes. And even the talking scenes that were genuinely funny they turned into a nonsensical badly delivered mess or a drama play. The manga is great and the trash of S2 has nothing to do with it, they cut many scenes in fights out and turned every fight into a retarded overcompressed turd. And less said about the pacing, Jesus. I cannot think of a single well executed fight scene except Garou vs. TTM. Either way, enjoy reading the webcomic, it's worth it and a masterpiece in itself. Then the manga which is just as good.
>thank god it went from development and an arc peak into a new story beginning
You're a complete insufferable retard. If development and subtle criticism in mangas is not your thing, go read some garbage shonen or a 'parody' manga, because OPM is neither and obviously isn't for you.

How is he lying? The manga chapters come out every second week.

the webcomic had a hiatus of exactly 2 years, it was during the height of Mob Psycho, which has now ended. Since then he started working on OPM-webcomic again, but the past few weeks there was another hiatus

>subtle criticisms in manga
The fuck do you even mean by this? Are you trying to say its satire? I'd agree with that, but there's nothing subtle about OPM in the slightest.

She just got sent up the road to the monster farm with Mosquito Girl

I want to her down her throat really hard to wash away that slutty smugness off her face

>"Heroes are posers"
>"morality is gray"
>"I will become justice through oppression"
>"People need to stop relying on the corrupt"
This arc is the opposite of subtle, it bashes the reader over the head with it's message multiple times towards the end.



The entire ending of MA was subtle criticism as was Garou's entire backstory. And it's not the only of it's kind, many opinions if ONE, dabs at standard writing tropes are criticised 'subtly' since they appear either as short opservations or comments by characters and by monsters on many occasions, or through comedic deliveries of certain situations. But if you cannot pick up all the references yourself then no one can help you.

the only ones who survived in Genus HoE were the Gorilla and not-Mai-chan

At the ending yes, but only because some readers are so dense they cannot read between the lines. But even before this arc ONE would purposely shove his criticism or two through short comments of all sorts of characters, and those were subtle, just as a humorous depiction of certain characters is. There's also the comedic delivery of situations which in other mangas would be treated either differently and often with a serious tone, those are in abundance. Those are mainly there to show certain things are given and underserved and inappropriate amount of either story importance or moral authority, whereas in OPM they don't mean jack shit. Genos' sad backstory for one same as Flashy's crazy approach to his own back story, and those are just one example of backstory crap criticism, the list goes on.

I'm saying the criticisms are extremely obvious and not subtle at all, but if your reading comprehension is this bad then no one can help you.

I don't think Garou's rants against darkshine, nor his flashback count as "towards the end". I like OPM but it's. Kt a very nuanced read, and definitely not subtle in the way you seem to be implying. I think shove is a good adjective you used, ONE does shove the themed down the readers throat.

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Those aren't the only examples or do you not know how to read my posts, some are obvious as shit some are subtle. The Garou thing was highlighted because sometimes, like I said, you have to exagerate because subtle will not always cut it. Same criticisms in the MA arc were delivered earlier in the manga before Garou was introduce but didn't have such an impact on the readers exactly because they were too subtle. If a monster that gets killed a few chapters after delivers a comment that's the opinion of the authors, is that obvious? No it's not because it can easily be interpreted by morons as just the opinion of that one monster and unimportant. Same as that assholish civilian who pointed out the contradiction the having a whole group of weak and incompetent heroes as opposed to a single competent one/Saitama. But for readers who read the manga a longer time and are familiar with the style, it can be picked up. For example, did people pick up on the criticism of PriPri Prisoner when Nyan and the Prisoners described his behaviour and psychology as disturbing and monstrous? Some of us picked it up, others though it was just a joke and the newfags can hardly figure it out unless they read the whole story several times.

>did people pick up on the criticism of PriPri Prisoner when Nyan and the Prisoners described his behaviour and psychology as disturbing and monstrous?
I dont think the gay rapist who runs around in the nude is going to be considered mentally sound by anyone. You haven't made a real point other than ONE writes some obvious stuff then hammers it home.

Aging is a curse

user, I appreciate that you have common sense but have you ever accidentally read or heard an opinion of a normalfag? Watch a youtube commentary, on accident of course, and observe how fucking stupid readers and watchers can be. Or god forbid go to reddit, I heard people are very smart and observant there.

>the asshole citizen giving a speech in front of a massive crowd and subtle
I don't think you know what subtle means. OPM isn't subtle in the slightest and you seem to just think you're smarter than you are.

Make a better argument, normalfags are more likely to get riled up over PPP being a gay stereotype as well as noticing he's not right in the head. Or perhaps you can personally vouch for how reddit feels on the matter?

And you're a contrarian shitposter. If something isn't obvious it's subtle, google the word and see all of it's meanings and usages. You can't expect OPM to deliver highly nuanced and symbolic messages like psychological mangas. In it's own style, yes certain messages are subtly delivered in OPM in some occasions, in others they have to be repeated for the imbeciles. If for example Saitama is purposely depicted as a man with not much ambition, someone who lives a simple life and has a simple approach to things that often pissed off not just the characters but the readers too, that character descripiton serves in delivery of a whole bunch of subtle messages through comparrison with other characters, often during conflict and not directly pointed out or stated. Secondly, tell me if DSK's comments about the intent to kill were talken seriously by readers? No, because of what I already said. Then you need to demonstrate the same thing with Saitama in order for the retarded readers to get it, thus not too subtle anymore like when a monster says it. Same idea of the intent to kill was repeated when Saitama claimed Garou wasn't serious because he never intended or aimed to kill anyone, so naturally the 'subtleness' was lost, which doesn't change the fact manx other messages still are left floating between the lines. If a message is delivered subtly it sometimes doesn't reach the audience which consists mostly of stupid shonenshitters who compare it to dumber mangas (In these threads there's a few ones who do that), and in OPM ONE often needs to repeat shit for the retards thus loosing the subtle tone.

So tell me, how many readers picked up that Flashy's backstory is a 'subtle' criticism of the hipocracy of brainless selfrighteousness? If you were around when the chapter came out, you'd notice many anons didn't see it that way and kept moralizing him, thus proving that a subtle message, which that chapter was, doesn't always cut it.

more like twitterfags and angry feminist bloggers.

Well I didn't know about that, but thanks for informing me about the redding gay stereotype opinion. Here's your argument: Tell me how OPM is very obvious and not occasionally subtle some more, it just seems like contrarian shitposting to me. You simply generalize with the other user and call it all one or the other, learn the difference between scene styles and delivery methods. You can't generalize OPM because it indeed uses a lot of different writing methods to deliver something, or maybe your standards are so fucking high you only accept some simbolic, psychological and artsy shit as 'subtle'.

If you're going to keep saying other people are imbeciles you could at least fix your spelling.

If you can't provide any actual subtle examples from the story why use some other person's post like it matters? Ant that user just reinforces how blunt the writing is.

the chapter's delayed
I am filled with despair

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How fucking dense do you have to be to not figure out both posts are by the same person, you never have the timing stamps? So much for IQ. Anyway, either answer to the given examples or fuck off. If a given message is not clear, has differences in interpretation by the readers, it's subtle. Flashy's story is one example. You never gave a counterargument to any example I gave, just throw shit around. If you want another random example, since there's many, here's one: Saitama wanted to excape the salaryman lifestyle and became a hero, his hobby became his only timespender. Then he joined the HA and started adapting to some rules that are indeed integral to a salaryman's lifestyle: having a timelimit to deliver certain results, stress, competition. Some he gave into for a while, other not so much. Right now he's just rising on the worker ladder instead of claiming his dominance, which he could at any time. There's a lot of implications between the lines and many of them aren't clearly stated or presented, you have to figure them out yourself. So either disprove every given example so far or fuck off.
>spellscheck faggot
Not an argument.

you even have the timing stamps* meant to say, apology to spellfag

More lies

Sweet Mask is going to take responsibility for the ones who left and step up to S-class probabaly.

>straddle the sun
What did he mean by this?

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Who is Leading Leader? Who is Blast? Who is God?
We will never know, fuck you baldy

>number one hero
>reality warper
I did it, it wasn't that hard

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fuck you, too

2 more days? Hours? Weeks? Pages?

No I mean what does that shitty google translation of straddle the sun mean? Does it mean there will be a lot of pages perhaps?

>both posts are by the same person
Usually people who quote themselves in an argument are autistic and I had better expectations for you. My bad won't make the same mistake twice. But your examples don't imply subtlety. Characters openly muse about Saitama's mindset and disposition, DSK followed up his lines about lethality immediately. The story is open that Garou is too soft in contrast with his self stated identity. What room is there for subtlety when the writer keeps talking about stuff as its happening or right after it?

He should finish when "the sun/day strides over". 2 more pages.

>DSK followed up his lines about lethality immediately

I am going to sleep, wake me up when the raws drop

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You're a desperate case of shitposting in every meaning of the word. People link their own posts all the time for the exact purpose of directing you to the arguments you haven't jet adressed for some strange reason. Only the retarded fucks do it 10 times in one thread. You obviously need to be linker to the other post, which is literally above the other post, because you showed in your reply that you're too retarded to see the content of any post besides the ones the reply directly to yours, despite it being right there infront of your nose. I cannot even begind to describe how fucking retarded you seem, same goes for not recognizing the same arguments and exactly same writing pattern. I repeat, either adress every argument I gave so far of fuck off. You wouldn't want me to waste my time tying them all over again or linking to the previous posts would you? You're capable of recognising posts and conversation flows right? You failed to do discredit or show any sign of brain activity in the post I'm replying to now so show how competent you are at detecting all posts made by me and discredit the given examples with proper arguments.

Guess ONE's AIDS gave him 3 months of hiatus.

wholesome image

Gay pedo pic. Can't wait for Zombieman getting his ass decimated some more.

New chapter is out!

thanks user!

The Armored Titan as Saitama

shit b8


No matter how much you fuck zombieman his anus will never prolapse

But I don't like gore...

>1/10th of his ass removed.
barely a flesh wound.


post the link or fuck off

It IS out.

BASED CAT. Fuck whatever bullshit you all waited for this chapter to be about, this is better.

So in other words he's a superfaggot.

drive knight is going to reappear on the surface and absolutely fuck up nyan next chapter
calling it

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woops wrong image

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Best cat.

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Smiles that must be protected.

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so basically genos is going to fight the cat

shadow ring also confirmed qt

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I guess this is just to remind us that compared to A-B class heroes, S class is insane. And when Kitty cat is murdered, we will see the rest of the s-class getting beatdown just like the webcomic sequence

I was just about to post it. What a scary image.

I'm in love

Feather can't catch a break.

post the link, niggas

Having pony tails underneath her headwrap is fucking dumb looking, it's impractical for a ninja and would be seen underneath the fabric. Shuriken hairbands are dumb too, only the mask makes sense but still looks stupid.

shut up faggot

Have a cat instead.

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But WDM would still wreck him

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>back to the support team filler jobbing just when things were getting in motion
My god, between ONE being a lazy motherfucker and this I'm feeling like shit now. What's next, will we see another chapter of them fighting Awakened Garou too in the future?
I don't give a fuck. This shit extends the current arc, which is already excessively long, for no reason.

The time for chin scritches and bellyrubs is over.

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You're an idiot. She has a beautiful face, it was not necessary to add those cretenic accessories to make her cute. They're only there to make her look more like some bnha hero bimbo.

Holy shit, the chapter actually was uploaded today.
Nyan appearing on the surface seems like a great setup for Genos to show up or something. It's about time he went to the MA base too.

Relax retard, there's been four updates in the span of 40 days. You'll get your fanservice soon enough.

but she looks cute though

and DEAD

>Beating up a dragon

Why are her tits hanging like bags of meat?

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that's what tits do

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We Namek now.

this is unironically going to be the next chapter

Maybe Genos could chase Nyan away at least, again.
Either way Genos is one of the few free S classes at the moment, he's definitely in that area and he should be showing up to go to MA right about now. He's quite likely to appear.

can't read on the official untranslated page

>hero bimbo.

Drive Knight mots likely, but I hope for Bang (or better my nigga Bomb) slaughtering the freak

>the cat actually gets to do something
Consider me impressed ONE

All the shitposting aside this really is a good update.

She'd still look cute without it look at her face. Why the fuck exaggerate and make her look like a fucking bnha wench, especially when the damn accessories don't even match up with the flat head depiction with the cloth on? The shuriken or pony tails can't hide underneath fabric like that, it's like tearing someone's robes of and discovering a suit of armor underneath, the fuck. Hope she looses that stupid look next chapter, Murata just needs tear that dumb mask off and mess up her hair.

Just get a gf if you want to fawn over a cute girl.

Thats perfect meme material.

But Genos is still at Saitamas apartment, it will probably be someone else saving the Support Squad.

It's shit.

So Shadow Ring gets destroyed on panel but Mizuki gets offpaneled?

Genos already noticed something going on outside the apartment.

Mizuki hasn't been beaten yet, look at the last page

Bang and Bomb are deep inside the base. Drive Knight or whatever disguise he's using is an option though.

Genos felt the earthquake when Saitama punched Rover, which was quite a few chapters ago, and he shows up again somewhere around this time in the webcomic. He's one of the most likely people to appear on the scene.

Obligatory: What killed the hype?

>do something
He just let jobbers do their job, it's fucking nothing.

Jesus Christ, reading this chapter by chapter is fucking insufferable. It has really cool choreography but the pacing is now even more fucked that it was before.


Check the middle panel of the last page, she is already on the ground.

So who's gonna deal with Mr. Whiskas over here?

Pretty sure I saw her on the ground.

I still have faith in ONE pulling a gag with Genos staying put until the base gets flipped.

Please no, that just means another chapter of filler.


not even a transition, from one panel to another.
Oh well, we got a good spread of her, still.

Maybe nobody stops the cat, and fat boy over there runs for his dear life until Tatsumaki does the thing.

when does translation

Can someone drop a download link for raw of the new chapter?

Did One-Shotter get hit in the head with his own bullet? And he's still okay because it hit his monocle?

Also Nyan is a reaction image goldmine.


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ah, didn't notice that because the screen of my laptop is too small. I figured the characters on the ground were ones that were previously beaten

Nyan losing AT ALL, be it Genos or Drive Knight, would greatly lessen the impact of the cadres right now. Aside from Saitama and Tatsumaki they're supposed to be winning.

You, the reader.

but he literally fled from PPP? While the latter was unharmed and only got a powerup from the encounter?

>bunch of A-C class heroes
Fodder seems more appropriate but even then it's underselling that he's actually menacing and not just being used for a joke like his last two encounters. You may not like it but it's good enough for me.

Read the scene again, dumbshit. But take off your power level glasses and actually read it.

Stop speedreading. He fled from PPP because he hates hugs. It was litterally the same kind of situation as Sweet Mask vs FU, just a comedic bad matchup.

>killing muziki
This will not stand
BRB going to Japan to have a firm talk with Murata

So he's DEAD right? That's why Needle Star got so pissed, just please tell me he's dead so this filler'd be worth it.

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Is Nyan planning to recapture Waganma or kill him? Is there any dialogue about that in the chapter?
Depending on that, you'll probably get your natural answer whether Nyan needs to be dealt with ASAP or not.

He got hit in his robotic eye dude.

>who da fuk is dis fat cracka??? do not speak language whitey!!! i shoot you now bitch!!!

doesn't change the fact that PPP was unharmed right after you dumbfucks

Nyan isn't even Pureblood lvl confirmed. What a fucking weakling.

It feels so unfair that the S-class always turn monster fodder into a bloody mess, while Nyan only makes shallow cuts on the fodder heroes. It's as if he had Garou's "no killing" policy.

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Genos is still not a level that he can 1 shot Dragons yet thats why I believe he wont be the one saving the A-C class heroes besides he needs to be intact when he meets the Cadres

>Still didn't take his power level glasses

Not wasting more time with you, enjoy being retarded.

Nyan is a housecat. He's an idiot who changes his mind every five minutes, and fucks around instead of getting to the point.

Oh fuck off

no hero die in OPM.

>no argument

>Genos is still not a level that he can 1 shot Dragons
He shaved a life off of elder centipede, I doubt many of the Cadre can survive that level of ordinance in a single instance and he's further increased his offensive output since then.

Like, Nyan would be vaporized instantly if Genos shows up. But I'm betting drive knight will do the job instead.

Well Needle start seemed pretty pissed, I'd say the bullet got to his brain and there's a bit of blood pouring out. Hope he's dead to make all this schlock worth it.

Are cats afraid of fire? Genos could just spook Nyan away again.

Nyan already had one silly weakness, I think that's enough.

>he's actually menacing
He's not shown it at all. For a disaster level dragon that got chosen to be a cadre over the ninjas, everything we've seen has been laughable.

There's no blood, just some broken glass.

You don't seems to get it. Elder is the PERFECT target for Genos, he's gigantic and slow, allowing Genos's attacks to be at their full potential. It's never gonna work on a small quick target. Genos couldn't hit Sonic at all for a good reason.

Some cats are some aren't. My cat got her whiskers burnt because the dumb thing wen't over a fire. She's ok though, now she fears it.

>Like, Nyan would be vaporized instantly if Genos shows up.
Nyan is probably too fast and agile for that. Genos' destructive power is pretty great but Elder was a huge ass target and he ended up inside of it because they both rammed heads with each other for fuck's sake.

>He's not shown it at all
OK dude, that's you I guess.

>Genos couldn't hit Sonic at all for a good reason.
You mean before or after he picked off a piece of Sonic's hair without the latter knowing realizing it right away?

There's some blood on the end near the eye itself, probably from entering his brain. He's dead, those sniper bullets pierce walls and airplanes.

>do lewd cover
This is the biggest offense

>You mean before or after he picked off a piece of Sonic's hair without the latter knowing realizing it right away?

Genos chased Sonic for like half an hour without a single hit. Once he got serious he could seemingly touch him, but then Sonic got serious too and he couldn't anymore.

i meant NO lewd cover
fuck me i'm pissed

Nyan is definitely low dragon but he's still a dragon, I doubt he'd go down in one hit to Genos. I think Genos would be able to win, though it would be tough.

Meant to reply to

I wont be surprised if we get some casualities, so far all we got for deaths are an HA executive and the Narinki Squad(which a lot of people didnt expect Mask to kill them).

>Nyan is probably too fast and agile for that.
Also Nyan is freakishly slippery. He can go through a 3mm orifice. It sounds kinda fucked up but theoretically he could slip right through Genos' cyborg body up close.

Gyoro doesn't promote low dragons. Nyan is just not taking his job seriously. He's also a terrible matchup for Genos, I'm talking scrap metal levels of don't do it.

>those sniper bullets pierce walls and airplanes.
when fired from a gun, yeah

first panel with Mizuki was lewd enough

Fuck yeah it was

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Great chapter. Based cat. Dis Mizuki's thighs. Fuck haters. Simple as

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Truly the best waifu

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user he's dead. There's blood over his face and under his head, and the heroes left his body there and are silent in anger and terror. Finally these pieces of shit are starting to die, based pussycat.

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So the question is just how fast is nyan in relations to a serious Sonic. We know something like awakened cockroach was too fast for a pinpoint shot but dragons aren't universally faster than other monsters. And being slippery isn't a major issue if larger radius beams are in effect. It really depends on if Genos is at liberty to use heavier shots, there are a lot of people lying around at the moment.

I'm just saying it's very possible for Genos to kill some of the Cadre in a single blow. Odds are ONE won't even have him do anything impressive with those new arms and upgrades but I can dream.

>clouds of air above him indicating he's still huffing and puffing
>user he's dead
Not him, but user, calm down. He's alive.

That monster face

Dude that's just him letting out his last breath.

>I'm just saying it's very possible for Genos to kill some of the Cadre in a single blow.
It's never gonna happen, no. Maybe with his full power core but it takes too much setup and can easily be dodged. cadres either have the speed or resistance to tank it.

>that's you
It's not. He's done nothing Deep Sea King couldn't do.

>cadres either have the speed or resistance to tank it.
That's not remotely true though? His standard blasts can chunk monsters no problem, his full blast core is excessive and not even really necessary here unless he's going after Rover or Orochi.

If creatures like fuhrer ugly and gums can get torn through by Bang, I'm more than confident Genos can shoot them dead easily. And given the current changes to black sperm genos is his hard counter until he fuses although that leaves the territory of one shotting an opponent. I know he's the buttmonkey of the series but just take an objective look at his feats even ONE (or maybe it Murata I forget) says he's one of the heavier hitters in the S-class despite his rank.

From a gun that's weaker than Nyan.

>His standard blasts can chunk monsters no problem
Random monsters. Even demons can tank his attacks.
> If creatures like fuhrer ugly and gums can get torn through by Bang, I'm more than confident Genos can shoot them dead easily
You underestimate Bang at full power WAY TOO DAMN MUCH. He's on several leagues higher than Genos.

Genos doesn't have the speed or resistance to keep up at all. His attacks have powers but can be easily avoided.

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When are you going to do a nude version?

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>Even demons can tank his attacks.
Which ones specifically because if you treat any classification as homogeneous you're missing the point. The manga has made it explicit that matchups are a factor in battles, it was a component in the webcomic but it's been highlighted more in the re-write. So even if DSK can survive those shots when he's dried out that doesn't mean every other threat can.
>He's on several leagues higher than Genos.
That's not what I'm led to believe by ONE's statement. Nor by what we're shown as far as how much Genos can deal out. Compare the core blast Genos uses against the asteroid to Bang using abandonment in the webcomic purely for hypothetical damage output. I rate the thing that can even maybe slow down the descent of an object that large as being leagues better than anything a single human martial artist can do. And that's both using their best techniques which require some measure of setup (charging, focus breath), what does that say about any of the far quicker to deploy attacks Genos can use?

I don't underestimate Bang at all, I'm just not going to lie and say that the stuff Genos has done in either medium doesn't put him at the very least in the same tier of offensive power.

bang is on the same level as darkshine, flash, and atomic kek, genos is nothing compared to him offensively or defensively

>Which ones specifically
A random ass one like Face Ripper.

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Yeah...not dead.

Darkshine and Bang are miles ahead Atomic and Flash.

Yeah, some anons are retarded like that. They unironically think that if Bang, going all out in Abandonment, can one-shot Fuhrer and Gums, anyone can do too and "pretty easily" or whatever. First a flashfag tried to argue that, now some retard tried to argue the same for Genos.

Attached: poison_faceripper.jpg (925x487, 293K)

except flash is the strongest S class aside from tats and blast

>bullet entering the brain, making him bleed from the front and back of the head

Ripper blocked that shot with his blades which sure, means he technicslly tanked a blast. But when he actually got hit he died in one hit.

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wrong. He died because Genos specifically shot through his mouth, making him explode from the inside. He noticed that his skin was tougher.

He did the same against Elder. Genos seems to understand that shooting inside is the best way to deal the most amount of damage.

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How can flashfags be this shameless when a basic Sonic attack is making him almost puke.

Holy shit this is somehow more cringe than your first post. Unironically have sex.

how can you retards act so retarded when he took a hit from awakened garou

Can you post the volume page where Genos makes that observation. I wasn't aware the volume changed that scene. It seems like the mouth shot in the original came purely out of convenience but I'll eat my words if face ripper did tank genos' blast with just his skin and not his knives.


you know if he was wearing that same jumpsuit that saitama uses doesn't that mean he came in contact with tailor?

woah, he took a hit and was 99,9 ko after that. Just enough to barely stand up and do nothing more. And "coincidentally" he was all fresh unlike the rest of the heroes who were exhausted.

He only hit his knives with his blast so there's no way Genos knows whether it would've worked on his body or not. Whether he targeted FaceRipper's mouth by chance or he wanted to maximize his damage is anyone's guess.

Garou wasn't being serious, he never aimed to kill him so it doesn't count as anything.

>Whether he targeted FaceRipper's mouth by chance or he wanted to maximize his damage is anyone's guess.
That's what I figured then.


You the drawfag that did the fubs redraw?

That's a drawing by a redditor, not our drawfag

Are flashfags actually this retarded or are you just false flagging?
Garou never meant to kill, massively held back against all the S classes to make them feel desperate and used different strength on all of them. He sent Pig God, who weighs an absolute fuckton, flying in a single punch. Do you unironically believe that Flash getting hit with the same force would even be alive? Rhetorical question.

Ah i see, i hope the drawfag does more lewd stuff he did a good job

>Are flashfags actually this retarded
Don't ask questions you know the answers to

Nyan is a big guy. He must be towering over even Mizuki, too.

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>fighting Awakened Garou
If anything, this chapter implies the a-classes will be out of the picture sooner than originally thought. Mizuki, a fan favorite, got fucking off-screened.

Not him and you're right. Only now that Nyan fucked them up and will chase after the kid a lot of pages will be taken away from the next chapter just to wrap up this situation.

Well, you forget something, Heroes want to kill, Monster want to make humans suffer, and cat do that in IRL too, so Nyan is like a really sadistic monster

The real blast are the friends we made along the way.

>He sent Pig God, who weighs an absolute fuckton
Weight has nothing to do with the ability to face-tank attacks without being moved or taking damage from them. It's silly to include this as proof that Pig God has better durability.

>Mizuki, a fan favorite, got fucking off-screened.
It wouldn't shock me if she has another moment later on where she returns the favor to Darkshine
I'd hesitate to count her out so quickly.


You are retarded. Weight is important in measuring force. Flash can't quick-regen. Flash is an insect compared to Pig God's sheer mass and both of them got casually bitchslapped into flying. If Flash got hit with the same amount of force that Garou punched Pig God with he'd be freaking dead or at best crippled for life. Flash doesn't have particularly tough skin either. And if Garou gave him the same treatment he gave Darkshine, Flash would be literally disintegrated into a pile of blood. It's a no-brainer that he not only held back against them all but also used very different amounts of force on them.

Why would Murata cocktease us with this and then jump ship to focus on the fucking cat?

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Having to wait months just to have a character you've been waiting for show up for five panels just so you can go another couple of months before seeing them again.

user, we're in an arc sequence that has a lot of fights and stuff going on at the same time. ONE wrote it, there you have it.

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if you read the webcomic you'd know Garou still have some times before fighting.

>Weight is important in measuring force.
Yep, in the world where Saitama can decide whether he wants to be kicked to the Moon or not or Genos' tiny ass doesn't get sent flying across the city when he takes hits from DSK, or when Bang/Bomb punch a giant centipede miles away after it was charging at them with it's giant body. Nullifying the affects of attacks is the basic package when it comes to superhuman fights that reach this level or you'd have people sent flying every single attack.

ONE hates his fans, that's all there is to it. This is punishment for something we did wrong.

You can't disregard shit as you please, idiot. Characters do get sent flying all the time and it's a point for both Pig God and Darkshine that they're extremely heavy and tough respectively. Awakened Garou casually sent both flying / on the ground but you're spilling your shitposting spaghetti over Flash not dying from one bitchslap because Garou didn't fucking bother. By your nonexistent logic Child Emperor is the most durable character of them all because he got up "relativaly okay" after Garou punched him, despite having no regen to rely on. It's insane how retarded flashfags are.

DSK wouldn't catch a blade with his eye or deflect bullets

Im ten... inches deep in your mom Keke

I love this cat

Rough translation, WIP

Cover Page

CHAPTER 116: Playtime

TEXT: This is “POWER”---

TEXT: Only justice remains unchanged.

Page 1

FLASH: I’m not seeing things…

FLASH: He is actually keeping up with me, at a pace far beyond normal people…!!

FLASH: This is becoming more troublesome than I had imagined…

Page 2


SAITAMA: This monster looks kinda familiar

SAITAMA: Say, haven’t we gone through here before

SAITAMA: Hey, don’t ignore me


SAITAMA: Don’t tell me…

SAITAMA: You’re actually lost?

thats what i thought too

Can i just say JESUS SHIT i did not expect Nyan's chesire cat's inpression at all? Turning the page and having that pop up in my face gave me quite a chill

Those curves, though.

Attached: nyan_curves.png (211x594, 108K)

Page 3

HEROE: Don’t let even one of them get away!!

Page 4


MONSTERS: Camping out here just to ambush us, you are despicable!

MONSTERS: How could a bunch of backup small fries…

HEROE: Like you’re the one to talk


MONSTER: Yaaaaah

Page 5

WAGANMA: Yihahahaha!! What’s up with this one, it’s so weak~~~!!

HEROE: Wa…Please go and hide, Waganma kun!


HEROE: Found another exit! I’ll leave this to you, Mr. Green!


HEROE: Phew---…I think we have sealed all exits except the one we are guarding

HEROE: Looks like the infiltration team have also done well

HEROE: We can continue to provide support once we get Waganma kun to safety

Blast is blast. Saitama’s only equal.

Page 6

HEROE: Just as I thought, this is nothing! These are monsters that ran away from battle out of fear

HEROE: Keep this up and we will achieve total victory


HEROE: That’s…

Page 7

WAGANMA: What’s the matter, that one looks weak and it’s all by itself! Finish it off

HEROE: …eh?

HEROE: I should have sealed all the exits over there…

HEROE: One-Shotter

HEROE: Roger

Page 8


Page 9


HEROE: One-Shotter…..!?

NYAN: Ah---what a surprise

Page 10

NYAN: It’s actually a bunch of weak heroes this time

NYAN: Come play with me, help me release some pressure

Page 11


WAGANMA: ……eh…?

HEROE: Damn you…

HEROE: Wait! That one is really strong

HEROE: We need to be cautious and work together in order to take it down

HEROE: Hm? Where did that cat go?

HEROE: Hey, you’re bleeding…



oh no

Page 12

NYAN: I am a Monster Association Cadre mew

NYAN: That said…I already quit


HEROE: Cadre…!?

NYAN: So that's all they've got

NYAN: Just like Gyoro Gyoro said, The Hero Association’s combat forces are actually pretty weak

NYAN: I knew that one underground was special. Escaping out here was definitely the right move…

post yfw the neoheroes dont rank individual members except they are all flat s-class or a-class or b-class.

That's stupid, you're stupid.

r/onepunchman is so bad it gave me aids.




>cool, I wonder what Water or Garou will do this chapter
>it's the fucking cat

What is this shit?


Why do you hate fun?

Page 13

NYAN: Form now on, I’ll follow my desires as a monster and do things my way

NYAN: I love playing with toys until they’re broken

NYAN: What’s the matter? Cat got your tongues


NYAN: Isn’t that the kid we took hostage


My theory was the tailor is blast, just older and the power is passed through the suit. He chose Saitama as his successor because Saitama wanted to be a hero. They did mention Blast was older in age now and he was a hero when tats was like 4

Uhhhhh, ONE wrote this so it's not filler. Enjoy your 200+ pages of Z-squad support.

haha dude are you speedreading again?
bang and bomb's attack got a elder centepede life.
genos attack of teeth and firebomb? nothing. no molting. in fact, elder smiled!
goddamn speedreaders why , its the slowest manga ever. easy to figure out.
bang is stronger than genos.

You can tell Murata rushed this chapter like his previous one. Mistakes everywhere.

On top of that, notice how they made it a point to mention Saitama originally wore his suit under his clothes out of embarrassment then stopped caring?

I feel like they did that so fans can't say "but wait he had powers before he had the suit" since the entire suit episode Saitama was still using human level strength to defeat thugs and low level monsters

What about him killing monsters naked?

Unlocked his powers not gives him powers lmao

Page 14

NYAN: So you got rescued, congratulations

WAGANMA: What are you all waiting for, it’s your job to defeat monsters, hurry up and finish him!!

SEKINGAR: Get over here, Waganma Kun

SEKINGAR: Return to Headquarters, run…!!

HERO: Even though we’re facing a cadre

HERO: It is our job to guarantee the child’s safe return

HERO: We will not allow you to lay a finger on him

HERO: Haah…

Page 15

NYAN: This is great. The theme of the game has been decided

NYAN: I will tear that child apart in front of you all

MIZUKI: Event…

Never share your retarded theories again please

Eat shit nigger why else would a tailor have indestructible threads that can survive blasting through a meteor? Why are the costumes identical? Why else did the tailor say cryptic shit like "I don't wanna get my hopes up again"

Page 16

MIZUKI: Discus throw!!!

Page 17

NYAN: You think you can immobilize me with this?


POISON: Even if it’s just a scratch

Page 18


POISON: No way

Page 19


NYAN: You really are weak

GREEN: It slipped out!?

You are helpless, go back to Naruto or wherever the fuck you came from.

Okay, so Nyan wants to kill Waganma. That means he'll have to be dealt with or scared away as quickly as possible by somebody arriving to the scene, unless the fat guy can somehow comically outjuke him for a while.

Have sex

>Characters do get sent flying all the time
And guess what, the times they aren't sent flying has nothing to do with them being fatasses does it?

>it's a point for both Pig God and Darkshine that they're extremely heavy and tough respectively
Post a time where Pig God's weight was stated to play a role in his fighting. You can't because it doesn't exist.

>spilling your shitposting spaghetti over Flash
I never said anything about Flash and I don't get why you won't stop bringing him up every chance you get. You're just as bad as Flashfag.

>By your nonexistent logic Child Emperor is the most durable
By my logic people who actually have feats of tanking attacks for people trying to kill them are durable. It's stupid to use Garou as an example for testing people's durability when he is obviously not trying to kill or really harm anyone.

Literally a two sentences you posted between the last two posts had to do with the original point about weight being a dumb way to to measure someone's durability and ability to not be moved. Almost all the rest of it was spent whining about Flash who I didn't even bring up. You're just as bad as Flashfag.

Good to know.



why would i dilate? im not a tranny

Page 20

FEATHER: How did it

Page 21

HERO: Yaaah

HERO: Argh…


NYAN: Now then

NYAN: Where’s that kid…


WAGANMA: Heeeey!! It’s going to catch up to us!

WAGANMA: Stop eating and pick up the pace, fatty!!

FUTOSHI: I have to, in order to replenish my energy supply…


I wonder how that'll play out and how many chapters it'll take.

>nothing. no molting.
Good thing molting isn't the only way to tell if he's suffered a near fatal attack if you use a little common sense. I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to say that Elder Centipede having to regenerate his internal organs across his entire body, as well as regenerate the face that was blown up as a result of Genos' attack, doesn't count as him "losing a life" and instead counts as nothing.
>in fact, elder smiled!
When you survive two potentially fatal attacks in 1 day you can gloat all you want.

No shit they aren't always flying, retard, they could be applying force to move themselves to counteract the opponent's force or they could simply not be punched that hard to send them flying, you dumb faggot. You think Genos weights one kilo and a half or something? You're a brainless shitter. And Pig God weighs an actual fuckton, where the manga makes a point to illustrate multiple times that moving and even transporting Pig God is ridiculously hard. However, Garou casually sends him flying in one punch. If Flash were to get punched with the same amount of force that sends fucking Pig God flying, Flash would die or get severely fucked up. Child Emperor would die too. Obviously. This isn't rocket science. Get treated like Darkshine was by Garou? Flash would be rendered a pile of intestines and blood. You're talking about "durability feats" but Flash has no honest to god durability feats - that's the whole point, quit going full retard over him or derailing threads because once in a blue moon Awakened Garou didn't give a shit about fighting him even remotely seriously and Flash, like everyone else, got played with and dunked on.

I'm bringing Flash up because the whole discussion was about him you dumb cunt. Keep up or shut up and quit derailing every discussion into whatever nonsense. Flashfags with their retardation and false flaggers are already cancer.

So how many chapters estimated until garou vs darkshine?

ah my favorite line in the manga.
font place holder text.

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ONE is truly a comedic genius

Of course Murata showed everyone but Mizuki getting destroyed by Nyan.

bang is much much stronger than genos.
see for example bang getting beaten and knocked around and still can walk.
where genos is in parts every fight.

metal bat is also stronger than genos. MB took on EC too, but was still able to fight/walk.

Anti-FlashFagFag, you're beyond saving. I don't know what Flash/FlashFag did to hurt you this much, but I pray you can calm the burning rage in your soul one day.

>waiting for a character
>complaining about other characters having more time
fuck you garou fags really need a life. go start garou: the manga where its just him flexing all day and fuck right off out of OPM.

this is after weeks and fucking weeks of garou fags guessing when the next chapter of garou would be. literal daily threads with page counts of how much garou we would be pussy deep in right now.
if only all of the rest of the plot got canned so this could be the garou show haha

I don't hate Flash. Flashfags and the false flaggers are retarded shitposters that should be gassed, however. Their obsession with wanking Flash, a guy who barely even fought anybody, over the smallest things and most importantly starting shitposting wars by dragging Bang, Atomic Samurai, other S classes or whoever else is utterly insane. You might as well be one of those faggots judging by your pretentiously defensive tone. You always do this trash. Start a shitposting war over Flash and then turn around as if you're the one being baited about poor babby Flash.

haha oh dear speedreader. its true. one of the characters said it already. ranking was causing heroes to crush/fight each other. that was a huge problem in the HA.

>Implying I'm a Garoufag
Check again, you faggot. I'm talking about Puri-Puri Prisoner and Zombieman.

Attached: 1543230435689.png (281x355, 33K)

saitama actually just got strong from eating the monsters.
same reason garou got strong, he ate the monsters.
same reason orochi is strongest, he eats other monsters.

honestly surprised no one has seen this pattern.
saitama defeats mushroom monster? saitama eats mushroom monster. saitama defeats seaweed monster? saitama eats the seaweed monster. hes done this a couple times so far.......

basically like eating monster cells except no limit.

Damn i'll have to start calling you son then because i've been eating your mum's ass so much i must've became your parent

I like Garou a lot and I fully expected some scenery with other characters coming in the next couple of chapters
This part of the arc is known for multiple events happening simultaneously
Some people probably didn't like the focus on the support team, but personally I found Nyan's portrayal really entertaining

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>bang and bomb hit EC with strongest attack
>EC molts
>genos attacks EC with everything
>EC tanks attack
>EC goes to attack the now completely jobbed genos and finish off bang and bomb who are out of moves and energy

ok sure genos really did a number on EC. thats why EC shrugged off genos blade attack and MB's bat attack with no problems.

oh wow you're a genosfag. that explains a lot.

you are reasonable user i like you.

It's always hilarious how hard people try to search for an explanation to Saitama's strength when it's been thoroughly spelt out.

Yes I know so why the fuck would they attempted to copy the HA's ranking system but make it worse?
Chapter is up.

It's up

>ok sure genos really did a number on EC
Nice backpeddle, by your logic Bang and Bomb also did a real number on him as well for all the good it did.
>thats why EC shrugged off genos blade attack and MB's bat attack with no problems.
This is your new argument because I don't care if he can face tank MB or Genos' blades. My point is his internal organs were made into a soup and his fake face was blown completely off. If you don't think that was near fatal for him I can't help you.
>oh wow you're a genosfag
I hate how OPM threads more than most treats anyone not shitting on a character and pointing out basic stuff as being a characterfag. Since you're so keen on downplaying him does that make you an anti-genosfag?

Which one is telling the truth?

The objective isn't to make him molt retard. Incinerating his whole insides is as lethal as breaking his carapace. In the end it doesn't matter because Elder asspulled his full recovery from all damage until Saitama one-punched him.

Nothing happens: the chapter

Dump it

>Waifu massacre: the chapter

>bang and bomb who are out of moves and energy
Not part of whatever argument you are having but that is factually wrong
Bang was about to bust out that Dragon killing move

Nyan~~, i want to see more of the cute crazy cat

>yfw WDM comes out of nowhere and kills Nyan

Its out

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I think it's more likely that Drive Knight will make his appearance and then escort the kid away from the zone

Attached: Screenshot_12.png (370x621, 302K)

For a second I thought the cut on her face went all across from the side of her lip to the opposite cheek

its sarcasm hoo boy.
EC shrugging off MB and Genos face attacks is a fact.

>near fatal internal organ on fire attack
>literally smiling
pick one.

well explain how you are ignoring facts, smiling, and generally imagining "fatal attacks" without any proof.
seriously, show me a panel in the manga or a scene in the anime where EC is hurt from genos flame attack.

God I want to cum inside her

I want her to rape me when she sneaks into my room.

>wasn't even replying to a garoufag
Paranoid traumatized schizo. But yeah you're right, Garou will ceirtanly be the main focus when the DS fight starts, it's all about him onwards.

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ok, imagine you are a HA executive.
you are in a dangerous battle situation.
instead of immediately whisking the hostage away, with a car , you stand there and wait for a powerful monster to show up.
THEN, you pick the slowest fattest character to run away with the rescued hostage.
just why? FATTON became a superhero.

He's bigger than 3P, ain't he? Nyan is fucking massive.

But all the cadres got sized up for the manga. ENW is humongous in his first fight. Fuhrer Ugly and Gums got bigger, too.

I don't think Drive Knight is going to kill Nyan. I think Nyan is going to lure Genos into the fight and is going to be a victim of Genos before the latter gets clobbered by Fuhrer and Gums. That way Genos doesn't just run straight off the road into death trying to save the shitty brat.

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Yeah, not having a plan, or plan B since the heroes decided to stay, to escort the kid fast out of there was pretty stupid.

It's pretty obvious that Waganma isn't going to die, and I don't think Nyan is going to kidnap him back into the base when he's afraid of Saitama, so obviously Nyan is no threat.

>EC shrugging off MB and Genos face attacks is a fact.
That is some new point you introduced for no reason other than deflecting it seems.

>>near fatal internal organ on fire attack
>>literally smiling
>pick one.
False dichotomy because he can do both.

>seriously, show me a panel in the manga or a scene in the anime where EC is hurt from genos flame attack.
For a guy who opened up with insults about speedreading, you sure outed yourself in a dumb way. Or are you going to insist this doesn't count as hurting elder centipede? You could have just accepted you were dumb but instead your not only doubling down, you're going for a hat trick of stupidity.

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Don't look at it from the reader's perspective. It's absolutely retarded to keep the hostage in the danger zone filled with the most dangerous monsters under the protection of some shitters that can't even handle a demon. If he gets saved it will be thanks to other competent hero, not them.

I'm pretty sure there are enough A-class heroes there to handle a Demon level threat. Maybe not Face Ripper or Deep Sea King, but they'd be able to handle most Demons.

Nyan is an unknown entity, and they didn't presume that he'd escape. They didn't have Waganma for more than a couple of minutes before Nyan showed up.

Garou got stronger from almost dying a couple of times. Sonic has gone nut first into an object of infinite density at multiple times the speed of sound, multiple times. I think we can all agree this is a far worse fate than almost dying.
Therefore Sonic is stronger than Garou.

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He casually attacked Puri Puri Prisoner and then left because he found him too much of a bother to deal with due to his gross personality.

It's pretty obvious from this chapter that Nyan never gave a shit about the MA and just wanted to fuck around.

Rhino Wresler easily dealt with all of them at the same time. And he was only upgraded to demon recently.
>Nyan is an unknown entity, and they didn't presume that he'd escape.
The whole raid is an unknown entity. The heroes are literally charging in blind. They have no idea what kind of monsters will come out.
>They didn't have Waganma for more than a couple of minutes
It takes more than a couple of minutes to seal all the exits in the city.

He made a mistake assH area, he could have drawn that better.

It goes without saying, this chapter just echoed what we all know, that the HA is incompetent and overconfident, especial in the S class. That executive guy planned to have CE escort the kid back but when they learn there is another kid and CE went back, his plan B didn't happen or took to long so the support team has to bring him along,

Oh wow that cat killed like everyone
Nearly everyone
>That feel when you make OCs only to kill them off
I hope someone can save them

I doubt he killed them.(especially feather since he appears later with that girl during tats v Saitama) Well except maybe one shotter but then again air puffs was still around his face. Also Mizuki got off paneled btfo.

Nyan is a cat, it will play with and torture its prey. He wants to kill Wagatama in front of them.


He’s a

not even one of does heroes is dead
they are all okay, nya looked like a demon level this chapter too
such a bad chapter

Was a confirmed qt

One caught a bullet with his head
I think he's dying

>replying to a confirmed retard
You know better

Such bait. What the fuck could he have done here that would be more dragon level than curving bullets and moving faster than A class heroes can see?

oh no, she's cute

yes, in the robot/mechanical eye patch
at worst he is getting a new cybernetic eye or something
>pic is literally the same but actually scary
isnt nyaa suppoust to be dragon and a candler?

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Even the s clas had trouble against the top of the MA
This shows that a)"s-class is something else"
And b) that you can't just simply kill a dragon

huh I dunno why but when I see her I think of La Blue Girl

You can, if they're weaker dragons. That's why making Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind Dragon was one of the stupidest changes in the manga. One of the few bad ones. I think Phoenix Man deserves the threat level, but he's also on the level of a cadre by the time he bites the dust, and now we're going to see Child Emperor job to spooky water blob.

isnt the point of the demons that the S class fight to show how strongh the S class is, and then the candlers come and show them there is allways a bigger fish? nyaa being such a weak candler really makes the rest of them look bad
the ninjas and phoenix man have show to be strongher than nyaa
whats the point of nyaa? so far he has been an unnecesarie addition

also this, they are underselling the dragons at the same time they are powercreeping them

Unless your s class I don't see how. Even a class have issues with demon levels. That's exempting even super strong ones like deep sea king or Choze unless your the disciples.

I think he's going to prove his worth before he finally bites the dust. Don't forget Orochi got punked by Saitama, so cadres getting BTFO isn't going to be anything special.

Also, Psykos gets clowned on by Fubuki, so...

The monsters are playing to the heroes weakness. Sperm Boy is literally trillions of copies that can win an attrition war and is fighting Atomic Samurai who actually would not do good in such situations, Hobo King has fireballs that out DPS Zombieman's regen, and Ugly Fuhrer makes Idol Man run away. Its not that the monsters are necessarily stronger, its more using the proper strategy and key choices can the monsters easily overwhelm the heroes.

the fatty is going to run into watchdogs territory where cat and dog will face off
isn't he?

It is literally impossible for Murata to draw an ugly female

>Psykos gets clowned on by Fubuki
after the whole "The S classs is insane" thing as the S class jobs to the dragons
the whole point of that scene was showing us that there was an actually rival to the S class, the surprice is kind of ruined now
a lot of them are just stright matches against their counter part
>i have more copies thant slashers you can make
>pig god getting ate by the other dragon
>ugly guy vs sweet mask
>instant regen vs instant kill
>psy vs psy
>genious boy vs water that only follows emotions

Q city is on the south coast of the continent and Z city is on the north coast so no, that's definitely not happening.

The surprise being that Fubuki BTFO'd a fucking cadre, and she's just a B-class.

Either Psykos is really weak, or Fubuki is S-class material. Not even S-class, but like high S-class, rank 6 or 7.

you just want to talk about fubuki dont you? if you want to ignore me fine

I'm not even that big of a fan of Fubuki, but she actually gets shit done, and I think that's a bit silly. Especially considering she was talking about how she could never make it to #1 of A-class or to S-class because of Sweet Mask, who has a worse track record than she does. In making the cadres trounce the S-class to scale them up, it also creates a problem when a weakling like Fubuki can take out a cadre like she's fucking Bang.

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>Either Psykos is really weak, or Fubuki is S-class material. Not even S-class, but like high S-class, rank 6 or 7.
retard it's explicitly outlined in the webcomic that she can fighter ESPers that are stronger than her by playing the same defense game she learned by growing up with THE STRONGEST ESPER ALIVE

Trips of truth

Already read past this arc in webcomic ver. and I'm not really thrilled about it anymore.

good for you buddy

A tactic that Tatsumaki no-sells literally the next arc saying that any esper worth their salt can just reverse it if they're stronger.

And also, Psykos was instrumental in downing Tatsumaki with the rest of the cadres.

based murata

Not him but the hit in the eye is not necesarrily there to indicate he's hit in a mechanical place but to demonstrate the precission of Nyan's deflection, as in back to the precise line where the bullet came from. He is bleeding from the front and back, what do you expect him to survive when those bullets pierce hard metal, other flying bullets and walls? And who's gonna give him a first aid in a dying state which he's in, all the heroes are down?
I'd say it's possible some of the heroes are alive and didn't die from the slashes, but others really might be dead and probably are. If not then the whole scene of terror in their eyes when Shooter got fucked and the horror cheshire cat grin were for nothing. They indicate a buildup to something more than another shitty fight and death is probably the case. Secondly, ONE likes to moralize things and Nyan was deflecting an attack, so in other words selfdefense and parrying. Shooter dying from his own death attack is typical ONE ironic writing and very likely, although not confirmed jet.

True and checked. user needs to learn how to read.

Checked your check

imagine thinking the strongest esper ever is a benchmark for anything like that kek

also based and checked

need picture of wanagma or whatever hitting mizuki's vagina with the bat and laughing

Cheshire cat feel.

fubuki has fought psykos before and knows her weakness / ego. fubuki won that fight too.
since she is b-class number 1 she said she could be a-class easily. she bounty hunts the a-class criminals.
also tatsumaki lost due to a sneak attack when distracted by black sperm, HE, ENW, GUMS, etc

lol, has a single hero actually died in this entire series?

what a boring chapter

no u

screencap me i dont care, nyaa didnt kill any of does heroes, and is not going to do it now, i will just be proved right whit time
you are desilutional if you think a heroe will die whitout any type of melodrama, or against a filler monster like nyaa, or whit such a fake killing atacks such as "external cuts whit some bleeding but the onlything destroyed was my weapond" or "o no my robotic eye was destroyed/ oh no he almost killed me with that but it totally failed and just leave me whit this cool scar"

this. i immediately thought of alice in wonderland when i saw that page.

if this panel had a strand of pubic hair peeking out it would be perfection


wheres 117?

Who's about to die as a true ONEJOB WOMAN.

her one job is being my waifu

in 2 weeks

>Worse track

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Amai Mask killed more bitches than Tats did
He gets the job done

How would this work though? Would there not be sharp, broken bits of metal fucking up his eyes then?

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To be fair, you can soften a blow by moving when you get hit compared to just standing there and taking it. That might allow Flash to reduce the damage he takes from Garou's hits. It also works the other way around, too. Sonic knows very well that speed = force due to his experience with running at extremely high speeds into a stationary object. He just pulled a Saitama on Flash.

She died?
Who should die was Waganma....

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The visual storytelling in this chapter was really nice with Nyan blocking the attacks.

Imagine that the eyelid was two fingers, and the knife was a cracker. You snap off a piece of the cracker, you don't get pieces of cracker between your fingers.

Be honest. Would you fuck Shadow Ring?

Yeah you fucking do what the fuck?

Nyan directly said that he wants to kill Waganma in front of the heroes. He's not going to kill the heroes before he does that, use sense here.

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I want to cum on her face mask

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What? Unless you have the crumbliest food on earth you'll get a solid piece between your fingers. The crumbs will go elsewhere, either fall down or knock against your hand at best.

That's probably the biggest feat showing a difference in powerlevel we've seen, outside anything related to Saitama.

>qt face
>decent body
yeah why not

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Am I taking crazy pills here? He literally 'grabbed' a metal blade with his eyelids. Then he used the force of his eyelids to snap the metal by twisting his neck up. The part of the metal that he grabbed with his eyelids would obviously still in held in his eyelids and thus scratching his eye up to hell.
>You snap off a piece of the cracker, you don't get pieces of cracker between your fingers.
THEN WHAT WERE YOU HOLDING ONTO WITH YOUR FINGERS? You can't magically hold onto nothing while you break the cracker, you were holding onto the cracker and when it broke the part you were holding onto would be between your fingers. WHAT THE SHIT AM I READING

are you fucking retarded
do you not understand how metal breaks?
metal is not glass- it doesn't shatter all over
it fractures along a weak point and the two pieces seperate

His eyeballs are probably harder than the blade too.

I considered waifu'ing her and shitposting every 2 hours all day, but i figured that was unhealthy.

You said there would be "broken bits" of metal between his eyelids, that's what I've been responding to. If you're just talking about the tip of the blade, I think the typical way to read it would be that he's just that good that he can catch the tip of the blade in the instant that it's between his eyelids. Eyelids still have width, even if it's small.

Yes and one of the two pieces would be in his eyelids? Am I fucking high what the fuck is going on?

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His eyeballs are probably harder than the blade too.

if it didn't damage his eye when he caught it and broke it, how would it magically hurt him AFTER it broke?


Murata did draw the knife shattering, so that's moot. Also besides the point, though.


R8 my new tattoo

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>filler this filler that
Sasuga fucking retards.

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OwO whats this

How is he so based?

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Don't forget AS, SM, ENW.

Why does Caped Baldy tank punches and brute force attacks all day but he always dodges, blocks, or breaks sword attacks? What would happen if a slash actually landed on him?

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slashes can damage clothing easily.

What the fuck is this shit then you fucking retards?

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Irrelevant to the solid bit still held within his eye.

more a gypsy than french

who gaf. this is one of the boldest knife catches i've ever seen in all media.
ranks right up there with jack burton catching the knife in big trouble in little china.

All in the reflexes, pal.

>can redirect a .50 caliber bullet with one finger
>this faggot thinks a CS:GO knife will hurt him
last (You) from me, retard

B-but that knife cost me 900 dollarydoos what do you mean it doesn't give me an advantage

Why is there always some retard trying to make an argument every time a chapter drops. Post your favorite moments from the chapter instead

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Would look weird and people would be creeped out, that's why ONE doesn't allow it.

based tats power mogging esperlet

you first

I mean we already seen nyan try a slash so attacks like that obviously don't work. Though this is s the same saitama that sometimes dodges blast attacks despite he can tank them under the excuse that sometimes his clothes may burn PR get singed. Even though Boros is the only enemy so far yo even damage the suit thus far.

This. Nigga remember how even above average psychcihs didn't know how to attack and defend at the same time and yet Mob who has never trained could do it just fine.


>saitama and tatsumaki's kid is OP

Wtf is this bro lmao

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Not that user but I'm going to assume it's about how the desire for power led to the opposite outcomes in the two of them?
Would have been a lot better if it didn't use fanart.

Then he would just facedownwards before opening his eye. It's not a hard concept.

>Gary's nightmare scenario

that guy is probably talking about the picture itself and why it's so shit instead of the message behind it lol

Saitama seeked thrill more than he did power tbvh, Garou had a distinct ideology, Saitama just followed a feeling and said "fook this salaryman shit, I wanted to fight bad guys". i just don't see the contrast point.

They're not opposites just because one is a hero and the other is a villain. I don't think anyone works as an opposite for Garou except for maybe Amai, but even that one is a reach.

fucking speedreader

orochi burned saitama's cape.


tiny black sperm and tiny rover are my current favorite characters.
i'm interested to see what ONE will do with the ninja parody stuff. hes great at turning genres on its head.
the CE v PM fight was the first time i've ever liked the kid calling a giant robot trope. maybe gundam wing is a close second?
ready to see tats v saitama round 2, but i'm hoping she falls madly in love with him due to hes the only one thats touched her since blast gave loli tats the dick

He barely burned it. Especially with the full on blast he used that shot Saitama far past even a subway.

His cape was in tatters after Boros

eat shit garoufag

I want Genos to shoot inside me.

he got kicked to the moon.

I already mentioned in previous post on Boros being the only guy so far to fully damage his clothes. Though really what are Saitama's gloves made out of.

the tailor having strong suit making material is because he makes suits for various heroes of all classes.

its not a magic suit that gives saitama power.
fuck this is a stupid theory.

>its not a magic suit that gives saitama power.
who the fuck ever thought that?

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>ever dying

Does Tank Top Master say "how can he be so strong, he doesn't even wear a tank top" or did I make that up in my head? I'm trying to find the chapter, but I don't see it.

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Narciciss, Crescent and double hole got offscreen’d.

nyan is pretty cute


When's Tatsumaki showing up again?

S class is insane sequence.

He says something like "Don't push yourself so hard, you're not wearing a tank top" to rider I think.

Why is A class so pathetic? They got destroyed by the fucking furry who ran away from Puri Puri Jobber. Are you telling they couldn't even hurt it a little bit?

I cant be the only one who finds the cat sexually attractive.
i mean look at those hips

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>The toxic C class is actually agile
>The fucking cat stopped it with a wink
>Everyone jobbed to him
Murata really tried to draw him scary this time, also really short

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what would he do if Saitama hit him?


He would end buried in a wall

Well for one puri puri has been getting stronger pulling out upgrades. A class and s class gap has always been huge even with the lowest ones. Hell emperor beat atomic's disciple's in a fight and he's not much of a frontal fighter.

Even demon levels are an issue to these guys.

Hi Blast!

Jesus, Murata fucked up the proportions here, first panel the arm looks small as fuck, next one it looks okay.

What is Nyan's weakness?

>when something gets closer to the camera it gets bigger
Is this hard for you to understand?

Love and clinginess

Does she have a chance with Flash or is he too homosexual/narcissistic for her?

As the old saying goes, "a cat is fine too".

Sometimes I forget this guy is S class

Why would he care for a relationship? Especially since he's been trained just to be a killing machine and nothing more.

Maybe I did make it up. I remember the three swordsmen here eating the demon fruit and Atomic Samurai killing all of them at once, but that didn't happen.

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user, what else do you think breasts are made of?

>cat is going to fight watchdogman next chapter

screenshot this

God I hope so.

why would i screenshot a theory on the level of blast theories? just a waste of space

The same weakness as everyone else.
Overwhelming strength

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What's the name of this hero?

Botanical Bondage

From season 2 onwards and through the manga I see it as a regular good vs bad anime that happens to have Saitama in it and he occasionally or accidently (in the case of the underground monster association base) shows up and destroys the big enemies without even realising he's just saved the world again.

I want to get squished by her juicy legs

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