I cannot believe some people think the Attack Titan's power is an asspull and the new chapter made the series "jump the shark" when this shit has been established and foreshadowed since Chapter fucking 1, SnK really is pleb filter and the criticisms for it can be really brainlet/speedreader tier.
I cannot believe some people think the Attack Titan's power is an asspull and the new chapter made the series "jump the...
Lmao snkfags imitating hunterfags with their explanation pics.
SNK is the new Bleach and you can't change my mind
>Survival story
>Introduce time travel
There is not a single story that brings up time travel that didn't go to shit as a result unless it's explicitly about time travel
Doctor Who is explicitly about timetravel, but clearly went to shit long ago
Attack on KINO
Through his father's memories he saw his own future memories. How the fuck does that make any sense?
SNK is the new Bleach and you can't change my mind
Well yeah, milk a series long enough and it'll eventually be shit.
You didn't even understand how it works, brainlet
Because when he dad saw his son's future memories, that was a memory he had. If is son could gain the ability to see his father's memories from the past, that would possibly be one of the memories he experiences. It really isn't that complicated.
To break it down further, if you remember something today, later on, you might remember remembering it. Then just add paths. It's very simple, it just doesn't sound like it.
>future Eren showed Grisha his memories of the future
>Eren saw his own future memories through Grisha's memories
It's not that hard
This shit is unreadable you autist, use some borders for the red writing.
eren gained his memories when he was living in his sackballs
>Eren saw his future through the memories his father saw of Eren's future that he revealed to his father in the future in order to fulfill his plans for the future
Has there ever been a deeper story in manga?
In what way?
Kek, pathetic.
Jesus fucking christ is not even timetravel u fucking retards and is not something we didn't know, god i hate speedreaders.
Isn't there a huge loophole?
Future Eren, by sending his memories backwards, convinced his father to murder the Reiss family and get the Founding. But he can only send the memories because of the Attack + Founding combination. This means that if Eren didn't influence Grisha, he would never be albe to send memories back.
The only explanation is that there are two different timelines and we are watching the second one. On the first one, Eren managed to get the Attack and the Founding on his own and, to change the grim future, decided to interfere with the past and make Grisha get the Founding himself.
Shippers are angry that we got plot instead of shipping material and fanservice, their simple brains just can't take a little bit of trama.
its too convoluted
Yes, you are right, it seems deterministic at first, but its actually not (i think, not really sure lol)
kruger got a memory from eren thanks to the attack titan special ability
grisha got a memory from eren about the rumbling thanks to the attack titan specia ability
people with royal blood can see past shifters memories tanks to their natura link to paths
eren thanks to having the founding wich also has a connection to paths gets transfered some of tose memories every time he touchs someone with royal blood
the day he touched historia hand he got a lot of his father memories, from the death of his sister to the day eren ate him, and between that he saw grisha watching eren's own future memory about the rumbling
the only time eren was able to influence something on his own was during him and zeke memory adventures thanks to the founding titan full power being unlocked
there is no
Are you alive EHbros?
I should have stopped reading this once they arrived at the sea
It became better afterwards, now with the whole memories/time shenanigans is where the problem lies.
So when eren kissed historias hand was when he saw himself through grishas memories of the night the reiss family died?
I guess he sees most of Girsha's and Kruger's memories and, since Future Eren also sent memories to Grisha, he also saw those future memories.
We don't have a conclusive answer yet, I believe.
it's called a stroke.
borders are the sides of the image, not the text.