
Is there anyone who can stand against the Daddy in the East and the overwhelming power of 「THE DOORS」?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He’s just a discount Kaiki, fuck him.

fuck you, papa shirogane "the wise daddy in the east" is fantastic

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Looks like a long way to go

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Stop she suffered enough

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I can't they're announcing S2 tomorrow

I think Maki x Papagane interactions could be gold

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Dead thread

Anyone excited for the live-action movie?

I kinda am actually
The japanese does make some pretty good comedy movies and i hope they don't disappoint me with this one

this shit is fucking wholesome

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What did it mean by this?

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At Shuchiin Academy, a hotbed of Stand users from Japan’s elite families, one girl stands at the top: Nagisa Kashiwagi and Stand 「LEMONADE」

Taking a muscular but lithe female form, it has an interlacing, somewhat pleated pattern of yellow and black, the latter of which is Teflon, with semicircular openings spread throughout. It’s face resembles a Kamen Rider mask with a braided ponytail at the back that extends to the waist.

Lemonade’s power is 「ACID」, which covers its entire body. This coating is more corrosive than the most powerful superacid known, antimony pentaflouride, and can quickly deprotonate flesh and metal, and effects Stands (and the users) that attack it. Nagisa can also create any acid she knows of if she wants to use those with other properties like explosions or neurotoxins. This acid abilty is on top of a pure strength and speed that surpasses that if Miyuki Shirogane’s A rated 「R.E.M.」.

To make her ability even more unfair, it has a secondary attack 「LOVE DROUGHT」that no one but herself knows about. This let’s her turn her acid into liquid bees that emerge from the holes in the Teflon and seek targets automatically based on sweatiness. Though Love Drought is slow, it is also relentless and difficult to see due to the clarity of acid.

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Every character has a counter.

Outside of memes no, hope it does well but that's not my thing.

Remember when this manga was good?

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I remember chapter 45

I would totally pay more than 1000 yen for his advice

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Her best friend, Maki Shijou, developed her own Stand in direct response to losing her love interest Tsubasa, 「SUPER BASS」

It takes a humanoid female form that with a light blue, almost white tinge and a texture ice or molded snow. It has a candy-cane like pink swirl on its arms and a long straight hair that in pink on one side and blonde on the other. Its body has eight subwoofers—two for eyes, two on the abdomen, one on each palm, and one on each kneecap. It’s lips are it’s most humanoid feature, puffy,
feminine, and pink.

Super Bass’s abilty is 「BASE」. While most people think of acid as the most deadly, highly caustic superbases can deprotonate matter as strongly or more strongly than acid in many cases, essentially turning flesh into soap. Super Bass produces a beat through its subwoofers and anything close enough to fee the vibrations will be coated in whatever base Maki choses. The problem is that these bases disappear when taken out of range, whereas attacking Lemonade with cover a Stand and it’s user in an acid that needs to be washed off to stop the damage. To counter this weakness, Super Bass can blow out one of its subwoofers, unleashing a pink caustic projectile with adhesive properties that is almost impossible to get rid of.

Alas for Maki, Super Bass only has a C in destructive power and a B in speed, so if she ever had to face Kashiwagi in battle she would still likely come up short.

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Is it even being released outside of Japan?

You know, it’s strange that more Japanese movies don’t make it to the west outside of anime. They were the 2nd biggest economy in the world until recently and they’re still the third biggest.

>Including spaces in Japanese
All of Ishigami's pairings are 0%, funnily enough.

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Of course not. They made some AV actress play as F.

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I love this most recent chapter, man. I like that hayasaka is wingmaning for kaguya by playing with fujiwara and I love that her expression when seeing kaguya and prez shows how weak she is to blatant romantic stuff despite seeming to be the type who would be completely immune to it. I love that prez's dad is the sham fortune teller giving good advice to tsubame when she needs it. I also love that he's so poor that he's being a mall fortune teller selling worthless trinkets to young women. And of course I really love kaguya and prez's moment.

I really enjoy this manga. I'm glad it exists.

I'm also curious as to how it'll release outside of theaters
Do they do web release or do they only do blu-ray? i'm not familiar at all
Do they even do cams or HDTS or shit like that

It's 3D, so no.

Picked the fuck up and apropiate.

I honestly would watch the LA just for F's actress

Also not sure if you're shitposting or not but she only does gravure i think
And that's only like softcore porn

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if that's true, they should have taken someone more attractive

no one

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>They made some AV actress play as F.
I'm going to need some codes user.

She is more cuter than Kanna.

Here is a short bonus chapter to celebrate the LA movie, occuring right after the fireworks

Cutest dab ever

Aka using social media to narrate the story is really going above and beyond what other mangaka are doing. It's so much better than white boxes with black text.

Oh shit
Korean anons pls come here

Excellent! I'd always wondered how that situation untangled.

Well, that explains why Kaguya thought of the fireworks as a double date. Wonder if this short will be included in Volume 16 as an extra.

what this mean

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>what is google drive

描き下ろし特別読切 ・花火の音は聞こえないその後

there's literally nothing stopping anyone from reading the extra chapter.
you don't even need to know japanese.


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>This whole chapter
Esto es El fin, ino retards.

How do you figure? We got the volume cover.

It's gonna be terrible, and you know it

There are retards who misinterpreted the chapter as Papagane telling Tsubame that she needs to fight against fate, even though she could "win" at any second of her choosing if she decided that's what she wanted. Which is Tsubame's arc. Figuring out whether or not she actually wants to do this for herself.

It's a pretty mixed flag, the way I see it, and merely informs us that Tsubame's own choices will have to count for something. Which is to say, she isn't just Ishigami's Impossible Challenge.

So when is this manga getting axed?

And Tsubame will defy fate and against all odds win the bowl.
All thanks to Shirogane.

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Yep. Complete misunderstanding, as predicted. Tsubame has the "odds" stacked on her side. It's incredibly unbalanced, even. She wins the moment she declares her win, unless she literally does nothing at all, makes no decisions, and so on, and even then it'd still take a massive effort from Miko to pull ahead.

What is Tsubame going against that's so hard to deal with, besides the fact that she's not sure if she wants to date Ishigami?

Ishi will go full 8man and stay alone

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>Tsubame has the "odds" stacked on her side.
Wew I guess the narrative of Mikofags completely changed in the span of one chapter.

I was about to drop this at the beginning but everything after "I can't hear the fireworks" has been sooth sailing baby.

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I'm going to take the bait. Miko's chances to win are based on the meta-scenario, not the in-universe. All it takes for Tsubame to win is to do something. Tsubame's challenge is deciding if that's something she wants to do or not. Sorting out her feelings and priorities.

Miko's chances are rooted in Tsubame doing next to nothing, or deciding she doesn't want to date Ishigami by the time she graduates. Or somehow magically changing her entire dynamic with Ishigami so extremely that he forgets all about Tsubame.

But Miko will probably win.

> Chapter Title: We Want to Talk About How to Excite a Man

> Title: Rut
> What sort of things can a woman do to make a man's heart pound?

> Make their heart pound, huh
> What's with that question, did you have someone in mind?

> The truth is.. I'm feeling stuck in a rut
> A rut!?
> You have a boyfriend, Kino!?
> A rut!!

> It's a phenomenon that happens to couples that have been together for a long time
> But of course, this wasn't what Karen was talking about!

> It always ends up in the same pattern...
> (Kaguya-sama is in a pinch)
> (The president arrives)
> Shinomiya!!
> Ends up!?
> How far have you gone!?
> A creative rut!! Kino Karen was currently in a slump!

Attached: kataritai1.jpg (850x1200, 212K)

> Title: She Doesn't Have a Boyfriend, But
> Last night
> Hm...

> My President x Kaguya-sama series has 11 volumes...
> I kind of want to write something different this time

> Every time, it's a plot where Kaguya-sama is surprised by the presidents manliness
> Shinomiya
> I'd like to reverse it and have the president be surprised for once!

> I don't have anyone in mind, but I really need a method to make a man's heart pound!
> Now I'm even more curious why

> Title: Toyosaki's Opinion
> I would like to hear lots of opinions!
> Let's see

> A girl who is straight laced in her school uniform
> (Does this suit me?)
> But for a date, she gets daring and wears something more revealing

> Hmm...
> President, do you hate this kind of clothing...?

> Wrong!
> What is this, a quiz?

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>11 volumes already
Considering she must be shipping them for less than a year she sure is fast.

>We Want to Talk About How to Excite a Man
Karen is a slut!

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> Title: Kazamatsuri's Opinion
> As for me
> Normally, when I'm having a friendly chat with some girls..

> Wrong!
> (The situation is lame!)
> Already!?

> Your delusions have no elegance!
> What were you expecting?

> Is this is all you can do...?
> Aren't you the one who asked us?

> Title: Kazamatsuri's Idea
> I've got an idea
> Women are creatures who like to be given special treatment

> Kino's is what makes our heart pound~ that's the the right answer!
> (Eh!? Then, you mean me!?)
> That's it!

> Well then
> How about... girls who worry about what makes guy's hearts pound!

> ...Thank you
> Damn- I was wrong!!

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I legit believe this is the cutest Kaguya has looked in the whole manga.

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This looks like a lewd chapter.

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Seven months, considering Miko still isn't in the SC. She's finishing a volume approximately every three weeks.

> Title: Erika's Opinion
> But wait! That was definitely the right answer
> (This is frustrating!)
> What are you guys talking about?

> We were discussing what a woman can do to make their heart pound
> That's easy!

> Gone is the era where girls are applauded just for being cute
> A strong and kind girl who can mutually support you, that's exciting!

> That's it!
> Really!!

> Title: It Makes no Sense
> certainly... until now, in order to portray the President as charming, I drew a cute Kaguya-sama

> But I'll create a story where Kaguya-sama protects the president using her inherent strength!
> It's coming... a wave of ideas are coming!!

> Good job, Erika! You really get it

> Wait! There's got to be something else!!
> I've already got what I need!
> Today's activities: Karen escaped her slump

> End line: Even with the student council disbanded, these girls are still..

I felt a bit bad for the guys this chapter. Also, casual Karen was super cute.

The next chapter preview says "Election season is still continuing!?" Is it time for Miko, yet?

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I wonder why Karen didn't try asking editor Ishigami for help

I love how they both look, like it didn't even matter who confessed, they're just ecstatic that they finally got past that hangup.

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Thank you based TL user.
I'm surprised we still didn't get a chapter about when Shirogane asked Kaguya to do his campaign speech and everybody thought he was going to confess.

Prez looks so happy though, his face is all

We're not there yet. Maki and Kashiwagi knew, odds are they didn't tell her because Karen tends to die whenever her ship gets too real.

Yes, you are in fact wrong about that assumption Karen.

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The entire school thought he was going to confess, no way the mass media club wouldn't know about it, especially Karen, even if Maki and Kashiwagi didn't tell her.

We shoujo now

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What killed the hype?

Pretty crazy how that artist somewhat predict the vol 16 cover

I wonder if these two will ever realize it's all for nothing.

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Tsubamekeks are dead right?

harem dynamics

Chapters being good kill threads fast with Kaguya. Can't really blame people for leaving after the initial discussion with how shitposty these threads get right after.

Leave Ishigami to me.

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And done. Thanks for the translation. I'll be uploading it next.

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>that smug Erika
Fun chapter, thanks to both of you like always.

Here it is.

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THanks user

Thank you translator user

I just typeset it, I don't translate.

Thank you typesetter user

How the hell is Karen still single?

Are you guys excited for the S2 announcement today

I won't get my hopes up and think it will be as soon as the LA movie comes out. Maybe in a few weeks along with volume 16 at the earliest, but not when they don't even know if the movie is a success or not.

Thanks TL'er user.

what are the odds of the announcement coming is movie post credits ? do nips things like that ?

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Pre-sale tickets have been selling like hotcakes since a long time ago and their official twitter have already surpassed the anime/manga one so that's probably a good indicator
Shows you how different the demographics are though huh, a good number of people is definitely seeing because of the actors

But that's okay since this is exactly what Aka had wanted, literally for normies to get into the series
Ain't now way S2 isn't happening after this

So long as they can hire the same guys who did S1, it should be fine. They clearly liked working on it, since some stuff was downright making some of the chapters better with the little added touches. Like Shirogane adding tape to the Pen he broke because he's cheap as fuck.

Let's hope it also increases manga sales then. Kaguya was always rather popular among normalfags in Japan but I'm not sure the ones who only came to watch the movie for the actors would like it enough to read the manga because they probably never even buy any.


Wholesome post.

How many chapters does the movie go through? It looked pretty far.

W-What if Iino ends up with Tsubame?

You know you could literally get banned for low quality post right and i literally saw it a thread ago
So either make up something more creative or just stick to the usual template

Indeed. I love that they stopped with the childish games of trying to get each other to confess and finally admitted to themselves that they just like each other and want to be together. And now they end up confessing at the same time.

Now it's time for mindgames leading to four pages.

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Its still good

Remember when these threads were good?

yeah, 3 and a half years ago was a good time


She isn’t even busty either.

History is written by the victors
Victors are written by the War
War will be written by the will

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>Mikofags only think she will win because of the ""meta"' (fate)
Heh the irony here

Ishigami's heart is dead set towards Tsubame, the volume cover only further emphasis that.

So far it's difficult to tell. This last chapter upgraded Tsubame from plot device to a legitimate love interest, but Miko still has an overwhelming advantage.
You say that his heart is dead set, but the reason why he fell for her is shallow as fuck, and unlike Kaguya, he hasn't bothered to learn more about her. He tried to give her a gift catalog for fucks sake.
It's the same scenario Kaguya feared. So far Ishigami knows nothing but Tsubame's best side. He believes that it's him the reason why they can't date and that it can be solved if he works hard enough, all while refusing to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, she isn't the perfect waifu everyone believe she is.
Right now, he's no better than the other chumps who are crushing on her.

The meta is that in many stories where people fight against "fate" they win, so doesn't that mean their fate in most optimistic works is to defeat fate?

Meta cannot be used to interpret themes of a story unless that story is willing to commit to being a meta mess. The way you're interpreting it, we'd have to deal with recursive fate. The common meta is to beat fate, making that fated, so then they must not beat fate in order to beat fate, but then they're following fate.

Ishigami's heart being set on Tsubame means she's not up against any odds. Her chances of winning are purely based on if she wants to. Her obstacles are purely internal. Can she decide whether dating Ishigami is really what she wants?

Miko's issues are both internal and external. Will she realize she wants Ishigami's dick in time, will she fix her behavior? Even if she does both, Ishigami is deadset on Tsubame and getting denser every day. She'd have to become a full on madwoman to get through to him by some miracle, at least before the three months are over.
Tsubame was a plot device because of how the issue was always about Ishigami wanting to date her, seeing her as out of his league and trying to become someone worthy of her. She was a goal. The Impossible Challenge that Kaguya had given to Ishigami.

Since Ishigami still thinks that the issue is her being out of his league, and he just needs to work harder to make her like him, the deciding factors are currently out of his hands. Ishigami has shown that he's not even considered getting to know Tsubame better or what she likes, so now it's on Tsubame to push things forward if she wants to.

Or, to sum up the whole idea, Tsubame won't end up with Ishigami or won't be happy unless she thinks and acts for herself, Ishigami won't make much real progress by assuming full responsibility for making things work as relationships need two people, and Miko is probably going to have to pull a Kaguya and mouthrape Ishigami if she wants him to even realize she's an option.

>this shallow love argument Again
Jesus Christ how many times do you have to repeat that.
The fact that the whole Christmas eve stunt wasn't able to make Ishigami to give up on her already prove that it is way more than a shallow love.
The whole thing was to show Ishigami (and the reader) she isn't as perfect as they think she is.

I'd disagree that he hasn't bothered to learn more about her,
it is more like he doesn't have a way to (he is a loner) nor time to.
Even when he tried he wasted the effort on some stupid shit like picking up Normalfags lingo.

>while refusing to acknowledge that maybe it is her fault
You completely misread that chapter.
If Ishigami said something along the line of
>S-sorry senpai I am the one who should be apologizing
yeah then I would've agree with you.
But what he said was
>I wasn't angry, I only think it should be done between people who love each other
He acknowledged what she've done is wrong, this is completely different from what you have descript.
He assumed the core problem came from Tsubame not being in love with him,
which is reasonable considering he doesn't have the readers knowledge and wouldn't possibly know that she has PTSD.

I'll keep an open mind. I've seen larger flaming piles of garbage before.

Love doesn't have to be porn perfect, and it's not from lack of trying on both parts, Tsubame is even asking for advice on the matter because she actually gives a shit, but isn't sure what to do, and similarly Ishigami hasn't given up on his pursuit or wish to know more about her, and interact with her. If he had simply quit right there it would have shown complete lack of conviction and a meager level of love, which isn't the case.

I mean, just look at Kashiwagi and Tsubasa. They started out rather flimsy, but they're still the most stable pair in the story, and the most normalfag level relationship, and they learned more about each other as they dated. Ishigami and Tsubame can do the same and expand their knowledge as they date each other. You never truly know someone until you get closer anyway, even if you spend time with someone they'll never open up that much, and if you start dating, you'll known much more about their habits and who they are. Only knowing her best sides is also natural, Kaguya simply wanted to rush into knowing everything, when that's not how it works, most people won't show their bad sides without getting closer.

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>Doesn't have to be porn
Damn me and my dirty mind.

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Tsubame still has huge odds against her because of how little time she has and how little opportunity she gets to meet him.
And now everytime when she plans to take initiative she has to deal with Miko tag along and cockblocking her

now that the last chapter revealed Tsubame is still relevant I have to say she will probably win the Ishigami bowl

She has three months to get her thoughts in order. However, you're right that Miko is an obstacle to getting to know Ishigami better, which would help her decide. Still, arms heal and Ishigami could grow some fucking balls and arrange some time away from Miko. It'd be a warning flag if he couldn't.

Going for a Miko route means proving that Tsubame's idea about how men can easily fall out of love and change their feeling is correct.

While this is true in many cases I think Ishigami is more than that,
and I don't want him to go back on his words.

Miko is also taking notice of her own feelings for him little by little, and she'll probably start to try and meddle in some capacity even without realizing why. Like making a bigger deal out a situation she could do herself just for the sake of having Ishigami close, or getting jealous when he tries to spend time with Tsubame.

Either way, Osaragi seems to think this isn't good, probably because this is the worst possible time for her to realize feelings like that, for a guy who is aiming for a different girl altogether so earnestly.

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Somebody please tell us already HOW IS THE FUCKING MOVIE

Unless we have some JP anons who have high tolerance to things that are most likely going to be pretty garbage, and are willing to spend money on it, I doubt we'll know for a while. Gotta wait on those reviews from online users, or fans of the manga posting about it.

I think that second "maybe" is supposed to be Ishigami echoing Iino's words.

And of course it's a pretty bad situation. The whole thing has drama written all over it. Iino can waste his time and make a big deal about shit, but that loses credibility after her arm heals. Ishigami would also need to allow her to pull shit like that. In addition, Miko needs to actually improve Ishigami's opinion of her, or else she's just playing a shallow villainess role.

Miko's one advantage is that she's got a lot of access to Ishigami now, and Ishigami has some dumb ideas about protecting her.

I really doubt He and Miko will get together even if Tsubame turns him down, not for a long while anyway. Think the other user has it correct, right now all responsibility falls on Tsubame if she wants to make this relationship work or not. Ishigami can't really change much at this point, he can say he wants to be better for her but that isn't gonna change her own personal issues.

It's not entirely on her either. His efforts will show her that he's being genuine, and she was pretty moved by his delivery on the idea that he will make her fall for him, and even blushed. It's a mutual effort basically, just like Shirogane and Kaguya.

>The fact that the whole Christmas eve stunt wasn't able to make Ishigami to give up on her already prove that it is way more than a shallow love.
Only proves that you're misunderstanding Ishigami's character. He believes in fairytale anime romance. Of course he's going to want his first time to be special. He never stopped to think about Tsubame's circumstances until Miko called him out on it.
>He acknowledged what she had done is wrong, this is completely different from what you have descript.
But that's the point, so far he has been forcing a particular set of stereotypes on her: That she's pure and innocent, with girlish tastes, while she had a boyfriend and is more of a tomboy than a sheltered princess.
>I wasn't angry, I only think it should be done between people who love each other
Yes, he said that after he had a week to calm the fuck down and had Miko point his mistake, but the problem was his first reaction. He sperged out and ragequit.
Ishigami so far is not objective regarding their relationship. He's still expecting Tsubame to act like a standard heroine in an eroge. Someplace in his mind he thinks she won't accept him until his parameters are higher or until he triggers more flags with her. Even that excuse was about what his point of view is. His world would crumble if she saw having sex with someone outside of a relationship as not a big deal. But some people are like that, and Tsubame has been hinted to have some heavy issues of her own. Issues that the Ishigami we've seen so far doesn't seem able to handle.
Mind you, he can change, but it's been 6 fucking volumes with a fair quantity of time in the spotlight since he fell for her and his impression of her hasn't changed from the time he wanted to give her his fucking photo album to confess.

That’s why I think Miko was his first love, and the flower was part of a “super romantic confession” that was misinterpreted or that he was never able to complete because he was suspended. I first started to consider the possibility when I noticed how pointedly he denies that he was in love with Ootomo. Of course, he could be lying, but Ishigami doesn’t seem the type to be dishonest with himself about his own feelings. So maybe the reason he didn’t fall for her is that he had a crush on someone else.

This is all hypothetical though. I do think all signs point to Ishimiko, but even I don’t know how Aka will get there.

That depends on his strategy. Just by being an earnest dude and working hard, he's earning some points if that's all Tsubame needs. But as Papagane says, there's no such things as fated love. Ishigami is doing his part and is unlikely to change what he's going to be doing unprompted. In short, we need to see how he interacts with Tsubame from here.

So, assuming that Ishigami consistently works at it, but doesn't dig deeper, that leaves everything else to Tsubame.

Is there a type of flower that starts with "Ki"?

No but the first character of his letter is Ki. Granted, this may be overthinking it a little.

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Prez’s sketch is the cutest Kaguya.

* Kimi, my bad.

Is it safe to say this is going the way of Soma?

At least one, it looks like. Probably more.
Then in theory, it's entirely possible he was trying to send "Suki" but never got to the second letter.

Hard to get hyped on a flashback chapter since this flashback takes place during winter vacation.

Hype only happens on the unpredictable. We still don't know what happens after the New Year's for the story because that is when Aka decided to begin the Flashback Arc.

Holy shit the absolute state of Mikofags.
This is beyond embarrassing.

One of the meanings listed for the Sutera was "Forgotten Love". If that's the route this is going, this is going to be hilariously awful.

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Imagine these threads if Miko never existed.

Yes, we're just waiting for Mikado before getting axed

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>Kaguya Wants to be Confessed to
>Kaguya ends up confessing first
Uh Kaguyatards???

That’s just what he would do.

>it's a Lino chapter


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Rent free

That was really the point where the series started to shift from episodic comedy to more character-driven and dramatic storytelling, and a lot more actual romantic development. Took a while to get off the ground, and the old style is missed sometimes, but I feel it was generally a marked increase in quality.

get S U B V E R T E D retard

What should Kei’s Stand power be?

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What someone initially wants and what they wind up doing aren't always the same thing. Is this a foreign concept to you?

This is late , but you mistyped "make their heart pound"

I think Miko will win no matter what, this is just a way she could win gracefully.

I don't think graceful is Miko's style. Your idea would make him more vulnerable/responsive to Miko, but she'd still need to go on the offensive. If Ishigami ever liked her, he's long since dismissed the idea as unrealistic given her attitude.

So, mouthrape is still the only option.

She’s going to have to fix her personality first.

Personally, I think Miko sucks.


Of course. I mean, she's had a lie detector confirm that she hates him. Osaragi has corrected herself whenever she mentally implied something that might make her sound like a tsundere. The idea that she might be tsundere has been used as a joke with what seemed to be firm denial.

It's going to take a lot to show she doesn't hate him. I'm expecting one of the awkwardest, most mishandled confessions ever.

True Mikofags want her to get the 2D boyfriendo she deserves, not 3DPD trash like themselves.

Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed it.

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Even if this is the case, I don't see how this is supposed to be any better other than it being a rub in Mikofags face.
What happened in the past is irrelevant now.

I would've been fine with a Miko route if Aka didn't make Ishigami confess for the third time.
What is the point in showing Ishigami's dedication/making Tsubame blush only to have it turn out Ishigami is no different from her ex?
This doesn't sit well with me at all.

Narrative wise it would be stupid yeah. The setup right now is pretty much asking that Ishigami aid her in getting over her trust issues, and he slowly starts to improve himself further, and get better grades, while Miko also grows from the situation.

>Bow down

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Nobody is denying that Ishigami had a wrong image about Tsubame.
What is important is that he didn't stop pursuiting her after learning that she may not be as perfect as he think.
sum it up pretty nicely.

His choices of strong tone (I will make you fall for me - which JB rewrote because they thought it was too strong, way to miss the point here) and transition from Boku to Ore both indicated that he stop putting her on pedestal now.

Is anyone else suspicious that the TsubasaxKashiwagi teen pregnancy arc has been made a bit too obvious, and is ripe for a SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS?

>TFW they already know about the curse and are responsibly doubling down on protection at least until the year is out and it's actually Ishigami who knocks up Miko instead

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>Ore both indicated that he stop putting her on pedestal now.
They indicate a decision to man up and act with confidence. We need to see how that expresses itself before we can say what that means.

>Q.040- "What is a Genius?"

>A.040- "One that chooses his own path, and has left his trails to be known. For our mortal brains do not allow perfections on one, so one will always excel at some places while fails on the others."

This one is kinda weird. I'm not even sure if its totally correct.

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>Ishigami who knocks up Miko instead
I actually really hope this happens. It's my preferred Ishigami ship and it'll be amazing to see such a stickler for morals knocked up.

It's not like it's reasonable to expect a grandfather know whether his grandson is using protection or not. They probably do avoid that.
Though, if their method of "protection" is "pulling out", then the gag is back online

You mean the answer or the translation? All of his answers have been shitposty, I think it's expected.

Why does Prez suddenly love Kaguya? This came out of nowhere.

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It's pretty much guaranteed that she's going to pull a major breach of public morals on Ishigami at some point, so sure.

Ishigami hooking up with Tsubame means he won against his "Mythological Ancestor"

Doubt it. Before this flashback happened, you already saw Maki asking if Miko cockblocked Ishigami on purpose by making him get something for her instead of continuing to talk to Tsubame.

Ishigami's feelings didn't change after winter break and the new school term started.

What does that have to do with my post? What do Ishigami's feelings have to do with anything? I'm saying that Miko is gonna do some inappropriate things to him at some point, as she slowly loses her fucking mind.

JB release is out by the way. They fixed the title as well, leaving it as just "Kaguya...", with the title drop reveal in the end.

3D Prez looks and sounds horrendous, so no.

He's the actor that miko loves. You'd expect the real life version with the same exact name to be better looking.

>I like you
God fucking damnit, JB, why did you have to ruin it?

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Live action Ishigami too tall.

Ishigami is suppose to be able to fit Kaguya's clothes

Ishigami's tits are too big in the first place.

Ishigami is fated to grow bald like his dad.

Miko should just find some other fish.

I wonder how hard a requirement of "you have to have the same body type as our lead heroine" slashes the talent pool.

To be honest, I think I could have done better with live casting real life actors and actresses for a Kaguya live action.

I have a feeling they just chose actors based on popularity rather than physical appearance.

The Live Action Saki TV Series unironically put more effort in finding actresses to play Saki characters.

However, I noticed they don't really try hard when finding big breasted actresses.

All the big breasted actresses end up in Kamen Rider/Super Sentai or cheap Japanese horror movies.

I kinda wonder why. It's like there is some bias against big bobbies which I think is unfair.

Maybe the director is afraid a side character ends up being more popular than the main heroine? But a real director would just accept such a thing and deal with it.

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Ishigami is going to get a crew cut and he's going to like it

I meant that ishigami canonically has a larger chest because he did the gag of another girl's shirt being tight around the chest.

These two will never get boyfriends. They become old ladies stinking of miso

We know Japan can try if they wanted too. Maybe lack of budget?

I fondly remember the Nodame Live Action. It was decent even though the anime was more accurate but I felt the live action conveyed the source material really well.

I guess Jdrama can be a hit or miss. One thing I give Japan credit is that they aren't always making police cop dramas or some other superhero drama like in America.

Japan can make a TV drama over anything.

came here to complain about this too
imagine if JB could do anything properly

If he gets fat, old, and ugly too, maybe losing his eyes in the process, doesn't that just make him more perfect for her?

>I like you
Really, JB? It's not like her feelings are a fucking secret at this point.

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>I like you
pic in OP is an insult to the whole manga, but that is atrocious

Cant wait for the NTR arc next week.
Hope el hermano de maki is introduced at New Years day

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They'll probably change it once someone points out they used "love" before

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It's not possible for all 3 of Kaguya's brothers to be older than her, right?

She is desperate for an embrace from romantic love, a kiss
The masturbation sessions will be intense.

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It's already been stated she's the youngest of them.
Considering Maki is the same age as her, it's not a surprise her father is rather old

Whats his next move?

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Pretty much what this chapter was about.

Damn, that's a nice callback.

Thank God. The last translation had me going over dialogue repeatedly trying to understand it.

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Yeah but in America we make everything Japan makes and more in addition to cop dramas and superhero stuff.

Looks correct to me.

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There is a huge difference. She turned him down. That gives him the right to fall for anyone he wants. If they had had sex, even just a one night stand, it would be different. Tsubame would have no right to complain if he started dating Miko by the second day after classes restarted.

what is this a mangaka for ants and perverts?

They fixed it then. Took them a few hours.

Ishi cute

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Made for GAL pussy.

People's feelings are more complicated than that. Of course he's free to fall for anyone he wants, but it's not out of the question for her to get annoyed if he practically forgets he ever felt anything for her and starts pursuing another girl after a matter of days.

Actually, he still used Boku during his I LOVE EMILIA speech in 156, which doesn't make much sense given his stronger/manlier attitude at that time, and really would have been the perfect time to make the transition (like you said). It might get fixed on either side in the actual volume release, though (wouldn't the first time the magazine fucks up).

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Are you sure that's not on purpose, With Miko he can be himself and doesn't try hard to be someone he is not and with the Slu-Tsubame he wants to change himself, denying who he really is.