Anime needs more fun characters like Hachikuji.
Anime needs more fun characters like Hachikuji
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She's very cute and funny.
Plotfag authors don't know how to write interesting characters.
dumb pedo
Sure it does.
>ITT redditors
But Tilly is exactly that.
No anime character will ever measure up to her - it's a fool's errand.
what about big snails?
This is why I didn't watch that one.
watch it for doll
Good, but not quite as good. Has a novelty that makes it well worth experiencing in addition though.
Not gonna play games and use code words/phrases, I want to sniff her ass.
i like how arararararrigi gets bullied. bat bullying is top teir too
what an award winning smile at the end
The courage to admit you want to sniff a snail's trail.
What the fuck
Man I really need to watch the rest of the series...
Cute feet
post more pictures of her panties
Murata + 8kuji
Is this show worth watching if I only care about the lolis?
Why are lolis panties so cute?
no, just look for loli episodes and skip the rest
We need to see her feet
yes, great story and interactions.
pleb. find another thread
Cute feet
snail's banter is unironically the best part
nopan loli > pantsu loli
'Araragi-kufuuun' will live on in my heart forever
anime needs more shaft and monogatari like stuff
childhood is thinking araragi is based
adulthood is realizing that he's an asshole and generally annoying
picked up
Bakemonogatari was such a garbage.
What a cunning child.
But Tilly's 26
I love adult woman.
JCs are for sex
oh cool, I don't even have to feel guilty after I fap to her.
Fuck off pedophile.
She has the hips of a boy. If she is unable to bear my child, then what's the point?
Dumb granny chaser
Don't worry, next season it's her on the spotlight.
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Hachikuji is the cutest and sexiest anime character of all time.
impossible, she can only fight for second cutest and sexiest
She needs socks.
She needs to put her feets in my mouth
Yea Forums is a Sodachi board
stay strong sodachibros
Is it loli o clock already?
JCs are 60% lolis
What are lolis made of?
And Hachikuji is 22.
Semen and other things.
Based shinobu bro
>This movie has angry snake but doesn't do anything with her even though it's her best version
>This movie doesn't have Kaiki, meaning this fucking teenager doesn't even have a fucking ounce of regret about expelling a man from a city
Why do we like Araragi and this "waifu wars" of a franchise again?
I want to turn Yotsugi into a custard-filled doughnut
meant for
Would you?
Cute feet
A classic, way better than the original too.
thighs too big
This is the gayest post that has ever blighted this board.
Hachikuji has the best panties in anime.
I really want to have sex with a snail ghost
This but with any little girl
She would look better without panties
How the fuck does that works?
I agree, but I still stand by what I said.
It's actually amazing how consistently high-quality Araragi and Hachikuji's banter is, especially in the novels
Oh god imagine how soft and wet must be her cute and funny place.
very cute
more doll please
Forget about Doll. Post more Bat.
I usually like blonde lolis but Shinobu is kind of overshadowed by most characters. She just isn't very fun.
seems like this cute girl didn't fly so good
I want to eat doll ass
Hachikuji-nee is good and i'm glad they didn't overuse her.
There's always plenty of Bat content, let the other girls shine a little
Can you put a bikini in her?
Imagine puting tour tongue inside
perhaps you were wondering why one would had pat a loli before throwing her off a ledge
This is not daijoubu.
I'll tour her insides.
>he says, posting a character who was boring as fuck until she became Tsukihi lite
Nah, she was always cool. She usually brought up interesting topics, and she gets picked on a lot.
Explain to me why you like lolis without mentioning their cu*ny
why would you...? user please
These lolis are genuinely very entertaining girls.
cute funny and urge to PROTECT, in the case of monogatari most of them have mature adult personalities which are very likeable and they are very powerful which confuses my senses in a good way
>implying the lolis in monogatari don't have personalities so fun that it trumps even the most depraved user's love of c*nny
Vaginas are one of the least attractive parts of the female body
Why do people even like Shinobu?
>Most boring banter in the series that boils down to muh donuts and exposition dumps, even Hanekawa is more interesting since she has the conflict of being in love with Araragi but also being a self-loathing sperg
>Arcs are about either getting over her literally who ex or threatening to destroy the world because she is an insufferable brat
>Least cute girl in the series, isn't even hot since she has the body of either an 8-year-old or a 50+ hag
>Annoying as fuck dialect
Most overrated anime girl in history.
Any character is boring when you make up every single complaint.
Ononoki is quickly becoming my favourite Monogatari loli.
Good initial design. She stopped being good when she opened her mouth, but she had already won people over.
She wastes all of her fucking screentime with retarded quirks and naval-gazing until the end of Second Season. That's nowhere near fun.
>I am not a lolicon
Me neither, Arararagi, me neither
You're just calling her quirks retarded like it's all she does, when Shinobu's are the most forced. Ononoki has great talks, basically kicked off all of Kabuki and becomes central after.
The most disappointing part about this movie is I expected my wife, Sodachi, to have a bigger role but she was basically sidelined throughout the whole thing.
Fucking disappointing.
The mirror world was far more interesting than the actual Monogatari world and I would've preferred a spin off based on it where my wife sodachi plays a bigger role.
>Least cute girl in the series, isn't even hot
trying too hard user
Found this on a Japanese auction site, guess we finally know what was in the backpack.
>nopan loli > pantsu loli
Reminder this is a relevant visual pun.
who is going to jail?
>Wh-y arren't WE talking COOOOOMMMMINNNNNGGG o-nnn CuNNY!!!!
i like hachikuji so i drew her head
good job user
Now draw her panties.
A 1D cockholster, perfect for OP's microbenis
is this how commie "transbutchered" it?
how do you translate the moonrunes then, faggot
Yotsugi Door
Trust me, I'm an expert.
The only thing I don't like about this image is that the dougnuts look a little stale or rubbery. Either way, their structural integrity is not indicative of the tenderness, fluffiness, melt in your mouth doughy goodness that is a fresh doughnut.
>over 20 year old
>thick body type of an teenager
Step away newborns
They look like they are made of fabric.
Over her swimsuit AND backwards, there must be a deeper meaning to this.
Now draw her backpack.
dude I was thinking the same thing. Donut matter doesn't stretch like that. It either holds, or it gives and tears.
>puffy cunny
its the only thing that'll stop her ache
This is a christian board, user.
I need this explained. Please, I'm very stupid.
Janitors are on the lose, act normal!
Her quirks were all she did for the first 2/3rds of the series and they were super weak, which is why Nisio trashed them.
>kicked off all of Kabuki
With the dullest fucking conversation of the arc, and she shared it with Ougi's stoplight monologue. Seriously. I thought that I had played the arc up too much in my mind when I was reading the LN and that it was going to be bad going through it another time. Then I got past her godawful scenes and it was even better than I expected because the actually good Monogatari lolis got the spotlight.
They were bad on purpose. She was using them to make up for her lack of emotion, and even she felt ashamed later. Don't tell me you thought they were serious. Kaiki threatens to hit her over them. The whole thing is a joke.
Who threw that pie though?
I would consider this, let's say, less that "normal."
is it used?
For the sake of realism, one would hope.
Post the bandaid too.
i like the other artist rendition of her panties better.
but her puffy nipples (fuck off jannies) show in it
I never noticed.
she is literally a doll wym
Thanks user, those vile nipples won't threaten my ads anymore.
but is her cunny runny?
>Shinobu is kind of overshadowed by most characters.
I am pretty sure she is the most popular character in the show.
I want them to piss on me
I agree
Dear Beelzebub.
Showed this to my boss. Thanks for the heart censors.
this is fine
He's completely right though.
>part of the anus and vulva visible
An advertiser died for this.
Why arent they naked?
go to pivix for that spread cu**y
But i want it now i want to see so bad
god, fine
Thats too lewd user
To be honest it looks hotter censored.
there's pic in that set with them peeing on you.
I don't know what's wrong with me but I really just want to used as a sybian by a loli. Imagine her grinding that perfect little pussy and her tiny pink asshole against your face until she squirts all over you. Praise jesus.
akik99, good or bad?
Anyone have the webm that focuses on her armpits? I can't remember from which part of the anime it was from. Asking for a friend btw
He needs to use more references
>I need this explained. Please, I'm very stupid.
Pie pan = paipan
>googles paipan
Wow, does she really wear that kind of revealing underwear?
Weird google hasnt censored asian women from their search results for having too small tits.
What type of panties should little girls use?
But then they could get cold.
they can sit on my face to warm up.
And what would happen If they need to go to the toilet to piss and poop?
they would just go to the toilet? it's not like they use it with panties on, you baka.
What's this?
>What's this?
New mary jane goodness
Is out already?
Yesterday yes
Its full on pandering with great quality
Nice, i love their Lolis releases.
Why shinobu have more fanservice Than the other Lolis?
because she's the better loli.
But all the Lolis are best girls
Very good i like his artstyle.
snail bites always are
how does he keep getting away with it?
He was the ghost all along.
He's just too fast
dumb pedo
Rude, I have at least 80 IQ
I want to sleep with them
That’s a fucking diaper
Is that supposed to be a problem?
Is she Lost?
I want to peek under her skirt.
I will become toiletman
Why are her hips so wide?
She is like 20 years old
Why are you such a faggot?
I wasn't complaining.
I wish I was Hachikuji.
You want to get molested by araragi ?
you dont?
Araragi is a chicken and won't molest anyone.
I believe it's explained as 'developing nicely'.
How can a single anime have three of the best cunnies of history?
Did you not enjoy Lolicat?
It's Snail, Cat, and Snake.
for some reason i like it
What Loli have the best collarbones?
this one
We all do.
But we never ser the other Lolis collarbones,how do we know?
No i want to be araragi and molest lolis
'cause the know the cant compete with the cutest, Ka Ka
do you even like lolis? they all look thick fapbait in this thread
lolis are?
if I was Hachikuji I would molest myself
I want to get molested by araragi
Why did Araragi never bring up Hachikuji's confession ever again?
The character development was ignored because she didn't cut her hair. I swear to god if Nisio ever fucks with her already perfect design I might have to mail a strongly worded letter.
Meant to
I really need to catch up with the manga, shit's golden and I hope cat's part is animated as lewd as possible.
Last time I played it you coukd put some, not sure if edited but they had a thing to add new clothes in the future.
Does anyone have the gif/webm of this?
Cute AND funny? Hmmm
Araragi is a fucking manwhore
is there a ghost wearing her panties?
She said it thinking they would never see each other again and if she wanted to act on it she'd bring it up again. For once Araragi is right by not dragging it up and making things weird.
shinobu obviously
I literally haven't been to Yea Forums since the Dark Knight came out and people started Bane-posting.
That's a good explanation, wish I had been perceptive enough to see it before.
goodbye, shinobu
goodbye forever
Does he actually ever have sex with her in the novel or no?
Now draw her meeting Yoshi from Super Mario World
Now draw her with me.
Also JC's like this
Best legs.
now draw her smelling an egg ha ha
sugoi work user-san. I can hear him saying "bum!"
did the best i could
Me on the left.
she's the bees knees, oh wait
Hachikuji with her hair down is fucking hot
based and soulful
These feet are asking to be creamed
playing with a ghost doesn't count. it's like masturbation. remember, when RRR is molesting the snail on the street in broad daylight, it just looks like a schitzo guy flailing around and talking to himself.
how old is big snail?
like 22
The same age as this snail.
dumb non-pedo
Is that just an edit or did we actually see what underwear she was wearing in that scene, somewhere?
it's pretty clearly an edit
is real
It's a real edit.
But she's already approaching resonance, any faster would just be a superimposed still image.
im tired of seeing this everytime i scroll through the catalogue today
It has been bumped back up after hitting page 9-10 roughly a dozen times probably already. Not that I'm complaining.
Hopefully it stays up all week then.
so hide it?
Greetings from page 7
What do you have against little girls panties?
Eveybody loves Hachikuji
Well played janny.
for free
What did he play?
I jerked off to hachikuji three times today because of this thread. Thanks i guess.
If you can't see it then I can't help you. I thought him deleting it was just having some fun, especially since it was already linked by someone else so it would be visible anyway. But then I got a warning from a mod for being off-topic even though it was still relevant image dumping. No fun allowed, janny was butthurt.
they've been acting mentally ill ever since the janny apps
Insecure, maybe?
If you could, how would you redesign snail?
Give her new costumes like Doll, mostly the short yukata showing off her legs.
Have her tummy showing.
Something pretty like an evening gown, and if it has to be "clever", base it loosely on a sea slug.
I would off myself for thinking I could redesign something so perfect as snail.
oppai loli just because
Must be one of the new guys.
the true answer
Hachikuji is already bigger than Shinobu anyway.
could have fooled me, arararararagi-san
well than this and this , but BIGGER
deep fried cake toruses