Go Toubun no Hanayome

So where does Takebayashi rank among the quints?

Attached: takebayashi gg qiomts.jpg (1189x959, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Mutsumi, La Hermana Nakano and the only one who can beat TakebayaCHAD.

Is she secretly the 6th Quint?

They're going to have to combine their powers to beat her.

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>Fuutaro, leave dumb bitches and drama TO ME!
Based CHADakebayashi

She's another quintface so you can't really rank her based on beauty, but her hairstyle alone puts her above the rest.

Will Fuu choose the past or the future?

Attached: Futurevspast.png (1578x1277, 870K)

>Since when were you under the impression that the quintuplets went from 1-5?

Don't know why Negi ended up making Takabayashi look so similar to the quints. He's pretty good about making female characters look distinct otherwise, Maeda's girlfriend and Eba are plenty attractive without bleeding into the sameface.

>non quint OP

Attached: crysuki.png (275x280, 57K)

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Why Takebayashi is so cute?

Joker must be really happy.

Will Takebayashi beat Ichika/Itsuki on the next popularity poll?

Attached: 76594908_p0.jpg (3307x4677, 2.19M)

4 >= 2 > 5 = T = 1 > 3

Yotsuba already wrecked her 6 years ago

Attached: yots lewd slut hand hold.png (1115x726, 771K)

Why do you guys keep making these threads just to shitpost? I though generals were banned.

Seriously. Stop posting your kaguya/bokuren thot in our quint threads.

Attached: quints 4 part.jpg (1382x1402, 1M)

>Miku beat her test score thanks to her game
>implied she was dumb in front of her friends
>Ended her solo tutoring with Fuu
>Started chasing the man she's loved all this years
>Had to watch her get praised by him for getting the best test scores
>Had to buy her chocolates so she can give him a valentine's
>Had to endure being taught by her while he watched
>Had to eat her bread until it tasted decent
>Had to carry her to her confession
>She stole Raiha from her with her pancakes
Are there more reasons for Yotsuba to hate Miku?

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>Are there more reasons for Yotsuba to hate Miku?
Probably, but best girl only has love

Attached: yots swing love.jpg (1080x773, 203K)

Isn't obvious?
Chadebayashi = Chadsuki >>>>>> beta quints

It's the combination of her playfulness and her confidence. You know in a relationship she'd tease you and banter with you, but she'd also be really cute and affectionate when you're just chilling together. Also she oozes competence. She's basically the OG Chadtarou (he learned from her after all) without any of his flaws, e.g., being socially retarded or being a boy.

>Yotsuba already wrecked her 6 years ago
kek, Yotsuba got Chadebayashi's leftovers, the only thing Yotsuba wrecked is herself

inb4 Fuutarou only falls for the quints because they have Takebayashi-face

waifufags are not here QUICK POST YOUR QUINT'S BEST PANEL!

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In terms of Chadness?
1 > T > 2 > 5 > 4 > 3
As heroine
1 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3

this is Ichika at her best

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - c074 (NA) - p020 [web] [anon].png (1115x1600, 750K)

>wedding turns out to be a dream
>Takebayashi is the real bride

Attached: 1335545780903.jpg (536x528, 61K)

>not picking the most smug quint face ever

Attached: 1539600504073.png (580x887, 239K)

A guide to 5toubun thread
>use filename randomizer,just to be on safe side
>never mention your fav quint name but tried to imply that she in better position via a vague comparison with the quint you hate or group her in a convenient alliance
>be as passive-aggresive as possible so you can shift blame and kept damage control to minimum
>reply to yourself,in order to make any argument seems convincing.If possible try to act as the other quintfags from your made-up alliance,preferably attached with random pic of those quints
Now you are ready to go into 5toubun and show how much you hate the other quints!

Attached: IMG_20190505_124432.jpg (2048x1518, 357K)

Accurate. I also falseflag and hit 2 quints at the same time when they try to guess my real quintfu!

Attached: 1534032604362.jpg (1200x900, 74K)

An Ichikafag made this post

Meant for

Attached: 1517703472039.gif (354x534, 208K)

>Use file randomzer
>Always try to speak as objectively as possible and stick to hard facts
>Avoid making opinions about any quint or even speculation specifically pertaining towards one's development
>Keep to conversation about individual chapters or more neutral plot threads
>Never reply to myself
>Still get caught up in waifu wars
it's impossible

i find it easier to just call nino a shit

I have nothing to fear. What kind of loser do you need to be to be intimidated by the posters from here? Especially metafags who don't actually know what it means and Ninofags who see a stern expression as a smile. Ichicute!

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What kind of sick fuck would not choose Nino

Attached: 1561257046815.jpg (840x1200, 154K)

>>reply to yourself,in order to make any argument seems
And make yourself a laughing stock when you get caught. Ninobros are actually cool fags.

Attached: If only you knew how bad things really are..png (1440x117, 49K)


shaft did a great job in that episode, everyone looked so pretty

Quints biological dad? Just a guess though. This will definitely rile up Itsuki if they she sees him. Considering how much she loves her Rena, there's a huge possibility that she loathes this man because he abandoned them in the past.

Attached: file.png (429x635, 274K)

I really liked Itsuki's latest spread but this one is the best

Attached: x6 (3).png (1426x2048, 1.56M)

thats their current dad

It's pretty safe to assume Itsuki has some kind of problem with her biological father since the last Nino chapter confirmed that she gets along with Maruo well and willingly with no begrudging issues.

lol fatty can't do shit

>So where does Takebayashi rank among the quints?

#-1. Better than all the quints combined (#0)

>can't handle the real heroine

NTR faceless bald man arc

Where the Heck does this girl appeared?
Feels so forced at this point of the story

Because it is. Now they girls are all happy together they need a new threat to their love.

Damn, she's cute. Oh no, nononono

She's actually Fuutarou's sister

>Eatsuki cropped
At least her cute ahoge is still there!

Attached: 021.png (351x430, 126K)

The Last Exam Nino was peak Nino.

Attached: Moving Forward ENG.png (1350x719, 1.13M)

Am I the only that got turned on when Yotsuba was about to slap this girl’s shit?


Attached: D20.png (1426x2048, 1.11M)

Rereading knowing the truth about Yotsuba really does change up some scenes. Gosh.

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Doesn't sound very fun.
Why would you hate on any of the quints when Negi intended the all to be lovable?

p.s. evens are my favs

Attached: yots nino a cute.jpg (1732x2228, 375K)

Why do I feel like he's meeting with Maruo here, and not the quints?

Attached: w25.png (1115x1600, 805K)

Literal attention whore.

Isn't Take a better childhood friend?

Isn't recognizes Fuu from a very long distance.

Meanwhile, Yotsuba had to look at Fuu's face very closely in their reunion chapter.

Why didn't she want to hug Fuutarou when he asked her in the first or second chapter?

she actually likes cucking herself, it's her kink

Her POV changes the entire story.
That's why she's Negi's prototype and master piece.

Realistically the only quint with a shot against 5.

Attached: Yotsuba confessed to you 50 chapters ago forgetaro.png (1426x2048, 680K)

Isn't 5 floors too much for a highschool? Was their school that big or tall?

It looks like a hospital building more than a school building because the stairs seen at high school usually don't have glass windows start up to bottom because those kinds of architectural designs are usually reserved for commercial buildings.

And due to Yotsuba's flashback, we know this highschool is not an elite school and not a rich school as well because Yotsuba got kicked out of the rich elite highschool due to bad grades.

Yotsuba's new highschool was an average highschool that tolerated someone transferring so late into the school year.

Well, for starters she is an actual childhood friend who shared several years of middle school with him, rather than a couple of hours during a school trip.

Yotsuba is totally shameless when she initiates something but very bashful when someone else does. It's most evident during her labour day date.

not really, my high school had 4 floors as well

It does seem a bit big to me but it is supposed to be a really nice high school.

The window barriers seem too complex for a highschool though.

Japanese highschool windows are actually very long and wide to provide daylight for the classroom.

Here, look at all the windows very closely in this page. Pretty small windows unfit for a highschool classroom.

In fact, the windows in the page look like each window belongs to an individual private room.

The windows are too bunched up together, meaning the rooms they belong too are too small for a highschool classroom.

I think this is the Hospital and not a Highschool Building

That's what makes her cute in a child-like way yet lewd at the same time.

You're deluded if you think a girl who bailed on her sisters, to fight police and cosplay thots, so she can date NTR looking delinquents, take them to abandon temples at night, and then take their handhold/promise virginity raw in a public place is anything short of LEWD

Attached: yots lewd slut hand hold.png (1113x726, 781K)

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that was the only time ichika was cute. after that it went downhill FAST

There is something with Ichika innit lad, despite being laden with names such as snake, there is something about her that makes it so hard to not root for her. I remain with her ship until the very end bros but why?

I'm still waiting for the healing.

Because you have good taste.

Surprised this chapter didn't got in top 7.

bride eatsuki vol cover > all

I'm an Itsukifag and the cover is shit. 6 and 1 are great though.

If Takebayashi steals one of quints hearts then she deserves to be No. 1

Is Yotsuba's acting play thing going somewhere or will she get cucked by Negi again?

Nino is the only bisexual.

Personally I'm completely expecting flash back chapters to each quint's festival.

What if Takebayashi steals Raiha?

imagine having threesomes with nino


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Colloquial Japanese, which he wouldn't use with Maruo.

>yfw Yotsuba's role in the play is a clown
>yfw despairchads meme'd joker yotsuba into reality

Yes, If Takebayshi steals two quints hearts. That would be huge deal and interesting.

>Why do I feel like he's meeting with Maruo here
Not really.
Most of the time,Fuutarou still mind his manner of speech when talking to Maruo(plus calling him "father").
But in that panel he spoke in a very casual way in japanese(he just said "yo" as greeting).
So it probably one of the quint,Isanari or his 2 male friend.

What's the result of the chapter polls again?

well, I think formality went out the window when he called him an asshole, don't you think?

I too think that he's asking for his permission

Imagine Takebayshi having all the puss of any quints she wants.


Miku will replace Yotsuba in the play for 3rd day to clear up Yotsuba schedule so that she can meet with Fuutarou in the classroom.

>I think formality went out the window when he called him an asshole
That when he was on phone.Fuutarou and Maruo met multiple time after he called him asshole and Fuutarou still using formal speech.

Sorry but I am having a hard time and getting surprised but it seems that they all suddenly fall in love with fuu? Specifically Ichika? The build up is a little jarring at least for me.

Because Ichika never really click with the reader.She got shitton of focus yet she still placed below Itsuki in the 1st poll.
People blame the snek move but Ichika fanbase isn't that big in the first place.

Ichika fell in love because she played card game with him 1 time during childhood.

It would be hilarious if he marries her or a non-quint because that would mean he got them to look like a quint for the wedding. And that would need so much more explanation, like ?!?!?!?!?

This pic, it always show how powerful Nino's presence is.

Attached: 1555191727914.png (1115x1600, 472K)

>This pic, it always show how awkward Nino's presence is.

Are you high?

t. ichikafag

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Leave Fuutaro to me.

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Guess again retard.

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>t. ichikafag
Move on, faggot.

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you got any retort to your inane nino drivel other than that? maybe something that backs up how powerful Ninos presence is again?

1bro is here. Time to decide everything fair and square

Attached: Itsuki.png (719x491, 35K)

Attached: Yotsuba.png (760x235, 14K)

Attached: Miku.png (764x246, 15K)


Attached: Nino.png (745x216, 11K)

Well, lost 1% to Mikubros.

Attached: Ichika.png (740x228, 14K)

There must be something wrong there, maybe the machine can't show results over 100000%

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what are you? 12?

QUINTS BTFO. I always believe in /ourboy/ Negi

Attached: Maruo.png (746x221, 13K)


You are definitely falseflagging.

TakebayashiCHADS always win in the end baby.

Attached: Takebayashi.png (743x224, 12K)


Slow and steady wins the race.

Attached: file.png (766x239, 22K)

Fuu won't ever fall in love with an autistic moralfag with masochistic fetishes.


Attached: 14242.png (720x810, 56K)

I'm sorry Mikubros...

Attached: Takeda and Miku.png (762x234, 14K)

Like clockwork


It's about Itsuka

Thank you calculator.net you have blessed us.

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Well, she just did.

As soon as I thought these threads couldn't get lower, these calculators got introduced. At least it's a new joke.

It's hilarious. Even AIs recognize how superior takemiku is.

1st, with an incredible margin

Despairchads win again baby!

Attached: 156.jpg (768x265, 114K)

Accordimg to Futaro, she talked way more with the glasses nerd while ignoring him half the time, and now she's acting all clingy? Something smells fishy...


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He will tell him that he wants to stop to be their tutor. Than Maruo will choose another tutor aka Takebayashi or this boy

Attached: newtutor.jpg (492x287, 73K)

>"Sorry I can't keep me promesse. I want to date one of your favorite girls. Nino."

Here is something to ponder around in your skullcages.

If Yots is best girl, how come she isn't wost girl?

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>next chapter is going be about love advice from dad and flashback with Fuu mother.
>See you on the next week!

>If Yots is best girl, how come she isn't wost girl?

Attached: a5b887d8084366a7507370f5e6ed1e71.jpg (374x347, 39K)

No. He wants to make them graduate himself.

What do you mean? There is no haters?
Because they are too afraid of speaking shit about the best girl (true)

I have this question again. How did she know that they are quints? She shouldn't know about 3 of them.
>she knew about quints in Kyoto
>Fuu told her during their studies
>Yuusuke is traitor
>She is biological daughter of Maruo

How the fuck is this guy still look like a midget?

She is the little sister of Shimoda-san aka Itsuki's tutor

>he was girl all along


I knew it bros

Don't go bros. It's a virus

5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.

quints btfo

Attached: takebayachad.png (572x216, 12K)

>I think this is the Hospital and not a Highschool Building
Nope it's the school look at ch98 and ch100 >same building

But I bet it's Maruo

Attached: same.jpg (1920x1065, 904K)

Let's try this again, shall we? Here goes...


Interesting results, if I do say so myself.


Attached: IMG_20190905_182025.jpg (1200x849, 171K)


Attached: pPdNZ3c.jpg (818x503, 163K)

Let's shoot for more accurate results



Attached: 122629.png (720x811, 52K)

Is Miku more of a zombie girl or slime girl?

Attached: demon world cave.jpg (635x468, 140K)

Ironically, this seems more accurate than

>assblasing mikufag

>Quick!! Close your browser! Nobody saw this. Not even you...
My sides are in orbit!

>be mad about randomizer fun

It's surprising to me. Before the snekery, she didn't do anything glaringly questionable, and even the anime team pushed her and Miku, and there were plans for duo swimsuit figurines for them. Itsuki edging her out is a main heroine thing, I guess, but losing to Yotsuba that much was more surprising even when the Yotsuba date was kino.

Can you please stop this. All is fair in love and war. Ichika did nothing wrong. Plus the nips always has shit taste always falling for the hime-cut first girl. Always. Nevermind them.

That's because nips have shit taste

Shit chapter.
I don't understand her appearance now and why only she appears? Why the glasses-kun not coming with her to see fuu-kun?
I like takebayashi even more than quints but this chapter is just shit.

>All is fair in love and war
Except for, you know, war crimes and stuff

>40 chapters

Attached: ruka smug.png (453x610, 282K)


Actually, Futaro is correct. The extra "u"s are nothing but weebish fan-translation.

>All is fair in love and war.

Sure, if you want to date and spend your life with a sociopath that could ruin your life at any moment in the same way.

And here I thought that 1fag got better over time and stopped justifying nonsense.

It helps with the pronounciation though. Shouldn't it technically be Fūtaro?

Nice google translate without understanding of this translation

Attached: 12412.png (195x106, 3K)


EOP please.

Attached: 1548347350980.jpg (640x480, 16K)

One is just a classmate, while the other one is childhood friend and half brother like figure due to their families closeness that figured out being social was to study during the school trip. Duh, she's going to talk to him more under normal circumstances.
I wonder if Fuu didn't meet Yotsuba and one way or another persisted in his puppy love, could his life story be something like Chihayafuru study version™?

Fuutarou subtly looking at Ichika bag because she gets his attention. Cute.
Similar to
>Miku talks about Nino pic ch61
>FuutarouxNino pic 81
>Raiha talking about Nino pic ch91
Fuutarou still nervous around Nino even after their"mature discussion"ch71

>Nino impact him the most
>Who is the girl that Fuutarou avoided the most after 68
Fuutarou doesn't avoid 13 after their "confessions" or "doubt about their feelings" or 45.
He avoids only Nino after her confession and after 68 and he still nervous around her yet.

Attached: Nino!!!.jpg (1905x1793, 687K)

Official sources shits all over your shitty fan translation.

How long until Yotsuba becomes a mass shooter

>he doesn't know how retarded can be offcial translators

Attached: Futaro and Fuutarou.png (172x141, 4K)

Wrong. You only have the school trip reference.

You are the one that needs to stop this. All of your long ass arguments about the issue can be summed up with this, and you kept repeating it over and over again. Don't embarrass yourself further and let it go. I have the right to call it snekery, deception, lie or whatever I want, without shitting on Ichika. If the mere word snekery displeases you, stop visiting these threads.

>muh translation right everything else wrong
The entire state of weebs

Yeah, she has huge family issue.

Attached: 401.png (1370x3198, 2.11M)

>Kekkk this pic is too funny
Fuutarou is so obvious. His eyes betrayed his feelings toward Nino!!!

Attached: Fuu kun is obvious.jpg (1920x1920, 232K)


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> 3fags are not only EOPs, but refuse to accept that they're wrong
How low will they go?

Attached: 12441.jpg (1200x939, 327K)

>L-Leave the thread!
Not him but you should go back.

ok shill

Nino gets a 0% score whether it's Futaro or Fuutarou, so...

Ninofags always lose baby

With another site the result of this test will change

Sure thing, overliteral weeb translator.

Why? It's another Stop shitting over Ichika already, when I only said she didn't do anything questionable before the snekery. user there throw a tantrum again that the snekery was not questionable, it was a fair thing to do, and the war argument came from him again. Can you imagine how that user felt when the Snek memes were in full glory?

Bring it on, pal.

Did she gave up there?

Attached: Ichika.png (2230x1600, 1.36M)

This happens when one tries to be too literal.

Yes, but Negi brought her back into the bowl again.

>fuutarou hates her the most among quints
>back into the bowl

G-gomenasai, Ichika-sama... in an alternate universe, I may have been just as treacherous as you...
Gomenasai, Shogun Miku... after all, your pancake idea was the best. Let me at least work for you...
Gomenasai, I-Itsuki-sama... I didn't mean to call you a meatbun monster... please don't slap me again, it still hurts...
Last but not least, forgive me, Takebayashi-sama... or should I call you Uesugi-sama? Y-yes, I do bless your marriage from the bottom of my heart... I will bake the wedding cake as you asked, milady...for free, of course...

Attached: 1567433375007.jpg (688x688, 163K)

Not him but Fuutaro doesn't hate Ichika at all

Attached: 016.png (1115x1600, 976K)



>All quintfags act like that if you can't bear it then you really should fuck off
>I have the right to xxx
Where do you think you are? Grow a pair.

>dude was really thankful to her for saving his tutor job before
>literally went into another debt just for helping her to graduate
>hates her the most?
This is your brain after letting "muh snek" rent free in your head for half a year already.

>See, I’m a quint of simple tastes. I like dynamite…and gunpowder…and gasoline! Do you know what all of these things have in common? They’re cheap!

Attached: EP8_PV_3.jpg (541x450, 257K)

It will end in harem ends.
Screencap this.

Attached: 1324.png (515x358, 81K)

This was unnecessary af and makes him look like one of those crappy isekai harem MCs. Just have him say "I'll give you an answer after the festival" and get it over with.

>Ichika haters are self-inserters and speed readers
Not surprised.


Attached: 1342.png (1048x500, 695K)

What crappy Isekai MC ever said something like this?
Besides, I agree that the word "love" is too awkward here to use. Yea Forums should've just went with "like" as dropout did, but I'm using this because overall their translations is much better

The autism just comes in full force whenever love/like is involved. See the LOVE fiasco in Kyoto

IsanariCHADS are there?

Attached: Best.png (628x842, 320K)

Why is Ichika the calmest one there?
Why Itsuki isn't calm?

Attached: reaction.png (1072x752, 515K)

Only EOPs have a problem with it since it could be translated into either of the two.

But at least it's super cute autism there!

Attached: 020.jpg (2048x1469, 359K)


Yotsuba, Miku and Nino have been hinting for a while that Itsuki probably has feelings for him. Only Yea Forums and Itsuki herself are in denial about it.

>defending shit translation
Get a load of this Yea Forums bootlicker

where do you think you are

>ichika should suffer from the same destiny as Ichigo because of otaku autism

Attached: 15240713134052.png (2504x1652, 2.51M)

I like this version better

Attached: eatsuki.png (1115x1600, 895K)

RIP Itsuki

>Why is Ichika the calmest one there?
She's the only one who has completely given up on him
which makes her a good contender for the one who will get confessed by F this time, considering we still have another 30+ chapters to go

New chapter when?

>says the EOP

Not really. She has no such feelings. All the sisters have different temperament. 134 are cool headed compared to 25.

Bad translation, and even worse meme.

Both Ichika and Yotsuba aren't planning to compete. Yotsuba never even tried.

My guess is Tate is curious who is the person that changed the young Fuutarou from a delinquemt kid who hated studying to a smart and diligent person six years later. Even a kid will be interested to know why his personality that time turned a 360 degree, but in a positive light, so her assumption is he wanted to impress someone else with his test scores.

This coming from a wannabe Japanese language expert? LOl.

>I'm an Itsukifag

Guys i should confess.
I'm not Itsukifag.
It was me, Ninofag!

Attached: normal phrase.png (642x1488, 474K)

>itsuka always was with Fuutarou during Scramble Eggs arc
>Always was with him during Nino fight arc
>tards really believe that somebody except Itsuki can win

Read the manga.

>you are new young mangaka
>make very popular manga with 5 love interests
>equal stakes in totalizator for all 5 sisters
>you have bright idea
>firstly you make readers hate character
>then make it looks like she give up while others only make better relationships with mc
>bet all your money on her
>she wins in the end
Negi you are breath taking

>always was with Fuutarou during Scramble Eggs arc
Seems like Fuutarou isn't the only one that lost the quints game. You lack LOVE.


Attached: 1558820366500.jpg (2000x1950, 466K)

>always was him during the most key moments
>ride with him in water park
>she was third quint he met in Kyoto
>thanks to her he met another quints
>was first girl in manga
Now explain how she can loose if she is the strongest quint?

Itsuki doesn't seem uninterested by the prospect of Fuutarou picking her even if Nino doesn't notice.

Attached: w8.png (1115x1600, 478K)

Another proof of Itsuki win

Oof, I think I missed this as a minor confession when I first read it.

I think it's funny, but you're free to show me a better one user!

>strongest quint
But both lifting and striking strength-wise it's 4 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 3

Attached: 018.png (499x538, 248K)

Since when Dropout consistently puts out better translations?

She wasn't with him when he got kissed.

>takebayashi i can't hurt any quint. Therefore i choose you? Will you merry me? So that means yes, what a relief. But i have condition. You should look like and behave like quints. Try this wig. That would be look in wedding dress. Now try to behave like them. Yes, very good, It reminds Ichika, and now it's Yotsuba. Oh this is Itsuki. Also you should change wig every day (on saturday and sunday you should wear Maruo and Yuusuke). Good girl Take-chan. Now there is no resentments among quints, Let's live long happy life.


>better translation

>this nonItsukifag really believe in this
Imagine this level of patheticness

>the most key moments
Plenty of key moments don't involve her at all. Stop BSing

>she was third quint he met in Kyoto

Don't argue with discord trannies

Which quint craves BBC the most?





>No argument

Even the goddamn nips are aware of the endgame

Attached: 20190905_193931.jpg (944x574, 348K)


Attached: Nino61.jpg (900x1200, 215K)

Karmic justice

cuantas copas tiene?

Nino noticed. She trusts Itsuki as much as Miku trusted Ichika that Ichika would gladly congratulate Miku.

Is this sarcasm against Ichikafags?

Attached: 1542450073942.png (1237x602, 844K)

I'm looking for Nakano Miku.

Attached: 1567659658747.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

What if one of the class thots starts hanging around a spoken for Fuutarou?

Kek. When will Ninoniggers stop getting BTFO?

Attached: akane cute.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

She's busy. Come back later.

Attached: 1567656015417.png (475x363, 175K)



Attached: 1567660051385.png (1920x1080, 441K)



Attached: 1567212874519.jpg (380x475, 95K)

What happened to takeda?

What about Yotsuba-dono?
>Shogun Miku

Attached: gunshot or rope.jpg (750x750, 57K)

Woah, careful with that gun, Yotsuba

You really think that would make 3fags seethe? Try harder.

>they are not quints but 5 childrens from different mothers
This is your main plot twist, enjoy.


He's here too

Attached: 1567656309228.png (468x274, 140K)

I think Takebayashi also notices it.

Attached: look at this whale.png (1115x1650, 403K)

Attached: 1553127095442.png (475x681, 296K)

I forgot, Ichika kissed Uesugi in the cheek more than 1 time?

Where does the Nakano sisters fit?

Attached: tomaru sawagoe.jpg (4958x1453, 761K)

>Itsuki starts blushing every time Fuutarou talks to her or even when he is mentioned

And people are in denial that she's falling for him

Attached: 1567690956596.jpg (1448x2048, 624K)

Doesn't really matter,because what actually matter is whether Fuutarou fell for her or not.
And from what I see,Itsuki reactions are purely one-sided.

Nino wins
>“May I say something…selfish?”
>“…! Say it, say anything! I’ll listen to anything, I’ll do anything, so…!”
>In a broken voice, in a frail tone, Nino looked up at Fuutarou and made a little murmur.
>“I want you to say…that you…love me.”
>Tears welling up forced Fuutarou’s eyes open as he shook his head side to side. Then, he drew his face close to hers and told her:
>“I love you.”

Now it seems to me
That you know just what to say
But words are only words
Can you show me something else
Can you swear to me that you'll always be this way
Show me how you feel
More than ever baby

I don't wanna be lonely no more
I don't wanna have to pay for this
I don't want to know the lover at my door
Is just another heartache on my list

I don't wanna be angry no more
You know I could never stand for this
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure
I don't want to be lonely anymore

Now its hard for me with my heart still on the mend
Open up to me, like you do your girlfriends
And you sing to me and it's harmony
Girl, what you do to me is everything
Make me say anything; just to get you back again
Why can't we just try

I don't wanna be lonely no more
I don't wanna have to pay for this
I don't want to know the lover at my door
Is just another heartache on my list

I don't wanna be angry no more
You know I could never stand for this
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure
I don't want to be lonely anymore

What if I was good to you, what if you were good to me
What if I could hold you till I feel you move inside of me
What if it was paradise, what if we were symphonies
What if I gave all my life to find some way to stand beside you

I don't wanna be lonely no more
I don't wanna have to pay for this
I don't want to know the lover at my door
Is just another heartache on my list

I don't wanna be angry no more
But you know I could never stand for this
So when you tell me that you love me know for sure
I don't want to be lonely anymore

I don't wanna be lonely anymore [x3]

Attached: ECQMF4WU4AAK0bo.jpg (802x1200, 241K)


Truly an accurate depiction of how ninoniggers have coped for the past 40 chapters

Attached: ROFLMAO XD.jpg (512x768, 41K)

Attached: asap.png (622x80, 6K)

Why yes I do love Lady Nino Nakano. How could you tell?

Attached: Fat guy httpmonoriroguedeviantartcomartotakuroadhogskinconcept615879080_8d40f0_5950023.jpg (900x1069, 212K)

I thinl negi firstly planned winnig of Itsuka or Ichika, but it will Miku because of ratings.

New cope meme it is, thanks.

For me, it's Yotsuba

Attached: EDiIQ0CU4AEgEgC.jpg (1072x2048, 293K)

Dear God is that how Ninofags look?

Attached: Dj3YFT9UYAE45qo.jpg_orig.jpg (1075x1518, 273K)

>already in coping mode

> .jpg.orig.jpg
your filename needs to make up its mind

Wow, that almost made me puke.
Go back to your telenovela or at least come up with something good. No quint deserves that kind of trash.

Attached: yuck.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Have all these Nino hating incels getting tired of shitflinging on her until they find themselves assblast in the end?

No one loves Nino more than me though

Oh no no no no
This retard came back

I call tell just by looking at you

Attached: 20929712-attractive-and-muscular-male-bodybuilder-shirtless-in-jeans-smiling.jpg (281x450, 20K)

You love Miku & you don't deserve Nino or Ichika

Will we see a NInonigger sperging out in the thread again?

Attached: maki wants to obilerate the slut.png (146x348, 76K)

With the exception of 4 and 3, the rest of the quint’s reason for falling for F is rather vague.


2 is quite clear, it's because of his wig.

I'm sorry could you write that out in english? Thanks

Only once. Same for Yotsuba.

Which quint cannot live without the BBC?

>exception of 4 and 3
What? 123 are clear. It's 4 which is not.

Nigners falseflagging again.

You subhumans are sad

They already are, see

Beautiful Black Cat?

Attached: 5d37935ec9561fb4668b1ff888cf653e.png (637x900, 609K)

>It's 4 which is not.

Oh. Then that's Nino

1, 2 and 3 stated reasons. 4 never did.

Can we go one fucking day without the Nignofags sperging out in the thread?

Did Ichika kiss him there?
Did Itsuki understood that it was Ichika?

Attached: Ichika and Itsuka.png (1114x1600, 718K)

Can we go just 1 day without mikufags having a meltdown?

Unlikely, they're beyond obsessed

>muh Mikufags wwaaah!
Grow the fuck up.

Apparently not.

>Uesugi saaaan!!

You can smell Matsuoka's awkwardness from here.

The whole chapter showed why she loves him

Attached: x18.png (2230x1600, 1.52M)

How would each quintfag react to their quint losing?
I'm guessing Mikufags will take it the hardest, calling the author a hack, and the writing terrible.
Ninofags would probably do the same but only if the winner is MIku,
Yotsubafags would convert to despairchads.and post suicide memes
Ichika and Itsukifags wouldn't mind very much

I'm sick and tired of these Ninotards shutting up the thread, it's nauseating and completely ruins my experience

What is wrong with these lunatics?

>muh Ninuhfagsss waaaah
Grow the fuck up.

She was going to but stopped. Itsuki saw it but she probably didn't think much of it because she is dumb.

Sounds like you're in dire need of a safe space.

>n-no u
Who needs to grow up again?

If you are going to say that any reason was vague, then she is the most vague because she never stated anything. We all saw the girls fall for him.

Or maybe I don't like constant BBC, muh Nino this muh Nino that muh Mikufag boogeyman spamming and want to discuss the fucking manga?

>I'm guessing Mikufags will take it the hardest, calling the author a hack, and the writing terrible.

It's actually the opposite. Her character progressed enough for it to be satisfying anyway. Not that she means that she will lose. A lot of mikufags are ready for it.

shut up ninotard

Based Itsuki stopping sexual harassments

Let's discuss. What do you want to talk about?

Apparently the old bald guy is probably this famous speaker Itsuki talked about

Attached: x15.png (1115x1600, 574K)

It's impossible with the spammer here

Sound like to me that you need some higher standards

>ichika actually kiss him
guys, isn't it funny if the bell kisser doesn't matter at all?

Miku has already won the readers' hearts. I won't be too mad if she doesn't win Fuutaro's

Attached: KhAUZnz.jpg (1000x1417, 327K)

Is the Eatsuki meme supposed to be mean or endearing?

Attached: p79mzgodluq21.jpg (260x269, 25K)

Holy shit you're retarded. Re-read the flashback arcs and this time don't speedread so hard.


Attached: nino on drugs.jpg (450x450, 129K)

As expected Nino doesn't have true feelings for Futarou, she's in love with love itself. Having her rejected soon will improve her character

Ultimate kek

It's a """"" joke""""" made up by buttblasted fags trying to demean Itsuki's character


Fuck you, fatty being fatty is an endearing part of her.

For me it's kyut and endearing!

Attached: borgar.jpg (745x442, 30K)

>It's a """"" joke""""" made up by buttblasted fags trying to demean Itsuki's character
So you mean Negi himself hate Itsuki?Based

>I-it's a d-discord trannie! Our t-translations are the b-bwest
Egotistical much?

>muh 100 chapters of nothing but eating
Yeah. It's "endearing"

This was obvious to everyone in the fandom

I think it's cute as long as she doesn't get fat.

No, it's a shit meme made up by shitposters with low IQ

Not everyone, sadly..


Attached: itsuki lunch.jpg (618x720, 103K)

So Negi is a shitposter here?

Attached: 1517084902610.png (625x314, 147K)

Attached: Fuck you.png (505x698, 206K)

This is the biological father of the quints

Attached: daddy.png (292x417, 155K)


Said fags also ignore Itsuki's character monments im favor of the gag, which Negi toned down a lot in the recent chapters.

No, that is

Attached: Kaguya12.png (821x1200, 459K)

Above Itsuki but below Ichika.

Also, enjoy the mental image.

>characte moment
You mean being a walking quote expository robot?

You're the one that seems seriously buttblasted here, ignoring fatty's character moments? How about no. One thing isn't incompatible with the other.

Coping hard there

Said the one currently assblasted about fat joke lmao

Attached: 76612307_p0.jpg (3618x2563, 3.47M)

Fuck off Ninotard

>Nino already cut her hair in the Kintarou arc.
Now what she will do when Fuutarou actually rejects her.

9/10 Miku here.

8 > 0 > 1 > 5 > 6 > 10 > 2 > 7 > 4 > 3 > 9

Miko Miku

Cut off her breasts like a good feminist

We'll have our first bald quint.

Where did she state why she loves him?

It's going to be Ichika for role in the movie

>I studied the blade


>Brendan Fraser Nino

Attached: Teleport meme.png (1531x2548, 1.43M)


yotsuba is loser
miku bitch

Why do you make a thread if there is no chapter?
Generals are prohibited.

Yes, lash out more at the endgame, it fuels me

Blame itsukifags

Endgame is 145, retard-kun


Haha, the fucking delusion.

The endgame is Only Nino, the other 4 aren't even proper contestants

Attached: 1564758896849.jpg (712x660, 201K)

option disregarded

Attached: 1535312254766.png (531x456, 181K)

Ichika about sisters and takebayashi

Attached: Losers.png (235x343, 55K)


Attached: DsNfltDVsAELCKy.jpg_orig.jpg (1378x2048, 223K)

It's this one Nino who is Nino the Loser?

On a scale of no fug to fug I'd fug her

The delusion is strong in this one

>the quint I like
>the quint I dislike
Not endgame

222% cope

Nino has the profile of a future feminazi actually. She'll go very short hair with dyed streaks, piercings and will act more manly.

of course she isn't. but I think it's troubling her, because she knows of yotsuba being lolikano

Don't respond to me ever again you imbecile.


Why are the quints so stupid? Even Itsuki who studies all the time is a retarded. Most of them don't seem dumb in normal conversation.

Attached: 1567593710018.jpg (977x1510, 702K)

That's how I imagine her, contrilling, forceful, will immediately report anyone for crime who doesn't agree with her, would suffocate her kids with absurd expectations

why yes, that is actually correct. well done, user

I remember you asked this in one of previous threads.


why are you so butthurt?

I think japan's school system is just bad. their language studies revolve about remembering a million words. if you're bad at remembering things by heart, you're done for.
I'm glad a lot of (at least european) schools start to change and integrate more practical approaches to teaching and learning.

>personal attack
As expected.

This is why you're hated, you can't argue like a normal person, it's always cope seethe etc etc with you worms.

this turned into haremshit really quick

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - Ch.100 - The Sunrise Festival - Day 2 - 17.png (1115x1600, 401K)

if that was the case, why would she get dripping wet for bad boy kintaruo and be all girly for him? nino is a sweet girl, but she can handle herself, if she's annoyed

it's been a harem manga literally since chapter 1, you dolt

Learn English you fucking ESL

Now in English please.

You have just described any girl before they realize they're to ugly to fuck guys.

Only Itsuki and Yotsuba are pure idiot.
The eldest 3 only lack motivation to study.

Spic detected.

Fuck off back to Mexico

oh sorry faggots, I didn't I was writing in french. excusez moi. or was it german? na dann entschuldigung. or oh shit, was it italian? mi dispiace!

Holy shit Ninofags are melting down hard.

nice google translate faggot

>I didn't I was writing
Stop embarrassing yourself already.

>I'm not damage controlling I swear

stop samefagging Miku spic, kill yourself

Who is the most nervous of all the waifufags?

>muh miku
Rent fucking free, bub.

This faggot



Obviously Nigners

I admit, that was unfortunate

nope, these languages are taught in school.

still no arguments

The ones shitting up the thread with falseflagging

Ninofags are embarrassing

>now mikufags even copy the ">muh nino" from ninofags
Just like their quint. was right.

Attached: 1564579722838.png (122x171, 28K)

3fags they throw shit at 2fags all the time for no reason

Who hurt you

>multi-quoting in Yea Forums
the worst cancerous kind of post, fuck off.

Mikekers are massive retards IMHO .

I want to fuck Takebayashi


You are not alone

Btw, am I the only one mad at Fatsuki for cockblocking (again) and denying us the slap?

>23cucks still think they have a chance
*breathes in*

Imagine being a pathetic Micuck waiting for your girl to suck off an old man cock. Pfft

Attached: DxFdFgwVYAA9MQporig.jpg (1237x1370, 201K)

who hurt you

I'm an Yotsubro and the Mikufags are being beyond cringey nowadays

Attached: 1542730201535.jpg (1200x1026, 234K)

Stop falseflagging ninofag. Yotsubafags are bros.

Attached: Gotoubun11.png (1069x908, 900K)

>I am
You're not fooling anyone. Falseflagging tard

I'd rather choose a ninofag than a mikufag lately.

Attached: ImSorry.jpg (400x648, 89K)

Stop the fucking falseflagging already you fucking parasite

>anyone who I don't like is a falseflagger

>he still continues
You have no shame

Based yotsubro.

Attached: 1565599004000.jpg (881x1024, 178K)

>stock "I've been found out" response

Hear that? That'd the sound if you getting exposed


Attached: yotsuba wtf.png (796x681, 590K)

Why so insecure?

Attached: 1552054827856.gif (600x600, 457K)


Attached: meecoo.png (843x424, 310K)

Itsuki doesn't like him though.

That was so fucking based

Stop clinging to us Yotsubros, we fucking hate your guts. Fuck off you clingy garbage, I do not want an iota of associativity with you fucking falseflagging trash so you can shove your ugly quint bitch down our throats

May I change your minds then?

Attached: cringe.png (878x187, 12K)

That's fucking pathetic. ninofags are literally 12

How pitiful

Attached: 73683933_p0.jpg (636x900, 425K)

>a "adult" wrote this

wrong song faggot

Layer them one by one, a small glimmer that is ours alone
They change little by little, the shapes our joined hands make
Layer them one by one, a small glimmer that is ours alone
They change little by little, the shapes our joined hands make

The weakness that I was hiding (The only one)
You always saw through them
I discover things about myself (Every time)
I always think of you

The bell in my heart (that it would ring), I didn't (believe)
Whether you are my destiny, I can't know right away
I like you because you change, that's the signal of forever

It must have been decided from that day,
The moments I compare, our futures match
It's you no matter what, these feelings without end
The bell continues to ring, forever

Layer them one by one, a small glimmer that is ours alone
They change little by little, the shapes our joined hands make
Layer them one by one, a small glimmer that is ours alone
They change little by little, the shapes our joined hands make

>how dare people like something different from what I think they should like!
"Alliances" are trash, but being this paranoid is no better.

Attached: D9u2QqUU8AAdKCZ.jpg (1448x2048, 348K)

I still think this is more pathetic.

Attached: 1567276066994.png (1208x1306, 245K)

This. Ninofags can fuck off already.

Attached: 1549468867996.jpg (679x960, 477K)

Holy fuck. Now I understand why the threads feel like an american college lately.

Attached: mipoop.png (217x254, 40K)

I don't care about reddit, take your le epic response chain and fuck off


Attached: 1561863668420.jpg (872x609, 46K)

>need to dig up shit from years ago to """"" dab""""" (am in using this cancer term right?) on Mikufans

You are pathetic

Now that's embarassing.


How is he wrong? Miku is constantly attacked here, Ninofags don't allow anyone to discuss her

>an exceptionally well written character

You can stop this pathetic samefag already, yard

Eh that's pretty pathetic, true: that poor user couldn't catch a breath here. But it's kinda old.
My example literally happened ITT, and is more cringe.

Rent free.

Do you believe in the win of your girl? Did you your favourite?

Fuu-guuuun~ I will always love you

Attached: 1567442686394s.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Who is the BBC Queen?

Nino was better with long hair

>40 chapters

Attached: pbs_twimg_com_media_EDRPeTBXsAAd.jpg (800x1132, 217K)

>Mikushitters are from reddit
That explains a lot.

Now everything makes sense.


Attached: ggbb.jpg (720x716, 392K)


Attached: EDnXvB-VUAAuAyG.jpg (637x900, 96K)

Nino is as popular as Miku on reddit, Ninofags are mostly reditors

Fatsuki fat

Attached: fatsuki.jpg (633x975, 156K)

You can stop now the le epic response chain now, this is embarrassing

>memes and propaganda
As always they will play the victim card

Attached: 1565064284952.png (517x775, 134K)

>yfw there's a Micuck or Nincel in your presence

Attached: 1551106290982.png (365x377, 104K)

All me!

Attached: all me.jpg (550x169, 56K)

Nah, this here is a prime example of a assblasted mikufag who got so BTFO he had to make an essay of how mad he is.

user, I frequent reddit and no, Miku is far more popular than Nino there. In fact, it's this way pretty much everywhere besides on Yea Forums

An actual legit answer gets ignored , not surprised

1=2=3=4=5 No matter who wins, us yotsubros will show our support.

Attached: F.jpg (2039x2894, 886K)

Clearly 3fags

>116 IPs in the thread
>surely any post I don't like must be from that same guy!
Are you okay user? We're worried about you.

Nino isn't popular here, she's by far the most disliked.

3fag here, pretty calm after chapter 100 actually.

...and who said otherwise? My point still stands

>popular on Yea Forums
People hate her guts, no wonder since she's such a pathetic character

1 = 2 = 4 = 5 > 3

Attached: D7jAQCUUYAAAyKH.jpg (386x861, 90K)

I'm mad.

It takes enough out of me arguing on Yea Forums with people I don't even know, and now I have to make a post on Reddit.

Look. Yotsuba has self-esteem issues. That's part of her character. I understand that it's annoying to see a character just jump off a bridge. I understand Nino is a drug dealer and Ichika slithers pretty spicy and Miku is a pure doormat and Itsuki, I mean, she loves food and there's nothing better than a hippo who knows how to handle a burger. But shit.

First off, who can fucking blame her? Here's the thing. If she hanged herself earlier, she definitely would have been found out. Any attempt before Scrambled Eggs would have been an instant out, regardless of quintuplet. In this regard, she was totally right not to kill herself earlier, and in fact, she got lucky her first attempt was misunderstood, and she got lucky everyone just didn't really care about what she was doing. Combine the normal fear of rejection with the fact Fuutarou's pretty goddamned inscrutable, the fact that her sister just ignored her existence, and that her hardcore crush definitely, definitely, rejected her -- and what happened to her rope anyway? In real life, there's no one you could blame for being a coward.

Yotsuba's plot is about a girl who's trying her best to be noticed by someone,anyone . In a manga that's all about identicality, disguise, being seen, and being a hack, she's a girl who loves a boy and thinks she doesn't deserve to be loved by that boy -- and sometimes, at her absolute lowest, she tries to become invisible. Not like she needs to. I'm not saying Yotsuba should be your favorite girl because of this, or even that you particularly have to find this kind of character appealing. I'm just saying, don't let memes and hope propaganda spoil your interpretation of an exceptionally well-written character.

>fear the strong

Attached: 1567353800150.png (842x825, 327K)

How new?


>3fags a-a-a-are n-nervous......
This is the mental state of a Ninonigger

>fearing the doormat

Attached: 1561485048647.png (229x240, 19K)

Not that I'm against any certain quint, but I won't support any other quint knowing it will be at 4's expense.

I'll be ok with then ending if it's well written, but I ain't supporting it before it happens.

Attached: 4 best girl besting.jpg (1440x2953, 1.53M)

> strong

Attached: 1554808014939.png (310x616, 133K)

Rent free

>muh ur a newfag reality doesn't exist

You know that your quint is next to lose to her.

Attached: 1567343577485.jpg (720x597, 97K)

> he thinks I'm a 2fag

Attached: 1567354218289.png (175x322, 84K)

I'm not the one constantly bringing up Mikufags, you are

Attached: WINsuba alpha as fuck.png (1115x1600, 646K)

oh sure...

From what I've seen, she is. She's also hated a lot, but so is Miku. Just compare these two posts:
Miku is much more hated here.

>living in the past
Yeah, gl user.

>compare samefag spammer post to a normal one
Haha, the fucking brain damage

Post your rare quints

Here is Yotsuba "Blanco 100 Por ciento" NAKANO.
She comes from the future to fight Yotsuba and tell her that putting others' happiness above her own is wrong.

Attached: 4c EMIYA.png (487x842, 190K)

> Mikufags are much more hated here.
I have nothing against miku. You brought it on yourselves.

Attached: 1559666530779.png (337x326, 94K)

You only think that because you fall for the Ninofag falseflagging like a proper idiot

Imagine peaking in Middle School lmao


Attached: D5iSHf6W4AEVpdI.jpg (4092x2439, 799K)

>hiding behind an innocent Itsukibro
Kill yourself

>liking evens after 100
fucking kek


>m-m-muh Nino
You know how we know he's right? He didn't mention Nino at all yet your damaged brain can't come up with anything other than him being a Ninofag despite 4 other types of quintfags existing.

But she peaks in her early 20s...

Attached: YotsuSip.png (1426x2048, 1.53M)

Anons, this is just an example. Got any better proofs? Because I sure feel this way reading most of 5toubun threads

Takebayashi will wake the sleeping giant, just wait user. She is about to do a Pearl Harbor kind of attack into Yotsuba's coasts

Attached: The return of the WINsuba.png (1068x684, 499K)


Why are you so angry? Take a chill pill

>sleeping giant
Do you actually believe that?

In his defense only Ninofag write like that, it's their MO

>liking NIno after "I will always love you"
Can anyone explain?

Read the threads, you are basing your opinion on circumstancal evidence

Hating on someone just because they like a character, how do you become this bitter?
I don't recall ever doing anything worth being hated for

>m-muh ninofags!
Every time

Attached: 1567699874584.png (842x825, 227K)

Actually unironically 4 could restraint all her other 4 sisters (including Fuutarou) with no effort.

The signs of a lonely and bitter loser.

doubt on fatty desu

>3 that low

I read the threads, and I base my opinion on that. Nino is hated a lot, but so is Miku. I can give you the fact that I'm probably biased, but at the very least they're hated the same


Attached: 1561922842714.png (294x371, 114K)

Shut the fuck up already, you literally bring yourself up all the time because no one cares about your quint anymore. Stop being pathetic and do something with your life.

>Miku is 1st place in polls
The one who really hated is Ichika.

You're on Yea Forums, don't expect everyone here to be reasonable. Some are just sad irl losers.

Truly rent free.

Attached: yotsuba can't stop shit posters.png (1056x506, 880K)

Typical braindead response everyone expects from you

Write like what? All the guy even said was "Clearly 3fags"
That's not enough to give anything away.

Every time.

>I frequent reddit
Ninofags confirmed redditors

>I frequent reddit
Ninofags everyone

>everyone is the same person!
Kek. You remind me of a certain shitposter.

Attached: 1550510915908.jpg (390x437, 83K)

I've seen more Nino and Yotsuba win the polls, to be honest

We won't see Takebayashi again. Miku will wake Yotsuba, then we'll have a Miku vs Yotsuba just like we had Miku vs Ichika and Miku vs Nino.

Attached: cp19.png (460x846, 396K)

Take your BBC queen back there then, cancer


Attached: 1566098247116.jpg (787x1120, 144K)

>post doesn't implicate in any way what's his favourite quint
Kek. check

> people are saying we're cancerous
> no!
> they're losers in real life!
Maybe you should reevaluate yourselves first.

>Souce: trust me bro.

Since when were you under the impression that I was a Ninshart?

So defensive

Only meekeks hate Ichika because she dared playing fair with their favorite moeblob.

Yo, ichibro

Attached: Ichicute.png (644x765, 395K)

>muh mikuuuufags
Rent free

3fags shitting up the threads once again.

Attached: 1563233543324.gif (716x621, 269K)

Great threads bros, keep it up!

Some anons here talk about "how obvious" falseflagging is, yet these poor retards mistook me for a ninofag... pathetic. Also, fuck off.

Attached: pathetic.png (592x867, 293K)

Is this the first time we see Yotsuba so emotionally invested isn't it?

Attached: Triggered.png (404x684, 211K)

Cute Ichicute!

Attached: 1563755407466.jpg (744x1052, 228K)

What I find ironic is that they started to copy everything from when ninofags were shitposting.
They're just like their quint, a cheap copy of Nino.

Nice try shifting the blame, too bad only a certain minority will fall for it while the rest laugh at you

I wonder what happened that made them snap so much in the last year.

I don't hate on people because they hate a character. Here, done my part. How about you?

You wish Nino was as half developed as Miku

Holy based.

Attached: 15636290824613.png (448x528, 153K)

Attached: Negi.png (1688x1058, 1.34M)

Are you sure you want that for Miku?

This is Yotsuba we are talking about here. Who's going to carry Miku if she's up against Yotsuba? Ichika's at work. Nino and Itsuki are on their own paths to F.

Attached: yotsuba play star eyes.jpg (1334x717, 264K)

Attached: 1567694364630.jpg (750x1294, 683K)

user... mikeks have always been cancerous.
>muh popularity
>muh negi
How new?
Yeah, maybe where you came from that would happen tourist.

user, don't put your headcanon into the story.

This pathetic meme again, stop speedreading every chapter that isn't a Nino one.

Want a source? Then post one for your claims first, or shut the fuck up

Also how they copied micute from ichicute.
And before you say micute was first, it sure was. But it was a ichikafag that kept repeating ichicute before mikufags started copying.

Attached: 1566992287320.jpg (1000x1415, 955K)

It's not like Yotsuba has any chance against Miku.

touched a sore spot?

>replying 4 times trying to perform damage control when you out yourself as a redditor
If I was wrong about Ninofags being redditors then you wouldn't have replied so desperately.
Nearly all screen caps of reddit are usually posted by Ninofags showing that they frequent the shithole more than anybody.

Attached: 1566082463473.jpg (811x810, 128K)

here's an official poll

Attached: poll.jpg (960x689, 245K)

Don't impersonate me retard

Yots only holds back because her love for her sisters are on a scale against her love for Fuutaro. She hasn't entered the bowl for the 6 of them.

Yotsuba does not have to take a back seat to Takebayashi. CHADsuba would snap her like nothing physically with her gori-strength and Lolikano would smash any claim Takebayashi has on F.

Attached: yotsuba kage bunshin.jpg (364x583, 96K)

It's pretty disgusting how Ninofags pretend to be other fags to make it seem like they support them, so blatant

user, please. If Yotsuba decides to actually enter the bowl she's winning. Miku would be out since Yotsuba wouldn't have the time to literally carry her.

Attached: 1560272363631.jpg (1504x569, 399K)

Your tears will be delicious.


user, this and this Was posted at the same time. Even pass users can't post that fast.

>And before you say micute was first, it sure was. But it was a ichikafag that kept repeating ichicute before mikufags started copying.

We're strictly talking about Yea Forums, are you retarded? Keep up with the thread

Mikufags are really losing it.

Did Miku do anytthing big for F? I can't remember.

fuck off pajeet

They're still butthurt Mikufags shit on them for trying to pretend 3fags liked Nino after SE

Attached: 1565735083368.png (762x594, 411K)

I kinda feel bad. Best I can do is refer them to another place, this place isn't healthy for them.


Attached: meekoo.png (228x305, 79K)

>If Yotsuba decides to actually enter the bowl she's winning.
4bro here. Even if 4 entered and played lolikano, 5 will remain favorite to win until 5 loses because she's 1st/main girl. 1 also a dark horse for the sneaky win.

Attached: Please end game now.jpg (460x606, 86K)

>Only the 4th comment has a (You)
>replying 4 times
No need to read further. You're shitting out of the toilet.

>hehe if I pretend to be a Mikufag while posting dumb stuff, no one will notice and everyone will laugh at them!

She kept being a cute moeblob. That's something.
Meanwhile Yotsuba was the one that actually changed Fuutarou's life for the better, both in the past and now by making him class rep

Attached: 1561040449385.png (1275x804, 635K)

>please leave my safe space

Attached: 42 superior 3 cute.png (762x593, 211K)

Why are 2 and 3 fags fighting when they both know that their respective waifus have lost?

Attached: 1567538530479.jpg (1200x1600, 186K)

It's not about me, I don't mind them most of the time.

Ninotards are like children.

No, you fuck off with your shitposting. Stop throwing shit around trying to make me look bad.

I dunno, I love shitting on Miku hater. It's pretty fun.

2 hasn't lost though. They're out destined rival.

Attached: D_M-ZriVUAEQxfJ.png orig.png (650x700, 331K)

They're shitposting hard BECAUSE they know 2 and 3 are doomed. This doesn't change that 2 is superior than meeku.

Attached: D_MI773U0AMRXjl.jpg (1365x2048, 261K)

yuckyno a shit

Don't know which falsefag you are, but stop trying to start shit as a falsing as a 4.

4bros like both 2/3, but don't think about them as much as they do about 4's despair/hope

Attached: 4 no.jpg (720x748, 198K)

>2 hasn't lost though.
>I will always love you


There's literally one dude that's pretending to be me, saying the most retarded shit. Some people are really delusional

>4bros like both 2/3,
I'll keep having my own opinion, thanks. Stop this "4bros this/4bros that"

Attached: 1553093193349.jpg (1417x1890, 175K)

>40 chapters since Nino's done anything relevant

Attached: 1562417390102.png (1280x720, 1.29M)

Oh. Which one is that. I'm curious.

Yes, we know, Mikujeet... you're posting stupid shit and then pretending someone's impersonating you. We get it.


>lololol im a yotsubabro xddd im so "epic" meekko btfo!!!!
Ninoniggers are the worst.

you're the one being delusional. take your meds.

I don't get how anyone can still like that garbage character.

But you're my 4bro as well bro.

The hateable wise:
1 > 4 > 3 > 5 > 2

Miku and Yukino a best
Yotsuba and Yui a cucked
Nino and Iroha a shit

Attached: 1563766509322.jpg (975x776, 121K)

Is not that hard to understand that Ichika is the bell kisser and the bride. All of your quints are nothing but fap material (except for Nino she's a strong contender), stop smoking meth and please realize that Miku, Yotsuba and Itsuki are nothing but slut and a waste of ink.

Attached: Ichika Kiss.jpg (712x876, 112K)

Take your last (You) and fuck off.

All quints are shit

Me too. I like Hiratsuka

>4fags this/4fags that
Are you happy now fag?

Attached: yots is dis nig srs.jpg (547x259, 72K)

>Mikuj also a yuckynoshiter
No surprises here

Attached: 1567365715666.jpg (768x768, 118K)

I like Nino and Yotsuba though. Itsuki isn't too bad either.

Mikufags are the new Horikitafags.

Attached: 156547274764.png (1058x709, 609K)

>liking evens after 100

She's busy with Takeda

Attached: Miku sucking Takeda.jpg (381x477, 128K)


Somehow you guys will be surprised when Miku ends up with Takeda and will call it an asspull. I don't know why though.

Poor Takeda he deserves a woman who hadn't been stained by the cum and smell of so many old fat bald men.......

Attached: miku u mad.jpg (511x521, 136K)

>Ichika is the bell kisser

Attached: 1557094068978.png (1295x765, 367K)

Somehow you guys will be surprised when Itsuki ends up with Fuutarou and will call it an asspull. I don't know why though.

Somehow you guys will be surprised when Nino ends up with Fuutarou and will call it an asspull. I don't know why though.

I do and I'm not the only one. Don't get so butthurt at people liking different things.

So what if I do? 135 are still way worse despite that.

Attached: 24cuties.png (2880x1620, 3.21M)

Possibility who is the bell kisser
4 > 1 > 5


Preach on brother. We shall spread our philosophy of love and hope BY FORCE.

Attached: 1541661100573.png (683x580, 230K)

Attached: 75046dd7cf4a07473c97a634ff6e902883e53737r1-1080-1350v2_hq.jpg (819x1024, 82K)

4 certainly has the aggressiveness, reasons, and leg strength/balance.

But meta and clues provided say it's 1. Also it would be a pretty hack move to make Yotsuba the answer to both lolikano, rena, and kisser. At that point she's the bride and the story is cheapened. I believe Negi's writing ability. Same reason why 4/5 aren't as likely.

Doesn't matter who kisser is in the grand scheme of things anyways since kisser=/=bride. 4here btw.

Attached: ichika is the kisser.jpg (2048x2048, 437K)

Miku a blushing CUTE!

Attached: 1566965422307.jpg (760x593, 225K)

last for despair

Attached: 1556189131929.png (304x167, 59K)

The bell kisser doesn't matter unless bell kisser = bride and then it can only be 3 or 5

Preach on brother. We shall spread our philosophy of pain and DESPAIR BY FORCE too.

Attached: there's no way that'd happen yotsuba go toubun.png (1154x1620, 1.31M)

evens > odds
honorable mentions: 1 and 5

[品番]PCXP.50682 [税抜定価]6,800円
[品番]PCBP.54076 [税抜定価]5,800円
the blu-rays are 70 and the miku figurine is ~150, before shipping or tax.
it's crazy to think this is standard for all anime series too.

Last for hope!

Attached: Yots.jpg (1448x2048, 324K)

4 is going to commit suicide for some dramatic tension in this final act

Last for Miku a shit.

0 > 5

how do odds compete?


>pretty hack
Your opinion user
Hahaha, man you're retarded.
>4here btw

I'm 2fag pretending to be a 2fag acting as a 3fag. Ask me anything

How are they worse? Nino is stagnant for 40 chapters and pathetic, Yotsuba did nothing for the whole story and showed again in 100 how pathetic she is. You like the 2 most underdeveloped and most pathetic characters. I guess you can relate?

B-bros she will find happiness, right?

Attached: 1567642713736.png (513x910, 844K)

Last for Nino a shit

why does this quint trigger so many people?
all she did was slap some papers out of fuutarou's hand and say some mean words.

Attached: 1566109270774.png (471x786, 264K)


A high percentage of Mikufags here are originally from reddit


~100% actually

Attached: 1567692988480.jpg (854x1200, 317K)

>a high percentage of Ninofags are originally from reddit
This. They wouldn't have so many reddit screencaps if they didn't browse reddit.

>Half into the thread shitposting is slowing down
>then this and shows up
>everyone laughing at the poor attempt of damage control
>all of sudden someone mention Mikufag out of nowhere and
>thread devolved into avatarfagging,passive aggressive argument and """alliance"""fag appeared as meatshield
Yeah I wonder who rent free inside who


I'm rent free inside you.

only through max despair

Attached: yots abustoy ahhhh.jpg (111x100, 7K)

Thank god thread is being archieve soon. What a shitfest indeed

Attached: cute.png (1430x1788, 1.21M)

Last for Cucksuba

Attached: q7.jpg (1041x867, 1.31M)