What went so wrong?
Re : Creators
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Lack of Altair during two thirds of it.
I liked it.
it had the best recap episode ever.
It was never good, Yea Forums only got impressed because it was basically non-fate/reverse isekai. It had some momments but it was obvious from the beggining that the plot would go nowhere.
Good premise. Bad execution.
The whole Elimination Chamber Festival should have been an entire second season desu.
They should have added a little more of backstory to the new characters that were introduced in the last core.
Overall, as an aspiring writer I like it.
I'd love to see shark again
Self-congratulatory show where the creators celebrate themselves.
The idea of Altair as the derivative work of an amateur artist that ends up embodying nihilistic tendencies and becomes a decentralized meme no longer tied to a single author was the only interesting concept in the story, and of course (like clockwork) they didn't develop her much until the show was almost over.
All in all the whole idea that "creators" are gods with amazing divine powers is just a masturbatory delusion to allow people in the industry to feel better about themselves, as if what they do actually matters.
apparently it mattered enough to bring us all here
shitty MC
It was supposed to be a braindead harem show and Altair screen time in other worlds.
Only to talk shit about it. Not like we have anything better to do. Everyone with an actual life doesn't even know about this show's existence.
For a battle royal there was way too much blabla
Magane was the onl;y redeeming thing.
Re:Creators was the last hurrah for an anime classic but I guess modern japanese writing will never be good enough. Enjoy your endless adaptations without endings.
Agreed. No other anime has made a recap episode enjoyable to watch
What if Ufotable directed Re:Creators instead? Would the infodumps still exist?
Main character was shit
Aoki is a hack and the writing was pure cringe
>The entire motivation of Altair was "bullies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Shit show
Sota should've been a generic isekai mc.
I was expecting this, not for him to be the actual main character of the show.
Needs more Sluteora
Chikujoin Magane was the best thing to come out of that show, and really deserves better than that trash heap. She needs her own show.
Tons of missing chances, anime original writers can just get that far, that's why there are so few orgiinals, picking already written stories is the only way to go for the studios.
So no more Madoka/Evangelion masterpieces? I guess anime is dead.Time to read mangas/ln with inconclusive endings.
>Only to talk shit about it, ignore anyone who said they liked it!
>Everyone with an actual life doesn't even know about this show's existence
How about your hurry up and forget about this site's existence, faggot. Normalfags don't like this site, either, so according to your logic, you can't. Dumb nigger.
They handjob creator so hard instead or give us not-saber vs not-gundam vs not-madoka vs whatever you think is cool.
This show needs a Re:Boot.
Yea Forums went retard because they wanted a Fate clone and didn't get it.
The show is good, the timing was poor.
What if shinbo directed Re/Creator instead? Would the infodumps be the best part?
How is this similar to Fate? Fate universe already had magic powers even without servants.
>as an aspiring writer
I hope you're okay with poverty
The premise came straight from babies first fanfiction, and the quality of writing matched. It all fell apart in the planning stage when they failed to get actual big name characters from real anime properties like they wanted. It had potential, but the pacing was atrocious, almost every development felt unnatural or pointless, and the ending was more like the writer just gave up instead of actually finding a conclusion. Meteora tricks everyone into possibly getting wiped from existence and gets to hang out with the humans because she was the author's favorite, and for some reason this isn't painted as a horribly fucked up thing to do. Shark just gets forgotten despite the fact that she's a serial killer and is still at large. Altair literally gets written out of the story by a deus ex machina. The main mecha girl whose name I can't even remember dies accomplishing nothing. Half the plot points hinged on the fact that someone was acting extremely stupid. Magical Splash Flare was the last cool part of the story.
>Despite the fact that she's a serial killer and is still at large
Confirmed for not paying attention. She's pretty much confirmed wiped from existence for the massive bullshit she did in making the ending happen, which is completely in line with the entire premise of her powers; making bullshit happen.
>She's pretty much confirmed wiped from existence
Where was this implied? Pretty sure the last time you see her is when she's chilling at an airport or something a few episodes before the end, then she is never seen again.
The execution, the budget, and the planning for the project in general considering how many recaps we got. It's a show remembered fondly only by fags infatuated with either the shark or the steel donut.
In the conversation she fucking has with spineless whatshisface MC where he asks her why she's willing to do this and says she'll probably get fucking erased for it. I'm pretty sure that's the last we see of her and pretty heavily implies she poofed. Think it had some falling napkin or some shit like that, too, as if she dropped it.
Kill la Kill did
Characters are brought into the "real" world from their story/legend, are tied to one powerless real world person, and fight each other.
Not enough Sluteora
the whole thing was a feminist propaganda piece about some guy bullying a girl AND some one who worked on the project tried to defend it saying that they knew a girl that had something similar happen to her and she killed herself BUT trolls online in japan decided to fact check and found nobody in any of her classes in any grade she attended while she was in said school at that grade killed themselves. then she quit and said she didnt have to defend her lies
see this wouldnt even be a big deal but they went out of their way to make the main character thats real a apologetic weak faggot instead of a normal character
also the horrible music during all fight scenes was ghey as fuck. its like that fire that burned up those feminist had to happen and may well happen again if they ever try any faggy shit like that again
thing really, it wasn't amazing but in the end it was an ok show
it would have been 100% better with real characters
Well first off, Servants all actually existed in the past in Fate with a few exceptions.
Second Off
>powerless real world person
Best of shit is still shit. Recap episodes are inherently bad and a sign of bad direction. It's worse that they made it obvious that it was intentional because they have no confidence the audience remembers what happened in the previous episodes, they are aware the series was forgettable. With the amount of effort they put in the recap, they could have just made a new episode or aired the next one instead.
Too much shilling for a show that wasn't good to begin with. Despite heavy promotions, it ended up backfiring as in the end people just didn't care enough about it.
All I remember about this show is that the info dumps from Meteora and the fact the MC would never fucking admit what his relation to Altair’s creator was to the others were beyond frustrating. What a miserable fucking experience watching this show was. And yet I did it. And yet I did it, man.
>he didn't actually watch the show
Fuck off, retard.
I for one, appreciate how much the entire fucking cast somehow completely avoided going to jail for countless reasons.
It was boring. It somehow wasted the literally limitless potential of having a bunch of archetypes struggle with the sudden realization that everything they've ever known was just some shitty author's escapsist fantasy while being forced to kill each other. In the end they were hardly even inconvenienced by being thrown into the real world, while the Japanese government was barely even surprised by anime suddenly being real.
Also, WORDS.
She lost.
It's probably the execution not the words. Would you call Monogatari series full of WORDS? You don't because the harem girls strip off while they talk to distract you.
MC got the girl though??
No Might Gaine cameo where he run over Altair in his Train form
You're talking about yourself
>Meteora tricks everyone into possibly getting wiped from existence and gets to hang out with the humans
This was the most hilarious part of the ending.
>Y-yeah I gotta stay behind because... um... someone has to maintain the portal, you just go on ahead guys
How convenient that Meteora's "theories" and "speculation" were right about literally everything.
Altair's sleeper agent.
She even knew exactly what Altair was doing and why and how, so I guess that's very likely.
Easily best girl.
2nd place is Meteora Negro
>Everyone with an actual life
So what, are you undead or some shit, bitch nigga? You're living, regardless of how jealous and spiteful you are of normalfags, so hurry up and build a ladder to get over yourself
At least it gave us more music from Sawano. The OST alone made this show worth it.
It was supposed to be a cute romcom harem anime goddamn it! This is one of those cases where going for the generic route is the best route.
There are a few anime original every single season.
I do wish there were more, but they do exist.
What exactly is "an actual life"?
Meteora was supposed to be cour 1 villain originally, which is probably why Magane mentioned that at some point (Magane also was added later).
In the anime she and Altair were together for a while but because she felt her creator loved her she decided she didn't want to watch Altair destroy the world, and Altair doesn't really put any effort into lying, only dumb knights and magical girls fell for it.
Sharkteeth was fucking garbage, not event baiting. Annoying as fuck.
>intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor XD - the character
Fuck off
I was so hyped. I thought they were gonna battle in different worlds and bring every villain and protag in their show to beat Altair like in Avengers End Game.
>Lack of Altair in the 2nd half
That's pretty much what was wrong with Re: Creators
Well, you got avengers infinite war instead but with no sequel.
I watched Toji no Miko to fill the void for the lack of Altair
Cutehime was definitely a comfy "villain" like Altair.
They killed Selesia (a pointless death on top of that). I would be fine with the magical blender ending as long as Selesia got to live on earth with Meteoria
I know that feel. Rooting for the girl you like and then dying. I would've been mad if Altair died too. Good thing I picked the winning side.
We need more cute white haired overpowered antagonists who cause trouble and death to everyone and still win everything at the end.
I'm seeing a pattern here.
Spending too much time. Making a superior puppet show
They should have gone with the original plan of using real characters like Saber instead of OCs.
Poor man's Fate.
That would mean that the main character would be black rock shooter, and that didn't work well last time.
She is a walking trope as were all the creations. That was the point.
You want saber to die to goku?
No, just keep Altair. BRS wasn't OP enough to be real threat.
>head tilts instead of staying fixed the whole eps bullshitting
Altair summons who she wants. No way she brings Goku of all people.
The weak should fear the strong.
useless mc
Is Magane stacked?
But I thought Yea Forums hates the OP Harem MC trope?
>138 cm
>36 kg
Yea Forums hates everything
the fucking problem is not "everything she said was right", but no other try to think differently, or even give some plausible speculations to counter.
those fucking retards didn't even try to understand how its work on their own. Like they care shit if the creations go rampant destroying their world at all.
Altair had the equivalent of the IG in that universe. She would have just snapped them.
To be fair Meteora's group only lost because she was right about everything. Altair was going the wrong way (which Meteora rightly assumed, the great destruction through mixing real world and fantasy physics) and while watching Meteora with her clairvoyance she realized that using the acceptance to give her powers over the real world was the right way and then proceeded to implement the same plan but better.
How does Altair get everything? She even has her own music video, which is very rare for a villain. She's so cool!
Altair was the MC though. And the hero.
nips cant plot
>Transported to another world
She really was the MC. Just like my LN isekais.
>gets a harem
They took a promising demise and fucked it up badly.
> Altair was too OP to be an interesting villain because you absolutely required an asspull to beat her
> not enough fights between the characters (which should have been the meat of the show)
> endless exposition in form of Meteora
The anime community is full of idiots and misinterpreted the intent of its narrative. Still do apparently.
This shit was a bit too good
That was in no way an asspull. It was so obvious that was the only way to make her calm down..like 5 episodes in advance.This wasn't some shounenshit
>It was so obvious that was the only way to make her calm down.
Way to miss the point. Reviving the dead girl via manga powers had to be a solution because Altair couldn't be beaten otherwise to begin with due to infinite regeneration hax to begin with. And that's just dull and boring. They've written themselves in a corner with this.
Or just have Sota make her blush by calling her cute like Setsuna.
This show was a bit too intricate and expected too much from anime viewer's these days (just look at what's popular)
You'll have people asking "what happened to x character..they just disappeared" when the entirety of the story only consists of information Souta could have acquired since he is the narrator you ninkampoops aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Then I look at all the trash the anime community supports and rallies behind..living in a world where Kimetsu and MHA are good anime but this is the bad one? I'm losing it in real time.
I'm going to kick a puppy and it's all of everyone here's fault
There were no proper conclusions to virtually any characters' arcs except Altair, the bullshit about the authors "foreshadowing" elements of their final fight was ironic and retarded since none of it was foreshadowed in Re:Creators itself, so it was all just a sequence of asspulls with no justification, and Altair getting talked down was a fucking joke. I can't believe how utterly irrelevant almost every character turned out to be, terrible show that never even had any promise. I don't know why it got popular.
Is the show that bad?
Re:Creators was way ahead of its time. We should've sticked to moe/shounen/ln isekai for now.
it wasn't about mamika and the knight being hobos