How important is a girl's chest?

How important is a girl's chest?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Less important than her ass

Large breasts mean she has a big heart and needs the extra space to hold it.

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I see you are a cultured fellow.

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Not as important as her Heart.


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The cherry on top that makes an already-perfect girl even more perfect.

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What's tilly doing?

A large chest is just a show piece to draw attention away from a bland and uninteresting personality.
A woman who can succeed in taking your interest through character and a mastery of their form, against the odds of poor endowment, is truly beautiful.

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Ram is better

chestlet cope

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Very important indeed

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This was either written by a flatty or a manlet with very small hands.

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Seething tittymonsters

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was about to type "have sex" but I knew that it was pointless because nobody wants to have sex with walking washboards

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If you think anything below C cup is acceptable you are sub human.

>I prefer my woman to have masculine chests
>Y-you're gay!

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Women are for procreation. I for one do not want my children to starve. If you want flat chests go for men faggot.

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The only thing a tittymonster is good for is a quick fuck, flat and small girls are true wife material.

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>he thinks delicate, budding breasts are masculine
Just have your coming out party already

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based and flatpilled

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You must've been dropped on your head as a child
Stop posting men in a thread that's supposed to be about breasts

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Is a budding flower more beautiful than one in full bloom?

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someone give her a pizza or something jesus christ

she's starving can't you see?

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more rem

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as you command

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First post in all regards.
as long as my head can rest easy on it and I get my headpats it's all good

It is well known that gentle, motherly girls have bigger breasts. Bitchy cunts tend to be chestlets

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Not as important as her face.

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Sorry but I'd rather my wife diabeetus-free. Cowtitters have no shame.

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Ranking of important features:

1. Face
2. Ass
3. Tits
4. Stomach
5. Feet
6. Legs
7. Arms

Flat chests:
High IQ
Good taste

Low IQ
Trash taste

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Flat chests:
Pedophiles and gays

High test men of culture

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Big Beautiful Busts

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How can any man think that flat chests are better?

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Rem has a beautiful bust.

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Moma's boys who spent too much time sucking the tit
Dates girls with backpain who produce stale milk and sag when they get older.

Flat and small:
Manly chads who can support their family
Dates girls with only the freshest, nutrient rich milk who stay beautiful and healthy until death

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By having taste

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I wouldn't call them that, they clearly aren't.

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>muh ass
nigger detected

>backpain meme
>stale milk
Nice cope flatty

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Great retort cowtitter, maybe you'd be able to come up with something better if you hadn't traded your brain cells for useless fat.

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flat does have some thighs + hips working for her

because if you don't have tits you better be bottom heavy

>liking a woman’s body makes you a nigger
Faggot detected

Breast envy just makes a girl cuter

do you want more?

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Just one of the many things small girls have going for them. Nothing beats a petite physique.

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I don't need a retort since your argument was quite poor.
Large breasts are a sign of high fertility and motherly qualities, things that straight men find attractive.
Only pedophiles and gays like boy-chests.

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I like this thread

My girlfriend needs big enough milk tankers for a very large family.

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Honestly I'd say a moderate size is ideal, not flat or obscenely large.

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well done user

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>where milk comes from
>where shit comes from
>where babies come from

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post more rem ass

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I prefer cool designs.

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>post more rem ass
as you command

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growing pains

Breasts are the best!

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Pedophiles please leave.

I want to suffocate by Taihou's TAIHOUS

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so much that I wish to rest my head on them

i just like having pillows where i lie


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A Yea Forumsessage from CYGAMES Producer, Kenichiro Takaki.

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He is right. Go suck some of those man tits you like so much.

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as important as her eyes, long hair and pantyhose

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>this is attractive

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No, but human udders are.

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>Her quotes imply Shkikan likes the small ones so she shall go kill the big ones
Shkikan has bad taste.

Keep going.

this girl had littler mermaid syndrome didnt she?
Had to watch as the man she loves love some one else.

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>Even though she was right within his arms, Subaru wrung out his voice, desperately trying to hold fast to her as she began gradually slipping away. And yet, though Rem was right before his eyes, his voice did not reach.
>“May I say something…selfish?”
>“…! Say it, say anything! I’ll listen to anything, I’ll do anything, so…!”
>In a broken voice, in a frail tone, Rem looked up at Subaru and made a little murmur.
>“I want you to say…that you…love me.”
>Tears welling up forced Subaru’s eyes open as he shook his head side to side. Then, he drew his face close to hers and told her:
>“I love you.”
>“I really love you. Of course I do… I can’t…manage without you.”
>They were words from his heart of hearts.
>Subaru poured all his unembellished true feelings into the words he spoke that instant.
>He couldn’t have made it that far without her. He couldn’t live without her.
>“Ah…I’m so happy…”
>Receiving Subaru’s confession, tears came out through her closed eyes.
>Rem’s cheeks suddenly reddened as she happily accepted the words tossed toward her. With that, Subaru felt that the last of her strength had truly left her.
>“I love you, Subaru.”
>“Don’t kid around—stay with me! Am I gonna have…nothing but regrets again?!”
>He could not bear a future that did not have her in it.
>He understood that well before, and now, her existence loomed far, far larger. That was why…
>“I don’t wanna…laugh and talk about the future without you…!”
>“In that future, can I be by your side?”
>“…Of course. I won’t let you be anywhere else.”
>Closing his eyes, Subaru wiped away the rising tears before staring straight at Rem.
>And then, he stated firmly, “You’re mine. I won’t…hand you to anyone.”
>“—I shall take that…as a commitment.”
Re:Zero LN Vol 7!KkEAGCqS!xoPEC1isMhJSjHFsEGOkTA

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New chapter when? This is worse than HxH.

not really sure what you were asking for

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uhh didn't it end? like end end

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Best girl is a knife ears.
Best twin has chest tumors

This show really fucks with my brain.

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I find peace within breast.

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Not at all, really.

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>Best girl is a knife ears.
them is fighting words laddie

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absolutely wrong

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Cute traps

you are a degenerate who doesn't truly appreciate saber at her most absolute prime

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I like both udders and little mounds and I'll fap to every single pic in this thread
Tender, delicate buds to caress or big, round, generous flesh to squeeze and play with
I am above your petty MUH COW MUH TRAP fighting
whatchu gonna do about it huh?
Nothing, that's what

Is it happening?

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It's all about proportion, shape, and springiness.

Extremely important.
A girl can still be 10/10 without a large chest, but having a large chest pushes them to another level.

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>muh ass
Nigger detected

Sexy ship

Heart pounding.

Yukino has such a cute petite body, the guy whom marries her sure is lucky.

Elsa is so fucking beautiful

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I enjoy her body of work. Post more.


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I can feel the power radiate from her.

drinking milkies
I love bitchy chestlets because they remind me of my own mother

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Less important than her wearing glasses.

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Arr, matey. Chest is where da booty 'n been hidden. Buried in t'secret hole.

>Says nothing about the sagging tits
Cowtits are instant gratification for double-digit IQs.

How do you feel when an anime adaption gives a girl bigger breasts than her manga counterpart?

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>inb4 emiliashits reply saying its fanfiction

Depends how much bigger.
Like a cup-size larger isn't too bad but going from petite to melons is kind of stupid.

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I like all sizes, with a preference for smaller busts.

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hows 3rd grade going bud

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

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The thing with tits is that pretty much all sizes work. Both DFC and cow tits can be great.

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Imagine slicing her tits off and roasting them over a fire.

Serious question here, just what's the appeal of big butts and why some people prefer them over bigger breasts?

>Huge knockers being inferior to the absence of estrogen and progesterone.
This thread reeks of creeping pedos.

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>How important is a girl's chest?
Crucial to humanities survival

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Any retards that think a good ass is superior to good tits, ignore the fact that you can work out and get a good ass that's got volume and tone. While the only way to meaningfully increase breast size is through medical procedures.

Only blacks and spics care about ass over chest.

luckily for her Gajeel has a good taste and will mate with her on a daily basis anyway

How can someone prefer chestlets, it makes no sense

honestly, if the girl is a gyaru who gives a fuck

Liking small chested adult women doesn't make you a pedo. Japan and East Asia have plenty of them.

Not really, but personality is. The best breast size belong on the characters you love and I have a preference for petite women with cheerful, energetic attitudes that's neither too girly nor too boyish in nature.

The Cunny is all that matters

I love breasts but these are the facts:

Big boobs + Big ass = best
Big ass + small boobs/flat = still nice
Big boobs + flat/small ass = SAD

You can have boobs and not have boobs and it'll be okay but you must never lack THE ASS.

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they're ok aesthetics-wise but anything bigger than D-Cup is a no-go for me, honestly A and B cup are golden

this is very true but I have always wondered why it is this way

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imagine liking cellulite

More than her brain.
Is what define her worth as individual, and human being.

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based pedo

>Disliking the womenly parts of a woman
Basically: gay.


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is that Takagi-san adult form?

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Not quite

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I like this one, not many artists do the folds between the ass and crotch area nicely like this when the character is laying down like that.

Now all they need to do is finish transition to PC and Nintendo since Sony is now run by land whales.

To zoophiles they are actually.

A god-tier tag if there ever was one.

they love too much basednig dick money

A nice almost handfull with a great pair of hips and ass is better than any flatchest or cowtits

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Get that non-canon trash out of here.

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Dunno, they have been starting to move their games to pc and Nintendo while still selling for PS.
Their newest game should be available for PC by the end of the year or next year if I'm not wrong.

I love mommy Saber's FAT FUCKING TITS

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for sure there is still a weird deal because why make this game on Pcensor4 only is completely dumb

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Why are pedos so cringe?

Self depreciating jokes don't work on Yea Forums

Must be contract related.
It feels nice that there's currently good ones on PC with mods coming in.

I disagree. I prefer BIG TITS and no ass to BIG ASS and no tits.

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And 99% of anime girls have flat asses anyways.

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A woman's worth is in her tits, without them she is useless.

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>trying to convince fl*Toids they're wrong
It's not worth it, let them be wrong, it just means more big titted girls for us

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You can be born with or without tits, you can't achieve tits through effort.
You can be born with or without ass, you can achieve ass through effort.
A girl with big tits and ass is a girl that lucked out on tits and may have lucked out on ass or made an effort to get it.
A girl with no tits and ass wasn't lucky to get tits but was either lucky to get ass or worked to get it.
A girl with tits and no ass definitely lucked out on tits and slacked out on her ass.
You're naturally more inclined to go after the girls with 50/50 chance of being slobs instead of going for the one who definitely is a slob.

but i just did

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>not caring about ass makes you a slob

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Those look very heavy. I wonder if she wants someone to help carry them

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>oppai yo!
>so da, oppai da
>sugoi da ne! dekai da ne!
>arigatou arigatou
>honto ni dekai da ne!
>ano... abunakatta desho. demo daijobu
>oppai itemashita
>sasuga oppai
>ningen da!

reverse-translation now complete

>not at all what I said
A girl who doesn't make an effort to look good is a slob. A girl without ass is definitely a slob because, unlike boobs that you can only be born with or surgically enhance, asses can be built with hard work (at the gym). Any girl without ass lacks it because she's lazy.
A girl with ass can be lazy, she could've just been born with ass, but one without is definitely lazy.

for you see, the breasts are all well and good. but when overly coveted, and when held in higher esteem than the shapely hips required for child birthing, not to mention the nice ass, this is the mark of a boy who still wants to suckle from a teat. a man is an ass man. a boy is a titty milk sucking simpy boy.

So you're still saying that not caring about ass makes you a slob, got it

Aren't girls just vehicles for their chests anyways?

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and vaginas dont forget vaginas

To Emilia fans it's not so important, to Rem fans it's the most important part.


You're a faggot holy shit

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How bitter do you have to be? No one was talking about Emilia

>petite body type is pedo
hello Yea Forums

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I really really like big fucking tits guys. Like, BIG ones.

>no armpits
you have one job

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They feed babies, they are very important.

legs and feet shouldn't be that low.

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girls looks better without arms and legs

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Funny you should say this considering I'm an Emiliafag and a cowtitsfag.

It's the first thing you look at, so tits or GTFO.

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Does she then turn into a werewolf?

How do we ensure that future generations of women have a higher potential to become titty monsters? Hormones in milk?

me too user

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Why we can have a million boob threads but not a single tan thread? ;_;

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she's a vampire, and can change her body age

That sounds pretty hot

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India and China (to an extent) and parts of Africa and Southeast Asia are among the largest in the world in terms of population and their average breast sizes lean towards the small side.

Agreed. All types of chests are great so long as the character doesn't revolve around jokes about their body.

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