VRAINS is ending. Say something nice about it.

Episode 118: 無謀な提案 – Mubō na Teian
(A Reckless Proposal)
Playmaker barely manages to fend off Ai's attacks. Having found an opening, Playmaker attempts to launch an attack against Ai. However, Ai knows Playmaker inside and out, and can predict everything he will do. Ai then unites the feelings of all the Ignises, and brings about the advent of the ultimate Cyberse monster.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin

Episode 119: 壊れゆく自我 – Kowareyuku Jiga
(A Broken Ego)
Having learned about Ai's sorrow, Playmaker tries to convince him to stop the battle. However, Ai has already made up his mind, and won't back down no matter what. Ai then makes a proposal to Playmaker.

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Are they going to have a takeru leaves by train scene?

We deserved a Ryoken vs Ai.

Revolver doesn't get to fight main villains for some reason.

This episode had some amazing shots.

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Why? Just so he can lose and give playmaker a card before he dies?
Depends on wether or not you see lightening as a main villain.

>Why? Just so he can lose and give playmaker a card before he dies?
Because he was the one most stridently against AIs. It should be there except this season was cut down.

Meh his hate towards A.i Is diminished as the series progressed. it was cool when he was the only character to duel without A.I, but now he's okay with creating his own A.I as we see with pandor, so it's kinda lost all meaning.

>VRAINS is ending. Say something nice about it.
You were a necessary sacrifice to ensure YGO7 could be free of production issues. Overall a pretty mediocre show but still necessary

>not counting the production break as an issue
That sounds dumb.

>ensure YGO7 could be free of production issues

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Even diminishing, he should have had follow through in order to clear that issue up himself.

I liked Revolver, Soulburner, and Playmaker. Having a serious MC again was fun (Even if his development was lacking). Takeru was an enjoyable Joey and Ryoken was chunni like Jack/Kaiba even if he wasn't anywhere near as good. Everyone else was a mistake

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I hope that YGO 7 will have as much lolis as zexal and legacy supports as Arc-V

Probably the most boring of the spinoffs but it had its moments. I unironically like Revolver and Soulburner. Honestly this whole thing could've been better if only Playmaker was replaced by Soulburner as the main

>everyone else was a mistake
How did you even watch the first season? Why does it feel like the only people who say they only like these three characters are fujoshi shitposters?

because promises, also it would give more reason for revolverhater to stick around

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nah he's the Kaiba, Revulva is the Joey

I was gonna agree until that last line dammit. The rest of them, the ignis especially, were mostly likable to me as well.

They're literally the only good parts of vrains, everyone else has been a complete waste of time

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"Code Talker" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects. Once per turn, during the Battle Step, if your "Code Talker" monster battles an opponent's monster: You can change that opponent's monster's ATK to 0 until the end of the Battle Phase, also monsters cannot be destroyed by that battle, and neither player takes any battle damage from that battle. During the Damage Step, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card while this card is in your GY and your "Code Talker" monster is battling: You can banish this card from your GY; negate the activation, and if you do, "Code Talker" monsters you currently control gain 700 ATK.
Rate Yusaku's latest trap card

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Come on dude, Aoi is a joke of a character and even the writers enjoy fucking her up. Go with his inferiority complex was stupid. He could have been redeemed this season but oh surprise he died again. Emma and Blood Sheppard might as well don't exist. And that's it, that's all the cast in VRAINS.

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>revolver and playmaker's speed duels were intentionally dragging
>playmaker's repeat duels against bohman weren't necessary to be that long and should have been one episode each
>playmaker vs specter was overextended
>soulburner's duels against all the cast of season 1 was a waste
>soulburner's conflict with windy was a waste
>soulburner's duel with blood shepherd wasn't dumb
Every series has stalling especially with the characters that get to duel a lot. It's apart of what a long running series entails. The other characters were entertaining and added things to the series.

Are all characters win records to you? Revolver doesn't win much at all either, yet he's fine. This series just wasn't trying to have tons of fodder.

>Beats the rival
>Completes his goal
>Has a girl waiting for him
In another timeline, Takeru was the MC

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he also won worlds literally the best character in the entire show

>Are all characters win records to you?
Only when their whole characters revolve around that

They don't? Only Go thought that high of victory and he was wrong to do so.

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I dropped the show at the beginning of S2 when it looked like it was gonna be another boring season of PM kicking everyone asses. Plus i didn't like SB design but then when i picked it up again he grew on me. He became the main reason i kept watching Vrains and im glad it paid off

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I wonder what the VAs will do after all this

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>Only Go thought that high of victory and he was wrong to do so.
I don't know user, Aoi getting 2 redesigns, an out of nowhere motivation to be involved in the whole Ignis plot and a new deck seemed to allude to something worthwhile

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I feel bad for Aoi's VA. But i guess she knew what she was getting into

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She did, she got to fight villains along with everyone else. Only Playmaker was allowed to after the main villain anyway.

There's a difference between losing a lot and just being completely useless. If you're going to keep a character around for three seasons, they should add or accomplish something. Give them a villain to beat, give them a goal to accomplish, don't just have them lose and add them to the "things MC has to save by beating the bad guy" pile.

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>VRAINS is ending.

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She's so petite looking

>still in denial
Just accept it already not even firewallfags are this delusional

I wonder if Revolver forgot his promise to settle things with Yusaku later or maybe he simply knows he is no match for him

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> Give them a villain to beat,
Revolver beat windy, a pawn. Didn't accomplish defeating the ignis and didn't even get to fight Ai. Go beat Earth and had a goal of beating Playmaker. These characters had justifications for being there. Soulburner had to be saved by Playmaker too, and didn't beat any villain but windy.

Ai and PM duel should end in Ep 1119. Yoshida better gives us an epilogue. I want to see who gets knock up

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Dumb question to ask: what was stopping Ai from making his own human form and deck way earlier?

Both BS and GG also had a score to settle with Revolver too, but I imagine most forgot about it

>Losing to treeman so Playmaker could duel him
>Losing to Bohman so Playmaker could duel him
>Losing to Ai so Playmaker could duel him
They've done fuck all with her. She might as well change her name to Blue Fodder.

>Soulburner had to be saved by Playmaker too, and didn't beat any villain but windy.
He saved Playmaker once when Blood Sheppard set him a trap. Also, there weren't many villains in S2. Wait, i think he beat some Ai robots

Cyberse gave us great pet Decks (and one meta). @Ignisters better send off this era with a blast.

>final villain
>VRAINS: I'm lonely

>what was stopping Ai from making his own human form and deck way earlier?

Does anyone want to explain to me why anons were surprised that Ai admitted he was behind the cyberse deck? Do you people just not watch the show?

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That he was a slacker until life hit him hard. Wish we get an actual flashback of how he decided to do what he plans to do and his encounter with the newly smart Roboppi, though.

I'm sure many of us knew. Its the "How" that is the question. How would Ai own a warehouse and hid a bunch of cards there?

Beat haru, beat baira, had some development, helped playmaker fight bad guys. Got a tag duel. It worked out alright.
Yeah, he had to be saved there for that duel. I don't particularly see him as much more accomplished than the other characters. He even would have fallen against roboppi.

Ygo7 shouldn't be cut slack before it even airs. If it proves itself decent then ok, but even then the second it starts to ever noticeably dip I bet the nips will dogpile on it, assuming they'll be around to watch

>How would Ai own a warehouse and hid a bunch of cards there?
Huh didn't think about that. Now it makes it sound even ore bullshit

Even consider this: he would have to hijack a bot to do this and if he could hijack a bot, he could just fuck off Dencity forever.

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I dont think it was his but he hacked into it and held onto it since it had a security system. I guess

Maybe yugioh should try the danganronpa approach. By which I mean it assembles a cast of purposely really distinct personalities that are one note in isolation but more entertaining when all of then are put into one box that's vigorously shaken. Simple approach to do but it's worked out for them more or less

None of these duels stem from a personal beef or a clash of ideals. They may as well have picked them out of a hat. The only person who's been allowed to resolve a pre-existing character arc by winning a duel has been Soulburner. I don't particularly like the character, but at least he did something other than die. And even he still ended up dying so Playmaker could save the day.

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Someone really should do a compilation of all the deaths once VRAINS ends

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Hiding cards is no problem since there was a broken maid bot in warehouse, implying he used that. The warehouse one is legit weird, but I guess you can chalk it up to hacking and changing ownership records or something.

Ai is entertaining while on screen
Lightning's backstory was a bit of a stretch but I still liked watching him. Windy had a few moments as well, along with Asshole Revolver.
Overall despite bohman I'd put the vrains antagonists over arc v's, if only because they were so garbage and unfun in the latter

The latter.

I like to imagine everyone secretly knows that they can't stop the force of nature that is Fujiki Yusaku and they just like to act like they have power to tease him. Yusaku is essentially the father of the entire cast, and the other characters are his children. He used to be a strict dad, but now he's lightened up. When push comes to shove, Emma, Aoi, Go, Kengo, Revolver, Specter, Baira, the other Knights, Akira and Takeru will behave obediently.

She beat a palette swap of the bot Yusaku was dueling, a character specifically introduced for her to beat, and leftover shota. Just shit that was tossed her way. Nothing of significance to her or the overall plot.

>None of these duels stem from a personal beef or a clash of ideals.
Wrong. Baira help put in her a coma, Haru was working for lightning, bohman was working for lightning. The one who put her friend in a coma. Many characters don't have the most personal "beefs" with a lot of their opponents. And even then she was still trying to be heroic so them being evil is personal enough. Clash of ideals is weird too because most of playmaker's duel don't have that and his objective was to save kusanagi's brother who wasn't directly related to him during season 2, so not really a personal beef either.

>Blue Yamcha

Lightning is the only good character
100% win rate

Lightning is the only villain who counts according to some posters.

> And even he still ended up dying so Playmaker could save the day.

What do you expect? He's the main character, he's always going to be the one to resolve the story arc, numb nuts. When have Kaiba, Jack, Jonouchi, Aki, Crow, Asuka, Johan, Kaiser, or Kaito ever singlehandedly resolved a story arc? VRAINS complaints are so fucking vapid and easy to debunk, it's starting to numb the mind.

I see it more as this. All the villains in VRAINS intertwine with the main heroes. Even if they're dead, their action still ripples and effect the outcome for the entire story. Only ZEXAL does this much better than any of the other Yugiohs.

I hope there is something more to AI's motives. For a supposedly Advanced Artificial Inteligence, the motives he presented are pretty weak.

A friend of mine has also noticed VRAINS does the rippling consequences of actions thing. So this is the second time I've seen this praise.

>VRAINS is ending. Say something nice about it.
I enjoyed it. My favorite characters are Yusaku, Ai, and Revolver, but I don't think I dislike anyone.

How the fuck can you not hate literally every time wasters? (Anyone not named Playmaker, Soulburner and Revolver)

>Playmaker's junks spread into 5 shitty structure decks, wasting spaces for the potentially good ones
>Forced meta shill
>Generic-ass borrels and topologics invalidatized lots of decks and homogenized playstyles, by the looks of it @ignisters are intended to follow this up too.

Banned or not, it has one of the best main protagonist's ace monster and her sisters.

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> Baira help put in her a coma, Haru was working for lightning
So they were mooks of the person she actually had a beef with.
>Many characters don't have the most personal "beefs" with a lot of their opponents
And that's one of VRAINS' many issues. The best duels are the ones where characters have a personal stake in the matter. Jack vs Carly wouldn't work if Carly was just a random Dark Signer. Shun vs Sora wouldn't have the same impact if it's just some guy who uses Xyz vs some guy who uses Fusion. With the exception of the last episode, VRAINS doesn't let its characters get these kinds of things, it's just
>You duel that guy then die so Playmaker can save the day

Jack beat Carly, Aki beat the cult lady, Kaito beat Mizael, Shark beat Vector, Yuzu beat Masumi. It's almost like characters have struggles that aren't the big bad.

But that's my point.

>So they were mooks of the person she actually had a beef with.
No they were working for him, so she had a problem with them. Baira straight up designed the virus. Haru worked for someone who put her friend in coma and stood her in way. Conflicts have started for much less and don't have to relate to the central motives of the characters. Jonouchi didn't duel anyone who was causing his sister to go blind. Tournaments pretty much demand many characters don't necessarily have a massive problem with whoever they're facing. Quite a few characters don't have ideal conflicts at all. Some of the best villains didn't have "ideas", they're just vengeful pricks or possessed by some dark force.

Cyberse Dragons/Code-Talkers are probably my favourite MC ace-monster archetypes to date. Really gets the /m/ blood flowing they do

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firewall is a he

Never forget

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>Ai and PM duel should end in Ep 1119
Damn, this will be a long duel, for sure.

Boy, I sure hope the next protag is a dragon user!

Maybe we can reverse jinx it

dragons and warriors are what sells in the card game that's why they stick with those types

And I love them for that.

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Yusaku uses Cyberses, though.

a different type but general design maybe

I'm sure the main reason for that is to not have the MC keep exploiting all warrior and dragon support.

they had to shill the new type for links user they will go back to the usual types in ygo7

>Ai knew Roboppi would malfunction

well that's just evil

BRD is a top tier design
Odd eyes also incorporated flower petals (or I think that was it's supposed to be) and is just kind of a mess

Extremely top tier. In fact, I consider BRD one of the most beautiful dragon/card in the entire game.

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I don't think its scales were petals but yeah Odd-Eyes is really bad.

BRD is something I never could have thought of on my own but when I see it it's like "why didnt someone think up this concept even earlier, it's great"
Like dark requiem's stained glass wings

I've had VRAINS music stuck in my head on loop for like an hour.

Gonna try and get some sleep. See you anons next Wednesday.

I know odd eyes has its 2 fans but it's just so clunky and all it's different versions had to deal with having to keep at least some of that heavy clunkiness to be recognizable as odd eyes
The best thing about odd eyes is being part of odd eyes wing dragon

This is an extremely based post.

When the promo for Arc-V hit I thought Odd-Eyes silhouette looked completely different and I was excited for it because it seemed sinister. I was disappointed when it finally dropped. Base form should have been Beast-Eyes or Raging.

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Making it more streamlined and downplaying the giant chest orb would've helped a bit I think
But even then compared to the other dimension dragons the visual concept of having special eyes and red scales with back horns isnt very memorable. It's like the MC got the disposable design.

I dont think firewall is /that/ great but it's at least clear that it's a giant steel dragon like a tough steel wall

Firewall really grew on me, yeah.

Used to think Odd-Eyes Wing should have been Firewall because it looked so Cybernetic but I changed my mind.

>hating on based chicken dragon
I know Odd-Eyes design was far from perfect, and I remember Odd-Eyes having wings in the PV, but I was still happy to see the final design.
Odd-Eyes fits well within the Performapal circus thematic as some kind of freak creature you could only see in those old as fuck circuses that showed any kind of freaks and deformed people/creatures.
Besides Odd-Eyes evolutions having wings meant Odd-Eyes was still a young dragon that was going to "grow-up" sooner or later. You could even argue that Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon is his true natural evolution.

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I think yugioh has done "freaky/mismatched" concepts way better and with much more clarity than the chicken dragon

Code talkers were pretty based, should've gotten a bit more screentime

I don't care how little this was built up. I've been excited for this ceremonial duel and Ai like the villain this season.

New DVD cover

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>no queen