Please Help, You Did This To My Brother

My brother is OBSESSED with this fucking "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" show and it's completely ruined his life. How do I fix this? Here is the current situation:
>Brother is diagnosed with autism and some other stupid fake crap
>Spends his teenage years watching JoJo, started in 2012 when he was in high school, he's currently a 22 year old college dropout obese loser with no friends
>He constantly pretends to have a stand and makes stupid jokes
>Constantly posting drawings of his stand on small forums and in discord groups
He's actually fucking Chris chan, I keep telling him to not post on here as a rule, he cannot visit Yea Forums if he uses my computer, but I think he's been lying to me.
Because he dropped out he has 35k in loans and no degree. His life is in shambles and all he cares about is his fucking jojo. He got super upset when he "caught up" in the manga and now he's in a bit of a depressive phase so I'm taking this chance to save him.

What the fuck do I do? His therapist keeps wasting time, I can't access his medical records but its obvious hes not making any improvements.

Attached: Stupid SHIT.jpg (480x480, 73K)

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Have you tried incest?

just abandon him 2 states away, he'll either become homeless forever or make it on his own.

Use heavens door and command him to stop being dumb.
Or apply tough brotherly love.

What is this? A copypasta?

why the fuck do you think we can help you?

I can't realistically do that, he'll be homeless and crying man I can't do that to him. He would just cry and stay in place until the hunger forced him to do something illegal.
Im ignoring your faggot first part
>tough brotherly love
Might be the only option but it rarely works with him
Its OC. I wont post his drawings because they're tied to his identity irl, he posts with his first name frequently. Can't make him a meme. Wont do it.
Because you all understand this "jojo" shit and how it works, why people are obsessed with it

How do I make him NOT like jojo?

something else, he's fucking OBSESSED with this faggot "funny valentine" I keep telling him its fiction and not real, but he says the SAME FUCKING LINE OVER AND OVER:
"My thoughts and actions are completely unclouded, they are all those of justice"
Then he contorts himself into this weird pose and runs away, everytime I try to correct him like "don't leave dishes in the sink", "brush your teeth", "Call our parents"

Introduce him to Hunter X Hunter to turn him into a hunterchad.

abandon him 2 states away, stop being a bitch about it, he'll either be homeless or he'll get his shit together, at this point, if he's acting like chris chan, you need to do something drastic immediately or you're stuck with an autist brother that can't improve for the rest of your life, go spartan for once and also, its not JoJo's fault, its a good show, he's just a faggot that let it take over.

Can I atleast abandon him at a shelter and with some money? Ill pay his phone bill too. He doesn't have the awareness to function by himself. Sure he acts like chris chan but jesus man chris chan is dead once his mother is gone.
>replace one drug with another
no thanks

like look at this shit man how is he a president

Attached: FunnyValentine.png (728x941, 682K)

do whatever you think is necessary to keep track of him after a couple years, but you need to get him out into the world, the power of peer pressure as well as communicating with real people cure even the most retarded of mentalities, unless he's so far gone that its better that he's dead. your choice, he's your brother but like i said, spartan treatment.

well, you see, that's the problem. You could have been a good brother and actually spend some time with him instead of being ashamed of him and thinking his problems were fake simply because you never dealt with something similar.

You could have avoided it so he wouldn't find escapism and a place to belong in a fucking manga. You failed and now he has found something to deal with his issues, now instead of trying to get close to him you ask to the worst fucking place on the planet. Of course, this is all fake since you wouldn't be stupid enough to post about something like this, but I seriously hate the kind of people like "you" who never care about their family and appear when things went wrong

Alright no choice then. I'll keep an eye on him
I don't have the energy to be a good brother. I'm a shit person. Whatever. My parents left us. I work 70 hours a week to support my brother and I, God Bless the USA right?
I have issues too. My issues are not being homeless. Im wasting my time off trying to figure out why he likes this stupid shit so much.

he'll grow out of it in a few months after burning himself out and then he'll get better taste in anime
if not just put him down because he won't recover

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Cut off his internet, make him work at a physical job and make him go to church.

You can't save autists, he'll just pick something else if Jojo stops being popular online.

Be glad he's not a furry

Attached: confused-jojo-57bfb5305eb20.png (353x548, 408K)

God I really hope so, I can't keep up with this anymore. I read the wiki on jojo for a few seasons but I don't really understand most of it.
This seems like a MUCH better idea. I might do this, and deal with the temper tantrum later. Thanks user. I'm thinking I might limit his internet depending on how much he contributes to the bills.
>glad he's not a furry
I thank God every day. Why can't he pick up a rpoductive hobby? How do I make him do that? Any ideas?
I'm not watching that.

Here's your problem OP. Your brother is an autist

Attached: 8a4.jpg (333x331, 13K)

>start watching JoJo in 2012
>only now get caught up in the manga
Your brother has made some poor decisions in life.

You have to beat his ass and tell him not to be such a faggot. Even turbo autists understand the universal language of ass-kicking.

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