Would you bring this stray in from the cold?

Would you bring this stray in from the cold?

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To my bed

My wife Chino is so cute

Ass, Gas, or Grass. Nobody rides for free.

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My religion teaches me to help the needy so yes.

I'd let her know what time it is

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What time is it?

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do you want to play?

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Where is her home?

Card Text/Abilities:

【C】 During your turn, this card gets +1000 Power.
【A】【CXCOMBO】 When this card attacks, if 「一緒にお風呂」 is in your Climax Slot, and you have other Characters with 「シャロ」 or 「千夜」 in its name, look at up to 4 cards from your top Deck, choose up to 1 Character with 「シャロ」 or 「千夜」 in its name and show it to opponent, add it to Hand, place the remaining cards into Waiting Room.
Flavor Text: もうっ、心配させて!

I'll keep her warm

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Card Text/Abilities:

【C】 If you have 2 or less Characters with 「シャロ」 or 「千夜」 in its name, you cannot play this card.
【C】 During Attack Phase, you cannot return Characters from your Waiting Room to Hand via effects

She's homeless

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No, you don't know where that's been.

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Mini coc wouldn't say that.

Tippy desu.

Imagine waking up to this

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By me.

Translation? Is this official?

Does Shyaro burn her house again?

Why isn't she rich?

What happened to her home?

At least it's not bread inside bread.

Attached: [Mori] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? ~Dear My Sister~ [BD 1080p FLAC][FD69DEF4].mkv_snapshot_00.3 (1920x1080, 175K)

I am now going to sniff my wife Chino

Syaro fucks oji-sans for free.

No wonder she's so poor. She should be charging them like Chiya.