Give Azusa her own spin-off anime

Give Azusa her own spin-off anime.

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Sent ;)

That's kind of what High school is. Though it's not just Azusa.

No one liked the spinoff manga though.

I guess the earth is flat.

I did.

There's always that user with bad taste.

MM! had Azusa's VA as MC.

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And the anons who did enjoy the spinoff.

She was the cutest.

What if Azusa was your girlfriend?

I did.
I mean atleast pic related.

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That would make me put some effort into my life.

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I hope kakifly goes back to the manga and finishes it before him or I die. Genuinely liked it.

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>Yui called her Azu-cat instead of Azu-pussy

I'd give her a spin around me if you know what I mean.

but Kyoanus burned down

He's doing K-on Shuffle right now and the original cast made a small cameo. Who knows where it goes

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I'd get off to her if you know what I mean.

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I'd get my shit together.

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What was it about K-on that made it so influential? It pretty much changed the face of slice of life after it aired. But we had stuff like Lucky Star before it. So what did K-on do so well/different?

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sheldon pls go

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K-On was consistently competent, is constantly moving forward and leads to a proper ending, had a gimmick that both made it stand out from other SoL and yet still didn't take it too far away from the norm (like Aria's setting), and didn't have something potentially alienating to audiences (Azumanga's slow pace, Lucky Star's infamous first episode).

worst keion

No such thing

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I want to do unspeakable things to her butt.

What does Asuza's butt smell like?

Me, to her C-Place

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Speak of these things.

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Friendly reminder the manga continues with Azusa forming a band with Jun and Ui whilst the other four are in university.

The anime ending was too perfect though, so an adaptation of is more likely.

Does Mugi get all hot and bothered when Azusa gets that deep tan of hers?

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Stop thinking about niggers all the time, user. You have a problem.

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There is such thing, and it is Azusa

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So pretty much it just perfected the formula.

Realistically and objectively speaking, Mugi is the best K-on.

>original cast made a small cameo

I hadn't heard about that, do you by chance know the chapter that it's in? Or is it a cameo as in they found an old picture of them or something

It was one frame where the new girl was looking for the light music club, chapter 7 I think.

The OG band is mentioned a few times because she saw a video of their high school show

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An Azusa thread with 0 mentions of Komeji. I guess he's finally gone and stayed gone.

Azusa's VA got married so Komeji sudokud

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Oh shit I forgot Tkt2 was her VA

Where buy Azyunyan fleshlight?

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Which Keion has the biggest butt?

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But we already have a spinoff.

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Mugi best

Unironically, all the key people behind the anime were women.

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Mugi is cute! CUTE!

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I'd rather watch a Ritsu and Yui spinoff

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A girl intentionally exposing her nape could mean only one thing


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we hereby demand a ritsu yui spinoff adventure

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they're a good pair because they're both super childish

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>that massive art style downgrade in the 5th one

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They don't need no English they are in Japan

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Pick one, Yea Forums.

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ritsu dab

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good choice

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Within a short time Ritsu became better friends with Yui than Mio.

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beach episode was pure Ristu-Yui kino

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The original manga wasn't all that great either

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High School was legitimately the best volume of the manga. Which is ironic considering it was written alongside College, which was definitely the worst volume. The only thing it really did wrong was waste a character slot on Mugi-lite, but that didn't drag it down much.

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I don't think it'll work. There needs to be a balance to the retardation. They at least need Mio.

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This, HS was honestly a great surprise. Sad to see that it gets ignored constantly because it gets paired with College all the time.