


Attached: trigger.jpg (710x400, 20K)

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>>>Yea Forumsrules/6/



Attached: lol.png (1836x1190, 842K)

What rules did he break?

None. Hes just mad that BASED Trigger has done it again.


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Not a single classic under their belt. Forever in the shadow of Gainax.

I don't care about profits or Promare, I just want a sequel involving the twink's fat ass on screen.

So like 10 US DOLLARS

>obsessing over labels
Nothing like studiofaggotry to filter the braindead and the misinformed. One day maybe you'll grow and be able to talk about artists instead.

Can't wait to see it in theaters next week.

Iit's still hard to believe, it's crazy.

I wonder if Trigger will keep going with the fujobait. Imaishi and Nakashima have always been good at that.

What's the appeal?

Attached: 1518559336879.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

How do they keep doing it, bros?
How do they keep saving anime?

Maybe you’ll grow up and realize an anime production isn’t the product of only a handful of people and that ascribing authorial interpretation over them is laughable in all but the most specific of circumstances.

Big explosions go boom boom.

This, coming from the one who thinks in terms of labels and other unspecified entities.
Or maybe I'm mistaken, and you actually can break down producers, investors, committees, the whole chain of production, you aren't merely throwing your hands up saying that talking about the creators and their artistic paths is irrelevant because everything is determined by names and factors beyond your comprehension.

Man this year has really seen the resurgence of fujobucks hasn't it. I mean it never really went away entirely, but like holy fucking shit are they carrying the anime industry hard again in 2019.

I remember initially being interested and kind of excited for this, then seeing a trailer and it looking like absolute dog shit and having yet another shitty Sawano vocal music soundtrack that sounded the same as every other one playing over everything and just immediately losing all interest for it. Not surprised at all to learn it was apparently popular anyway since it had a lot of trendy shit in it anyway and fujos seem to have watched it over and over for that Folio character.

I'd almost like to still give it a try anyway, but I don't think my ears can handle any more bleating shrieking vocalized synth tracks that I'm already tired of hearing in basically every sci-fi mecha show. Like even if there's some good scenes in there despite what the trailer looked like it'd probably kill it for me anyway.

The post you're replying to is a nice sentiment, but I mean it had Toho distributing and promoting it and Sony Music/Aniplex handling the music ala Sawano so I'm not even surprised it did way better than anyone who doesn't look at producers probably suspected even for an original property. I've determined for years now that studio, director, content barely fucking matter anymore in the age of social media and hype levels being what most people seem to determine quality by. Success in the anime scene like in the music industry and Hollywood literally just seems to come down entirely to having the right producers and marketing. Everything Shaft, Trigger, ufoTABLE, Troyca, Madhouse->MAPPA etc. ever made, no matter how much effort or not they put in, has always pretty much all bombed and never gotten really popular without Sony/Aniplex or Toho being involved in producing and marketing it (with the exception of Satoshi Kon stuff, but you know different era entirely when directors actually mattered) and anything they've done with a big producer like that that can supply them with funding, marketing, distribution or trendy people like Sawano or Kajiura in the case of Aniplex has generally done at least decent if not great and garned popularity no matter how low effort or terrible the actual product is.

It's no surprise that basically everyone has been throwing themselves at their feet this decade to handle adaptations to the point where it feels like they basically produce everything that is popular now and are effectively gatekeepers in that regard. Especially Aniplex who almost seemingly implausibly now didn't even really exist before 2005 or something like that, but outside of maybe one property a year basically produces every single hit series or movie every season now.

But yeah sure if people want to believe it's all Trigger or ufoTABLE or Shaft or whatever other small animation studio that can't even fund it's own properties be my guest.

It had XFlag too which basically makes the most popular mainstream and successful mobile game ever in Japan. Like people are kidding themselves if they didn't think Toho, XFlag and Aniplex working together couldn't concoct some level of elements and promotions to get the movie over the billion yen mark. It helps that it's been in theaters for like 4 months or so too. You're absolutely kidding yourselves if you think that movie ever gets over as little as a billion yen during it's run with just Trigger all on it's lonesome and without all the other trendy shit the big producers contributed.

You do realize that 1.1 billion yen in 4 months with 200 theaters is pretty small fish stuff even within the otaku sphere and even with an original property with that caliber of production, distribution and popular staff right? Like not horrible, not even bad, just kind of also ran territory that will satisfy the production committee, but that just about any property with any combination of the people involved in making it probably could have managed.

Thing is just because they announce it on twitter like it's some big tremendous earth shattering deal like they always do with everything in Japan because they just always put on a positive celebratory face about everything in PR doesn't actually mean that it is. Ditto goes for just because ANN who are hacky journalists that steal articles from Japanese matome blogs and straight industry PR and do their best to translate it doesn't mean it's some big deal either It just seems that the average weeb is really too ignorant too know otherwise and take the second hand PR entirely at face value. Lastly again just because an OP also announces it like it's some big fucking deal and works the Trigger Saving Anime meme also doesn't mean it actually is.


Here's the exciting all encompassing original source tweet complete with fire emojis and punctuation that ANN got it's article from. All 27 retweets and 94 likes of it. They're promoting a free gift giveaway after 100 days in theater to try to squeeze a little more ticket sales out of it and posting a number to go with it as a reason why. That's it, that's all that's actually going on. People really need to learn to read the source of some of this shit instead of going by ANN, Crunchyroll News and shitposting OPs all of whom have some click getting agenda to what they write and how they spin it.